1、中英文国际货物销售合同Internat i onaI Sa Ie Contract of ManufacturedGood第一部分特别条款Part I SPECIFIC CONDITIONS该特别条款不限制当事人双方作出另外的约定。These Spec i f i c Cond i t i ons does not prevent the part i es from agree i ng other terms or further deta iIs i n box 1-16 or i n one or more annexes.卖 方:买 方:SELLER:BUYER: 地址(Addres
2、s ) : 电话(Tel) : 传真(Fax) : 电由(E-maiI ) :地址(Address ):电话(Tel) : 传真(Fax) : 电由 ( E-ma i I ):联 系 人:CONTACT PERSON: 地址(Address) : 电,舌(Tel) : 传真(Fax) :电由( E-ma i I) : 联 系 人:CONTACT PERSON:地址(Address) : 电,舌(Tel) : 传真(Fax) :电由( E-ma i I) : 本销售合同由第一部分的特别条款(相应的栏目中应填写了内容)和第二部 分的一般条款组成,并受该两部分的约束。The present cont
3、ract of saIe wi I I be governed by these Specif ic Cond i t i ons (to the extent that the re Ievant boxes have been comp I eted) and by the Genera I Conditions of Sa I e wh i ch constitute part I I of th i s document. Iimited to proven I oss (including consequent i a I Ioss, I oss of profit, etc.) n
4、ot exceed i ng % of the contract price;或者(or): 具体列举如下as foI Iows (specify) J :H12买方保留不符约定货物时的责任限制(第11.6条)1-12 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY WHERE NON-CONFORMI NG GOODS ARE RETAINEDBY THE BUYER (ART. 11.6)(当双方当事人要修改第11.6条时,才应填写)to be comp I eted on I y if the part ies wi sh to mod i fy art. 11.6保留约定不符的货物所作
5、出的价格减让应不超过:这些货物价款的%.The pr ice abatement for retained non-conforming goods shaI I not exceed:% of the pr i ce of such goodso或者(or):(列明具体的数额)(specify amount)1-13 时间限制(第11.8条)1-13 TIME-BAR (Art. 11.8)(当双方当事人要修改第11.8条时,才应填写)to be comp I eted on I y i f the part i es wi sh to mod i fy art. 11.8.由于交付的货物与
6、合同约定不符,买方应自货物到达目的港之日起不迟于 天内提出诉求(第11.8条列明的情况)。Any action for non-conformity of the goods (as defined in articIe 11.8) must be taken by the Buyer not Iater than from the date of arr i vaI of the goods at dest i nat i on.l-14(a), I-14(b) 适用的法律(第1.2条)l-14(a), I-14(b) APPLICABLE LAW (Art. 1.2)(当双方当事人想适用某
7、国法律而不适用联合国国际货物销售合同公约时, 才应填写)以下的做法不予推荐to be comp I eted on I y i f the part i es wish to submit the sa I e contract to a nat i ona I I aw i nstead of CISC. The so I ut i on hereunder i s not recommended :(a)本销售合同适用 (国名)国内法。(a) Th i s saIes contract i s governed by the domest i c I aw of (country)(当双方
8、当事人对于联合国国际货物销售合同公约没有规定的事项不想适用 卖方所在国法律时,才应填写)To be comp I eted i f the part i es wi sh to choose a I aw other than that of the sei I er for quest i ons not covered by CISG(b)联合国国际货物销售合同公约没有规定的任何事项,应适用 (国名)法律。(b) Any quest i ons not covered by CISG will be governed by the I aw of (country).1-15其它事项1-1
9、5 OTHER第二部分一般条款Part I I genera I conditions第一条总则Art. 1 GENERAL1.1 这些一般条款与第一部分的特别条款一起适用于本国际货物销售合同,但也 可以将这些一般条款加入其它任何的销售合同。当第二部分的一般条款独立于第 一部分的特别条款使用时,第二部分对第一部分的任何援引应解释为对双方约定 的对应的特别条款的援引。当这些一般条款与双方约定的任何特别条款相矛盾时, 应以特别条款为准。1.2 These Genera I Conditions are i ntended to be appI i ed together with the Spec
10、ific Conditions (part I) of the Internat i onaI Sa Ie Contract of Manufactured Goods, but they may a I so be i ncorporated on the i r own i nto any saIe contract. Where these Genera I Cond i t i ons (Part I I) are used i ndependent I y of the sa i d Spec i f i c Conditions (Part I), any reference in
