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1、帕克探员我猜你不是因为私事而来的吧Agent Park, Im guessing youre not here on a social call. 我想亲自告诉你I wanted to tell you in person.今天早上理查德特罗特死在医院了Richard Trott died in the hospital this morning.死因是中风引起的并发症Complications from his stroke.我的天啊Oh, my God.杰克卡赞不是特罗特杀的Trott didnt kill Jake Cazine,不过他可能有真凶的线索but it*s likely he
2、 had info on whoever did.或许是有人不想让他开口Could be someone was trying to silence him.也或许只是有人对Could be somebody他被释放而感到忿忿不平was simply upset he was about to walk.我正在调查看这是否是一起谋杀案件Im investigating his death for foul play.有没有什么信息是你想要提供给我的Is there anything at all that you wanted to share with me, 鉴于特罗特倒下的时候你正好在警
3、局里since you were at the station when Trott collapsed?我一直在候补区忙着呢I was just working in the bullpen.监控录像显示在你和泰姆伯伦斯冲进来以前Security footage shows that your desk was empty 你的办公桌一直都是空着的until you with Temperance.而在这之前你人又在哪里Where were you right before that?够了That is enough.我们得走了We have to go now.我们正一起从停车场走进来We
4、 were just walking in from the parking lot together.还有别的问题吗No scientific explanation needed?虽然科学解释不了Just because science canrt explain it,但并不意味着它不存在doesn*t mean its not real.想不到你的思想居然这么开放Huh. Thats refreshingly open-minded.你们要抓什么贝斯叫它铜斑蛇What were you trying to catch? Bess called it the Copperhead?那就是
5、你正在找的Oh, that would be the serial killer连环杀手that youre looking for.事实上这也是件科学无法解释的事情Turns out, thats also a thing science cant explain.那就不用科学原理来解释吧Well, then elaborate without science.就像你说的轻重缓急Like you said, triage.还是先解决光怪吧Deal with the light monster first.你好你有事吗Hello? Can I help you?抱歉Oh, sorry.我在给奈
6、德留言I was just leaving a note for Ned.我是伊芙请用“她指代我Im Eve. Pronouns, she/her.乔治也用“她”George. She/her.你认识尼克吗You know Nick?你就是他的未婚妻对吧Youre Neds fiancee, right?恭喜啊Congrats.我是奈德在佛罗里达的朋友我们从穿纸尿裤开始Im a friend of Neds from Florida. We go way back,就认识了他就像是我的兄弟to, like, diapers. Hes basically my brother.他在吗Uh, is
7、 he around?我.不知道他在哪里I. dont know where he is.老实说你在Actually, its-its他消失的同一天出现这真的很诡异really weird timing, you showing up on the day that hes missing.不是真正的消失了Well, no, not-not missing-missing.他只是Hes just.暂时性的失联了off the grid, temporarily.在奈德成长的过程中如果他有心事Growing up, if Ned had something on his mind,他就会消失并且
8、自己去处理hed disappear to handle it alone,通常会带上一品脱的黄油山核桃usually with a pint of butter pecan.让他妈妈抓狂Drove his mom crazy.是啊他确实这么干过Yeah, hes done that before;可我看过他的冰箱里面是满的but I checked his freezer, and its-its fully stocked.看来他并没有改变多少So, he hasnt changed that much.我打算去找他你想一起吗Im gonna go look for him if you
9、want to come.或许我们有机会增加对彼此的了解Maybe itll give us a chance to get to know each other better?我非常愿意Id love that.第一次来缅因州吗First time in Maine?这么明显吗Is it that obvious?尼克Nick?沙发还给你我这就搬走You can have your couch back. Ill go.好吧没回应看来不是关于沙发的事Okay, nothing, so maybe itfs-its not about the couch,这是个好消息which is-is g
10、ood news.谁在那Who*s there?可能只是旧的管道Probably just old pipes.“可能只是旧的管道谁Probably just old pipes* Who?或许尼克来过我检查看看Maybe Nick was here. Til look.我有个问题-你说Question. -Yeah?你已经在德鲁家的沙发上睡了一个月了Youve been occupying Drew sofa space all month.这种感觉会消失吗Does that feeling ever go away?你指背部的感觉吗不The bad back? No.不不你会适应的No,
