1、 1/13 20222022 年南航附属高级中学民航飞行特长生加试年南航附属高级中学民航飞行特长生加试 注意事项:1本试卷满分 100 分考试总时间 120 分钟考生答题全部作答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效 2请认真核对桌贴上的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、准考证号(准考证与桌贴上均有)用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上 3答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案 答非选择题必须用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效请看清题位作答,答错题位由考生本人负责。4作图题必须
2、用 2B 铅笔作答,并请加黑、加粗【综合能力【综合能力-1 1】(建议用时:30 分钟)一、阅读下列选文,完成 14 题。南京文学的传承与新变南京文学的传承与新变 读南京百年文学史 南京文学具有历史悠久、底蕴深厚的传统。南京素享“”之美誉,在此诞生了中国第一篇文论文赋,第一部诗论诗品,第一部系统的文学理论和批评专著文心雕龙,第一部儿童启蒙读物千字文,以及现存最早的诗文总集昭明文选等。南京深厚的文化底蕴,为其在 20 世纪初的转型奠定了良好的基础。百年来的南京文学经历了从古典到现代的转变,出现了刘半农、叶圣陶、朱自清、宗白华、路翎、高晓声、陆文夫、叶叶兆言兆言、苏童、毕飞宇等享誉全国的作家,吴梅
4、和莳花杂志,开启了最初的文学之旅。南京作家努力讲好南京故事,创作了大量与本土相关的作品。如朱自清与俞平伯同题的散文桨声灯影里的秦淮河,写二人同游秦淮河的所见所感,均为现代散文史上的经典。叶兆言叶兆言甚至被称为当代南京文学的代言人,其创作几乎都围绕南京展开。“夜泊秦淮”系列奠定了他在当代文学史上的重要地位,而新近出版的南京传则号称“一部以南京为基点的中国史”。南京故事的书写并不拘泥于本土,而同时指向对全民族命运的探索与思考。百年来,南京文学延续着现实主义的传统,以社会生活为切入点,注重展现民生疾苦。20 世纪 80 年代,南京钟山杂志率先提出“新写实小说”的概念,在先锋文学风起云涌的形势下再次审
5、视现实主义的价值,范小青、苏童、叶兆言叶兆言等在当时都创作了一些表现小人物生存困境的作品,在对日常生活细致入微的探察中展现底层民众的无奈与尴尬。南京文学对现实的关注、对民生的表现,形成了一种以人民为中心的创作趋向。(选自群众大众学堂2022 年第二期,有删改)1.文中处应填的词语是()A.六朝古都 B.天下文枢 C.十朝都会 D.九省通衢 关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 2/13 2.下面的作家作品对应不正确的一项是()A.叶圣陶稻草人 刘半农教我如何不想她 B.朱自清背影 曹 禺雷雨 C.鲁 迅尝试集 巴 金狂人日记 D.徐志
6、摩再别康桥 毕飞宇推拿 3.用四字短语概括南京文学的特点。第段:历史悠久、底蕴深厚;第段:守正创新、与时俱进;第段:、;第段:、。4.文中三次写到叶兆言,作用分别是什么?第一处:第二处:第三处:二、阅读少年苏东坡,完成 59 题。少年苏东坡少年苏东坡 林语堂 苏东坡八岁到十岁之间,他父亲进京赶考。落第之后,到江淮一带游历,母亲在家管教孩子。这段期间内,家中发生一件事,宋史苏东坡的传记与苏辙为他母亲写的长篇碑文里,都有记载。母亲那时正教孩子后汉书。书上记载后汉时朝政不修,政权落入阉宦之手,当时书生儒士反抗不阴不阳的小人统治。贪婪、纳贿、勒索、滥捕无辜,是经常有的事。因为地方官都是那些太监豢养的走
9、可忽略,因为做文章用的词汇就是从此学来的。用著名的词语与典故而不明言其来源出处,饱学之士读来,便有高雅不凡之乐。读者对作者之能写出此等文章,心怀敬佩,自己读之而能了解,亦因此沾沾自喜。作者与读者所获得的快乐,是由观念的暗示与观念的联想而来,此种暗示比明白直说更为有力动人,因为一语道破,暗示关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 3/13 的魅力便渺不可得矣。这种背诵记忆实在是艰难而费力的苦事。传统的老方法则是要学生背一整本书,书未加标点,要学生予以标点,用以测验学生是否彻底了解。最努力苦读的学生竟会将经书和正史抄写一遍。苏东坡读书时也就
11、以通音信。甚至在中国伦理道德之邦,兄弟间似此友爱之美,也是绝不寻常的。苏子由生来的气质是恬静冷淡,稳健而实际,在官场上竟尔比兄长得意,官位更高。虽然二人有关政治的意见相同,宦海浮沉的荣枯相同,子由冷静而机敏,每向兄长忠言规劝,兄长颇为受益。也许他不像兄长那么倔强任性;也许因为他不像兄长那么才气焕发,不那么名气非凡,因而在政敌眼里不那么危险可怕。现在二人在家读书时,东坡对弟弟不但是同学,而且是良师。他写的一首诗里说:“我少知子由,天资和且清,岂独为吾弟,要是贤友生。”子由也在兄长的墓志铭上说:“我初从公,赖以有知。抚我则兄,诲我则师。”(选自苏东坡传陕西师范大学出版社 2009 年,有删改)【注
12、释】仲博:范滂的弟弟。龙舒君:范滂去世的父亲。李、杜:指当时的贤臣李膺、杜密。使汝为善,则我不为恶:想让你为善,但是我没有做恶(为善却得到现在的下场)。5.下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是()A.督邮吴导/至县抱诏书/闭传舍/伏床而泣 B.督邮吴导至/县抱诏书/闻传舍/伏床而泣 C.督邮吴/导至县/抱诏书闻/传舍伏床而泣 D.督邮吴导至县/抱诏书/闻传舍/伏床而泣 6.根据文中文言语段,解释下面加点的词。(1)即自诣狱()(2)引与俱亡()(3)滂白母曰()(4)顾谓其子()7把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。既有令名,复求寿考,可兼得乎?8.结合选文说说:在林语堂的心目中,苏东坡是
13、个怎样的人?9.少年苏东坡的学习经历对你语文学习有哪些启示?关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 4/13 【综合能力【综合能力-2 2】(建议用时:30 分钟)三、选择题 10如图,用一段长为 18 米的篱笆围成一个一边靠墙(墙长不限)的矩形花园,设该矩形花园的一边长为 x m,另一边的长为 y m,矩形的面积为 S m2,当 x 在一定范围内变化时,y和 S 都随 x 的变化而变化,那么 y 与 x,S 与 x 满足的函数关系分别是()A一次函数关系,二次函数关系 B反比例函数关系,二次函数关系 C一次函数关系,反比例函数关系 D
14、反比例函数关系,一次函数关系 11如 M1,2,x,我们叫集合 M,其中 1,2,x 叫做集合 M 的元素集合中的元素具有确定性(如 x 必然存在),互异性(如 x1,x2),无序性(即改变元素的顺序,集合不变)若集合 Nx,1,2,我们说 MN已知集合 A1,0,a,集合 B1a,a,ba,若 AB,则 ba 的值是()A1 B0 C1 D2 四、填空题 12若 x2y28,xy4,则 x2y2的值为 13已知关于 x 的方程3xax12 的解是正数,则 a 的取值范围为 14不透明的袋子中装有 3 个红球、15 个白球、18 个黑球,这些球除颜色外都相同从袋子中随机摸出 1 个球,放回并摇
15、匀,再随机摸出 1 个球,则两次摸出的球都是黑球的概率是 15把函数 y3 x2 x2的图像向右平移 2 个单位,再向上平移 3 个单位,所得的函数关系式是 16甲、乙两人骑自行车匀速同向行驶,乙在甲前面 100 米处,同时出发去距离甲 1300 米的目的地,其中甲的速度比乙的速度快 设甲、乙之间的距离为 y 米,乙行驶的时间为 x 秒,y 与 x 之间的关系如图所示则甲的速度为每秒 米 17如图把两张宽度均为 2 的纸条交错叠在一起,相交成角,则重叠部分的周长为 (用含 的代数式表示)y x 关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 5