11、 Part I I to Part I wi I I be interpreted as a reference to any re Ievant specific conditions agreed by the part i es. In case of contrad ict i on between these Genera I Conditions and any specific cond it ions agreed upon between the part ies, the speci fic cond it ions shaI I preva i I.1.3 合同自身(即指
12、这些一般条款和双方当事人约定的特别条款)的规定中未明 示或默示处理的与本合同有关的任何事项应适用:A.联合国国际货物销售合同公约(1980年维也纳公约,下称销售公约), 和B.在销售公约未对这些事项作出规定时,适用卖方营业所在地国法律。1.4 Any quest i ons re I at i ng to th i s Contract which are not express Iy or imp I icitly sett Ied by the provisions conta i ned i n the Contract itseIf (i.e. these Genera I Cond
13、i t i ons and any spec i f i c cond i t i ons agreed upon by the part ies) shaI I be governed:A. by the United Nat ions Convent ion on Contracts for the I nternat ionaI Sa Ie of Goods (Vienna Convent ion of 1980, hereafter referred to as CISG), andB. to the extent that such questions are not covered
14、 by CISG, by reference to the I aw of the country where the Sei I er has h i s pI ace of bus i ness.1.5 援引的任何贸易术语(比如:EXW, FCA等)应视为国际商会出版的国际 贸易术语解释通则中对应的贸易术语。1.6 Any reference made to trade terms (such as EXW, FCA, etc.) i s deemed to be made to the re Ievant term of Incoterms pub Ii shed by the Inte
15、rnat i onaI Chamber of Commerce.1.7 援引的国际商会的出版物应视为达成本合同时最新的版本。1.8 Any reference made to a pub I i cat i on of the Internat i onaI Chamber of Commerce i s deemed to be made to the vers i on cur rent at the date of cone I us i on of the Contract.1.9 除非达成书面协议或有书面证据证明,任何对本合同的修改均无效。但是, 当另一方信赖该方所作出的行为时,该方
16、由于其作出的行为而不得主张该款规定。1.10 No mod i f i cat i on of the Contract i s valid unI ess agreed or ev i denced i n wr i t i ng. However, a party may be precIuded by h i s conduct from assert i ng th i s prov i s i on to the extent that the other party has re Ii ed on that conduct.Art. 2 Character i st ics of
17、the goods2. 1双方约定,与货物及其用途有关的任何资料,比如;包含在卖方的目录、说 明书、函件、广告、图片和价目表中的重量、尺寸、容量、价格、颜色和其它数 据不应作为生效的合同条款,除非在合同中明确作了约定。2. 1 It is agreed that any i nformat i on re I at i ng to the goods and the i r use, such as we i ghts, d imens i ons, capac i t i es, pr i ces, co I ours and other data conta i ned i n cataI
18、ogues, prospectuses, c i rcuIars, advert i sements, iI Iustrat i ons, price-lists of the SeI I er, shaI I not take effect as terms of the Contract unI ess express Iy refer red to i n the Contract.2.2除非另有约定,买方不拥有购买的软件、制图等产品中的知识产权。卖方仍 然是货物涉及的知识产权或工业产权的独占所有权人。2.2 Un I ess otherwi se agreed, the Buyer d
19、oes not acqu i re any property r ights in software, drawings, etc. which may have been made avaiIabIe to him. The Sei I er a I so rema i ns the exc I us i ve owner of any i nte I I ectua I or i ndustr i a I property r i ghts re I at i ng to the goods.第3条货物装运前的检验Art. 3 Inspect i on of the goods befor
