1、2024 120C.Go o n business.C.Neighbo rs.C.In 2020.C.The car.C.A pro ject manager.C.Po sit ive.chairs?4288C4288Co n Sat urday?C.It s co urses.4.TOP-M-W njf*(i,$mo#)(5/h:/hl.5,?W7.5)njfT 5 W.A.B.CIMo1.Which means o f t ranspo rt is unavailable no w?A.The t rain.B.The ship.2.Why do es Ann call Jake?A.To
2、 make an invit at io n.B.To o ffer an apo lo gy.C.To change an appo int ment.3.What are t he speakers mainly t alking abo ut?A.The wo mans jo b.B.fhe wo mans friends.C.The wo mans healt h.4.Where will t he speakers put t he newA.On t he balco ny.B.By t he windo w.C.Beside t he st airs.5.What will Ma
3、rk doA.Have a part y.B.At t end a co ncert.C.Pick a present.“1?(#-15 1.5 22.5njfTW5xmSo A.BCHWsiWWlW,6.What do we kno w abo ut Raj?A.He is fro m Japan.B.He is a newco mer.C.He do esnt like t alking.7.When may Raj shake his head acco rding t o t he man?A.When he agrees wit h so meo ne.B.When he t hin
4、ks so meo ne is rude.C.When he fails t o underst and so meo ne.OW 7 8 M 108.What will t he man do so o n?A.Ask fo r leave.B.Quit his jo b.9.What is t he pro bable relat io nship bet ween t he speakers?A.Wo rkmat es.B.St rangers.10.What do es t he man regret?A.Spilling his milk.B.Talking t o Dan priv
5、at ely.C.Making an anno uncement.nW 8 Il S 1311.When did t he mans scho o l get a prize fo r excellence in perfo rmance?A.In 2012.B.In 2018.12.What happened t o t he mans scho o l in 2019?A.It s name was changed.B.Ano t her scho o l jo ined it.C.It emplo yed mo re t eachers.13.What will t he man t a
6、lk abo ut t he scho o l next?A.It s acco mmo dat io n.B.It s fo under,w;9 WM,14 M 1714.What is t he man?A.A farmer.B.A repo rt er.15.What is t he mans at t it ude t o ward farmers effo rt s?A.Do ubt ful.B.Unclear.16.Why did t he SPB buy FIo pc Farm?A.To help peo ple find go o d farmland.B.To run a f
7、arm wit ho ut dest ro ying wildlife.C.To t each farmers t o increase fo o d pro duct io n.17.Which species has experienced t he fast est po pulat io n gro wt h?A.Bird.B.Plant.C.Insect.nW io 18 M 20 018.Which o f t he fo llo wing was built in t he Go t hic st yle?A.The Cent ral Office.B.Ro ll Museum.
8、C.Cit y Hall.19.What is t he main reaso n why Harbo r To wn is suit able t o plant o ranges?A.Rich so il.B.Eno ugh sunshine.C.Right t emperat ure.20.What do es t he speaker say abo ut t he subway syst em in Harbo r To wn?A.It is co nvenient.B.It is co mplicat ed.C.It is hist o ric.#QQABJYKUogCgAgBAA
9、AhCQwEaCkGQkBECACoGxEAAIAABiANABAA=#2024届河南省TOP二十名校高三年级下学期质检(一)英语试题top 3 8 M)WSW TOP 4 M(&8)14288042880a film lo ver call?B.Summarize t he previo us paragraphs.D.Oall o n family members t o help t raining.B.Set it as a ro ut ine every day.D.Never divide t he t ime int o perio ds,behavio r under a ve
10、rbal co mmand?B.Benefit s o f keeping puppies.D.Basic manners fo r puppy t raining.0Sweden,a co unt ry o ft en asso ciat ed wit h it s co lder climat e rat her t han winemaking,is experiencing a surprising t ransfo rmat io n in it s wine indust ry because o f climat e change.Tradit io nally,reno wne
11、d wine-gro wing regio ns like France,It aly,and Spain have do minat ed t he glo bal wine market.Ho wever,rising t emperat ures and lo nger gro wing seaso ns in Sweden have bro ught an unexpect ed gro wt h in t he co unt rys wine pro duct io n.Over t he past 30 years,t emperat ures in t he so ut hern
12、 part o f Sweden have risen by appro ximat ely 2C co mpared t o t he previo us t hree decades.This increase has ext ended t he gro wing seaso n by appro ximat ely 20 days.While est ablished winemaking regio ns face challenges such as dro ught s and ext reme weat her event s,Swedens wine indust ry is
13、 t hriving.Kullabergs Vingard is o ne o f t he wineries benefit ing fro m t hese changes.It s expert owinemaker.Felix Ahrberg.reco gnizes t he negat ive impact o f rising t emperat ures o n vineyards in mo re t radit io nal wine-pro ducing co unt ries.In co nt rast,he sees immense po t ent ial fo r
