DocuPrint CM215bCM215fCM215fwService Manual Ver.1.0原版完整文件.docx

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1、Fuji xerox .DocuPrint CM215b / CM215f / CM215fwCP105b / CP215 / CP215wService Manual Ver.1.0Fuji xerox ADocuPrint CM215b / CM215f / CM215fw /CP105b /CP215 / CP215wService Manual Ver.1.0Issued: July 2013 This service manual covers the following models FUJI XEROX Co. Ltd. Laser Printer DocuPrint CM215

2、b / CM215f / CM215fw / CP105b / CP215 / CP215w Related MaterialsNo other related materials issued other than this service manual. Confidentiality This service manual is issued intending use by maintenance service personnel authorized by FUJI XEROX Co. Ltd. Copying, transferring or leasing this manua

3、l without prior consent by FUJI XEROX Co. Ltd. is prohibited. When a page becomes irrelavant (e.g. superceded by a replacement page) Handle with care to avoid loss or damage of the manual. Revision and Modification InformationWhen design changes or revisions relating to this service manual occur, th

4、e overseas technical information or overseas service bulletin may be issued as supplementary information until such changes are accomodated in the updated version of this service manual. CAUTION Important changes including revisions of spare part numbers and adjustment specifications must immediatel

5、y be reflected on the respective pages of this service manual upon reception of suchEdited by: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Solution Service & Operational Management CS Dept. MinatoMirai Center Bldg.3-6-1 Minatomirai Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012, JAPAN TEL: 045-414-5725XEROX is registered trademark

6、.PRINTED IN JAPANCompany NameDepartment NameTelephone No.Full NameEmployee No.PrefaceGetting to know the Service Manual How to use the Service Manual Terms and SymbolsAbbreviationsChapter 1 Service Call Procedure(Not yet issued)Chapter 2 TroubleshootingChapter 3 Image Quality Troubleshooting(Not yet

7、 issued)Chapter 4 Disassembly / Assembly and AdjustmentsChapter 5 Parts ListChapter 6 General(Not yet issued)Chapter 7 Wiring Data(Not yet issued)Chapter 8 Accessories(Not yet issued)Chapter 9 Installation(Not yet issued)Chapter 10 Machine OverviewPrefacePrefaceTable of ContentsTable of Contents1 Ge

8、tting to know the ServiceManual Preface-12 How to use the Service Manual Preface-12.1 Contents of Manual Preface-12.2 Information on Updating Preface-23 Terms and Symbols Preface-34 Abbreviations Preface-4Introduction2. How to use the Service ManualIntroduction1. Getting to know the Service Manual2.

9、 Getting to know the Service ManualThis manual is used as the standard service manual. Publication Comment SheetEnter any comments and/or corrections regarding this service manual into the Publication Comment Sheet, and send it to OSG PSD CS&SD SSOMG FX through the OpCo TS or CS department.3. How to

10、 use the Service ManualThis manual describes the standard procedures for the servicing.3.1 Contents of Manual HardwareThis manual summarizes all technical information. ChaptersThis manual is divided into ten chapters as described below.Chapter 1 Service Call ProcedureNot yet issued.Chapter 2 Trouble

11、shootingThis chapter describes the troubleshooting procedures other than image quality troubleshooting. It also describes how to use the diagnostics and some programs.Chapter 3 Image Quality Troubleshooting Not yet issued.Chapter 4 Disassembly / Assembly and AdjustmentsThis chapter describes the dis

12、assembly, assembly, adjustment and replacement procedures for components.Chapter 5 Parts ListThis chapter contains spare parts list.Chapter 6 GeneralNot yet issued.Chapter 7 Wiring DataNot yet issued.Chapter 8 AccessoriesNot yet issued.Chapter 9 InstallationNot yet issued.Chapter 10 Machine Overview

13、This chapter gives an overview of the functions of the main components.2.2 Information on UpdatingThis manual will be revised and sent to each customer engineer as specified below. Revisions must be incorporated correctly to keep the manual up-to-date.Updating Procedure When the entire manual is rev

14、ised, 1st Edition on the front cover will be renewed to 1st Edition, 2nd Edition, 3rd Edition and so on. When this manual is partially revised, revisions will be sequentially indicated as Revision A, Revision B, Revision C, etc. All revised pages will be marked accordingly with Revision A, Revision