20、e sh i pment如果双方约定买方有权在装运前对货物进行检验,卖方必须在装运前的合理时间 内通知买方,货物在约定的地点已准备好进行检验。I f the part ies have agreed that the Buyer i s ent i11 ed to i nspect the goods before sh i pment, the Sei I er must not i fy the Buyer within a reasonabIe time before the shipment that the goods are ready for i nspect i on at t
21、he agreed pI ace.第4条价格Art. 4 Pr i ce4.1如果没有约定货物的价格,将适用达成合同时卖方最新列出的价格。若没有 这样的最新列出的价格,将适用达成合同时这些货物的一般价格。4. 1 I f no pr i ce has been agreed, the Sei I ers cur rent I i st pr i ce at the time of the cone I us i on of the Contract shaI I appIy. In the absence of such a cur rent I i st price, the pr i ce
22、 genera I I y charged for such goods at the time of the cone I us i on of the Contract shaI I appIy.4.2除非另有书面约定,货物价格不包含增值税,没有必要调整价格。4. 2 Un I ess otherwi se agreed i n wr it i ng, the pr ice does not i ncIude VAT, and i s not subject to pr i ce adjustment.4.3第I-2款(合同价款)注明的价款包括卖方按照本合同的约定收取的任何费 用。但是,如
23、果卖方承担了依照本合同的约定应由买方承担的费用(比如:EXW 或FCA术语中的运输费或保险费),那么这些款项不应视为已包含在第1-2款项 下注明的价款中,买方应予偿还。4. 3 The pr i ce i nd i cated under I-2 (contract price) i ncIudes any costs wh i ch are at the Sei I ers charge accord i ng to th i s Contract. However, shouId the Sei I er bear any costs which, accord i ng to th i
24、s Contract, are for the Buyers account (e.g. for transportat ion or i nsurance under EXW or FCA), such sums sha I I not be cons i dered as having been incIuded in the pr ice under 1-2 and shaI I be reimbursed by the Buyer.第5条 支付条件Art. 5 Payment conditions5. 1除非另有书面约定或者双方之间此前交易另有默契,买方应通过往来帐户向 卖方支付价款和
25、其它应付的款项,支付时间是开出发票之日起30日。除非另有 约定,到期应付的款项应可在结算时远程转帐至卖方在其所在国开立的帐户,当 相应的应付款项作为可立即存取的资金为卖方银行收到时,应视为买方履行了其 付款义务。5. 1 Un I ess otherwi se agreed i n writing, or imp Ii ed from a pr i or course of deaIi ng between the part i es, payment of the pr i ce and of any other sums due by the Buyer to the Sei I er s
26、haI I be on open account and time of payment shaI I be 30 days from the date of invoice. The amounts due shaI I be transfer red, unI ess otherwi se agreed, by teIetransmi ss i on to the Sei I er * s bank i n the Sei I er s country for the account of the Sei I er and the Buyer shaI I be deemed to hav
27、e performed h i s payment ob I i gat i ons when the respect i ve sums due have been rece i ved by the Sei I ers bank i n immed i ate Iy ava i IabIe funds.5.2如双方约定预先付款,则无须作出进一步的表示,支付的预先付款应指全部 的价款,除非另有约定。而且预先付款必须作为可立即存取的资金,在约定的交 货日期或者约定的交货期限内最早的一天之前至少30日为卖方银行收到。如果 双方约定仅预先支付部分合同价款,剩余价款的支付条件将按照本条款中规定的 规
28、则确定。5.2 If the parties have agreed on payment in advance, without further i nd i cat i on, it wiI I be assumed that such advance payment, unI ess otherwise agreed, refers to the fuI I price, and that the advance payment must be rece i ved by the Sei I ers bank i n immed i ate Iy ava i IabIe funds at
29、 I east 30 days before the agreed date of de I i very or the ear Ii est date within the agreed de Ii very per i od. I f advance payment has been agreed on I y for a part of the contract price, the payment conditions of the remaining amount wi I I be determined according to the ruIes set forth i n th