14、t he Swedish wine indust ry.Current ly pro ducing aro und 30,000 bo t t les per year,Kullabergs wines have received acco lades and are so ld in high-end rest aurant s acro ss Euro pe and Ho ng Ko ng.BBefo re yo ur puppy can st art o ffering it s t ricks fo r a specific reward,it needs t o learn t he
15、m When t raining is st art ed at seven t o eight weeks o f age,use met ho ds t hat rely o n enco uragement and gent le t eaching.Puppies have sho rt at t ent io n spans(fl|sj),so t raining sessio ns sho uld be brief,but sho uld o ccur daily.Puppies can be t aught t o sit,do wn,and st and using a met
16、 ho d called fo o d-lure(li)t raining.Small pieces o f fo o d o r a favo red t o y can be used t o mo t ivat e yo ur puppy t o perfo rm mo st t asks.Pro vided t he reward is appealing eno ugh,t he puppy can be enco uraged t o give t he desired respo nse by sho wing t he puppy t he reward,mo ving t h
17、e reward t o get t he desired respo nse and t hen aft er so me t ime,pairing a cue(a verbal co mmand)wit h t he behavio r.Yo u sho uld o nly ask yo ur puppy t o perfo rm a behavio r wit h a verbal cue o nce yo u are sure t he puppy kno ws it well.If t he puppy do es no t immediat ely give t he behav
18、io r o n t he first enco uragement,t hen yo u are likely pro ceeding a lit t le t o o quickly.If yo u keep repeat ing t he cue,t he puppy will learn t hat several repet it io ns are accept able befo re it needs t o respo nd.Yo u do no t necessarily need t o t rain in a set sessio n daily.Rat her,int
19、 egrat e t hese t asks t hro ugho ut t he day.A go al t o st rive fo r is at least 15 minut es o f t raining every day.These can be sho rt five-minut e sessio ns spread t hro ugho ut t he day.Try t o have all family members ask yo ur puppy t o do t hese t asks.Remember t o t ry and t rain in every r
20、o o m o f yo ur ho use.Yo u want yo ur puppy t o sit,lie do wn and st ay everywhere,no t just in t he t raining lo cat io n.24.What is advised t o do at early do g t raining?A.St ick t o st rict disciplines.C.Do t raining wit h an adult do g.25.When can a puppy be asked t o perfo rm aA.When it is st
21、 ro ng eno ugh.B.At t he age o f seven t o eight weeks.C.Aft er it can underst and yo ur o rders.D.When it has learned all basic behavio rs.26.What do es t he aut ho r int end t o do in t he last paragraph?A.Int ro duce a new t o pic fo r discussio n.C.Add so me backgro und info rmat io n.27.Whats t
22、 he t ext mainly abo ut?A.The fun in t raining puppies.C.Things puppies do in daily life.(15 2.5 37.5A.BX.DAFour Amusement Parks in OrlandoUniversals Islands of AdventureOpened in 1999,it is a unique amusement park wit h eight dist inct t hemed islands fo r visit o rs t o explo re.There are co unt l
23、ess rides,act ivit ies,and sho ws t o be fo und t hro ugho ut t he islands.Co st umed charact ers can o ft en be fo und wandering t hro ugh t he park,making fo r so me excellent pho t o o ppo rt unit ies.Bo t h single-day and annual passes are available,and visit o rs can also purchase t icket s t h
24、at pro vide access t o bo t h t his park and Universal St udio s Flo rida.Pho ne:407-224-4233Universal Studios FloridaIf yo ure a big mo vie fan,visit ing it is a dream co me t rue.The gro unds are jam-packed wit h all so rt s o f excit ing rides and at t ract io ns.The level o f det ail in t he par
25、k is incredible,and visit o rs will feel like t heyve been t ranspo rt ed int o t heir favo rit e fict io nal wo rlds.The park is also an o perat io nal mo vie and TV pro duct io n facilit y,meaning t hat lucky visit o rs might even have t he chance t o see a real film crew at wo rk.Pho ne:407-363-8
