1、剑桥雅思真题精讲9Task 1题目要求(见“剑9”P101)审题题目翻译:下面的曲线图来自一份2008年的报告,给出了关于美国自1980年至2030年能源消费及预测 信息。本题为曲线图,由六条曲线组成。消耗的能源种类有: petrol and oil(汽油和石油),coal (煤炭), natural gas(天然气),nuclear(核能) ,solar/wind(太阳能/风能),和hydropower (水电)。横坐标为1980年到 2030年,纵坐标为以quadrillion units为基本单位的能源消耗量。写作思路曲线图的写作思路是要看共有多少条曲线,根据横轴分析每条曲线各自的变化,
2、并把不同曲线进行比 较。曲线大于等于三条的时候要注意归类。 一种归类方法是把增长的归为一类,减少或者不变的归为另一 类;同样都是增长或者减少的,则应该根据变化的幅度,从大到小排列,也可以先对比着写增长或减少幅 度最大和最小的,然后写居中的。另一种归类方法是按照相对占有的比例归类,按照比例大小分类。考官范文(见“剑9”P168)参考译文该曲线图显示了美国1980年至2012年的能源消费,以及至2030年的预计消费情况。汽油和石油是这个阶段最主要的燃料来源,从1980年使用的35万亿单位(35q) 增加到2012年的42q 。虽 然一开始有波动,但从1995年开始稳步增长。这一趋势估计会继续,到2
3、030年达到47q。来自天然气和煤炭的能源消费趋势在此期间相似。1980年分别为20q和15q, 天然气消费最初呈下降趋 势,而煤炭则是逐渐增加,在1985年至1990年间两种燃料持平。1990年以后的消费出现波动,但两者现在都 供应24q。据预测,煤炭会稳步增长到2030年的31q, 而天然气则在2014年以后保持在25q。1980年时,来自于核能、水力和太阳能/风能的能源消费情况相同,都仅为4q。此后,核能增加了3q, 太 阳能/风能增加了2q。水电在略有增长后下降到1980年的数值。据预测水电会一直保持在这一数值直到2030 年,而其他能源在2025年后会略有增加。总之,美国会继续依赖矿
4、物燃料,可再生能源和核能依然相对不那么重要。170Test 4 Writing 分析首段分析文章首段交代了图表的基本信息和写作对象,在题目原文基础上进行了改写,如把consumption of energy改成energy consumpion (次序替换),把since 1980 with projections until 2030改成from 1980 to 2012, and projected consumprion to 2030(词性改变和同义表达)。主体段落分析文章主体段落按照燃料来源及各自的消费量大小进行描述,把五种燃料来源分为三类,分别为汽油和 石油,天然气和煤炭,核能、太
5、阳能/风能和水电。先写量多的,然后写量少的。注意在描述同一类能源的时 候,要既描写共同点,也描写差异点,而且除了进行比较之外,还要提及各自随时间变化的增减。第二段描写能源消费量最大的汽油和石油。 一般说来,描写单条曲线变化的时候,如果曲线的变化比 较单一,那么只需要指出上升或下降的趋势,并给出曲线的起始和终止数据。如果曲线有波动,则需要综 合判断在波动中的主体变化。除了描写上升下降以外,特别要指出曲线的转折点。本段先描述1980年至 2012年的增长(即横轴中的History 部分),然后指出虽然一开始有波动,但1995年之后处于平稳上升,并指 出到2030年将增长到最高点(即横轴中的Proj
6、ections部分)。第三段指出天然气和煤炭的能源消费趋势与汽油和石油相似,基本都是增长,然后分析天然气和煤炭 消费随着时间变化而产生的消费量差异情况。具体描述按照时间段来进行:19801985(天然气下降,煤炭 上升),19851990(两者消费量相同),19902012(都有波动),2012/20142030(煤炭上升,天然气不变)。第四段描述消费量相对较少的核能、太阳能/风能及水电。和第三段相似,描述基本按照时间排序: 1980现在(起点相同,然后核能、太阳能/风能上升,水电下降),现在2030(水电保持不变,核能、太阳 能/风能略有上升)。结尾段分析结尾段是本文的overview(概述
7、),总结文章主体段落详细描述的趋势,指出矿物燃料(即第二、三段 描述的石油和汽油、煤炭和天然气)占美国能源消费的主体,而可再生能源(太阳能/风能和水电)和核能 (第四段描述)所占比例较低。连贯与衔接文章分段合理,连贯性很强,衔接手段非常丰富,涉及指代 (reference) 、省 略 (ellipsis) 、和连接 (conjunction) 。 其中,指代关系 (reference) 用到了指示指称 (demonstrative reference) 和比较指称 (comparative reference)。指代:第二段第一句的this period指代第一段的from 1980 to 2
8、012,and projected consumption to 2030。第三句 的this指代第二句的steady increase。第三段第一句中的similar体现了比较指称关系(comparative reference)。第三句的both指代第一句提到 的natural gas and coal。第四段第四句的it指代上一句的hydropower,this level指代上一句的he 1980 figure,the others指代第一 句的nuclear和solar/wind power。省略:第三段第二句From 20q and 15q respectively in 1980
9、,gas showed an initial fall and coal a gradual increase其 中 ,coal后面省略了showed。第四段第二句Nuclear has risen by 3q,and solar/wind by 2.其中solar/wind后省略了has risen。连接:转折关系:第三段的but和whereas, 第四段的while。171剑桥雅思真题精讲9derive from来自,源自respectivelyadv.分别,各自maintainv.保持fossil fuel矿物燃料(如煤、石油、天然气等)nsignificantadj.不重要的用词本文词
10、汇使用熟练。表示“增加”的时候,既有以现在分词作状语形式出现的rising, 又有分别以动词和 名词形式出现的increase。表示“波动”的时候,分别用了名词形式的fluctuation和动词形式的fuctuate 。 表示 “保持不变”的时候,分别用了remain stable和maintain this level。具体描述变化的稳定性的时候,用了 steady,steadily 和gradual。难词dominantadj.占首位的,主要的quadrillionn.美国能源部常用的能源单位,为1015,等于千的五次方, 或百万的四次方。initialadj.开始的,最初的语法From
11、20q and 15q respectively in 1980,gas showed an initial fall and coal a gradual increase,with the two fuels equal between 1985 and 1990.本句的with结构里,the two fuels为逻辑主语,equal 前面省略了逻辑动词being。Overall,the US will continue to rely on fossil fuels,with sustainable and nuclear energy sources remaining relativ
