1、【读书心得】心得体会是一种产生感想之后写下的文字,主要作用是用来记录自己的所思 所感,是一种读书和学习实践后所写的感受文字, 以下是整理的左传读书心得 体会范文汇总五篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。左传记事上起鲁隐公下至鲁哀公。这两百多年的历史之河中急流奔腾, 诸多诸侯国政治上的动荡与变故,君王的生卒和更替,强宗大族的争权夺势,执 政者的阴谋权术,国与国往来与战争等,告诉了我们春秋时代人们的生活方式和 风俗习惯,告诉我们了历史的经验。我还记得书中最让我伤感的是伍子胥掘开楚 平王坟墓鞭尸的情节。一个只有家仇不顾国恨的人留下了永远的的凄惶,成功换 来的是最大的失败,最大的痛苦。读历史让我明白:没
2、有胜者!齐桓公看似胜利了,作为春秋时期第一个霸主,尊王攘夷,九合诸侯,何等 威风,却在饥渴中悲惨死去。桓公死后,众公子忙于争夺王位,发丧之时,桓公 之尸已腐烂不堪,齐国霸业随之衰落。赵武灵王胡服骑射,何等英明大胆的改革 使赵国国富兵强,强大的秦国都非常震惊。可是后来赵武灵王一个人被困在沙丘 宫,没有人给食物,也不给水。英雄末路的赵武灵王饿的只有在宫里爬树掏鸟 窝,他居然坚持了很久。三个月后,赵武灵王被饿死。我还记得吴越两国交战, 吴国胜利,越王勾践被押送到吴国做奴隶。勾践忍辱负重,伺候吴王三年,夫差 才对勾践消除戒心并把他送回越国。可勾践只是对吴王表面服从,但他暗中训练 精兵,强政励治以等待时
3、机反击吴国。艰苦能锻炼意志,安逸反而会消磨意志。勾践害怕自己会贪图眼前的安逸, 消磨报仇雪耻的意志,所以他为自己安排艰苦的生活环境。他晚上睡觉不用褥, 只铺些柴草,又在屋里挂了一只苦胆,他不时会尝尝苦胆的味道,为的就是不忘 过去的耻辱。在越国人同心协力之下把越国强大起来,最后并找到时机,灭亡吴 国。可谁能想到勾践忍辱卑躬屈膝,卧薪尝胆,最后却自缢而死。在历史长河 中,我发现了仁者如鲍叔牙,知人理解人;智者如范蠡,低谷中不逃避成功后急 流勇退赢得另一片艳阳天。最愚蠢的莫过宋襄公,战争中讲仁义,不攻击过河的 部队,不攻击没有列好阵的部队,最后几乎命丧黄泉。岂不知“春秋无义战”。 读史使人明智,一部
4、春秋让我更深刻地体味到了社会的弱肉强食,各个时代都如 此,形式不同罢了,有的明刀暗箭,有的冠冕堂皇,人性大都是丑陋的,狰狞的 面目往往被温情脉脉的面纱所掩盖。历史的长河让我明白一个正真的道理,落后 就要挨打,恒古不变。一日晚,我在整理家中的书橱,偶然翻到一本自己以前的语文书,一时兴 起,就坐在地上翻看了起来,读到其中左传的郑伯克段于鄢一文,庄 公,一出世即为母所恶;段,庄公之胞弟也,为其母所偏爱。先王在世,其母就 有废长立幼之意;庄公即位,段又恃母爱骄纵无忌。大臣们恐酿祸患,纷纷请除 之,庄公却处之泰然。庄公不是不明白段的祸心,但他的策略是,令其养痈成 患,“多行不义,必自毙。他。唐僧师徒历经
5、八十一难取经。这本书充满了许多幻想故事,如:闹天宫,偷 人参果,和二郎神的智能战斗虽然现实生活中没有,但这本书的情节深深吸 引了我。我花了一周时间读完这本书。读完之后,我学会了勇敢和坚强,要想成功, 我必须有不怕苦的精神。因此,我建议你读西游记。在这个假期里,我在爸爸指导下看了我一直想看的一本书一一西游记。西游记是四大名著之一,另外三本就是红楼梦、水浒传、三 国演义。西游记主要讲了东胜神州的傲来国有一块仙石。一天,那块仙石裂开 了,从石头里蹦出来一只石猴,那就是西游记的主角之一,孙悟空。接着孙 悟空来到了花果山,和众多的猴子们一起生活。有一天,孙悟空和猴子们去寻找 一个水路的尽头,发现是一个瀑
6、布流下,众猴说:“要是哪只猴子跳进去找到水 源,我们就拜他为大王。”这时孙悟空跳了进去,发现了水帘洞,就成为了众猴 之王。然后又历经了千辛万苦拜了一个师傅,学习了 72变和筋斗云,然后又干了 一件惊天动地的.大事一一大闹天宫,然后经观音点化,跟着唐僧西天取经,经 历九九八十一难,终于取得真经。西游记里的唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒和沙和尚是一群勇敢、正义的人。他 们四个人团结合作,相互帮助,并通过不断的努力经历九九八十一难,最后取得 了成功。我最喜欢西游记里的孙悟空,他是一个勇敢、正义、聪明的人,一路上 保护师傅,不管是师傅要赶走他,都不离不弃,尽心保护师傅。西游记是一大古典名著。【读书心得】有关野性
7、的呼唤读书心得精选。针对同一件事,同一部作品,每一个人的感受都不一样,有时我们需要将自 己对观看或阅读过的内容以文字的方式记录下来。在日常的生活中,大家都写过 心得体会吧,心得体会重点的是提出自己的看法或意见。心得体会的内容具体要 怎样写呢。特地为你收集整理“有关野性的呼唤读书心得精选”,相信一定会对 你有所帮助。以下是收集整理的野性的呼唤读书心得【7篇】,仅供参考,希望能够帮助 到大家。The Call of the Wild is London, s most-read book, and generally considered his best, the most masterpiec
8、e of his so-called early period 。 The story was set in 19th-century Klondike Gold Rush, in which sled dogs were bought at generous prices.Buck was a domestic dog in Judge Miller s home and living a comfortable life until he was sold secretly by the poor gardener and became a sled dog. Buck was a Ber
9、nard dog weighed one hundred and forty pounds, tall, strong, and hea vy muscled. He couldn t accommodate to the harsh condition at first. And he wanted to fight, to escape, to go back to his cozy home, but in vain.The man in red taught him the law of stick and club一one must first adjust himself to h
10、is surroundings and learn the rules, and only after that he can do what he wants to do. The club of the man in red called back Buck, s nature as a dog.When he firstly served for Fran?ois and Perrault, two couriers, he showed his superior ability to adapt to the environment and his smartness to learn
