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1、www.readinga-Visit www.readinga- for thousands of books and materials.Written by Susan LennoxTWZWriting and ArtWrite a newspaper article for students about the World Trade Center.Include the construction and destruction of the Twin Towers as well as future plans for that area.Social StudiesConstruct
2、 a map of New York City,including five major buildings that are part of the citys current skyline.Use information from the book and additional resources as needed.ConnectionsLEVELED BOOK ZA New SkylineA Reading AZ Level Z Leveled BookWord Count:1,529A New Skylinewww.readinga-How has New York Citys s
3、kyline changed?Focus QuestionWritten by Susan LennoxA New SkylineLevel Z Leveled Book Learning AZWritten by Susan LennoxAll rights reserved.www.readinga-A New SkylineCorrelationLEVEL ZUVN/A50Fountas&PinnellReading RecoveryDRAFront cover:The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River from Brooklyn to Lower
4、 Manhattan Island.Title page:A photo taken from a helicopter shows a spectacular birds-eye view of Lower Manhattan Island.Page 3:A construction worker perched on a beam(top)bolts the framework of the Empire State Building,1930.A Port Authority policeman(bottom)monitors traffic from his electric patr
5、ol car in the Holland Tunnel,New York City.Photo Credits:Front cover,back cover:Ultima_Gaina/iStock/Thinkstock;title page:Giovanni Gagliardi/123RF;page 3(top):Corbis;pages 3(bottom),10,12:Bettmann/Corbis;page 4(top):Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee/123RF;page 4(center):AndreyKrav/iStock/Thinkstock;page 4(b
6、ottom):MIHAI ANDRITOIU/iStock/Thinkstock;page 5:Historic Map Works LLC/Historic Map Works/Getty Images;page 8:Alan Schein Photography/Corbis;page 9(top):Ewing Galloway/Alamy;page 9(bottom):cmarcus/iStock/Thinkstock;page 11:SSPL/The Image Works;page 13:Tamara Beckwith/REX USA;page 14:Brett Critchley/
7、D;page 15:Vladone/iStock/ThinkstockbehemothcomplexdwarfedingeniousinnovationslandmarkspanoramicperimeterprominentsilhouetteskeletonverticallyWords to Know34Table of ContentsIntroduction .4Growing the Big Apple .5Building an Empire .9Twin Giants Rise,Then Fall .11A New Tower Rises from the Ashes .14G
8、lossary .16IntroductionWhat would Paris be without the Eiffel Tower,or London without its famous clock tower,Big Ben?All over the world,cities are recognizable by a silhouette of structures reaching skyward to form their unique skylines.Architecture and skylines are unique identifiers of places,just
9、 as your fingerprints are one-of-a-kind identifiers of you.Unlike fingerprints,however,skylines dont stay the same foreverthey change,sometimes gradually and at other times quite suddenly.New York City is a great example of a place whose skyline has seen both kinds of changes.Skyscrapers have risen,
10、fallen,and risen again.From its start as a Dutch colony to its current status as a major world hub,New Yorks skyline has evolved to reflect the changing times.LondonParisNew YorkA New Skyline Level Z56Growing the Big AppleNew York City wasnt always a towering metropolis.It began as a Dutch trade out
11、post in the seventeenth century when,in 1609,explorer Henry Hudson sailed the Half Moon into the mouth of the river that would eventually bear his name and called the port New Amsterdam.Eventually,New Amsterdam was taken over by the British and renamed New York.The British port continued to expand a
12、nd grow well into the 1700s.By the time the American Revolution had begun,four thousand buildings were tightly packed on the streets of southern Manhattan Island.Further expansion occurred during the nineteenth century as New York turned into a major American city when its increasingly diverse popul
13、ationand its skylinegrew rapidly.The end of the Civil War in 1865 brought droves of freed slaves north in search of work,followed by waves of European immigrants seeking opportunity in Americas manufacturing and trade centers.Many of these refugees made their home on New York Citys Manhattan Island.