16、/13 18正七边形 ABCDEFG 中,连接 AD,CE 交于点 P,则CPA 的度数是 19如图,在平面直角坐标系中,C,A 分别为 x 轴、y 轴正半轴上的点,以 OA,OC 为边,在第一象限内作矩形 OABC,且 S矩形OABC4 2,将矩形 OABC 翻折,使点 B 与原点重合,折痕为 MN,点 C 的对应点 C落在第四象限,过 M 点的反比例函数 ykx(k0),其图象恰好过 MN 的中点,则点 M 的坐标为 五、解答题 20【问题背景】在一次数学兴趣小组活动中,小秦对苏科版数学九年级教材第 42 页的第 4 题很感兴趣 教材原题:如图 1,BD、CE 是ABC 的高,M 是 BC
17、 的中点点 B、C、D、E 是否在以点 M 为圆心的同一个圆上?为什么?小秦在完成此题解答后提出:如图 2,若 BD、CE 的交点为点 O,则点 A、D、O、E 四点也在同一个圆上(1)请对教材原题或小秦提出的问题进行解答(选择一个解答即可)A C B D E F G P(18 题)M A B C D O E A B C D E O 图 1 图 2 2 2 17 题 50 x C y 300 100 A O B D(第 16 题)B M A C N O C x y(第 19 题)关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 6/13 【直接应
18、用】当大家将上述两题都解决后,组员小淮想起了在七年级通过画图归纳出的一个结论:三角形的三条高所在直线交于同一点,可通过上面的结论加以解决(2)如图 3,ABC 的两条高 BD、CE 相交于点 O,连接 AO 并延长交 BC 于点 F 求证:AF 为ABC 的边 BC 上的高 【推广运用】在大家完成讨论后,张老师根据大家的研究提出一个问题:(3)在(2)的条件下连接 DE、EF、FD(如图 4),设DEF,则AOB 的度数为 (用含 的式子表示)【拓展提升】(4)如图 5,已知正方形 ABCD 的边长为 2,E 是 BC 边上的动点,BFAE交 CD 于点F,垂足为 G,连接 CG则 CG 的最
19、小值为 【综合能力【综合能力-3 3】(建议用时:30 分钟)六、完型填空 A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime,but he has been given a lesson in 21 The man whom he robbed 22 the ticket and won the 25,000 prize.But the man managed to find the thief,and handed over the 23 The robbery happened when Profes
20、sor Sabbatucci was changing a tyre on a highway.Another motorist,who stopped“to 24 ”,stole a suitcase from his car and drove off.The professor found the 25 ticket and brought it home.The next day,the professor saw the lottery results on TV and realized it was a winner.He 26 the 25,000 prize,but he d
21、ecided not to keep the money.He made an announcement on the radio,27 “Im trying to find the man who robbed me.I have 25,000 for him a lottery casePlease meet me.”The professor received hundreds of 28 from people who were hoping to trick him into handing them the money.But there was one voice he 29 a
22、nd he arranged to meet the man in a park.The robber gave back the suitcase and burst into tears.He could not 30 what was happening.“Why didnt you keep the money?”he asked.The professor replied,“Because its not mine.”Then he walked off,refusing the thiefs offer to share the prize.A B C D E O F A B C
23、D E O F 图 3 图 4 A D B G F C E 图 5 关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 7/13 21A.friendship Bhonesty Cbravery Dmodesty 22A.held out Btook out Cmade up Dpicked up 23A.crime Blecture Cmoney Devidence 24A.explore Brest Cwatch Dhelp 25A.stolen Bdropped Cforgotten Ddamaged 26A.presented Btook
24、Cdonated Dshared 27A.joking Bsaying Cwondering Dreplying 28A.notes Bemails Cletters Dcalls 29A.recognized Breminded Crecorded Drecovered 30A.explain Bblame Cbelieve Drealize 七、任务型阅读 Mother Teresa was born in Uskub,Ottoman Empire on August 26,1910.This city is now called Skopje and is the capital of
25、the Republic of Macedonia.Her birth name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu.Her father died when she was eight and she was raised by her mother.When she turned 18,Agnes joined the Sisters of Loreto to become a missionary to India.Before she could go to India,she had to learn English.She spent a year in Irela
26、nd learning to speak English at the Loreto Abby.A year later,Agnes began her missionary work in Darjeeling,India.She learned the local language,Bengali,and taught at the local school.In 1931,she took her vows as a nun and chose the name Teresa.She taught for many years in India becoming the headmist
27、ress at a school in eastern Calcutta.When she was 36 years old,Mother Teresa felt the call from God to help the poor of India.She received some basic medical training and then set out to help the sick and needy.She had very little support and,while trying to feed the poor,she herself even had to beg