26、000SeaWorld OrlandoWit h it s many wo rld-class aquariums(7jc5t t)it is o ne o f t he best places in t he cit y t o get up clo se and perso nal wit h t he incredible marine life t hat lives in t he wat ers aro und Flo rida.One o f t he biggest at t ract io ns in t he park is an o rca kno wn as Shamu
27、,but visit o rs will also have t he chance t o see do lphins,sharks,t urt les,flamingo s,penguins,and even slo t hs.It also o ffers ro ller co ast er rides fo r children,plent y o f dining o pt io ns,and valuable info rmat io n abo ut wildlife co nservat io n.Pho ne:407-545-5550Busch Gardens Tampa B
28、aySit t ing o n a 335-acre pro pert y in Tampa,it o ffers t hrilling amusement park rides,live ent ert ainment fo r all ages,and o ne o f t he largest zo o s in t he Unit ed St at es.Mo re t han 12,000 different animals live in t he park.Many o f t hese animals are nat ive t o Africa,and visit o rs
29、can t ake excit ing safari-st yle t o urs if t hey want t o see t he animals up clo se.Special event s o n ho w t o pro t ect wildlife are held t hro ugho ut t he year,and bo t h daily and annual passes are available.Pho ne:813-884-438621.Where can visit o rs meet peo ple wearing a co st ume?A.SeaWo
30、 rld Orlando.B.Universal St udio s Flo rida.C.Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.D.Universals Islands o f Advent ure.22.Which number sho uldA.407-224-4233.B.407-363-8000.C.407-545-5550.D.813-884-4386.23.What do t he last t wo amusement parks have in co mmo n?A.They are int ended fo r child t o urist s.B.They f
31、o cus o n sea animal at t ract io ns.C.They o ffer kno wledge o f wildlife pro t ect io n.D.They are amo ng t he largest zo o s in t he US.#QQABJYKUogCgAgBAAAhCQwEaCkGQkBECACoGxEAAIAABiANABAA=#alsoresearch?D.Creat ive.life by impro ving ment al healt h4288C4288Co ur ment alInt erest ingly,so me Fren
32、ch winemakers have cho sen t o set t le in Sweden t o pursue t heir grape cult ivat io nCHll)and winemaking careers.Emma Bert o,a French winemaker wo rking at Tho ra Vingard,lo cat ed near Ahrbergs vineyard,highlight s Swedens mo re predict able climat e as a significant advant age co mpared t o Fra
33、nce.She says t hey also value t he freedo m and flexibilit y pro vided by Swedens less regulat ed winemaking sect o r,allo wing fo r sust ainable grape-gro wing pract ices such as reduced use o f insect icides.In Sweden,t here are several kinds o f grapes fro m France,such as Chardo nnay,Merlo t and
34、 Pino t No ir.But Swedish winemakers primarily fo cus o n cult ivat ing So laris grapes,a variet y o riginat ing fro m Germany.Ho wever,t hey have also develo ped unique vineyard management t echniques.Fo r inst ance,in Sweden,leaves are o ft en remo ved fro m t he vines t o ensure bet t er sunlight
35、 expo sure fo r t he grapes,a pract ice t hat differs fro m t he co ncerns abo ut excessive sunlight expo sure in co unt ries like France and Spain.28.What has co nt ribut ed t o t he gro wt h o f Swedens wine indust ry?A.Lo nger gro wing seaso ns due t o climat e change.B.Much int erest fro m co ns
36、umers in Euro pe.C.St rict regulat io ns in t he winemaking sect o r.D.A mo re t radit io nal way o f winemaking.29.What is a reaso n why so me French winemakers set t le in Sweden?A.Swedish wines are in high demand in France.B.France has banned winemaking due t o climat e change.C.Swedens co lder c
37、limat e benefit s French grape variet ies.D.Sweden o ffers mo re freedo m and flexibilit y in winemaking.30.What kind o f grapes is mainly gro wn in Sweden?A.Merlo t.B.So laris.C.Pino t No ir.D.Chardo nnay.31.What do Swedish winemakers do t o ensure bet t er sunlight expo sure fo r grapes?A.Remo vin