11、 everything he wanted to learn. Curly s death astonished him and taught him to be cautious. And before he had recovered from the shock caused by the tragic passing of Curly, he was harnessed as a sled dog and step by step wanted to be the leader. But the leading dog, Spitz, was already an excellent
12、one, who also considered Buck as enemy and potential competitor. At last, when Spitz once punished him, hurling backward Buck, he knew the time had come. He killed Spitz and took his place.When they pulled into Dawson, Buck was sold as useless thing to three gold diggers, who weren, t veteran in sle
13、dding and even didn t know how to get to their destination. Food was eaten up half way. So Charles, one of the three, decided to kill Buck when he couldn, t get up. However, when he aimed at Buck, John Thornton sprang upon him, knocked him down and told him that if Charles stroke Buck, Thornton wou1
14、d kill him.Thus, Thornton took Buck away. He was the only true friend of Buck. But Buck was a thing of the wild, especially when the calling of wolf from the hills. Once when he came back from hills, he found that Thornton was killed by Indians. What would you do if you were Buck when your beloved f
15、riend was killed? Buck became a nut and killedthose headsmen and stayed with Thornton for two days and nights, never lea ving Thornton out of his sight. And then a nearby wolf howl captures his ears, and he follows the sound to an approaching wolf pack, battling several of these creatures to prove h
16、is worth.暑假的一天,我无意间在书架上发现了一本书,名字叫野性的呼唤,正 好家里的其他书都看过一遍了,拿来看看。野性的呼唤是美国著名作家杰克伦敦以一条狗的经历来表现文明世界 的狗在狗主人的逼迫下回到原始状态的小说。写的虽是狗却反映了人的世界。巴 克原来是南方米勒法官家的一条狗,过着养尊处优的生活。后来被人卖到了寒冷 偏远的北部,成为了一条雪橇犬。在极为恶劣的环境下,巴克领教了棍棒和犬牙 法则,迅速地适应了极地环境,并练就了吃苦的本领。最后巴克响应了野性力量 的召唤,回归了自然,成为了狼群的领导者。读了这本书后我被主人公巴克深深地吸引住了。他适应能力极强,被卖到极 为寒冷的北方后,不但没
17、有被恶劣的环境摧毁,反而还迅速掌握了生存法则,表 现出了超常的机制与勇敢,这不能不得益于其极强的环境适应能力。他努力、认 真。最初开始拉雪橇的时候,他完全没有经验,但是他会慢慢摸索规律。而且, 同样的错误,他会牢牢地记住,不会再犯第二次。他勇敢而又机智。面对棍棒和 犬牙法则,他非常懂得保护和隐藏自己。面对丝毛犬的挑衅,他不莽撞地硬碰 硬,而是等自己的力量积蓄到一定程度时才进行致命地反击。他渴望尊重与爱。当他遇到约翰桑顿后,他才真正知道什么是尊重和爱。 而以往那些建立在不平等关系上的“友谊”只是一种附庸。所以,他回馈以最真 诚、炽热的爱。读完这本书我感叹于作品结构上的精美。他将巴克从驯化向野性转
18、变的这一 过程写的天衣无缝,环环相扣,合情合理,顺理成章地烘托了小说的主题思想。The story sounds like just a dog tale at first-a dog, Buck, is kidnapped from his comfortable life in California and sold as a sled dog for the Alaskan gold rush. While he endures the wilderness and the other dogs, Buck learns that survival comes only with too
19、th and fang. This lesson brings him very close to his forbears, the wolves.If you look deeper, Call of the Wild is as much a story of humans as it is a dog tale. Buck encounters various incompetent masters who try to break his spirit. Are we like this? But Buck also learns to trust a master who is g
20、entle and gives love. We can be like this, too.Call of the Wild is not a story for the squeamish or very young.By involving us in the characters lives, Jack London tells the truth.It is a life-and-death war between the harsh land and the soul every day. There is blood, death, cruelty一一but its the tr