14、By the late 1800s,New York was the most densely populated city in the United States.By 1925,it was the most densely populated city in the world.All the citys new residents needed places to live,work,and shop,and the citys borders gradually crept northward as new stores,factories,and homes were built
15、.Manhattan Island,however,is only about 23 square miles(59.6 sq km)in area.It wasnt long before buildable sites became few and far between.Eventually,there was no more room for the city to expand at ground level.The only place to grow was skyward.To do that,new building methods had to be employed.Up
16、 until then,traditional construction methods used walls to support a buildings weight.Since the walls on the first floor had to bear the weight of all the floors and the roof above them,they had to be particularly sturdy.Consequently,building height was limited,as there was no practical way to build
17、 walls strong enough to support a building with many floors.An 1884 illustration of Lower Manhattan Island shows how little of the citys structure and skyline was developed at the time.A New Skyline Level Z78A new construction method used a steel frame instead of the walls to support a structure.Eno
18、rmous steel beams were connected together to form a buildings skeleton.Then the walls were hung from the beams,much like curtains from a rod,and attached at the bottom to the floor.With this method,the walls of a buildings upper floors were not weighing down on the walls beneath them.The bulk of the
19、ir weight was instead distributed along the steel beams holding them up.Steel frame construction made it possible for buildings to reach new heights.By the turn of the twentieth century,New York City housed a number of huge structures dubbed skyscrapers.Soon skyscrapers were going up one after anoth
20、er as builders and architects competed to make the worlds tallest building.The Chrysler Building,an Art Deco style skyscraper,was funded by automobile tycoon Walter Chrysler.Buildings of the New York City Skyline1 1899 Park Row Building 391 feet(119 m)29 stories2 1908 Singer Building 612 feet(186.5
21、m)37 stories3 1909 Met Life Tower 700 feet(213 m)50 stories4 1913 Woolworth Building 792 feet(241 m)55 stories5 1930 Chrysler Building 1,048 feet(319 m)77 stories6 1931 Empire State Building 1,454 feet(443 m)103 stories7 1970 World Trade Center 1,727 feet(526 m)(North Tower)110 stories8 2014 One Wor
22、ld Trade Center 1,776 feet(541 m)104 stories123478651899 1908 1909 1913 1930 1931 1970 2014A New Skyline Level Z910Building an EmpireBy the late 1920s,New York Citys skyline had risen to new heights.It was during this time that two of the citys most famous landmarks were built.In 1928,the seventy-se
23、ven-story Chrysler Building was under construction and locked in a floor-by-floor duel for the title of worlds tallest with another building being erected nearby.So fierce was the competition for this title that the Chrysler builder smuggled a tall spire onto the top of his structure.The secret plan
24、 worked.The Chrysler Building became the worlds tallest structure and also the only one taller than 1,000 feet(305 m).But the Chrysler Buildings reign was short-lived.Just blocks away,a steel-framed behemoth was rising.The Empire State Building would take the crown for worlds tallest.It would also c
25、ome to define the city it called home.Workers broke ground on the Empire State Building in January 1930.Amazingly,it was completed just 410 days later,thanks to more than 3,000 workers who contributed skills and labor.The 103-story steel and granite building stood over 1,400 feet(427 m)tall.Sixty-fo
26、ur elevators carried people from the ground to the 80th floor in less than one minute.An outside observation deck on the 86th floor and an inside deck on the 102nd floor provided panoramic views of the city.The Empire State Building became the symbol of New York City.It was named one of the Seven Wo
27、nders of the Modern World and was featured in many books and movies.It wore the crown of worlds tallest building for nearly forty years,until deposed by twin giants rising downtown.The Port AuthorityThe Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is an organization formed in 1921.Its purpose was to de
28、velop,modernize,and operate trade and transportation facilities in both New Jersey and New York City.The Port Authority still owns and manages much of the 16-acre(64,750 sq m)World Trade Center complex.The Empire State Building during construction(above)and completed(below).Four-and-a-half stories w
29、ere added per week.The Port Authority was in charge of building the George Washington Bridge,which connects Manhattan and New Jersey.A New Skyline Level Z1112Twin Giants Rise,Then FallAfter the Empire State Building was built,skyscraper construction fell into a slump due to a struggling American eco
30、nomy.It was not until 1970 that the citys skyline would grow even higher.In the 1960s,city officials considered building a“world trade center”a hub for international commercein Lower Manhattan.The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey was in charge of the project.Architect Minoru Yamasaki propos
31、ed twin towers as part of the multibuilding complex of offices and storefronts.The 110-story towers would include some structural innovations.One such innovation was the use of tube-frame construction instead of steel frame construction.Each tower would be similar to a hollow square pipe,with vertic
