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1、高考阅读理解考点分析及解题技巧细节理解题阅读理解题J 主旨大意题推断题词义猜测题对阅读理解能力的测试是英语考试中必不可少的测试项目,主要考查学生对 于不同体裁或不同题材语言材料的理解能力,以及通过材料的阅读,对材料中信 息的捕获能力。此项能力的测试,对考生提出以下几方面要求:1 .不但要求掌握所读材料的主旨大意、中心思想,而且要求掌握文章中的详细事 实与细节。2 .不但要求对于具体事实情节的理解,而且要求对其抽象含义的理解,既要理解 字面意思,又要理解其深层含义,包括作者的态度、观点、意图等。3 .既要求理解文章中某句、某段的含义及全文的逻辑关系,又要求根据其含义及 逻辑关系进行判断和推理。4

2、 .既要求考生能够运用材料中的信息去理解、分析问题;又要求考生能运用中学 生应有的生活常识去分析、理解问题。三种阅读方法:掌握以下三种有效的阅读方法,可以大大提高阅读速度和解题速度略读:以最快的速度跳跃式地浏览文章的标题、起始段或结尾段、每段的首尾句、 以及表示句或段关系的连词等重要部分,以了解文章的大意或主题意思。寻读:就是带着问题去快速阅读,以求在最短时间内准确地寻找到所需要的信息。 研读:就是通过略读了解文章主旨大意和通过寻读找到相关的范围之后找到了相 关的范围之后,在相关范围内逐句、逐词地阅读,不仅要理解其字面意思,而且 要通过分析、综合、比较、联想等思维方法,并结合自己已有的知识和经

3、验进行 推理、判断,来理解文章的深层含义,以及作者的立场、观点、态度或意图等。解题步骤:1 .用略读法了解文章大意及各段的大意。2 .阅读题干及各个选项,了解考查的内容3 .带着问题用寻读法到文中找到相关句段4 .用研读法理解相关句段,帅选答案5 .综合考虑各题所选选项,看是否切合全文主旨 常见题型分析:(一)主旨大意题主旨大意题在阅读理解试题中所占比例及难度都相当大。主旨大意是作者在 文章中要表达的主要内容,是全文的核心,作者在文章中努力通过各种细节信息 来阐明中心话题。因此,把握主旨大意对于正确理解全文具有重要意义。要找出 主旨大意,应采用快速阅读法浏览全文,阅读时要注意抓住表达中心思想的

4、句子。 文章不同,中心句在文章中的位置也就不同,但一般情况下阅读时应特别留意文 章的开头、结尾及各个段落的首句和尾句,因为它们往往包含文章的中心议题。 常见的命题方式:What is the main idea of this passage?What does this passage mainly concern?The main theme of this passage isThe main point of the passage isWhich of the following is the best title for the passage?The title that bes

5、t expresses the theme of the passage isThe purpose of the writer writing this passage isWhich of the following best describes the passage as a whole?解题技巧:1 .阅读文章开头几句和最后几句,以便获得有关主题和中心思想的信息2 .浏览文章的其余部分,寻找能支撑和论证主题、中心思想的关键词3 .仔细推敲各个选项,排除有明显错误或无关信息的选项,从而选出最佳答案 解题小窍门:1 .排除干扰项:概括范围太窄,只含局部信息概括范围太宽,所表达的内容 超出

6、或多于文章阐述的内容无关信息:及文章中未提及或找不到语言依据的信 息2 .段落中出现转折时,该句很可能是主题句3 .作者有意识反复重复的观点,通常是主旨;反复出现的的词语,一般为体现文 章主旨的关键词4 .正确选项一般不出现细节信息,不含过分肯定或绝对意义的词5 .四个选项中,内容相近或完全相反的两个选项中往往有一个是正确选项典例 1 The global energy crisis is approaching. What can we do? Here are some steps you can take.Cooling puts the greatest stress on your

7、summer energy bill and the power grid(电网).Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort. Clean or replaces filters monthly or as needed.Drive the car that gets better gas mileage whenever possible i

8、f you own more than one vehicle. If you drive 12,500 miles a year, switching 10 percent of your trips from a car that gets 20 miles per gallon to one that gets 30 mpg will save you more than 65 per year.Carpool. The average U.S. commuter (乘车上班族)could save about 260 a year by sharing cars twice a wee

9、k with two people in a car that gets 20.1 mpg一assumingthe three passengers share the cost ofgas.This passage is mainly about.A. energy-saving tips B. fuel-saving tipsC. do-it-yourself tips D. environment-protecting tips【解析】本文主要介绍了如何节约能源。本文是一篇科普文章,主题很明显, 文章一开始就点明了主题,接下来整篇文章都是围绕如何save energy展开,而 save