21、uth.最后的呼唤02-22一只小狗,巴克,原是主人的爱犬,却被不幸的命运曲卷到了雪地做雪橇 狗,那儿的同伴很是残忍,为了争第一而不择手段。有一次,他差点被同伴咬 死,躲过了这一关的方法是一一野蛮。它是一只文明狗,最后却变成一只流氓 狗。在狼群的呼唤下,它回到了大自然。实在出乎意料之外,一只文明狗,就这样变成了。其实我们的生活离不 开野蛮。“野蛮”二字,看似不雅,却蕴含着深刻的意义。是不是很惊讶?是否 感觉自己的生活总是文明的?你错了!举例说明如何:假如你在丛林里忘带了食物,你不得不去捕捉猎物,这就是野蛮,它可以让 你生存下来;当你被别人压在地上群打时,你不得不反抗,野蛮可以维护你的人 格尊严
22、。生命是复杂的,它有时对,有时错;它的道理很多,却又千奇百怪。人的生 命离不开任何,更离不开可以在危急时刻保护你的,或是你最讨厌的一一野蛮。野性的呼唤一书,它有恐怖画面,也有血腥画面,总的来说,它是野蛮的替 身,是道理的替身。人的生命离不开野蛮,有了野蛮,它使这个简单朴素的世界陷入一片复杂; 正是因为野蛮,人生因此滔滔不绝,生生不息。野性的呼唤读后感作文我最喜爱看野性的呼唤这本书了,几乎每天我都要津津有味地看上几页。故事发生在一八九七年的淘金时代。因为北方有很多金矿,所以人们要生活 在那种寒冷的地方,但靠人们自己的力量是远远不够的,还需要许多肌肉发达的 狗来干活。这样以来很多人打起了狗的主意,
23、开始偷狗。骗狗,然后把符合条件 的狗卖给北方的淘金者。主人公巴克就是那个时代里一条倒霉的狗。它这以 年正好四岁,出身高贵,在米勒法官家里过着安逸的生活。在法官家里还有一个 叫曼纽的人,他是花匠的帮手,同时也是一个屡教不改的赌徒。最近他又输了个 精光,非常沮丧。为了再找些钱来用,他打起了巴克的主意。曼纽在法官和孩子 都不在家的一个晚上,把巴克偷走卖给了淘金者。巴克被卖给淘金者之后,一直 为那些人拉雪撬,吃了很多苦,直到它遇到了它另一个主人桑顿。桑顿对巴克可 好了,喂它吃好的食物,把巴克当成最好的朋友。可是后来桑顿被印第安人害死 了,巴克非常伤心,他愤怒的替桑顿报了仇。报仇后他回到了森林,通过自己
24、的 努力,成为了狼的首领,可是它总是会朝着主人曾经住过的方向长啸几声,以此 来记念那个对它很好的桑顿。读了这篇文章,我明白了动物是人类的好朋友,我们要爱护动物。同时我也 明白了任何成功都是要付出努力的,“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”。像巴克也是 经过许多磨难才成为狼的首领,我也要学习那种百折不挠,勇往直前的精神,长 大后成为一个对社会有贡献的人。野性的呼唤读后感野性的呼唤(也译作荒野的呼唤)是美国二十世纪初期杰出作家杰 克伦敦写的,小说描述了一条名叫巴克的被驯化的良犬在艰难与坎坷中逐步野 化,直至回归野性、重返荒野的历程。读了这本书后,给我的感触颇深。每个人的心中都有一分野性,正如书中所 写的那一
25、条银色的狗(或者说是狼)一样。这分野性带来野蛮,带来欲望。当主人 公巴克在踏上阿拉斯加的土地时惊呆了:原来这个世界是这么的冷酷无情,付出 友谊就等于付出生命,要想生存只有向前、向前再向前,绝没有后退的可能。所 有的残酷都在唤醒它内心深处的野性,所有的事实都在告诉它在这社会中只有征 服者和被征服者。来自本性深处的不屈的斗志被唤醒了,因为它知道这一切都体 现着生命的价值。是啊,文明社会中的野性又何尝停止过呢?竞争的激烈致使人 们不能有半点犹豫,胜负就在一刹那间产生,面对对手只有勇敢迎战,并最终征 服或许这就是人生与生命的意义。然而,野性带来野蛮的同时,也带来了友情一一纯真的友情,这是文明与古 老的
26、结晶。当巴克的主人死去时,它仰望苍天,发出长长的嗥叫。这嗥叫是伤感 的,这嗥叫是震撼人心的,这嗥叫包含着巴克对主人深刻的爱和忠诚,这是野性 中的友情体现。我们的生命很矛盾,也很复杂。它有阳光的一面,也有阴暗的一面。但是, 这就是我们真实得人生,我们的人生也因此而多姿多彩,因此而生生不息xxx He sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack, xxx (Chapter VII The Sounding of the Wild) When the last sentence vanished from my e
27、yes, I can still perceive an echo of a song - a wild song, which knocks up my dizzy mind that always cheerfully sink into the so-called civilized world without questioning. Wild, is no longer a symbol of the law of jungle but a headspring where streams out love, passion, bravery, loyalty, friendship
28、, venture, competition and tolerance all these virtues can easily be found in the Call of the Wild.Jack London (1876-1916) is a worldwide renowned novelist. His stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man, s nature and destiny in and against the wild, and his xxxfight to survivexxx n
29、otion has gained him and his works timeless popularity, particularly, the Call of the WildIt tells a story of a gigantic dog, named Buck, who is stolen from a rich and comfortable home and forced to learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog. Buck, at first, is too savage for the company of man until h
