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1、语文(一) (满分45分,时间30分忡)一、1.下列各组词语中,读音有错误的-组是()(2分)A处理(chO) 一缕理)要挟仅闪烁(shub)8 .勉强(qidng)胆怯(qi)僻静(bi)简朴(p0)C.标杆(gdn)竣工(j(in)飞翔(xking)担当(ddng)9 .下列各组词语中,有错字的一组是()(2分)A.骏马虚弱纯熟悲惨连绵不断B.惩罚耻辱书籍军阀兴国安帮C.逊色阻挠忧虑剧本应接不暇10 依次填入下列句中括号处的字正确的一组是()(2分)有的城市缺乏统一的规划,经营出租车的单位太多,以()供过于求。(2)我们造计划既要考虑今年,也要考虑明年,以()后年。人们对新上映的几部影片反

2、()很好。观众还未反()过来,球已应声入网了。A.致至应映B.至致映应C.致至映应D.至致应映11 “清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂”这句诗中的清明节在我国还有多种称呼,下列哪种不 是的。(乂2分)A.鬼节B.死节C.寒食节D.冥节12 把卜面几句话排列成段,正确的排列顺序是()(2分)太阳出来了;夕阳收起了最后一缕葭光;湖里的睡莲就张开花瓣,面对着太阳升起的地方欣 喜地等待着;湖里的睡莲都躲到荷叶下乘凉去了。中午,太阳火辣辣的。湖里的睡莲都慢 吞吞地合拢了花翡,似乎睡觉去了。东方露出晨曦。它仿佛知道睡莲的心愿,便把第一束 阳光洒在睡莲身上。C.13 下面句子中,意思与其他三句不同的一句是()

3、(2分)A.他不能给你讲真话。B.他不能不给你讲真话C.他能不给你讲真话吗? D.难道他能不给你讲真话?14 下列四句中,和“风来花自舞”对仗最工整的一句是()(2分)A.云傍马头生B.千树落花红C.山高月上迟D.春到鸟能言二、请在横线上填写诗句。(5分)8.,天下谁人不识君。9.,明月何时照我还。10.死去无知万事空,0 11.南朝四百八十寺.012.1, 花流水螂鱼肥。13 ”语文对我很感兴趣”修改为 (2分) 三、阅读(一).读术面的小诗,完成题目。蒲公英老了,子女问:“有什么遗产?”母亲默默地给每个孩子,一把远飞的伞。14 .请写出这首小诗对你的启示。(2分)15 .你觉得这首小诗有什

4、么特点?(1分)16 .阅读螳螂捕蝉,写出“其”分别具体指什么。(6分)园中有树,其上有蝉。蝉饮露水。不知螳螂在其后;螳螂偶然而至。欲取蝉,而不知黄雀在 其旁;黄雀伸颈想啄螳螂,而不知弹丸在其下。都因想得其前刺,而不顾其后有患。其: 17、阅读下面这篇文章,然后回答后面的问题。(15分)旋律月光淡淡,怕怕给窗边送来一丝浪漫。房间荡漾着欢快的乐曲,我沉浸在这醉人的气氛中, 聆听那美妙的旋律-如一泓清凉的泉水,缓缓地流进心田,令我心旷神怡;似一缕淡淡的芳香, 沁人心脾。蓦然,心中涌起一股莫名的伤感,泪水不禁流了下来这旋律,为何如此熟悉?为何如此令我伤感?哦,父亲的脚步声也富有音乐般的旋律。好想 念

5、,好想念身在异乡的父亲;好怀念有父亲陪伴的那一段难以忘怀的时光;好想,好想再聆听父亲 那富有旋律的脚步声。父亲是一首唱不尽的歌,父亲的脚步声是悦耳的旋律。小时候,我等待父亲旋律般的脚步声。一旦听到他的脚步声,我便会飞一般地跑去开门。 我知道,那是我H盼夜思的父亲回来了。开门后,父亲会抱起我,从行李包拿出一个小玩具给 我,我高兴得大叫起来父亲是一首唱不尽的歌,父亲的脚步声是悦耳的旋律。上学了,懂事了,我仍是等待父亲旋律般的脚步声。但我听到他的脚步声,并没有飞一般 地去开门,而是从房间拿出一张奖状或一张满分的试卷。父亲看见后,高兴地夸奖我,并拿出 事先准备好的文具奖励我,我则默默地告诉自己我一定要

6、努力!父亲是一首唱不尽的歌,父亲的脚步声是悦耳的旋律。现在,我期盼父亲富有旋律的脚步声。父亲在家养病的那一年,每当我遭遇挫折时,总会 听到父亲旋律般的脚步声。父亲安慰我,鼓励我,抚平我心中的伤痕,直到我重新站起来。父 亲时常对我说:“不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹?”我感谢父亲,衷心感谢父亲旋律般的脚步声。现在即使父亲不在我身边陪伴我,我也会笑 着面对生活中的风雨,因为父亲旋律般的脚步声时常在我身边回响。但我仍然期盼聆听父亲的 脚步声,父亲那富有旋律的脚步声,是那样坚定,那样悦耳历史的车轮依然转动着,世界在变化,小树在成长,但父亲的脚步声不会变,永远是那样 富有旋律,永远是我前进的动力,永远让我怀念旋