15、B, Revision C and so on.Revision SidebarWhen any paragraph, table or figure has been added or amended, a revision sidebar will be added to indicate where the revision was made.(Example)If the same page is changed again due to a subsequent revision, revision sidebars associated with the previous revi

16、sion(s) will be deleted.Preface-#Introduction4. Abbreviations3.Terms and SymbolsSpecific terms and symbols used in any particular chapter are described in the Preface for that section. The terms and symbols described here are used throughout this manual. The terms and symbols used at the beginning o

17、f a text are defined as follows:丞DANGER Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, such as death or serious injury if operators do not handle the machine correctly by disregarding the statement. WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, such as death or serious injury if operators do no

18、t handle the machine correctly by disregarding the statement. CAUTION Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, such as injury or property damage if operators do not handle the machine correctly by disregarding the statement.INSTRUCTION Indicates that the printer or its components may be damaged

19、if the instructed procedure is not strictly observed.NOTEUsed to emphasize the procedure, servicing, and regulation.REFERENCE Used to describe the technical terminology and supplementary explanations.OBJECTIVE Used to explain purpose of adjustment. REP:Indicates the disassembly/assembly procedurefor

20、 reference. ADJ:Indicates the adjustment procedure for reference. PL:Indicates the parts list for reference. ASSY:Means Assembly.Safety Critical Components (SCC)Control of the safety of components that are designated Safety Critical Components shall conform to Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd-stipulated rules and

21、 regulations on Safety Critical Components.As to replacement of any component designated SCC, the complete component unit must be replaced. It must never be disassembled or no individual internal parts of it must be replaced.Installation of any part other than the ones designated by Fuji Xerox Co. L

22、td. shall be strictly prohibited because it cannot be guaranteed in quality and safety.Important Information Stored Component (ISC)Important Information Stored Components store customers important information they have entered after machine installation. When replacing Important Information Stored C

23、omponents, you must replace and discard them, following the procedure described in Chapter 4 Adjustments. Take care never to let customer information leak out.4. AbbreviationsAbbreviationsThis manual contains abbreviations that are specific to this manual, as well as general abbreviations, which inc

24、lude:ADCAutomatic Density ControlMAGMag. RollAGAnalog GroundMCUMachine Control UnitAPSAuto Paper SelectMOBMarks On BeltARCAuto Registration ControlMOTMotorASSYAssemblyMSIMulti Sheet InserterATSAuto Tray SwitchingN/PNo PaperBBlackNVMNon Volatile MemoryBCRBias Charge RollOEMOriginal EquipmentBkBlackMa

25、nufacuringBLKBlackOHPOverhead ProjectBLUBlueOPOperationBRNBrownOPCOrganic Photo ConductorBTRBias Transfer RollORNORANGECCyanPCPersonal ComputerCLNCleanerPCDCPixel Count Dispense ControlCRUCustomer Replaceable UnitPHPaper HandlingCRUMCRU MonitorPHDPrinter HeadCTRGCartridgePNKPinkDETDetoner RollPOPPap

26、er On PhotoreceptorDEVE.DeveloperPPMPrints Per MinuteDIAG.DiagnosticPR,P/RProcessDISPDispensePVPrint Volumedpidots per inchPWB(A)Printed Wiring BoadDTSDetack Saw(Assembly)DUPDuplexRRightESBElectro Static BrushRRearESSElectric SubsystemR/HRight HandFFrontREFRefresherFEED, FDRFeederREGI.RegistrationFI

27、PFault Isolation ProcedureRHRight HandGNDGroundROSRaster Output ScannerGRNGreenROTRotaryGRYGrayRTCRubber Tube ChargerHTHalf ToneRTNReturnHUMHumiditySEFShort Edge FeedHVPSHigh Voltage Power SupplySGSignal GroundICDCImage Count Dispense ControlSMHSpecial Material HandlerIDImage Density, or Identificat

28、ionSNRSensorIBTIntermediate Belt TransferSOL.SolenoidINTL, INLKInterlockSOSStart Of ScanIOTImage Output TerminalSTMSingle Tray ModuleKBlackSWSwitchLLeftTEMP.TemperatureL/HLeft HandTMTray ModuleLDLaser diodeTNER, TNRTonerLDDLightly Doped DrainTPThermopileLEDLight-emitting diodeTRTransferLEFLong Edge

