1、The First LessonThe second semester of senior 3Part 01/Something a b o u t N e w Y e a r新年快乐!恭喜发财!How to express blessings in English?阖家幸福!大吉大利!身体健康!龙年大吉!龙腾虎跃!步步高升!五福临门!财源滚滚!新年快乐,阖家幸福!恭喜发财!新年快乐,大吉大利!新年快乐,身体健康!龙年大吉!龙腾虎跃,步步高升!五福临门!在步入龙年之际,送上我最诚挚的祝福!祝您及全家新的一年里财源滚滚,事业有成!愿新年带给你最美好的一切!the dragons are soar
2、inga bright futurea prosperous lifeWish you a bright future and a prosperous life in the new year.祝你新的一年中龙行龘龘祝你新的一年中龙行龘龘Wish you a new year filled with the vigor and vitality of a soaring dragon.May you+V.原May sth.+V.原(bring you sth./come to you)Wish you+n.金榜题名!SummaryWish you success in the college
3、 entrance examination!May you succeed in the college entrance examination!May the college entrance examination bring you success!May the success of the college entrance examination come to you!8Dragon year?What year is this year?It is the year of the dragon!The year of the loong!双语字幕科普中国龙与中国文化Dragon
4、 Chinese Culture_哔哩哔哩_bilibiliPart 02/Something about N e w Y e a r s M o v i eWhich one impressed you most?热辣滚烫ranks first in ticket sales.It is literally a big hit.YOLO!Whats the English name?013402珍惜时间和机会;拒绝拖延或犹豫;充分利用时间和机会去追求自己的梦想和目标。Cherish time and opportunities.Refuse to procrastinate or hesit
5、ate.Make full use of time and opportunities to pursue our dreams and goals.Part 03/Something about R e v i s i o n P l a n Revision Plan3月10-11日高考英语听说考试 Requirements1.早读:预备铃一响,立马准备好讲义和最近背诵的材料以及听写本2.之后的早读会分为3个10分钟,前十分钟背句子,中间十分钟记单词,最后十分钟听写3.上课:预备铃响,立马进教室,准备好上课资料、笔记本,认真听4.每周进行1次限时训练+写1次作文5.整理笔记、复习笔记;整理错题,反思归纳6.一三四午练继续练听说,自己找时间练字,平时写作文要注意字迹7.利用碎片化时间记单词Part 04/Group Reward7班12班Thanks for listening!