7、律在飞扬,我的思想在穿越,我的热血在沸腾,我的心灵在感动;旋律在飞扬,我的笑脸 在张开,我的理智在升华,我的生活充满阳光。这是一股不可抵挡的力量,这是一段不可磨灭 的记忆,这是一份不可遗弃的爱。(1)作者围绕父亲的脚步声写了哪几件事? (3分)(2)文章三次写到父亲的脚步声是悦耳的旋律,这三次的顺序能不能调换?为什么? (3分)(3)文章第二段作者为什么说旋律是如此熟悉又是如此令我伤感? (3分)(4 )父亲的脚步声具有什么特点? (3分)(5 )文中“旋律”的真正含义是什么? (3分)英语(一) (满分45分,时间30分钟)一、单词辨音,选出发音不同的一项。(每小题I分,共5分)()1.A.

8、 hard B. car C. farm D. warm()2. A. yellow B. young C. thirty_ D. year()3. A. coat B. clock C. cow D. juice()4. A. beside B. nice C. milk D. behind()5. A. family B. black C. ant D. watch二、单项选则。(每小题1芬,共5分)()6. Whose T-shirt is this? Is it Sallys?No. it isnt.is white.A. My B. Mine C. Her D. Hers()7.Ho

9、w do I go to your home?You can go there. Its not far.A. by car B. on foot C. by plane()8.What is that on the table?一Oh, a set of on the table.A. key is B. keys arc C. keys is D. key are ()9. Get off the cinema .A . at B . on C . inD. for()10.当别人给你一个很好的建议时,你会说:A. Thank you. B. Good idea! C. How are y

10、ou?三、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Hello, everyone. I11. Mary Smith. Nice to meet you! I want to 12, somethingabout my 13.Here is a 14. of my family! These are my grandparents. This 15. my father andhis name is Bob. This is my mother and 16. name is Alice. We arc 17, Beijing withmy grandparents. And these are my

11、 18. and my uncle. My aunts name is Gina andmy 19, name is Tony. Lucy is their daughter. She is my 20. Lucy and her parents arein Shanghai.I have a happy family. And you?()11. A. beB. amC. isD. are()12. A. listenB. lookC. sayD. draw()13. A. classB. schoolC. nameD. family()14. A. mapB. quiltC. photoD

12、. telephone()15.A. beB. amC. isD. arc()16. A. herB. hisC. myD.your()17. A. toB. onC. inD. of()18. A. sisterB. momC. auntD. grandma()19. A. brothersB. unclesC. dadsD. grandpas()20. A. studentB. sisterC. girlD. cousin四、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)读短文,判断正误。对的涂“A”,错的涂“B”。It is in summer. A young man comes to a for

13、est (森林).Hes walking along the edge (边缘)of the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is a forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A wolf is gelling ready to jump on him.What should he do? He must jump into the river. In the river there is a crocodile (鳄鱼).Its mo

14、uth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. And he hears the wolf jumps, but nothing happens to him. Then he opens his eyes and finds the wolf is now in the mouth of the crocodile.()21. There is a river on the right of the young man.()22. A young woman comes to a forest.()23. There is a wolf on

15、(he right of the young man.()24. The crocodile jumps on the young man .()25. The crocodile eats (he wolf.读短文,回答问题。The Fanner, His Horse, and His sonOnce there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Fat

16、her and son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired. They met two men on the road who said, Why arc you walking, farmer? You have a horse. Its a long way to markel(市场).The farmer know that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked.Then they met two old wo

17、men, *What arc you doing up there, fanner? Cant you see how tired boy is? So the farmer got down, and his son r(xle instead.Next, three old men stopped them, one said, Why are you walking, farmer? Get up. Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today, So the farmer got up behind his son, and the

18、y rode on.Some time later, a young woman passed them, Why arent you walking? she asked, It isnt far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest.So the fanner, and his son. got down once again. It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.( )26.The farmer wanted to sell the horse.A.

19、 before it was deadB. before it become too (iredC. before it market was over D. before it was as old as he was( )27. The two men on the road.A. asked how far it was to the marketB. said they thought the horse looked very tiredC. asked why the farmer was not riding on his horseD. told the fanners son

20、 to get off the horse and walk( )28. The two old women said il was wrong for.A. the farmer to ride such a tired horseB. the fanner to ride while his young son walkedC. the boy to ride instead of his fatherD. only one person to ride such a long way( )29. The farmer got up behind his son because.A. th

21、e old man said it was too hot for him to walkB. the three old men stopped them on the roadC. he did not know why he was walkingD. his son could not ride the horse by himself()30. The young woman was most sorry.A. for the old man B. tor (he farmers young sonC. that it was not far lo the market D. for the horse五、用括号内词的适当形式填空,使语句通顺。(每小题1分,共5分)31. The American(take) about five days to get there in 1969.32.1 (am)in Beijing 5 years ago.33 .People in the( western ) celebrate Halloween every year.34 .Thank you for( give ) me the picture of Li Yuchun.35 . Id like( drink ) some black tea.


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