11、no, you just, you adapt.我指的是心理负担I mean the burden.那种你知道吃白食的感觉That feeling, you know, from the. freeloading.哥们听着听着听着Oh, dude, listen, listen, listen.你不需要给自己这么大压力好吗You dont, you dont have to be so hard on yourself okay?你这样没事的Hey, youre doing fine.是吗Am I?一个成年人交不起房♥租Is a grown man who cant afford
12、 rent对自己的人生没有规划这样也叫没事吗and doesnt know what hes doing with his life fine?好吧那你定义一下Okay, define“吃白食”Freeloading.别担心了你有睡沙发的资格Dont sweat it. I mean, youre allowed to be the couch guy. 爸爸被捕了你的钱全没了他们不会怪你的Dad got arrested, you lost all your money. Its fine.门卡住了Its stuck.放我们出去Hey, let us out.你在跟谁说话呢Who you t
13、alking to?那个把我们困在的家伙我猜是个超自然生物Whatever* trapped us in here. Guessing its supernatural.你怎么知道不是钱链生锈了How do you know its not just rusty hinges?我对这些事情的直觉已经很准确了Ive developed a feel for these things.我在历史协会的数据库里查到了So, I searched the Historical Society database.这东西叫做燃烧的悲伤This thing is called the Burning Sorr
14、ows.它不是人类Its not human.我已经接受这个设定了Premise accepted.它会把人们烧死Okay, so it scorches people to death这样就能以他们最伤心的事为食了in order to feed on their greatest heartbreaks.有毒的光线像四肢一样Um, rays of poisonous light从它的本体伸展开来extend like limbs from its body,如果你被灼伤and if it burns you,那么伤口中的毒液then the venom in the wound会唤起你最痛
15、苦的记忆will awaken your most painful memories.症状包括:精神错乱Uh, symptoms include: delirium,伤口感染infection at the point of contact,散发痛苦emitting suffering,不知道这是什么意思以及死亡whatever that means, uh, and death.那里面有好的消息吗Got any good news in there?如果它在你死亡以前消化完了If it consumes your most gut-wrenching你最痛苦的记忆它就会返回到休眠状态memo
16、ry before you die, then it returns to a dormant state, 毒液也会被中和这倒是不错and the venom is neutralized. Thats good-ish.然后它会一直潜伏Then it hibernates直到被唤醒比如我们这些新手错误的使用了until something awakes it again, something like us novices魔力强大的超自然诱饵misusing powerful supernatural bait.我们得保护她或许我们可以We need to protect her. May
17、be we can feed用其他伤心的事来喂给这个燃烧的悲伤the Burning Sorrows other heartbreaks instead.没错或许能行Yeah, it could work.我们以前用我的恐惧吸引了幽灵的注意力We got the Wraiths attention by feeding it my fears, so.这种事情你们多久会碰到一次How often does this happen to you?经常碰到Often enough.我们试试吧我多的是伤心事Lets give it a try. Tve got heartbreaks to spar
18、e.为了救乔治而失去了奥黛特L-Losing Odette to save George.为了保护莉丝贝特而对她撒谎Lying to Lisbeth to protect her.背叛戴安娜阿姨Betraying Aunt Diana.我觉得有效果I think its working.被我妈妈赶出家门Getting kicked out by my mum.失去了我的妈妈和亲生母亲Losing my mom and my biological mother.我的祖母因为我而被杀害了My grandmother getting murdered because of me.发现我不是我父母的亲
19、生女儿Finding out that my parents arent my birth parents.埃莉诺哈里斯Eleanor Harris.它想要泰姆伯伦斯It wants Temperance.她被盯上了Shes marked.那么唯一能So, the only way活着离开这里的办法to get out of here alive就是找到泰姆伯伦斯最痛苦的伤心事is to find out Temperance greatest heartbreak并且喂给那个怪物and feed it to the monster.你真的认为泰姆伯伦斯也会感到伤心吗Do you really