12、ely insignificant.本句的with结构里,sustainable and nuclear energy sources充当逻辑主语,remain 为逻辑动词。注意时态表述:描写过去和过去时间段一般过去时: gas showed an initial fall.描写过去到现在的变化现在完成时:Consumption has fuctuated since 1990描写未来的时间段一般现在时的推测表达:is expected to或is predicted to;一般将来时:This is expected to continue,reaching 47q in 2030./Coa
13、l is predicted to increase steadily to 31q in 2030,whereas after 2014,gas will remain stable at 25q.Task 2题目要求(见“剑9”P102)审 题题目翻译:每年都有数种语言消亡。 一些人认为这并不重要,因为如果世界上语言少一些的话,生活 会更加方便。对此观点你在何等程度上同意或不同意?本题在题材上属于文化类话题,为Agree/Disagree题型。本题曾经是2004年10月30日雅思考题。写作思路我们在Test2 里讨论过同意不同意(Agree/Disagree) 文章的三种写法。Test 2
14、的范文采用的是第一种写 法 (Agree), 和本文相同,但那篇是考官范文而本篇为4分范文,大家可以通过比较两篇文章体会区别。其172Test 4Writing实,本题我们也可以采取不同意(Disagree) 的立场。我们可以在第一段明确表明观点:不同意语言的消亡会 让生活更方便。文章主体段落可以先写一个让步段,分析为什么有些人认为语言的消亡是件好事,然后写 反驳段,指出这种观点的荒谬之处,最后在结尾重申立场,主张应该保存语言的多样化。考生作文 (见“剑9”P169)译文我同意这一观点。现今有几种语言消亡。我认为这个状况是对的。世界上已经有太多语言了,至少100种,包括小国。但 是我们只知道一
15、些语言,像英语、法语、日语、汉语之类。现如今,我们生活在世界上。所以我们需要世界的第一语言。因此一些语言需要消亡。而且,小国家语言几乎都很难学会,而且没用。所以我们不需要学习这些语言。即使我们去学,这种语 言在世界上也都不再使用了。只是在这个国家有用。而且我们找不到小语种教育机构。所以我认为小国家语言使得花费金钱和时间,而且我们需要找到所有国家都使用的第一语言。这对所 有发展中国家都很重要。在我们决定第一语言之后我们和另一个国家人们的交流会更方便。此外,我们不需要投资另一种语言 教育,而且我们可以通过减少教育费用的方法投资经济和文化另一方面的发展。根据这一观点,考官点评(见“剑9”P169)参
16、考译文本文表达了针对话题的立场,但由于重复和没有展开(文章未完成,而且字数不够),观点并不总是清 晰的。信息的组织不连贯,很难连续读下去。虽然有一些衔接手法,但没有使用替换和指代,观点间的连接 也不清晰。词汇量有限且重复,诸如small country language(小国家语言)、invest(投资)等不合理的词汇选择 让读者很难理解文章意思。有写复杂句的尝试,也有一些语法结构使用正确,但基本句子构造及标点方面 的错误和遗漏频繁,使得文章很难理解。分析本文得分4分。内容作者的基本观点是认为语言的消亡是件好事。理由是语言太多,而且有些语言很难学习,使用的人也 少,学起来耗费金钱和时间,而语言
17、少一些的话各个国家人民的交流会更方便。但问题在于作者在论证的 时候没有通过使用各种论证手法来支持自己的观点。结构文章用了一些衔接手法。173剑 桥 雅 思 真 题 精 讲9指代关系:第二段第二句this situation(指代上一句话);第五段第二句this(指代上一句话)。连接词:but,so,therefore,also,besides。词汇与语法词汇量有限且重复,很多词汇运用错误,导致文章很难理解。语法方面错误很多,尤其是在基本句子 构造及标点方面。文章尝试写复杂句,但基本不成功,例如:In the world,already have to much languages minimu
18、m 100 languages include small country.本句可改为: In the world,we already have too many languages,and there are at least 100 languages, including those used in small countries.高分范文本文为4分范文,对考生参考意义不大。此处附上一篇高分范文供大家参考:Recent surveys suggest that many existing languages are facing extinction.Some people claim
19、 that there is nothing to worry about and communications between nations may even become less difficult as a result. However,I do not agree with this opinion because language diversity is crucial to the survival and development of human civilisation as a whole.It is true that too many languages some
20、times hinder communication and cause misunderstandings or even frustrations.We have to speak the same language to communicate well,which is why many people strive to learn a sccond language or even a third.But it does not mean that we do not have to protect the endangered languages as languages serv
21、e more important functions than communication.It is both a carrier of culture and a symbol of the identity of the people who speak it.Undoubtedly,a language is a record of how the people who speak it have evolved.Therefore,it can provide clues as to how mankind as a whole has developed.Furthermore,t
22、he existence of a large number of languages is conducive to cultural diversity and culural exchanges which have resulted in some of the most important inventions or discoveries in the world.But how could cultural exchanges be possible if there were very few,or only one language left?Apparently the i
23、dea that life will be easier if there are fewer languages is too short-sighted.People holding this view fail to take into consideration the role that languages play in cultural diversity upon which the survival of mankind and social progress build.174Test 4Speaking Part 1在第一部分,考官会介绍自己并确认考生身份,然后打开录音机