10、fuel仅仅只是其中的一部分。故选A。针对主旨大意类题目,应采用快速阅 读法(Skimming)浏览全文。在阅读时,应特别注意文章的开头、结尾及段落的 段首句和段尾句,因为他们往往名包含文章的中心议题。【典例 2 Domestic (驯养的)horses now pull ploughs, race in the Kentucky Derby, and carry police. But early horses werent tame (驯月艮的)enough to perform these kinds of tasks. Scientists think the first intera

11、ctions humans had with horses were far different from those today.Thousands of years ago, people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food. Over time, people began to catch the animals and raise them. This was the first step in domestication.The domestication of horses has had great eff

12、ects on societies. For example, horses were important tools in the advancement of modern agriculture. Using them to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads allowed people to farm more efficiently. Beforethey were able to ride horses, humans had to cross land on foot. Riding horses allowed people to trave

13、l far greater distance in much less time. That encouraged populations living in different areas to interact with one another. The new from of rapid transportation helped cultures spread around the world.(2008W 匕京卷)The passage is mainly about.A. why humans domesticated horsesB. how humans and horses

14、needed each otherC. why horses came in different shapes and sizesD. how human societies and horses influenced each other【解析】本文以时间为顺序,记叙了人类对马的驯化以及马对人类的生活所 产生的重要影响。本题考查主旨大意。前四段说明,人类驯养了野马,使得马的 种类繁多,这是人类社会对马的影响;最后一段说明,马作为交通工具加速了人 类文化传播的进程。故文章的主题应是D所说的内容。此主题句出现在文章的最 后一段。如果文章没有明确的主题句,文章的中心思想往往包含在各个段落中, 考生

15、可采取提纲挈领的方法,通过分析细节把文章的要点归纳出来,概括出全文 的中心思想。(二)推理判断题推理判断题是指在理解原文字面意义的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析 和细节的暗示,作出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的深层意义及隐含意义的 过程。推理判断题在阅读中属于难度较高的题型,通常占总题数的15%30%。 它主要考查考生理清上下文逻辑关系的能力以及考生的识别能力。推理判断题所 涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可能是某几句话,要求考生在遵循原文意义 的基础上,对文章字面信息进行分析、挖掘、逻辑推理,揭示其深层含义。常出 现的推理题有逻辑推理,知识推理等。这类考题中常出现的词有:infer(推断

16、), imply(暗示),suggest, indicate(暗示),conclude(得出结论),learn from, probably, most likely, can, could, might, may 等。常见的命题方式:From paragraph one we can infer thatWhat can be inferred from the passage?We can infer from the text that.?What can we learn from.?We can conclude from the passage thatThe last sente

17、nce of the first paragraph most probably implies thatThe author implies thatThis passage would most likely be found inThe authors attitude toward.is?推理判断题要在阅读理解整体语篇的基础上,掌握文章的真正内涵。(1)要 吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基 础;(2)要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,由表入里,由浅入深,从具体到抽 象,从特殊到一般,通过分析、综合、判断等,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理。 不能就事论事

18、,断章取义,以偏概全;(3)要忠实于原文,不能主观臆想,更不 能以自己的观点代替作者的观点;(4)要把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇 的结构。要体会文章的基调,揣摩作者的态度,摸准逻辑发展的方向,悟出作者 的弦外之音。解题技巧:L寻读,迅速找到相关信息点,即在文章中找到相关信息点2.研读,不但要理解相关信息点的字面意思,而且要由表及里,由浅入深地分析 3.推理,以文中提供的信息为依据,结合常识,做出符合逻辑的推断 排除干扰项,干扰项的四个特点:1 .原文信息的简单重复,而非推断出来的结果2 .无关要紧或片面推出来的结论3 .与文中内容不符或完全相反的结论等4 .符合考生已有的常识,但文章中没

19、有相关的信息支持典例 1 Michael Fish may soon be replaced as a weather forecaster by something truly fishierthe shark(鲨鱼).Research by a British biology student suggests that sharks could be used to predict storms.Lauren Smith, 24, is close to completing her study on sharks ability to sense pressure.If her stud

20、ies prove the theory, scientists may be able to monitor the behavior of sharks to predict bad weather. It has been discovered that a shark senses pressure using hair cells in its balance system.At the Bimini Shark Lab in the Bahamas, Miss Smith fixed hi-tech sensors to sharks to record pressure and