30、e coincidently encounters his beloved master-kindhearted John Thornton. Finally, John, s incidental death breaks Buck, s last tie to the man and drives him into his long-desired wild with his pack. In the story, Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild. When it comes to B
31、uck s mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master, all he wants to do is just to help him finish the gold-rush-trip. He xxx from then on, night and day, never put a halt, in desperation, he burst into long stretch of flight, did not to stay him (John) xxx (Chapter VII The Sounding of
32、 The Wild) Buck wished to remember John, s image forever, he xxxfor two days and nights never left camp, never let Thornton out of his sight. He followed him about at his work, watched him while saw him into blankets at night and out of them in the morning-*xxx (Chapter VII) When I read these words
33、I just could not hold my tears bursting. Can a real man devote himself to loyalty and friendship in such a way? On the other hand, John Thornton is not only a dog-lover but also a brave and venturous man. He is so straightforward and simple that makes him an accommodating man. Once he firmly roots a
34、 goal into his heart, it seems that nothing could prevent him from accomplishing it except death. I do not know whether the persistence is the most vital element to make a man successful, but what I know is that you are not far away from success once you occupy it.It is Jack London who plunges me in
35、to the animated wild from the hustle-and-bustle and from desperate city. There, I merely cannot deny the attraction of Buck s bark, which enlightens me to pursue another lost half of the nature in mankind, and to dig out a true meaning of life. Dare we imagine that London intentionally employs Buck
36、to set us a model with perfect characters (count barbarity out) ? The answer is affirmed. We, as animals, are from the wild but shedding off more and more wild signs, which demonstrate us as the xxxuncivi1izedxxx. However, who can fully guarantee that we have not overlooked some essential wild-endow
37、ed virtues? Especially, nowadays, it seems more crucial for us to stop looking at the post-industrial!zed world and to ponder for a while. When cheats, betrayals, lies, lusts and crimes stuff a materialized society, whether London uses this novel to help himself escape the reality or warn the earthy
38、 people, to us, modern man, is all the same. () It appears horrible that in modern society many people are enthusiastically talking about how to build upxxxspecial relationsxxx to the authority, deceiving and lying to each other.To them life is a mask-wearing process rather than a hard work. Every t
39、ime, you browse WebPages, scandals in politics, business, the entertainment circle and even on campus crowd into your eyes. Oh, what is the essence of human beings? What is the civilization to us? Do we need to look back at where we came from? Is it good or bad for us to speak out what we think and