32、al columns spaced closely along its exterior perimeter.Surrounding the edge of the building with main support columns reduced the number of interior supports required.This created much more usable floor space.Another innovation was the use of sky lobbies.Building height dictates the number of elevat
33、ors needed to move people and freight.Given the size of the towers,Yamasaki proposed an elevator system modeled after the citys subway lines.People could take an express elevator directly to a sky lobby on a higher floor while bypassing the floors beneath it and then transfer to a local elevator tha
34、t would stop at each of the next ten floors above.This system was an ingenious and efficient way to transport people vertically,reducing the number of elevator shafts needed.Who Was Elisha Otis?How were people supposed to get to the upper floors of a skyscraper?Climbing hundreds of stairs wasnt a re
35、alistic optionelevators were needed.Early elevators,however,werent as safe as they should have been.Thanks to Elisha Otis,this problem was resolved.Otis designed the first safety elevator in 1854.The elevators platform would fall only a few inches if the cable holding it broke.He also designed engin
36、es to power the elevator.Without a doubt,Otiss invention was necessary to the development of tall buildings.The next time youre in an elevator,look around.Theres a good chance youll see the name“Otis”somewhere inside!Over 3,500 workers helped build the World Trade Centers twin towers during their pe
37、ak of construction.A New Skyline Level Z1314Construction of the towers began in 1966.The North Tower,which was completed in December 1970,measured 1,727 feet(526 m)tall at the tip of its spire.On the top floor,the Windows on the World restaurant offered diners a breathtaking view.The South Tower,rea
38、ching 1,362 feet(415 m)in height,was finished seven months later.Beneath both buildings was a parking garage,a railroad,and subway stations.The Twin Towers were a striking addition to the citys skyline.Located some distance from the citys other tall skyscrapers,they dwarfed the surrounding buildings
39、.They were the tallest and most prominent structures on Manhattan Island for thirty years.Then disaster struck.On the morning of September 11,2001,hijackers flew two passenger jets into the towers.Within an hour after the attack,the South Tower began to collapse and crumble to the ground.The North T
40、ower followed thirty minutes later.New Yorkers watched in stunned disbelief as these enormous structures were reduced to heaps of burning rubble.Nearly three thousand people died as a result of the attack.A New Tower Rises from the AshesThe World Trade Center tragedy devastated New York and the rest
41、 of the country.New Yorkers mourned the loss of their neighbors and their landmark.They vowed to rebuild an even bigger,better World Trade Center site.Excavating the ruins of the old towers took time.Plans for the site took years to develop.There were many ideas and opinions on what should be done,a
42、nd many designs were submitted with considerable controversy.Finally,the Port Authority unveiled the design for the new World Trade Center complex.One area was set aside as a memorial park for those who lost their lives that day.The sites where the original buildings stood are now reflecting pools w
43、ith cascading waterfalls.A memorial museum contains historical artifacts from the old towers.On September 11,2001,terrorists flew two planes into the Twin Towers.A New Skyline Level Z1516Nearby,a new 104-story tower has been constructed.Nicknamed the Freedom Tower,the structure rises an amazing 1,77
44、6 feet(541 m),symbolizing the year of the United States independence and making it taller than either of the original towers.The glass-paneled tower has a twisted octagonal shape with a reflective surface that mirrors the changes in light around it.At the top is a spire equipped with a light beam th
45、at is visible for miles.Several other high-rise buildings are being constructed at the site as well.By the year 2020,the new World Trade Center complex should be complete.New Yorks ever-changing skyline will reflect the resilient spirit of a city that continues to adapt and grow.Glossarybehemoth(n.)
46、someone or something with immense size or power(p.9)complex(n.)a group of buildings close to one another used for a common purpose(p.11)dwarfed(v.)caused something to seem smaller or less important(p.13)ingenious(adj.)having or demonstrating cleverness,skill,or intricacy(p.12)innovations(n.)new idea
47、s,products,or ways of doing something(p.11)landmarks(n.)important historical buildings or sites;objects on land that mark a place(p.9)panoramic(adj.)having a complete view in every direction(p.10)perimeter(n.)the measurement around the outside edge of an area or surface(p.12)prominent(adj.)easily se
48、en,standing out,or important(p.13)silhouette(n.)a solid,dark shape surrounded by light or set against a light background(p.4)skeleton(n.)a framework that supports a structure,such as a building(p.8)vertically(adv.)in a way that is straight up and down(p.12)One of the two reflecting pools at the World Trade Center Memorial.Both feature the largest human-made waterfalls in the United States.One World Trade CenterA New Skyline Level Z