21、temperature, while also tracking them using GPS(Global Positioning System) technology.In Aberdeen, she was able to study the effects of tidal(潮汐的)and temperature changes on dogfish-none of which were harmed. She also used a special lab which can mimic(模拟)oceanic pressure changes caused by weather fr

22、onts.She is due to complete her study and graduate later this year. She says she will be looking for a job which will give her the chance to enrich her experience of shark research.44. The passage is most probably taken from.A. a short-story collectionB. a popular science magazineC. a research paper

23、D. a personal diary45. What do we learn from the first four paragraph of the passage?A. Sharks may be used to predict bad weather.B. Sharks behavior can be controlled.C. Michael Fish is not qualified for his job.D. Lauren Smith will become a weather forecaster.如: Mary is due to leave at two oclock。【

24、解析】本文为科普类文章,介绍了一位英国生物系学生对于鲨鱼来预测 暴风雨的研究。44 .推理判断题。本题适宜用排除法。由文章内容来看这是一篇科普文,A、 D可删除,由文章的语言来看,并未出现大量的专业术语,可删除C ua research paper”(科研论文)45 .推理判断题。由第一段和第四段可知,前四段所要表达的含义为If her studies prove the theory, scientists may be able to monitor the behavior of Sharks to predict bad weathero (科学家们可以通过监视鲨鱼的行为来预测不好的天

25、气”。 故A项正确。细节推断题要求学生根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地 点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活 常识进行推理判断。解答此类题,不仅需要我们有一定的社会基础知识,而且还 需要对细节以及有关背景知识有一个充分的理解。【典例 2 It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, carrier, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit

26、of the dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.Over the phone, his mother told him, Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday o “ Me

27、mories fleshed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days. Inside he found these words carved: “Jack. Thanks fbr your time! Harold Belser.Oh. My God! This is the thing he valued mostJack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his assistant and clear

28、ed his appointments fbr the next two days, “Why?” his assistant asked.“I need some time to spend with my son J he said.69. Why did Jack say he needed some time to spend with his son?A. He was very tired of his work and wanted to have a good restoB. He had promised to spare more time to stay with his

29、 son。C. He had missed his son and his family for daysoD. He came to realize the importance of the time with his family o【解析】本文属于记叙文,文章由邻居之死而引出一个不容忽视的社会主 题:友情、亲情才是最重要的。69. D推理判断题,由文中可知Belser的遗言 对Jack触动很大,同时也使他开始领悟到:只有亲人、朋友才是生活中最重要 的。因果推断题要求考生根据已知结果推测导致该结果产生的可能原因,考生要 准确掌握文章的内涵,理解文章的真正含义。回答推理判断题的试题时,考生

30、一 定要牢记,能够直接从文中找到的选项不是正确选项,因为与原文一样的句子不 叫推理。只有那些没有在文中直接出现,但根据文中的信息经过推断可以得出的 才是符合题意的正确选项。典例 3 As kids, my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods. t4The woods” was our part-time address, destination, purpose, and excuse. If I went to a fHends house and found him not at home, his mother might

31、 say, Oh, hes out in the woods,” with a tone(语气)of airy acceptance. Its similar to the tone people sometimes use nowadays to tell me that someone Im looking fbr is on the golf course or at the gym, or even “away from his desko For us ten-year-olds, being out in the woods” was just an excuse to do wh

32、atever we feel like for a while.It was in a tree, too, that our days of fooling around in the woods came to an end. By then some of us has reached seventh grade and had begun the rough ride of adolescence(青春期).In March, the month when we usually took to the woods again after winter, two friends and

33、I set out to go exploring. We climbed a tree, and all of a sudden it occurred to all three of us at the same time that were really were rather big to be up in a tree. Soon there would be the spring dances on Friday evenings in the high school cafeteria.55. How does the author feel about his childhoo

34、d?A. Happy but short.B. Lonely but memorableoC. Boring and meaningless. D. Long and unforgettableo【解析】本文描述了小时侯玩耍的“树林”对与“我”和朋友们的意义。主 要讲述了我们在“树林”中所从事的活动一一探索,以及之后随着年龄的增长, 不再去那里的过程。55. A从全文看,作者在“树林”里过的很愉快,又由最后 一段可知,当我们一部分人上了七年级之后。我们在“树林”中的玩耍就结束了。 很短暂。因此,正确选项为Ao做这一类题时一定注意:1.由表及里地准确把 握字里行间的意思,切勿用自己的主观想法或观点代替作者的思想观点。2.要 特别注意那些描写环境气氛的语言,以及表达感情、态度观点的词语和作者在文 章中的措辞,尤其是感情色彩的形容词。3.能结合自己平时积累的有关英语国 家的文化传统、风俗习惯等背景知识来识别评价。


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