1、焚庐灭鼠越西地方有个男子,独自一个人过活。他用芦苇和茅草盖起了小屋住在里面, 又开垦了一小块荒地,用自己的双手种了些庄稼,打下粮食来养活自己。时间久 了以后,豆子、稻谷、盐和奶酪等东西都可以自给自足了,不用依赖任何人。他 每天下地耕作,闲的时候就出去走走,过得倒也逍遥自在。There is a man living alone in the western part of Vietnam. He built a small house with reeds and thatch to live inside, cultivated a small piece of wasteland, pla
2、nted some crops with his own hands, and laid down grain to support himself. After a long time, things such as beans, rice, salt, and cheese can become self-sufficient without relying on anyone. He works in the fields every day and goes out for a walk in his free time, living a leisurely life.可是有一件事却
3、让他发愁,那就是老鼠成灾。也不知道是从哪里来的一帮老 鼠,日子不长便成倍成倍地增长。白天,它们成群结队地在屋里跑来跑去,在房 梁间上窜下跳地吱吱乱叫,打坏了不少东西。到了夜里,老鼠闹腾得更欢了,它 们钻进食橱、跳上桌子、跑进箱子里,见东西就咬,咬破了好些衣服和器具,偷 吃了东西不算,还把吃不完的拖回洞里去慢慢享用。这“咔嚓咔嚓”地一闹常常 就是一整夜,吵得这个男子觉也睡不好,白天下地都没有精神。他想了好多办法 来治鼠,用药啦,下夹子啦,都试遍了,可就是没有一个特别有效的法子。这位 男子对老鼠越来越烦,火气越来越大,苦恼极了。But there was one thing that worrie
4、d him, which was the plague of mice. I dont know where the group of mice came from, and they grew exponentially within a short period of time. During the day, they ran around the house in groups, jumping up and down between the beams, creaking and barking, damaging many things. At night, the mice be
5、came even more noisy. They got into the cupboard, jumped onto the table, ran into the boxes, and bit when they saw something, breaking through many clothes and utensils. Stealing something didnt count, but they also dragged the endless food back into the hole and slowly enjoyed it. This click click
6、click noise often lasts all night, making the man unable to sleep well and mentally drained during the day. He has come up with many ways to treat mice, including medication and clamp placement, but there is no particularly effective method. The man became increasingly annoyed and angry with the mic
7、e, feeling extremely distressed.有一天,这个男子喝醉了酒,困得要命。他踉踉跄跄地回家来,打算好好睡 上一觉。可是他的头刚刚挨上枕头,就听见老鼠“吱吱”的叫声。他实在困了, 不想和老鼠计较,就用被子包上头,翻个身继续睡。可老鼠却不肯轻易罢休,竟 钻进被子里张嘴啃起来。这男子用力拍了几下被子,指望把老鼠赶跑再睡。果然 安静了一会儿,可他忽然闻到一股叫人恶心的,腥臊味,一摸枕边,竟然是一堆 鼠尿!被老鼠这么变着法子一折腾,他再也忍受不下去了,一股怒气直冲头顶。 借着酒劲,他翻身下床,取了火把四处烧老鼠,房子原本是茅草盖的,一点就着, 火势迅速蔓延开来。老鼠被烧得四处奔
8、跑。火越烧越大,老鼠终于全给烧死了, 可屋子也同时被烧毁了。第二天,这男子酒醒后,才发现什么都没有了。他茫茫 然无家可归,后悔也来不及了。One day, the man got drunk and was extremely sleepy. He stumbled home, intending to have a good sleep. But as soon as his head touched the pillow, he heard the mouse squeaking. He was really sleepy and didnt want to argue with the
9、mice, so he wrapped his head in a blanket and rolled over to continue sleeping. But the mouse refused to give up easily and instead got into the blanket and opened its mouth to nibble. The man slapped the blanket hard a few times, hoping to drive the mice away before going to sleep. Sure enough, it
10、was quiet for a while, but he suddenly smelled a disgusting smell and touched the pillow, revealing a pile of rat urine! He couldnt bear to be swayed by the mice like this anymore, and a wave of anger surged above his head. With the help of alcohol, he got out of bed and took a torch to burn mice ev
11、erywhere. The house was originally made of thatch, but it quickly caught fire. The mice were burning and running around. The fire grew stronger and stronger, and all the mice were finally burned to death, but the house was also destroyed at the same time. The next day, the man woke up after drinking
12、 and realized that there was nothing left. He was lost and homeless, and it was too late to regret it.焚庐灭鼠的故事提醒人们,遇事一定要冷静分析,想个周全的办法去解决。 若凭一时的冲动蛮干,只会得不偿失。The story of burning houses and killing mice reminds people to calmly analyze and come up with a comprehensive solution when encountering difficult
13、ies. If you act recklessly on a momentary impulse, you will only lose more than you gain.大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前 售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录 . hgcx. cn或致电0411-39525022胶条发泡机 密封点胶机 聚氨酯 涂胶机双组份淋胶机断桥铝门窗注胶机机柜密封机柜涂胶机,配电柜点胶 机,电气柜发泡机 过滤器密封点胶机,滤清器发泡机,过滤网涂胶机 热熔丁基 胶涂胶机电池点胶机穿条发泡机双色型材注胶机不锈钢暖边条成型机汽车
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