40、to do what the consciences demand us to? Are we wasting talents given by the mighty nature? Be an honest, straightforward, warmhearted, emotional and responsible man or be a shrewd, cold hearted and astute hypocrite? While embracing the xxxcivilizedxxx rubbish, we are losing those good virtues, whic
41、h are the calls of the wild. Once we lose them, we are to lose ourselves, and we will get nowhere. I wish this dreadful thought is totally a fallacy, but, now, it is chilling me hard.One day when I happen to stand on the top of a grand mountain to observe a boundless prairie enveloped by the sapphir
42、e firmament and combed by gusts of the rhythmical west wind, a morning sun sprinkles me her warmth and brilliance in a graceful way, however, at that moment, I am afraid that I cannot appreciate these beauties, I am a lost xxx civilized manxxx then.My Call of the Wild - Enlightenment of The Call of
43、the Wild xxx He sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack, xxx (Chapter VII The Sounding of the Wild) When the last sentence vanished from my eyes, I can still perceive an echo of a song - a wild song, which knocks up my dizzy mind that always cheerfully sink into the so-calle
44、d civilized world without questioning. Wild, is no longer a symbol of the law of jungle but a headspring where streams out love, passion, bravery, loyalty, friendship, venture, petition and tolerance all these virtues can easily be found in the Call of the Wild. Jack London (1876-1916) is a worldwid
45、e renowned novelist. His stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man, s nature and destiny in and against the wild, and his xxxfight to survivexxx notion has gained him and his works timeless popularity, particularly, the Call of the Wild It tells a story of a gigantic dog, named Buc
46、k, who is stolen from a rich and fortable home and forcedto learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog. Buck, at first, is too savage for the pany of man until he coincidently encounters his beloved master-kindhearted John Thornton. Finally, John, s incidental death breaks Buck s last tie to the man an
47、d drives him into his long-desired wild with his pack. In the story, Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild.devote himself hand, John venturous man. acmodating man.When it es to Buck, s mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master, all he wants to do is j
48、ust to help him finish the gold-rush-trip. He xxx from then on, night and day, never put a halt, in desperation, he burst into long stretch of flight, did not to stay him (John) xxx (Chapter VII The Sounding of The Wild) Buck wished to remember John s image forever, he xxxfor two days and nights nev
49、er left camp, never let Thornton out of his sight. He followed him about at his work, watched him while saw him into blankets at night and out of them in the morning*xxx (Chapter VII) When I read these words I just could not hold my tears bursting. Can a real man to loyalty and friendship in such a way? On the other Thornton is not only a dog-lover but also a brave and He is so straightforward and