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1、1翻译理论与实践(下)教学内容翻译理论与实践(下)教学内容1.英汉请柬、通知翻译2.英汉证明、证书翻译3.英汉广告翻译4.英汉旅游景点翻译5.英汉企事业简介翻译6.英汉合同翻译7.英汉信用证翻译8.英汉其他实用文翻译2第六章第六章.英汉合同翻译英汉合同翻译 在贸易往来中,合同等法律文件的谈判、起草、成文以及翻译对每一笔交易来说都是必不可缺和至关重要的。作为二十一世纪英语专业的学生,必须懂得合同等法律文件的基本概念、主要特征、法律效力和翻译的基本技巧等等。3一、合同的基本概念和结构一、合同的基本概念和结构 合同亦称契约,是具有法律约束力的承诺,表示当事人愿意承担权利和义务。合同是具有法律约束力的

2、文件,一经签订,当事人各方均须严格执行。中华人民共和国合同法第二条规定:“合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务关系的协议。”4 A contract,in the simplest definition,is a promise enforceable by law.The promise may be to do something or to refrain from doing something.The making of a contract requires the mutual assent of two or more persons,one

3、of them ordinarily making an offer and another accepting.If one of the parties fails to keep the promise,the other is entitled to legal recourse against him.The law of contracts has to do with such questions as whether a contract exists,what the meaning of it is,whether a contract has been broken,an

4、d what compensation is due the injured party.(The New Encyclopedia Britannica,15th edition,published by Encyclopedia Britannica,Inc.1977,Vol.5,P.124)5 合同的种类虽然繁多,但就其基本结构来说是一致的,一般包括三部分:前言、正文和结尾,也可以称为约首、正文和约尾。概括起来,合同所涉及的基本内容主要包括以下几条:1.The corporate or personal names of the contract parties and their na

5、tionalities,principle place of business or residence addresses;合同当事人的名称或者姓名、国籍、主营业所或住所;2.Date and place of signature of the contract;合同签订的日期、地点;63.Type of the contract and the kind,scope of the subject matter of the contract;合同的类型和合同标的种类、范围;4.Technical conditions,quality,standard,specifications and

6、quantities of the subject matter of the contract;合同标的技术条件、质量、标准、规格、数量;5.Time limit,place and method of performance;履行的期限、地点和方式;6.Terms of price,amount and way of payment,and various additional charge;价格条件、支付金额、支付方式和各种附带的费用;77.Whether the contract could be assigned or conditions for assignment;合同能否转让

7、或者合同转让的条件;8.Compensation and other liabilities for breach of the contract;违反合同的赔偿和其他责任;9.Ways for settlement of disputes in case of disputes arising from the contract;合同发生争议时的解决方法;10.Languages to be used in the contract and their effectiveness.合同使用的文字及效力。8二、二、合同的基本种类合同的基本种类 这里主要讨论国际商务合同,即所谓的涉外合同。根据国

8、际贸易商品流通的各种做法,称为贸易方式。不同的贸易方式就会产生不同的合同,按照贸易方式的性质和内容的不同可以将合同主要分为以下几大类:91、销售或购货合同 2、技术转让合同 3、合资或合营合同 4、补偿贸易合同 5、国际工程承包合同 6、代理协议 7、来料加工合同 8、多种贸易方式相结合的合同 10三、三、合同的语言特征合同的语言特征 就其性质而言,合同可以说是一种法律文书,依法订立的合同一经各方签字,即具有法律效力,并对合同各方当事人都具有约束力,未经一方同意,合同内容不得随意变更,否则就算违约。因此,起草、翻译合同时各方都应慎之又慎,对合同语言必须仔细推敲、反复琢磨,避免因语言模棱两可而产

9、生歧义。尽管合同用词难度大,要求十分严格,但合同措词仍有规律可循。11一)、词汇特征一)、词汇特征 合同的用词造句必须十分准确严谨,一般具有准确、简练、明晰和正式几大特点。由于用词不当、合同当事人对文字理解不一所造成的索赔和纠纷案件屡见不鲜。合同翻译时要特别注意英语中的一词多义或多种解释。例如:The penalty shall be divided between Party A and Party B in New York City and Party C in Newark,New Jersey.12 简练对合同也颇为重要。因为合同语言的严谨,最好用尽可能少的文字来清楚地阐明意思。要做