28、 for food.In 1950,Mother Teresa formed a group called the Missionaries of Charity.She described it as an organization that would take care of the hungry,the homeless,the crippled,the blind,all those people who feel unwanted,unloved,uncared for throughout society,people that have become a burden to t
29、he society and are shunned by everyone.When she started the Missionaries of Charity there were only 13 members.Today,the group has over 4,000 members who care for people all over the world.It was difficult to build such an organization and to keep the focus on the poorest people.She worked almost up
30、 until her death on September 5,1997.Mother Teresa Birthday and birthplace She was born in Uskub,Ottoman Empire on August 26,1910.关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 8/13 Her 31 She 32 with her mother as her father died when she was 8 years old.When Agnes was 18,she joined the Sisters o
31、f Loreto and 33 a missionary to India.Before 34 to India,she spent a year in Ireland learning English.When Agnes was 19,she went to India,learned Bengali and worked as a 35 at the local school.In 1931,she took her vows as a nun and was 36 Teresa.When she was 36 years old,she received some basic medi
32、cal training and helped the sick people.She had very little support and she herself was 37 while trying to feed the poor.Missionaries of Charity Its 38 was to look after the homeless,the disabled,There were only 13 members at first but now there are more than 4,000 members.Conclusion It was not a 39
33、 task to build such an organization.She almost didnt 40 her work until she died on September 5,1997.八、阅读理解 A Great work is work that makes a difference in peoples lives,writes David Sturt,Executive Vice President of the O.C.Tanner Institute,in his book Great Work:How to Make a Difference People Love
34、.Sturt insists,however,that great work is not just for surgeons(外科医生)or special-needs educators or the founders of organizations trying to eliminate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.The central theme of Great Work,according to Sturt,is that anyone can make a difference in any job.Its not the nature of
35、the job,but what you do with the job that matters.To prove this,Sturt tells the story of an excellent hospital cleaner named Moses.In a building filled with doctors and nurses doing great life-saving work,Moses the cleaner makes a difference.Whenever he enters a room,especially a room with a sick ch
36、ild,he impresses both patients and parents with his optimism(乐观)and calm,introducing himself to the child and,Sturt writes,speaking“some words about light and sunshine and making things clean.”He praises on any progress he sees day by day(“youre sitting up today,thats good.”)Moses is no doctor and d
37、oesnt pretend(假装)to be,but he has witnessed hundreds of sick children getting well from painful surgery,and parents take comfort from his encouraging words.For Matt and Mindi,whose son McKay was born with only half of a heart,Moses became a close friend.As Sturt explains,“Moses took his born talents
38、(his sensitivity)and his practical wisdom(from years of hospital experience)and brought them into a powerful form of patient and family support that changed the critical-care experience for Mindi,Matt and little McKay.”How do people like Moses do great work when so many people just work?That was the
