1、5.They could not hear anything.5,The wheel was much taller than the tallesr buildings in Chicago.7.Thousands of people rode the wheel.8.lt takes thirty rninutes:fifteen rninutes for a car to reach rhe rop and fifteen minutesfor it to return.9.They were probably made of steel because they were part c
2、lf the wheel.10.lt was at least ten stories taller.Exercise:I Words andTheir Meanings p.77l.c 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.d 5.b 7.c La 9.d l0.c.Exercise 2l Seeing Connections p.78l.crater 2.diameter 3.two 4.graviry 5 universe.Exercise 3:Applying lleanings p.78l.c 7.a 3.d 4.b 5.dQuestionsl p.80(Sentences give poss
3、ible answers.Students sentences may vary.)l.As far as we know,Earth is the only planet where there is life.2.They saw that some stars seemed to move across the sky while others stayed in thesame place.3,A person would see the beautiful rings around it.4,lt pulls the object toward Earuh.5.These plane
4、ts are made of gas and do not have any solld ground where a crater couldform.6.Answers will vary.7,The stCIry says that dust and gas formed lumps and that the lumps slowly got bigger.8.Jupiters diameter is eleven times that o Earth.9,The sun is a burning ball of fire that gives off light rather than
5、 turning it back.10.lt made it possible to see the planets clearly for the first time.tilLesson|.Exercise I:Words and Their Meanings p.85I.c?.b 3.a 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.a lOc Hxercise 2:Seeing Connections p.86l.boar?.train 3.atlas 4.hoof 5.local.Exencise 3r Applying Meanings p.86Lc?.b 3.a 4.d 5.ci:
6、*r L;a=:ffillli:i:rerif+ili.,:.$i,.,Lesson l0r!:jgiFlii-.SffiStudent Book Answer KeyQuestions:p.88 Sentences give possible answers.Students sentences rnay v*ry.ll.Komodo dragons do not live here except in zcos.2.Some visitors to the island in l9l0 were the first outsiders to learn about*resecreature
7、s.3.Komodo is an island.4.They cqruld tell you the places to stay away fl-om5.lt bites the animal it attacks and then throws it to the ground.6,lt could kick the dragon and it could run away.7,Answers will vary but rnay include that a deer or a boar might have more meatbecause of its size sr that a
8、snake might be easier to kill.8.lt bites the anima!it attacks and throws it to the ground.lt atracks by surprise.lt eatsalmost every part of the animal.9.You would look on a map of the United States10.One would expect it to be warm and to have about the same temperature yearround.Exercise l:Words an
9、d Their Meanings p.93l.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.d 9.c.Exercise?:Seeing Connections p.94l.sculpture 2.swap 3.spoon 4.sapling 5 build.Exercise 3:Applying Meanlngs p.94l,a 2.c 3.b 4.c 5.dQuestions:p.96 Sentences give possible answers,Students sentnces may vary,)l.lt makes it easier to move large amo
10、unts of sand.2.lt shows you where to pCIur the sand when you begin.3.Knives,spoons,and cups of different sizes would all be helpful.4.One way is to build up a solid shape and then scoop out the space for the arch.Another way is to build the arch up from the ground.5.Ycru /ant to be close enough to t
11、he edge of the water to have wet sand but not suclose that the water washes in and destroys it.5.Answers will vary.7.The sand will not keep its shape if there is too much waf,er.S.ft can fall down if its weight is not balanced or if a wave hits ic.9 You might do it when the contest is over and peopl
12、e are starting to leave ar ysumight let the water do it.10.Answers will vary but may include choosing works because they are interesting,funny*or unusual;because they are difficult to build;or because they are neatly and carefullynrade.r0.bWordly Wise 3*0S S*ok 3.Exercise l:Words and Their l*eanings
13、 p.l0lLb 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.a.Exercise 2:Seeing Connections p.102L mounuin 2.empire 3.settle 4.listen 5.connect.Exercise 3:Applying Meanings p.102l.a 7.c 3.d 4.b 5.cQuestions p,104(Sentences give possible answers.Students sentences rnay vary.)L The Spanish began to live in Peru after 1532
14、.2.lt is a large city with many people living and working there.3.They are connected by a railway line and a bus route.4,Answers will vary.5.From that point,you can see in all directions.6.They carried v/ater into the homes.7,They never invented the wheel,and the land was toCI steep to use vehicles
15、withwheels.8.Peru became part of Spain after the Incas were defeated.9.The passage says they did not know anything about it.10.They do not know very much,but they can see from the city that the people weregood builders,that they were artistic,and that they had a way to tell time.Exercise l:Words and
16、 Their Meanings p.109l.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.c 7.a 8.b 9.a l0.d.Exercise 2:Seeing Connections p.I l0l.spade 2.adult 3.plain 4.cautious 5.wealthy.Exercise 3:Applying Meanings p.I l0l.b 2.a.3.d 4.c 5.aQuestions:p.I l2(Senrences give possible answers.Students sentences may vary.)l.Answers will vary but m
17、ay include that an elephant may use them to protect itself,todig in the ground,to rnove things,and to get food.2.The tall grass provides food;there is a great amount of clpen space.3.Kenya has a large amount of land with many different kinds of wild animals.4.Answers will vary bur may include differ
18、ent kinds of birds,monkeys,snakes,and othercreatures.5,They want the ivory tusks because they can make a large arnount o money by sellingrhem.Student Book Answer Keyr0.b6.fiephants are very big and the African plain is$pan space with few places to hide.7.They do not want the baby elephants to die,so
19、 they are probably thankful that theyhave someone to care far them.8.$he and her helpers feed them by bottle and stay wirh them twenty-four hours a day.9.They losk after them until they are grown.10.Answers will vary.s:.tLesson|5.Exercise l:Words and Their Meanings p.I 17l.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.d 5.b 7.c
20、La 9.b lO.d.fxercise 2:Seeing Connections p,I l8L mallet 2.discard 3.building 4.gallon 5.slight.Exercise 3:Applying Meanings p.I l8l.d 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.cQuestions:p.l?0(Sentences glve possible answers.Students sentences may vary.)l.They threw away the oil drums,whlch provided the material for the steel
21、 drums.2.During the making of rhe drums,there is lots of loud noise as the drum makerspound the steel.3.He throws away everything except the top part.4.They believed the sor.rnd was better if the top was in the shape r:f a bowl.5.There are four times fifty-ive ar 22A quarts6.There can be from three
22、or four up to one hundred or more instnuments.7.No,it is not,The steel drunrs gave pleasure and /ere not necessary,but they costvery little money.8.lt is used to make the notes by hltting the drurn in differenr places.9.Working for a steel drum maker would be a good way to learn.10.The passage says he heats ir until it is red hot or very hot.Wordlv Wise 3000 E*ak 3