10、到言简意赅,合同起草者和翻译者必须避免使用或删除不必要的词语。例如:In the event of a single arbitrator being unable to be agreed upon by the two parties.一旦一个仲裁员不能被双方同意13 要使合同行文明晰,应力戒含糊其词和模棱两可,应注意使用规范的句子的语序、修饰语要置于靠近所形容的词的位置等等。例如:在乙方的要求下,甲方同意派遣技术人员帮助乙方安装设备。At the request of Party B,Party A agrees to send technicians to assist Party B

11、 to install the equipment.141、专业词汇、专业词汇 专业词汇主要是指在某一学科或特定领域中使用的专门用语。这些专门用语有其特定的含义,并在各自专业领域中被广泛使用。如:free on board(船上交货)、bill of lading(提单)、shipping marks(唛头)等等。15 考虑到合同特定场合的需要,有时合同对一些关键术语的定义做出明确的限定和说明,一般可分为扩展性解释和限缩性解释两种。例如:“patent”in this contract shall mean registered invention rights,registered util

12、ity model rights,right of registered industrial design and any technical applications listed in the attachment herewith“trademark”here means registered trademark 162、词语并列、词语并列 合同中的词语并列往往分为两种情况:词语并列结构和成对同义词结构。为使国际条约表意准确和规范严谨,合同制定者在行文中大量使用词语并列结构,用and或or把两个或多个短语并列起来。这种并列结构有更强的包容性,同时也更加具有弹性。例如:17(合同)项下或

13、按照(合同)under or in accordance with签署并寄出signed and delivered按总体或部分来讲in whole or in partmake amendments to and revision of修改fulfill or perform履行transferable or assignable转让18 It is the intent of the parties that all documents and annexes forming part hereof shall be read and taken together and that eac

14、h and every provision or stipulation hereof be given full force,effect and applicability.However,in the event that one or more provisions or stipulations herein be declared null and void by the courts,or otherwise rendered ineffective,the remaining provisions and stipulations shall not be affected t

15、hereby.193、情态动词、情态动词 与所有的法律文件相同,合同在情态动词的选用上很慎重。may,must,will,shall,should各司其职,不可混淆。值得注意的是“shall”在合同中并非单纯表示将来时,而是用来表示一方应尽的义务,表示强制性责任、履行义务,与中文中“应该”、“必须”的意义相同,所表达的力度比“will”要强。例如:The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid.204、缩略词、缩略词另外,缩略词在合同中出现的频率很高,而且主要为首

16、字母缩略词和截短词。国际经贸合同中的价格、支付及保险方式大多以首字母缩略词形式出现,例如:FOB(Free on Board装运港船上交货)T/T(Telegraphic Transfer电汇)W.A.(With Average水渍险)等等。21此外,还有一些计量单位及相关名称则通常以截短词形式出现,例如:CTN(carton纸箱)PC(piece件、个)No(number号)等等。225、古英语及特殊用语的使用、古英语及特殊用语的使用英文合同使用了大量的古英语,最为突出的是用here,there,where后缀in/after/by等介词。这类古英语能避免重复,使句子结构紧凑精练。例如:he

17、reafter=after this time今后herein=in this因此hereby=by means of特此23hereinbefore=in a proceeding part of this contract 在上文hereinafter=later in this contract在下文thereto=to that此外thereupon=then随后 whereas鉴于,在约首用作引出签约的背景和目的witness证明,在约首中用作充当首句的谓语hereinafter referred to as以下简称24二)、句法特征二)、句法特征合同作为法律文书,规定了各方当事人之

