1、展台的设计与搭建会展设计就是围绕会展的主题、目标和内容,通过视觉传达设计、空间环境设 计、工业设计等手段、人为地创造出人与人、人与物、人与社会彼此交流的时空环 境,其任务就是帮助会展组织者和参展者达到信息传播的目的,这就要求会展设计 必须明确会展活动的各个要素,即组织者、参展者、观众、场馆。展台是会展组织 者分配给参展者自行支配的展示空间,它为展品的展出、企业形象宣传、演示活动 、信息的传播和交流以及经贸洽谈等提供了一个环境和场所。然而观众对参展者的 第一印象就是展台,因此展台设计在表现参展商的企业形象和展览主题的同时,更 应独特、醒目,引起观众的注意,使人们留下深刻的印象。一、展台设计准备阶
2、段展台设计师建筑空间设计,它为人们提供了三维的交流空间。媒体的策划赋予 了建筑空间的秩序和主题。活动的策划和展品展示促成了人与空间的交流。而建筑 设计、媒体设计、美工设计、展品设计、灯光设计和舞台布景等等都是用来表达参 展商的理念和工具。显著而富有个性的展台形体、精辟表现的主题、创造力宾至如 归气氛的访客区等等均给来访者留下印象深刻的亲身体验。(一)展览的性质和主题作为某企业展台的搭建商,首先必须明确展览的性质。从性质上分,展览由贸 易性展览和消费性展览两种。贸易性展览主要目的是交流信息、洽谈贸易,主要是 对工商业企业与组织开放的展览。消费性展览主要目的是直接销售展品,是对公众 开放的展览。其
3、次,我们必须了解该展览的规模,是国际展、国家展、地区展、地 方展还是独家展。最后,我们必须知道该展览的主题,明确参展商在展览过程所需 表达的主旨。(二)参展商的展台位置materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national 3C certification and other documents, package integrity; 2,
4、according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. 4. 1. 4. 1 electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General
5、 requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe di
6、ameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe lengt
7、h exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion j
8、oints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe展台的面积一般以该展位的使用性质、展出内容和人员规模为依据来确定。展 台的位置在展览中占有重要的作用。根据展位所处位置、周边通道、相邻展位等情 况,可以划分为单开面型、双开面型、双向通道型、内角型、半岛型、环岛型等, 不同的展位类型有不通的平面布置方法和要求。1、单开面型一般分布在走道的两侧,只有一面向观众通道敞开。它的优点是 三面墙提供了最充分的展品和宣传资料等的展示,可以用展板、展墙布置绘画、浮 雕、摄影、图表、文字等资料。其缺点是视
9、觉小,进深窄。materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national 3C certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, elec
10、tric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. 4. 1. 4. 1 electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bendi
11、ng, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, sh
12、ould install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line
13、 should be avoidedwhen laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pip
14、e2、双开面型一般位于走道拐弯处或十字形、丁字形通道交叉处,有相邻面向 两边观众通道敞开。它的优点是人流量比较大,视野宽,比较适宜重点展品与竞品 的展示。其缺点是用于展示的墙面少,需要更多的使用独立展具。3、双向通道型是两端敞开的位置。它的优点是有良好的展示面,两边可摆放 展品,观众在通道中可以边走边看,人流畅通,展示效果好。4、内角型一般位于场馆的墙角处。它的优点是两个通道的观众均可注意到展 位,容易吸引观众。其缺点是需要三个展位才能达到展出效果。5、半岛型是指展位空间三面向通道敞开。它的优点就是设计安排上有很大灵 活性,视野开阔,容易构成某种舞台景观,成为视觉中心。其缺点是不宜使用标准 展
15、具,可利用的展墙更少。6、环岛型是四面敞开,一般位于展厅的中央位置,通常都是以空地的形式提 供给参展商。它的优点是展示面积最大,造型尺度、规模可以相对较大,人流量最 为畅通的展位空间,给人宽松、自由之感。其缺点是没有可供布置的墙面。(三)展馆资料展览场馆对展览设计、搭建有各种各样的管理规定和限制。因此,必须在进行 展台设计前熟悉展馆各种规章制度,设计出符合展馆要求的展台。1、有关展台的规定展览会对展架及展品都有限制规定,尤其对双层展台、楼梯、展台顶部向外延 伸的结构等限制更严。展馆往往对双层展台有高度限制,然而限高不是禁止超高, 如果办理有关手续并达到技术标准,有可能获准搭建超高展位。2、有关