24、/笔,报出考试名称、时间、地点等考 试信息。考官接下来会围绕考生的学习、工作、住宿或其他相关话题展开提问。话题举例Bicycles1.How popular are bicycles in your home town?Why?Its less popular than it was 10 years ago.Because our living condition is advancing rapidly,more and more people can afford private cars to commute to work or school.The government is al
25、so paving more roads and expressways to meet the needs of new automobile owners.living condition 生活条件 advance 进步pave铺(路) e x p r e s s w a y s高 速 公 路 2.How often do you ride a bicydle?Why/Why not?Iride a bike to work every day as it is faster than walking,and I dont have to get on a crowded bus.Plus
26、,the traffic is always heavy in big city,especially in the rush hour. People can get stuck on road for two or more hours.So obviously a bicycle is the best way of transportation.rush hour高峰期 g e t s t u c k 被 堵 . . . ; 被 卡 在 3.Do you think that bicycles are suitable for all ages?Why/Why not?Its dang
27、erous for kids to ride bicycles in China because there are many cars that turn very fast when you cross the intersection.I think that kids need to wear helmets.I hardly ever see anyone wear any kind ofprotective gear.cross thep r o tintersection过十字路口e c t i v e g e a r保 护 装 置helmet 钢盔,头盔4.What are t
28、he advantages of a bicycle compared to a car?Why?The thought of riding a bike becomes mere nostalgia of times when we were younger.However,if you stop to think about it,there are many benefits to riding a bicyele.Riding bicycles have physical,financial,and eco benefits.These reasons for cycling are
29、great,and the benefits can make you happier and healthier.n o s t a l g i a怀 旧 之 情Part 2考官给考生一张话题卡(Cue Card)。考生有1分钟准备时间,并可以做笔记(考官会给考生笔和纸)。 之后考生要作12分钟的陈述。考生讲完后,考官会就考生的阐述内容提一两个相关问题,由考生作简 要回答。175剑桥雅思真题精讲9CUE CARDDescribe a person who has done a lot of work to help people. You should say:who this person
30、 is/waswhere this person lives/ivedwhat he/she has done to help peopleand explain how you know about this person.话题卡说明人物话题是雅思口语的核心话题,考官主要考查考生是否能描述各类人物,如家人、朋友等。在讨论 Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people这个话题时,选择的人物需要有典型特征, 一定 有爱心、热衷于帮助他人。在描述人物五官相貌、性格特征等时,若举些实例,将使得考生的答案更具有说 服力。类似的话
31、题卡还有Describe a singer or musician,Describe a child you know等。点题I want to tell you about my bosom friend,Sam,who I met when we were both only five years old. When I think of him,the thing which stands out most is his constantly smiling face Hisense of humour,and his warm and caring dispositionmade hi
32、s inner-selfbeautiful居住区域He and I lived in the same neighbourhood.Teensand adults in this block all paid tribute to him and described him as a good-hearted,quiet yet outgoing boy who loved basketball.Ill always remember him because he was my closest companion before he left home to university.所做善行On
33、e day a few years ago when we were working at Starbucks it was pouring outside.Before the store was supposed to close he saw a woman walking without an umbrella in the pouring rain andholding a baby.He grabbed his umbrella and ran outside in the rain and said,Madam,do you want an umbrella?”She was s
34、o happy and thanked Sam so much.了解程度He was always concerned for others and ready to help those in trouble.As virtuous cycles,others helped him happily if he needed.Besides he always lent me a hand whenever I was in trouble or I had a puzzled and anxious look on my face.Nowadays we live on opposite s