30、i s art icIe.5.3如果双方约定通过跟单信用证付款,除非另有约定,买方必须按照国际商会 出版的跟单信用证统一惯例的规定安排一家著名的银行开出一张以卖方为受 益人的跟单信用证,并且在约定交货日之前至少30日或者在约定的交货期限内 最早一天前至少30日作出通知。除非另有约定,跟单信用证应为即期、允许部 分装运和转运。5. 3 If the part ies have agreed on payment by documentary cred i t, then, unI ess otherwi se agreed, the Buyer must arrange for a docume
31、ntary cred i t i n favour of the Sei I er to be i ssued by a reputab I e bank, subject to the Un i form Customs and Pract i ce for Documentary Credits pub Ii shed by the Internat i onaI Chamber of Commerce, and to be not i f i ed at I east 30 days before the agreed date of de Ii very or at I east 30
32、 days before the ear I i est date within the agreed de I i very per i od. Un I ess otherwi se agreed, the documentary credit shaI I be payabIe at sight and allow part i a I sh i pments and transh i pments.5.4如果双方约定通过跟单托收付款,那么,除非另有约定,单证应在付款时交 付(付款交单),单证的交付无论如何应受国际商会出版的托收统一规则支 配。5. 4I f the part i es
33、have agreed on payment by documentary co I Iect i on,then, unI ess otherwise agreed, documents wi I I be tendered aga i nst payment (D/P) and the tender wi I I in any case be subject to the Uniform Ru I es for Co I Iect i ons pub Ii shed by the Internat i onaI Chamber of Commerce.1. 5在双方约定付款需要银行担保支持
34、的情况下,在约定的交货日之前至少30 日或者在约定的交货期限内最早日期之前至少30日,买方应按照国际商会出版 的即期担保统一规则的规定提供一份即期银行担保,或者按照该规则或国际 商会出版的跟单信用证统一惯例的规定提供一份备用信用证,在两种情况下, 均应由一家著名的银行开出。5. 5 To the extent that the part ies have agreed that payment i s to be backed by a bank guarantee, the Buyer i s to prov i de, at I east 30 days before the agreed
35、 date of de I i very or at I east 30 days before the ear I i est date within the agreed de Ii very per i od, a fi rst demand bank guarantee subject to the Un i form RuIes for Demand Guarantees pub Ii shed by the InternationaI Chamber of Commerce, or a standby Ietter of credit subject either to such
36、RuIes or to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Cred i ts pub Ii shed by the Internat i ona I Chamber of Commerce, in either case issued by a reputabIe bank.第6条迟延付款时的利息Art. 6 Interest i n case of de Iayed payment6. 1如果一方未支付到期款项,另一方有权从该款项到期应支付之日起对该笔款 项计算利息。6. 1If a party does not pay a s
37、um of money when it falls due theother party is entitled to interest upon that sum from the time when payment is due to the time of payment.6.2除非另有约定,利率应高于付款货币在付款地适用于一般借款人的平均的银 行短期贷款利率的2%,或者若在付款地没有这种利率时,适用付款货币国的相 同的利率。如果在这两个地方均不存在该种利率,利率应是依照付款货币国法律 确定的适当的利率。6. 2 Un I ess otherwise agreed, the rate o
38、f i nterest shaI I be 2% abovethe average bank short-term for the currency of payment rate ex i sts at that p I ace, currency of payment. In theI end i ng rate to pr ime borrowers preva i Ii ng at the pI ace of payment, or where no such then the same rate i n the State of the absence of such a rate
39、at either pI ace the rate of i nterest shaI I be the appropr i ate rate fixed by the I aw of the State of the currency of payment.第7条货物所有权的保留Art. 7 Retention of title如果双方对于货物所有权的保留作了有效的约定,卖方对货物保留所有权直到价 款支付完毕为止,或者依另外的约定。If the part ies have va I idly agreed on retent ion of title, the goods shaI I re