38、g leaves fro m t he vines.B.Gro wing grapes wit ho ut shelt er.C.Pro viding art ificial light ing at night.D.Using reflect ive surfaces t o redirect sunlight.DSo me readers majo ring in co mput ing discipline might ask,“Whats all t his go t t o do wit h me?I just want t o develo p a co mput er syst
39、em,build a websit e o r creat e a co mput er animat io n and writ e a repo rt abo ut it,no t co llect and analyse dat a o r make argument s.”The respo nse is t hat designing and creat ing any kind o f co mput er-based pro duct is st ill a fo rm o f research,which requires finding o r generat ing dat
40、 a,analysing it and drawing co nclusio ns.The research quest io n is,“Is it po ssible t o develo p a co mput er-based pro duct t o do X?”In o rder t o define t hat quest io n fully(fo r example,What is X?Why is it impo rt ant t o have a co mput er syst em t o do X?),and t hen t o answer it,yo u will
41、 have t o gat her dat a abo ut t he co mput er-based pro duct required,generat e yo ur o wn dat a t o do cument ho w and why yo u designed and implement ed t he pro duct,and t est t he co mput er-based pro duct and o bt ain user o r viewer feedback,which will invo lve mo re dat a generat io n and an
42、alysis.Ult imat ely,yo u will have t o co nvince t he readers o f yo ur repo rt t hat yo u went abo ut t he design and develo pment t asks in a syst emat ic way,finding,generat ing and analysing appro priat e dat a,so t hat yo u co uld draw co nclusio ns abo ut whet her o r no t yo u co uld indeed d
43、evelo p a co mput er syst em t o do X.Of co urse,so me syst ems develo pment is fairly t rivial,fo r example,using a PC-based so ft ware package t o build a dat abase t o keep t rack o f yo ur music co llect io n.To sat isfy academics as a validpiece o f research,t he co mput er-based pro duct must
44、co nt ribut e so met hing new,fo r example,t he syst em includes so me new funct io ns no t previo usly aut o mat ed using Info rmat io n Techno lo gy(IT),o r it s design is based o n a new t heo ry o rHow to Become Mentally HealthyExercise is o ne o f t he mo st effect ive ways.36 Everyo ne must ma
45、ke it a habit o f exercising fo r at least 30 minut es daily.Yo u can do it at ho me if yo u cant affo rd t o go t o t he gym o r fit ness clubs.There are plent y o f video s o n t he Int ernet t hat help peo ple beco me fit by exercising at ho me.So,st o p giving excuses and st art wo rking o ut.Re
46、ading help yo u learn abo ut life experiences and t ho ught pro cess o f peo ple t hat yo u will never meet in yo ur life.37 So,t ry t o read a go o d bo o k fo r at least 30 minut es daily.38 If yo u need t o be happy in yo ur life,yo u must learn t o live in t he present.Hence,medit at ing(Mi)fo r
47、 510 minut es will help yo u impro ve yo ur ment al healt h by living in t he mo ment.Avo id negat ive peo ple.Every o ne o f us has so me peo ple in o ur life who se o nly jo b is t o demo t ivat e o t hers and make t hem feel lo w.If yo u have t hat kind o f perso n in yo ur life,its bet t er t o
48、maint ain so me dist ance fro m t hem if yo u want t o live peacefully.39 So,its bet t er t o change yo ur co mpany o r be alo ne inst ead o f wast ing t ime wit h t ho se peo ple.These are so me o f t he habit s t hat yo u can apply in yo ur life t o beco me ment ally healt hy.40A.St ay po sit ive
49、rat her t han passive.B.Medit at io n helps us t rain o ur minds t o live in t he present.C.These peo ple will o nly make yo u feel wo rt hless and no t hing else.D.Fo llo w t hese habit s,and we can cert ainly benefit fro m t hem and impro ve healt h.E.It makes peo ple remo ve all t he wast e fro m
50、 t heir bo dy and let o nly t he po sit ivit y ent er inside.F.I ho pe yo u will lo ve t hem and st art living yo ur new wit h t hese habit s.G.Then,yo u can learn abo ut many peo ple and t heir st o ries t o remo ve yo ur ment al blo ckage and learn a new way o f living yo ur life.algo rit hm,o r t