29、FeedVIOVioletLHLeft HandWHTWhiteLVLow VoltageXEROXerographicLVPSLow Voltage Power SupplyYYellowMMagentaYELYellowPreface-#Chapter 2 TroubleshootingContents2.1 Status Codes AIO Model2-12.1.1 Controller 2-12.1.2 IOT 2-32.1.3 Scanner 2-62.2 Status Codes SFP Model2-12Chapter 2 Troubleshooting2.1 Status C

30、odes AIO Model2.2 Status Codes AIO Model2.2.1 ControllerStatus CodeError Summary/DescriptionSolution016-315Quick DRAM check failureReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)016-317CODEROM content invalidReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)016-501Can not update application code in FLASHReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)01

31、6-502Can not update parameters correctly in FLASHReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)016-718Out of Memory Memory is insufficient.Wait until the other job releases memory and the system becomes idle, and then retry.016-719Decode errorNo action required.016-720PDL ErrorAn invalid command/data has been detec

32、ted.No action required.016-744Firmware Download Format Error An invalid code has been downloaded.Download the correct firmware.016-745Firmware Download Format Error An invalid data has been downloaded.Download the correct firmware.016-749PJL ErrorA PJL format error has been detected.No action requir

33、ed.016-791USB Memory was removedInsert the USB memory.016-795File Format ErrorA JPEG/TIFF/PDF header check error has occurred.Select a supported file.016-797File Read ErrorSelect a file that can be read successfully.016-920AP detecting fail while WPS setup.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)018-338Config

34、uration to WIFI dongle is failed.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)024-360MCU firmware AP code is failed.Replace KIT IOT.024-371Controller board failed to communicate with IOT engineReplace KIT IOT.024-958The selected paper size is not available in the printer The actual paper size in tray is different

35、from the specified paper size.Replace KIT IOT.024-963Paper is not loaded in the selected tray.The specified paper size is not available on the actual machine. (or MPF PSI is empty)Replace KIT IOT.027-446IPV6 address duplicateAt startup, duplicated IPv6 addresses were detected on the network.Replace

36、KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)027-452IPV4 address duplicateAt startup, duplicated IPv4 addresses were detected on the network.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)062-360Obama chip initialization failedReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)2-1Chapter 2 Troubleshooting2.1 Status Codes AIO ModelStatus CodeError Summary/Desc

37、riptionSolution075-921Press the Set buttonThe printer is waiting for the button to be pressed after Side 2 for manual duplex print was set.Press the button.116-210USBH port failedReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)116-314Cannot get MAC address / WIFI MAC address when initializationReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (

38、REP7.4)116-323NVRAM R/W Check FailAn error has been detected in the NVRAM Read/Write check.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)116-325NVRAM R/W Check FailAn error has been detected in the NVRAM Read/Write check.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)116-326NVRAM R/W Check FailAn error has been detected in the NVRA

39、M Read/Write check.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)116-335Check sum is not right when NVRAM initializationReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)116-355Network Fatal ErrorA fatal error has occurred in the network application.Replace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)116-395USBD port failedReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117

40、-331ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-332ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-333ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-334ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-349ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-350ESS related errorReplace K

41、IT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-351ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)117-366ESS related errorReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)134-211Controller board failed to communicate with FAX moduleReplace KIT PWBA ESS. (REP7.4)2.2.2 IOTStatus CodeDescriptionSolution009950A communication error regarding Ton

42、er CRUM (Y) has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.009951A communication error regarding Toner CRUM (M) has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.009952A communication error regarding Toner CRUM (C) has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.009953A communication error regarding Toner CRUM (K) has been detected.Replace K

43、IT IOT.010397An operation error of the fusing assy (abnormal temperature, etc.) has occurred.Replace KIT IOT.024340An MCU firmware error has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.041340An NVRAM error has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.042325A Main Motor failure has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.042358A Fan M

44、otor Error has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.042372A Deve Mode Change failure has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.061370An LPH failure has been detected.Replace KIT IOT.075100A miss feed jam has been detected on MPF (PSI).Replace KIT IOT.077100A Reg On early JAM has been detected.A sheet is remaining at the registration section.Replace KIT IOT.077104A Reg OFF Jam has been detected.The sheet did not pass through the Regi Sensor within the specified time.Replace KIT IOT.077106An Exit On JAM has been detected.The sheet did not reach the Exit Sensor within the specified time.Repl


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