20、 think Temperance is capable of heartbreak?我只是想帮你们的忙All I ever wanted to do was help.好啊那赶紧的我们聊聊伤心事吧Okay, so help. Lets talk heartbreaks.她不是真的She*s not real.这不可能Its impossible.那是谁Who is that?我的女儿查乐蒂My daughter, Charity.她是你最伤心的回忆吗Is she your greatest heartbreak?因为我们得把她喂给那个怪物Because we need to feed her
21、 to the monster.我不会把她给你的You cannot have her!泰姆伯伦斯Temperance.没事了Its okay.这妹子就这么跑来了而且她还知道So, this girl just shows up knowing all these things你和尼克之间的一切吗about you and Nick today?放松我调查过伊芙了看Relax. Eve checks out. Look.她有男朋友她的妹妹们喜欢防弹少年团Shes got a boyfriend, her sisters like BTS;她知道怎么使用逗号♥and she kno
22、ws her way around a comma.有什么理由不喜欢她呢Whats not to like?你翻看了她多少照片啊Yeah, how far back did you scroll?对你来说足够了Enough for you.你不是唯一一个会过分操心的人好吗Youre not the only one who gets to be overprotective, okay?你能多告诉我们一些尼克的故事吗Can you tell us more stories about Nick?好啊Yeah!你为什么一直叫他奈德Why do you keep calling him Ned?那
23、才是他的真名Thats his real name.他肯定是最近才把名字改成尼克的He mustve just started going by Nick recently.在他被逮捕以前你就认识他了吗So did you know him before he got arrested?在他打橄榄球的时候Back when he played football?他从来没有提及他的过去是吗Never spoke about his past, huh?他昨天告诉过我们He told us about it yesterday.是吗他说过Oh, he did.是这样当时孩子们在画画Yeah, th
24、e kids drew pictures内容是关于他们长大后想成为什么样的人of what they want to be when they grow up.这让我和尼克开始讨论It got Nick and I talking我们曾经对于自己未来的想法about what we wanted to be, before.后来他就失踪了And then he went MIA.我确实提到过当我感到压力大的时候I did mention that going on a walkabout helped me 徒步旅行对我很有帮助when I had a lot to process.徒步旅行A
25、 walkabout?他能去哪里徒步旅行呢Where would he walkabout to他又为什么要去徒步旅行呢and what-what is he walking about about?他最近有什么心事吗Uh. what*s been on his mind lately?这还真是个好问题That is a very good question.你在干What are you.我得走了Hey, I-I got to go.他像你这么大的时候When he was your age,是个十足的傻瓜he was a total goofball.如果不是很擅长把老师们逗开心Ned w
26、ouldVe gotten detention more, 奈德会被关更多次禁闭的but he was so good at making the teachers laugh.你能你能把门打开吗Oh. Can you, can you open the door?你撒谎了你以前来过缅因州You lied. You have been to Maine.我忘记发过这张照片了I forgot that was on my timeline.你为什么来这你爱上尼克了吗Why are you here? Are you in love with Nick?没有我没有爱上他No, Im not in
27、love with him.我&hearts汗&hearts嘛要相信你说的话呢Why would I believe anything that you say?在你被冻死之前赶紧进去好吗Go inside before you freeze to death, okay?我自己去找尼克PH find Nick myself.好啊Yes.档案上说燃烧的悲伤的毒液The archives said the Burning Sorrows* venom会唤醒被害人的痛苦记忆awakens painful memories in its victims,我们看到的可能就是泰姆伯伦斯散发出来的悲伤so
28、 maybe what were seeing is Temperance emitting suffering, 她投射出来的记忆projecting memories.那个女孩泰姆伯伦斯的女儿The girl, Temperances daughter,来自于一个完全不同的时代was from an entirely different era.是啊我注意到了Yes, I noticed.如果我们告诉你泰姆伯伦斯What if we told you that Temperance快有200岁了呢is about 200 years old?那我会说她挺会保养啊秘诀是什么fd say sh
29、e aged well. Whats her secret?如果我们救不了她这还重要吗Does it matter if we can*t save her now?明白了Point taken.人生中没有多少事情会比失去孩子There are few things in this life more heartbreaking 更令人心碎的了than the loss of a child.这肯定就是怪物的目标Must be what the monster wants.好吧我们能不能慢慢来Okay, can we just tread lightly?知道了查乐蒂是怎么死的Got it.
