1、PPT courseware for Fun English Expressionxx年xx月xx日目 录CATALOGUEThe Fun of English ExpressionFun English expressions in daily lifeFun English expressions in movies and TV dramas目 录CATALOGUEInternet slang and fun English expressionHow to learn interesting English expressions01The Fun of English Express
2、ion总结词幽默感是英语表达中的一大魅力,通过PPT课程可以引导学生发现英语中的幽默元素,培养他们的幽默感。详细描述PPT课程可以展示一些英语中的幽默表达方式,如双关语、反讽、俏皮话等,让学生了解幽默感在英语表达中的运用,并鼓励他们在日常生活中运用这些表达方式,增加语言的趣味性。The Humor of Language总结词英语的创造性是语言发展的动力之一,通过PPT课程可以引导学生发挥创造力,运用英语进行创新表达。详细描述PPT课程可以展示一些英语中的创新表达方式,如新词汇、短语、句型等,让学生了解语言的创新性,并鼓励他们尝试创造新的表达方式。此外,还可以引导学生通过语境理解词汇和短语的多
3、种含义,培养他们的语境意识。The Creativity of Language视觉化是PPT课程的一大优势,通过PPT可以将英语表达中的抽象概念具象化,帮助学生更好地理解语言。总结词PPT课程可以使用图片、图表、动画等形式将英语中的抽象概念具象化,如用图表展示词汇之间的关系,用动画表现短语的含义等。这种可视化教学方式可以帮助学生更好地理解英语表达中的抽象概念,提高他们的语言理解能力。同时,这种教学方式还可以增强学生的学习兴趣和参与度,提高教学效果。详细描述The Visualization of Language02Fun English expressions in daily life
4、Greetings and GoodbyesGreetingsHello,Good morning,Hows it going?GoodbyesGoodbye,See you later,Take careTipsUse appropriate greetings and goodbyes based on the time of day and the situation.Great job!,Youre really talented!,I love what youve done here.Praise Thank you!,I appreciate your help.,Youve b
5、een a big help.Gratitude Be specific in your praise and express gratitude when its deserved.TipsPraise and GratitudeSuggestion How about we meet at 7pm?,Why dont we try this instead?Request Can you please pass the salt?,Would you mind closing the door?Tips Use polite language when making requests or
6、 suggestions,and avoid sounding bossy or demanding.Request and SuggestionExplanation The reason why Im late is because of the traffic.,I didnt finish the project on time because of a family emergency.Tips Be sincere when apologizing,and provide clear and honest explanations when needed.Apology Im so
7、rry!,I apologize for the inconvenience.,I didnt mean to offend you.Apology and Explanation03Fun English expressions in movies and TV dramas总结词经典台词是电影和电视剧中令人难忘的语句,通常具有深刻的意义或幽默的元素。详细描述经典台词通常与角色塑造、情节发展或主题思想紧密相关,能够给观众留下深刻印象。例如,在电影阿甘正传中,“生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块是什么味道”成为经典台词,表达了人生不可预测的主题。Classic linesCharacter
8、 dialogue总结词角色对话是塑造角色个性和表现人物关系的重要手段。详细描述通过角色对话,观众可以了解角色的性格特点、情感状态和价值观。同时,对话也是推动剧情发展的重要手段,通过对话展现角色之间的互动和冲突。VS俚语和行话是特定文化或行业内部使用的语言形式,具有独特的表达方式和含义。详细描述在电影和电视剧中,使用俚语和行话可以增加语言的生动性和真实性,同时也能更好地反映角色的背景和社会地位。例如,在黑帮电影中,常常出现黑帮特有的俚语和行话,这些语言形式在日常生活中并不常用,但在特定情境下却能很好地传达角色的个性和情感。总结词Slang and jargon04Internet slang
9、and fun English expression These are small images that represent facial expressions or emotions.They are often used in text messages or online chats to add a personal touch and convey emotions.Some common examples are:)for a happy face and:(for a sad face.These are shortened forms of words or phrase
10、s that are used to save time and space when typing.Some common examples are lol for laughing out loud and btw for by the way.EmoticonsAbbreviationsEmoticons and AbbreviationsInternet buzzwordsThese are new or trendy words or phrases that are popular on the internet and are often used by young people
11、.Some common examples are OMG for Oh my God and ICYMI for In case you missed it.BuzzwordsThese are funny or popular images,videos,or phrases that are shared widely on the internet.Memes often have a humorous or ironic element and are designed to be shared and spread quickly.MemesHashtags These are w
12、ords or phrases preceded by the#symbol and are used on social media platforms to categorize and organize content.Hashtags can be used to join conversations,find like-minded people,or promote causes.Trending topics These are popular or noteworthy topics that are being talked about on social media.Tre
13、nding topics can vary from celebrity news to important events and can often spark discussions and debate among users.Fun expressions on social media05How to learn interesting English expressions通过听英语歌曲、电影原声、英语新闻等,提高英语听力水平,同时熟悉各种发音和语调。听力训练多与英语母语人士交流,参加英语角、语言交换活动等,提高口语表达和流利度。口语练习Listen and speak more了
14、解英语中的俚语和习语,通过阅读英语文学作品、观看英语电影等方式积累相关表达。将学到的俚语和习语运用到日常交流中,加深理解和记忆。Learning slang and idioms记忆和使用学习俚语和习语选择适合自己水平的英文原著和新闻,逐步提高阅读能力和词汇量。阅读英文原著和新闻在精读中深入理解词汇和语法结构,在泛读中提高阅读速度和理解能力。精读与泛读结合Reading English original works and news观看英语电影和电视剧通过观看英语影视作品,了解英语国家的文化和社会习俗,同时学习地道的表达方式和口音。要点一要点二模仿与跟读在观看过程中模仿角色的发音和语调,跟读练习,提高语音和语感。Watch English movies and TV dramasTHANKS感谢观看