1、Syllabus of Principles of MicroeconomicsCourse Code: ECON2001Total Teaching Hours: 48Total Credits: 3Pre-required Courses: Basic knowledge of calculusCourse DescriptionThis course is an introduction to Microeconomics which studies how individuals and firms make decisions. The core topics included in
2、 this course are: supply and demand and their applications, theory of the firm, market structure, consumer choice, introduction to game theory, the economics of public sector, and market failure, etc.Required Texts & MaterialsN. Gregory Mankiw, Principles of Economic Third Edition. Thomson South-Wes
3、tern, 2004 (English language edition reprinted and distributed in China by Tsinghua University Press under the authorization of Thomson Learning).Course ScheduleWeekTopics1-2Introduction: Ten Principles of Economics, Thinking like anEconomist3-4Supply & Demand, Elasticity and Its Applications5Supply
4、, Demand and Government Policies, Surplus6-7Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets8-9Externalities, Public Goods & Common Resources10The Costs of Production11Firms in Competitive Markets12Monopoly13-14Oligopoly & Introduction to Game Theory15Monopolistic Competition16ReviewGradingHomewo
5、rk Assignments, Research Paper, Quizzes and Class Participation, etc. 50%Final Exam50%The grades will be assigned as follows:90-100A80-89B70-79C60-69D0-59 FAssessmentsHomework Assignments - There will be homework assignments every 1-2 weeks. You may discuss homework questions with your classmates; h
6、owever, it has to be your individual work. You have to submit your solution file for each assignment immediately after you are notified. The due date for each assignment will be announced when the homework are assigned. Late submission will cause penalty on the grade.Research Paper - The students ma
7、y also be required to submit a research paper which is regarding economic theory and/or its applications, one current and real-world economic issue and so on. The puipose of this paper is to improve the ability of economic research. The topic of the paper can either be chosen by the students themsel
8、ves based on discussion with the teacher or be given by the teacher directly. The final version of team paper should be submitted no later than 16th week of the semester. Late submission will cause penalty on the grade.Final Exam - The written, close-textbook final exam will be given at end of the s
9、emester. The exam duration is 2 hours. The final exams will focus on the text, lectures and homework assignments. It will consist of 10 true and false questions, 15 multiple-choice questions, 4-5 short answers and 4-5 application questions. A sample of the final exam will be posted for your referenc
10、e before the exam.Class AttendanceSchool policy dictates that attendance is mandatory. You should come to every class on time, stay for the entire class, and be attentive during the class unless you have a family or health related emergency. If you do miss a class it is your responsibility to get le
11、cture notes and assignments from another student. If you miss more than three classes the Instructor reserves the right to drop you from the course.Class PreparationAs a guideline, you should expect to spend at least 3 hours per week preparing for class. I will let you know what we will study next week. Do not get behind. You need to spend significant time on class preparation before every class rather than letting work pile up.