30、How did Charity die?南茜你不能Nancy, you cant再给你喝点茶More tea.泰姆伯伦斯我们想帮你活下来Temperance, we want to help you survive.能跟我们说说你女儿的事吗Could you tell us about your daughter?也许她的死亡被写进了小镇记录里茶来了Maybe her death is in the town records. -Tea.救命的茶Tea to the rescue.“查乐蒂哈德森陶于1863年7月2日去世*Charity Hudson Dow passed away on Ju
31、ly 2,1863时年18岁去世时她的丈夫at the age of 18, She was survived by her husband.* 就是他造成的Hes the reason that shes gone.查乐蒂的丈夫杀了她吗Did Charitys husband kill her?查乐蒂是内战时期的一位护士Charity was a nurse in the Civil War.她属于缅因州第二十军团Uh, she was a part of the 20th Maine Regiment.被列为葛底斯堡战役的伤员Listed as a casualty at the Batt
32、le of Gettysburg.泰姆伯伦斯这就是葛底斯堡吗Temperance, is this Gettysburg?躺着的就是查乐蒂Theres Charity again.Is there anything else?我还会再问你的Fil get back to you on that神探南茜第三季第八集我们打算把那个超自然杀手称作“铜斑蛇”Were going to call the supernatural killer因为它戴了那顶帽子the Copperhead because of the hat it wears.是我想到的Oh. Um, I thought of that
33、.我做了一次图片搜索Um, I did an image search and found找至这张内战时期的政♥治♥漫画this political cartoon from the Civil War,是关于铜斑蛇帽子的uh, with Copperheadsin hats.Copperhead又指南北战争时同情南方的北方人蛇戴上帽子Snakes wearing hats,这也是缤趣上的热门吗一款图片分享类社交应用which is a thing again on Pinterest.是啊不过你当年见过原版的Yeah, but you were there for
34、 the O.G. Version.你知道吗有时候我都忘了你是1824年出生的You know, sometimes I forget youve been alive since 1824.顺便说一句你看上去美丽极了You look amazing, by the way.你们真的已经去过了And youve actually been它在地下的老巢吗to its underground lair?是啊南茜找到了你们在特罗特记忆里Yeah. Yes, so Nancy found the cage看到过的那个牢笼that you saw in Trotts memory weave.直到汉娜
35、,格伦把它放出来之前Now, the Copperhead was imprisoned there铜斑蛇都被关在里面until Hannah Gruen let it out.作为首席实习生我觉得清理她的烂摊子她死的时候你在吗Were you there when she died?1863 年In 1863,泰姆伯伦斯躲起来了大家以为她死了Temperance was in hiding, presumed dead.可我还是不惜一切代价Yet I risked everything去试着寻找to try to find我的女儿my daughter.我去了葛底斯堡I went to Ge
36、ttysburg,可是太迟了but I was too late.他在用灵魂分离器就像我们对乔治做的那样Hes using the soul-splitter, like we did with George. 他自愿成为白衣女人的棋子The Women in White had a willing pawn 并利用查乐蒂来进行灵魂分♥裂♥仪式perform the soul-splitter ritual on Charity.他们把她的灵魂分成了四片They split her soul into four pieces,分别附在了战场上which they e
37、ntwined with the souls四个不同的士兵身上of four soldiers on the battlefield, 这样我就永远也找不到她了so that I would never find her.他们分♥裂&hearts渣乐蒂的灵魂So, they split Charitys soul只是为了不让她的母亲和她告别吗to keep her mother from saying goodbye?我想象不到比这更令人心碎的事了I can*t imagine a greater heartbreak.肯定就是这件事Thats got to be the one