16、展览用具的规定通常展览会规定必须使用经防火处理的材料,限制使用塑料、危险化学品。一 些具有较大面积的展览,通常会在展台四周悬挂大型喷绘做宣传,为了保证展览的 安全性,这些宣传喷绘往往经过防火处理。3、有关消防的规定如果是大面积的展台,必须按展馆面积和预计的观众人数按比例设紧急通道或 出口,并设置标识,同时须配备消防器材。(四)参展商的企业文化和形象参展商参加会展活动是作为整个营销活动的一部分,也是其树立、推广形象ma terials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied b
17、y a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national 3C certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualifie
18、d before put into use. 4. 1. 4. 1 electrical piping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the
19、 line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in theMiddle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in
20、length; B,the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and
21、tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe的良好契机。因此,我们必须深入了解客户的产品成本和成就,找出产品欣喜 的核心内容,总结出品牌形象的精髓,并将之转化成空间的体验和在时序上恰到好 处的戏剧性处理。二、设计阶段在做足了展台设计的前期准
22、备,便可开始进行展台设计。这是一个漫长的过程 o德国品质的经典设计主要体现在“创新的材料、大胆的结构、提供丰富触觉感受 的表面处理和充分营造氛围的色彩运动”,这始终是德国展览设计的传统基本手法 O其设计方案让心与脑同时有所收获,理性的信息和感性的氛围同样重要,分寸的 掌握是关键。德国安宝示展览展示工程作为欧洲业界最知名的展览展示公司之一, 其设计理念为“将方案对准了目标客户群的需求和期待,从顾客的角度考虑设计效 果”。展台设计必须注意以下几个方面。(一)完整性标准整合而统一,是展台设计的首要标准,即形态统一、色彩统一、工艺统一、格 调统一。总之,好的设计在艺术形式的秩序方面,都是十分明确的。(
23、二)创造性标准任何展览展示活动的目的都在于创造。创造是新世纪的主要特征。展台设计的 创造性主要表现在创意的新颖和艺术形象的独创性。这个独特的形象给人以冲击、 震撼、刺激、令人过目不忘,发挥最有效的市场作为,实现最有效的形象传播。这 种创造涉及到形式的定位、空间的想象、材料的选择、构造的奇特、色彩的处理、 方式的新颖等。(三)时代性标准时代性标准也可称为观念性标准。时代的观念浸润着展台设计的每一个细胞。 如今,展台设计应体现如下几种观点:新的综合观念、人本观念、生态观念、系统 观念、信息观念、高科技观念等。具体地讲,应注意下述五个方面:1、空间环境的开放性,通透流动性、可塑性和有机性,给人以自由
24、,给人 以亲切、让人可感可知、可以自由进入、参观和交流。2、实现展品信息的经典性原则,严格落实少而精的要求。3、实现固有色的“交互混响”的统合色彩效果,重视对无色彩系列的运用。4、尽量采用新产品、新材料、新构造、新技术和新工艺。积极运用现代光电 传输技术、现代屏幕映像技术、现代人工智能技术、高科技现实的成果。materials are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports
25、, national 3C certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground wire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use.4. 1. 4. 1 electrical piping sys
26、tem installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipe General requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer surface and thesurface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete w
27、ithin the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the junction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in l
28、ength; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cro