40、ma i n the property of the Sei I er unti I the comp Iete payment of the pr ice, or as otherwi se agreed.第8条合同的交货贸易术语Art. 8 ContractuaI term of de I i very除非另有约定,应采用“工厂交货” (EXW)方式交货。Un I ess otherwise agreed, de I i very shaI I be Ex Works (EXW).第9条单证Art. 9 Documents除非另有约定,卖方必须提供适用的国际贸易术语中要求的单证(如有的话)
41、, 或者如果没有适用的国际贸易术语,则按照先前交易过程确定。Un I ess otherwi se agreed, the Sei I er must prov i de the documents (if any) i nd i cated i n the applicable Incoterm or, i f no I ncoterm i s appIi cab Ie, accord ing to any previous course of deaIing.第10条迟延交货、不交货及其补偿Art. 10 Late-deIi very, non-deIi very and remed i
42、es therefor10. 1当迟延交付货物时,若买方将延迟的情形通知了卖方,则每延迟一个完整 周,买方有权索要迟延交付货物价款0.5%或约定的其它比例的约定的赔偿金。 如果买方从约定的交货日起15日内向卖方发出这样的通知,损害赔偿金从约定 的交货日起或在约定的交货期限内的最后一日起算。如果买方从约定的交货之日 起15日内向卖方发出这样的通知,损害赔偿金从通知之日起算。约定的迟延赔 偿金不得超过迟延交付的货物价款的5%或约定的其它补偿金的最高数额。10. 1 When there is delay in del i very of any goods, the Buyer i s ent i
43、t led to claim Iiquidated damages equaI to 0. 5% or such other percentage as may be agreed of the pr ice of those goods for each comp I ete week of de I ay, prov i ded the Buyer not i f i es the Sei I er of the delay. Where the Buyer so notifies the Sei I er within 15 days from the agreed date of de
44、 I i very, damages wi I I run from the agreed date of de I i very or from the Iast day within the agreed per iod of de Ii very. Where the Buyer so not i f i es the Sei I er after 15 days of the agreed date of de I i very, damages wiI I run from the date of the notice. Liquidated damages for de I ay
45、sha I I not exceed 5% of the pr i ce of the de I ayed goods or such other maximum amount as may be agreed.10.2如果双方当事人在第I9条中就合同解除日期达成一致,基于货物由于 任何原因(包括不可抗力事件)未能在解除合同日期前交付,买方有权通知卖方 解除合同。1-1销售的货物|-1 Goods so Id货物的品名及规格descr i pt i on of the goods若空白处不够填写,可使用附件。an annex may be used If there i s i nsuff i
46、 c i ent space.I-2合同价款(第4条)I-2 CONTRACT PRICE (ART. 4)货币:Currency:用数字表述的金额:用文字表述的金额:amount i n numbers:amount i n Ietters:I-3交货贸易术语I-3 DELIVERY TERMS推荐的贸易术语(依照2000年国际贸易术语解释通则)Recommended terms (accord i ng to Incoterms 2000):EXW 工厂交货(Ex Works)指定地点(named p I ace) : FC A 货交承运人(Free Carr ier) 指定地点(name
47、d p I ace) :10. 2 If the part i es have agreed upon a canceI I at i on date i n Box I-9, the Buyer may terminate the Contract by not i f i cat i on to the Sei I er as regards goods wh i ch have not been de Ii vered by such canceI I at i on date for any reason whatsoever (including a force majeure ev
48、ent).10.3 当第10.2条不适用,并且卖方在买方依照第10. 1条的规定有权获得最 高数额的约定赔偿金日为止仍未能交付货物时,如果货物未在卖方收到该通知之 日起5日内交付给买方,买方基于这些货物的原因有权书面通知卖方解除合同。10. 3 When art i c I e 10. 2 does not app I y and the Sei I er has not de I i vered the goods by the date on which the Buyer has become entitled to the maximum amount of I iquidated damages under articIe 10. 1, the Buyer may give notice in writing to terminate the Contract as regards such goods, if they have not been de Ii vered to the Buyer within 5 days of receipt of such not i ce b