38、.我们要怎么把它喂给燃烧的悲伤呢How do we feed it to the Burning Sorrows?我们把窗户打开We open up the windows.放它进来Let it in.准备好了吗Ready?泰姆伯伦斯Temperance!伤口扩大了The wound just spread.她没有脉搏了I cant find a pulse.南茜还记不记得你的血液Nancy, remember when your blood, 对于泰姆伯伦斯来说就像是肉毒杆菌 like, literally Botoxed Temperance?还剩下一些Theres some left.你
39、的血液有什么效果Your blood did what?有效果了Its working.不Oh, no.我们需要更多血液We need more blood.好吧Okay.笺笺 寺寺Wait!好吧这是我从未见过Okay, thats not something. Tve ever seen before 也从来没推荐过的行为or would have recommended.足够了Thats enough.我去给你找块饼干Ell find youa cookie或者一瓶果汁或者其他什么东西 or a juice box or something.我马上就回来Ill be right back.
40、喂Hello?你很忙吗Hey. Are you busy?有点忙Uh, kind of.怎么了Whats up?是这样现在Okay, the thing is, is that right now.没事我们Nothing. Were, uh.找她帮忙Ask her for help.正在寻找尼克.look-looking for Nick.我相信他会Im sure that he1!.他没事吧Is he okay?我I, um.我正在破解一个谜团Im trying to solve a puzzle.埃斯你能不能看看你在马休,伯克的帐篷里Ace, can you look at those p
41、hotos you took拍的那些照片of Matthew Burkes tent?我记得他写到过一个反复出现的I remember him writing about recurring nightmares 关于战场的噩梦about a battlefield.我想知道他的噩梦I just was wondering if his nightmares是不是和葛底斯堡有关were about Gettysburg.你那边发生什么事了Whatfs going on over there?我们被困在-没事Were stuck in. -Nothing.我们Uh, were帐篷里的照片葛底斯堡
42、我们马上去查Tent pictures, Gettysburg- were on that.谢谢你再见Thank you. Bye.你为什么不告诉她我们被某个生气的超自然门锁Why didnt you tell her we were trapped in here困在这里了呢by some supernatural, angry door lock?因为听上去她也有自己的问题要处理Cause it sounded like she was dealing with something herself. 而且我受够了依靠别人And Im tired of leaning on other pe
43、ople来解决我的问题to fix my messes for me.你也应该这样You should be, too.听着不管是你的生活出了问题Hey. Listen, whateverrs going on in your life还是你和南茜之间出了问题都别拿我出气好吗or with Nancy, dont take it out on me, okay?这跟南茜无关Its not about Nancy.你就自欺欺人吧Keep telling yourself that.来Here.让我帮你吧Let me help you.没想到你的拿手好戏是“神秘的血液仪式Didnt expect
44、your go-to move to be Mystical blood ritual. 不过我很佩服你的献身精神But I admire the commitment.彼此彼此Oh. Same.你也以值得称赞的热情You, uh, you jumped into the situation跳进了现在的情况with commendable zeal.像是那种会全情投人的人Seem like the type of person who goes all in.就像我们刚刚大声喊出伤心事的时候Like when we were shouting heartbreaks earlier你说了一个名
45、字and you said a name.埃莉诺哈里斯Eleanor Harris.她She the, uh.离开你了吗one that got away?我并不认识埃莉诺哈里斯I never met Eleanor Harris.我是在康涅狄格州I saw her in the ER一家教学医院的急诊室看见的她at a teaching hospital in Connecticut我当时是那里的心理住院医师while I was doing my psych residency there.埃莉诺出什么事了What happened to Eleanor?她在校园枪击案中一把被突击步&hearts枪&hea