35、ides of theworld and lead very different lives.When I see it is him calling,my heart beats like a drum,and just hearing his voice on the phone can make me smile so big that my cheeks hurt.He always tries his hardest to protect me.If only the world were full of people like him,and then wed be able to
36、 feel safe.重点词句176bosom friend 知己constantly smiling face 保持微笑的面容inner-self 内在pay tribute to 称赞outgoing 乐于助人的pour大雨倾盆be concerned for 为担心puzzled and anxious look 困惑并且焦虑的神情stand out 显著disposition 性格teen 青少年good-hearted 热心肠的closest companion 亲密伙伴grab 抓住virtuous 善良的if only真希望Test 4SpeakingPart 3第三部分:双向讨
37、论(45分钟)。考官与考生围绕由第二部分引申出来的一些比较抽象的话题进行讨 论。第三部分的话题是对第二部分话题卡内容的深化和拓展。话题举例Helping other people in the community1.What are some of the ways people can help others in the community?Which is the most important?There are a lot of things we can do to help in your community,whether its wih your moms chores or
38、ifa friend is upset We can also do volunteer work.I walk dogsfor the local lost dogshome and visit kids in hospital and read for old guys a couple times a month.There are many little things you can do to reach out toother people.Children are always in need ofhelp.Helping at community clubs as a teen
39、 sponsor or mentoris a crucial task.Sometimes school guidance counselors sponsor teens to come up with skits that have positive messages.What these“older siblings”said left a deep impression to those children.chore 家务 upset 心烦的walk a dog 遛狗 reach out to 帮助in need of 需要 sponsor 保荐人mentor 导师 school gu
40、idance counselor 学校辅导员skit 小喜剧o l d e r s i b l i n g s哥 哥 姐 姐 2.Why do you think some people like to help other people?Because they are willing to put themselves in other peoples shoes Being compassionategives them a strong reason to help someone else.Instead afconsidering volunteering as something
41、 you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself,they think of it as an exchange Most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives.So today you may be the person with the ability to help,but tomorrow you may be the recipientof someone elses volunteer effort.put oneself in ones
42、shoes从的角度思考instead of不是而是 at some point在某些时候compassionate有同情心的exchange交换recipient接受者3.Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they did in the past.Do you agree or disagree?Why?I dont agree with this view.I think people are also less likely to help than before.The major
43、ity of people aremore arrogantand self-centred than the past generations. We have less patience and tolerance for each other,let alone sympathy.Narcissism and hate is on the rise in both rural and urban communities.Particularly,the rich are more focused on holding onto and attaining wealth,unlike th
44、e poor spend more time with friends and loved ones.arrogant傲慢自大的 self-centred以自我为中心的tolerance宽容let alone更不用说sympathy同情心narcissism自恋be on the rise上涨hold onto紧抓不放177剑桥雅思真题精讲9Community Services1. What types of services,such as libraries or health centres,are available to the people who live in yourarea
45、?Do you think there are enough of them?There are a number of important neighbourhood conveniences,like grocery store chain,drycleaners,salon or barber,a range of restaurants to suit different tastes,natural spaces for enjoying theoutdoors,and a gym that meets personal fitness needs.Things like this are too numerous tomention.But it couldnt be better if there are coffeehouses or bars for hanging out and socialising,andauto-related amenities like a car washand fueling station.grocery store chain 连锁商店 salon 沙龙a range