29、ss the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe5、重现对软件材料的自由曲线、自由曲面的运用,追求展位环境的有机化 效果。(四)行业性标准行业性标准也可称之为功能性标准,主要是讲形式和内容的统一性问题。(五)文化性标准设计要由突显的风格和品味,其中地域和民族性的文化传统应当有自然而然的 表现,体现历史继承下发展的特征。(六)环境性标准这里包含两层意思
30、。其一是任何一个美的客观存在都是特定环境中实现的,好 的设计必然是在充分研究“街坊四邻”、四周环境后的参物,必须与环境在形式上达到“相宜得彰”;其次是任何一个好的设计都不会造成环境污染,都得符合“可 持续发展”基本国情的要求。除了上述需要注意的之外,展台设计还可充分利用各种可能的要素,如音响、 光线、色彩。这些要素的配套使用,有助于增强工作人员谈话内容的说服力,使参 观者的瞬间好感在有限的时空内能够反复得到证实和加强,为展览后期的联系工作 打好基础。总之,展位设计要坚持内容与形式的统一、整体与局部的统一、科学与 艺术的统一、继承与创新的统一的设计。三、搭建阶段展台搭建是整个展台设计流程中最为重
31、要的一部分。现场施工的好坏决定了项 目设计是否得到了实现。在这一过程中,要注意以下几点。(一)图纸审核通常每个参展商都必须在规定时间内随同指定搭建商申请表提交一份最终的展 位设计图。以供当地消防部门及展馆进行审核。而双层展台的搭建需要审核批准, 所有双层展台设计图必须经由资质的设计师签章。(二)办理搭建手续为了场馆方便管理各搭建商和参展商,有效控制展馆人数,搭建商必须在规定 时间内办理搭建手续,如办理搭建工作员工证件等参展商进场搭建、展览期间以及 退场期间进入展馆的通行证。并在规定时间内完成展台搭建工作,同时得到场馆工 作小组的安全监察,如需整改,必须立刻按照场馆要求整改。materials
32、are organized by party supplies brands enter the entry box shall be accompanied by a certificate of factory, factory inspection reports, national 3C certification and other documents, package integrity; 2, according to drawings, check each of the electric box, note 0, row sets, electric box ground w
33、ire; 3, inspection of materials in a timely manner as and when required, qualified before put into use. 4. 1. 4. 1 electricalpiping system installation 1, General provisions: (1) electric dark pipeGeneral requirements: should be along the lines recently installed, and reduce bending, line pipe outer
34、 surface and the surface should have a thickness of not less than 15MM. (2) the line pipe bend should not wrinkle, buried in concrete within the bending radius should not be less than 10 times the pipe diameter. (3) the line when one of the following conditions are encountered, should install the ju
35、nction box in the Middle, the position of thread: a tube bent over 30 metres in length; B, the tube has a bent more than 20 metres in length; C, hose length over 15M has 2 flexible; d, 3 curved pipe length exceeds 8 metres. 2, PVC fire resistant plastic conduit and wires: (1) line should be avoided
36、when laying drainage reserve holes so as not to cut floor hole damaged wires and tubes and engineering construction. When pipelines cross the expansion joints of buildings or settlement joints expansion joints should be installed. (2) method for flame retardant PVC plastic wire pipe(三)熟悉展览搭建时间安排为了展馆的统一管理,通常在展出前三天安排搭建商统一搭建,值得注意的是 展馆通常每天提供10小时供搭建商搭建,搭建商如需加班搭建必须在当天向展览现 场管理办公室提出申请,并按照展馆的规定支付加班费。展台设计是一个短暂的过程,但是在展台设计之前,作为展台搭建商必须从方 方面面掌握相关的展览资料,并根据客户的要求设计独特、醒目、给人印象深刻的 展台。在搭建前,必须掌握展览时间的安排,充分利用时间,将图纸转变为实体。 从而给参展商提供更多对外宣传的舞台。