39、 central question raised by Sturt and his team at the O.C.Tanner Institute,a consulting(咨询)company specialized(专营)in worker recognition(认可)and rewards system.O.C.Tanner carried out a complete Great Work study that included surveys to 200 senior executives(高管),a further set of surveys to 1,000 manage
40、rs and workers working on projects,a study of 1.7 million accounts of award-winning work(in the form of nominations for awards from 关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息素养干货微信公众号:Js n j Co d i n g 9/13 corporations(公司)around the world),and one-on-one interviews with 200 different makers.The results of the study sho
41、wed that those who do great work refuse to be stopped by the constraints of their jobs.They are especially able to think about their jobs without any boundaries,they dont consider their jobs as a list of tasks and responsibilities(责任)but see their jobs as chances to make a difference.No matter,as Mo
42、ses so ably exemplifies(例证),what that job may be.41.According to this passage,how does Moses,a common hospital cleaner,make a difference in peoples lives?A.By keeping optimistic and calm when facing patients and their parents.B.By showing his great duty and rich working experience while working.C.By
43、 showing his pity and kindness to patients when entering their rooms.D.By pretending to be a doctor or nurse when entering a room with the sick.42.The word“constraints”in the last paragraph probably means _.A.orders B.advantages C.mistakes D.limitations 43.What can we infer from the passage?A.Great
44、work is work that makes a difference in peoples lives.B.Those who do great work see their jobs as chances to make a difference.C.Moses makes a difference through his sensitivity and his practical wisdom.D.If a boss has trouble knowing what his workers can do,he may ask O.C.Tanner for advice.B In the
45、 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games,a 48-year-old Egyptian athlete,Hamadtou,makes a great impression on many people.Holding the bat in his mouth,the para-table tennis champion attracts the audience by throwing the ball up high with his right foot.Sinking through the air,the little white ball meets his bat
46、and comes out like a bullet with a powerful spin.Hamadtous performance moves millions of people.Comments and praise on him flood from all over the world,with about 300 million messages on different social media.Hamadtou was a carpenter(木匠).He lost his two arms by falling down from the railway platfo
47、rm on his way home.But it didnt change his love for table tennis.Starting at 13,Hamadtou spent years working hard to perfect his game.At the start,he tried different ways to hold the bat,including holding it under his armpit(腋窝),before deciding to handle it with his mouth.In 2011,he got the second p
48、lace in the African Table Tennis Games for the disabled.Deeply touched by Hamadtou,Chairman of International Table Tennis Federation invited him to participate in the World Table Tennis Championship as a guest of honor in 2014,where Hamadtou played games with some world-famous athletes like Ma Long.
49、Later Hamadtou took part in the 2016 Rio Paralympics.It was quite difficult playing table tennis after the accident,Hamadtou recalled.I had to practice hard for three years on a daily basis.At the beginning,people was amazed and surprised seeing me playing.Then they encouraged and supported me a lot
50、.I believe that nothing is impossible,as long as you work hard,added Hamadtou.This is what I would like to send to people.One of the comments of a netizen goes,We are very proud of his willing,perseverance(坚持)and determination.44.What is special when Hamadtou plays table tennis?关注江苏儿童编程圈获取更多科技特长生/信息