1、原产地证书Certificate No.1 .Goods Consigned from (Exporters business name, address, country)GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCESCERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN(Combined declaration and certificate)5.ItemNumber7.Number and8.0rigin9.GrossKind ofCriterionWeight orPackages;(See NotesOtherDescription of GoodsOverleaf)Quan
2、tity6.Marks and Numbers of Packages10. Number and Date of Invoices2 .Goods Consigned to (Consignees name, address, country)3 .Means of Transport and Route (as far as known)FORMAissued in(COUNTRY)See Notes Overleaf4 .For Official Use11.CertificationIt is hereby certified, on the basis of control carr
3、ied out, that the declaration by the exporter is correct.Place and Date, Signature and Stamp of Authorized Signatory12.Declaration by the ExporterThe undersigned hereby declares that the above details and statements are correct; that all the goods were produced in(Exporting country) and that they comply with the origin requirements specified for those goods in the Generalized System of Preferences for goods exported to(importing country)Place and Date, Signature and Stamp of Certifying Authority