18、间的权利和义务,合同文字所表达的意思必须完整、明确、肯定,所以,合同对句子类型的选择存在明显的倾向性,陈述句的使用频率比较高,陈述句用于阐述、解释、说明、规定和判断,语言显得比较客观、平实。此外,合同句法的另一个明显特征是较多使用长句和惯用句型。251、多用长句、多用长句 与普通英语相比,英文合同的句子较长,结构也复杂得多。长句的使用主要是可以准确地界定各方当事人的权利和义务,排除被曲解、误解或出现歧义的可能性。例如:26 The tenderer should be informed that,if he has delivered,posted or dispatched his tend

19、er prior to the formal submission date he has the right to modify or make corrections to it,provided that any such modifications or corrections are received by the employer/engineer in writing prior to the time specified for submission of tenders.The original tender thus modified or corrected would

20、then be considered as the official tender.27又如:The prices stated are based on current freight rates,any increase or decrease in freight rates at time of shipment is to be the benefit of the buyer,with the seller assuming the payment of all transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.282

21、、惯用句型、惯用句型 英文合同中有不少套语或惯用句型结构,这些用法是在长期的贸易实践中逐渐形成的,并被普遍接受和使用。此类套语或惯用句型主要出现在合同的前言、结尾、保险、支付以及检验、索赔、仲裁等一般性的条款中。例如:29(1)The undersigned buyer and seller have confirmedin accordance with the following terms and conditions.(2)Party A has agreed that Party B shallunder the following terms and conditions.(3)I

22、n consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter,Party A and Party B agree as follow.(4)The expiry date of the L/C is to be the 15th day after the date of shipment.(5)The L/C shall remain valid until the 15th day after the shipment.30四、四、合同翻译原则合同翻译原则 目前,我国涉外经济交往中所采用的合同大多为英文本,而英文合同

23、对语言有严格的要求,因此,把握合同语言的特殊性,这是准确理解、翻译合同的关键所在。合同作为一种具有法律约束力的契约文体,其文本强调用语正式、措词准确、结构严谨、格式规范等特点。翻译合同、标书等此类文体的具体标准通常有三个方面:311、术语准确,译文完整、术语准确,译文完整 合同文本有自己的一整套术语,有其独特性,应避免简单的字面翻译。例如:“accept”一般译为“接受”、“认可”就可以了,但在涉外合同中,这个词可能要译成“承兑”。从4月1日起到10月20日止这一期间内交货,但以买方信用证在3月20日前到达卖方为限。Shipment during the period beginning on

24、 April 1 and ending on Oct.20,both date inclusive,subject to Buyers Letter of Credit reaching Seller on or before Mar.20.322、译文通顺,条理清楚、译文通顺,条理清楚 通顺是翻译的一项基本要求,合同的翻译也不例外。合同译文的通顺着重体现在“条理清楚”上,特别是在处理长句、复杂句时更是如此。例如:One-third of the total amount shall be paid with the order when the Contract is signed,one

25、third by documentary bills when shipment is effected,and the balance by clean bills when the goods have arrived.合同签订时先预付货款总额的三分之一,装船后凭跟单汇票再付三分之一,剩余的三分之一在货物抵达时凭光票一次性付清。333、符合契约文体特点、符合契约文体特点 与其他商务文本相比,合同文本属于正式程度最高的契约文体。所以,翻译合同时所使用的语言应尽量体现出契约文体的这一特点。选词要正式、所采用的句式也应符合译入语合同的句式特点、还要注意译入语合同的格式特点。例如:“因为”一般用短

26、语“by virtue of”来翻译,而很少用“because of”;“在之 前”一 般 用“prior to”,而 不 用“before”等等。34再如:本合同于2006年5月30日在中国上海签订,一式两份,每份用英文和中文写成,两种文本具有同等效力。译文1:This Contract was signed in Shanghai,China on May 30,2006.Each copy was written in English and Chinese with two copies in each,and the two texts have the same effect.译文

27、2:This Contract is signed in Shanghai,China this 30th day of May,2006,in duplicate in English and Chinese languages,both texts being equally authentic.35五、五、合同翻译实践合同翻译实践例例1.购货合同购货合同PURCHASE CONTRACTNo.200872116Date:June 20,2008 Signed at Shenzhen,ChinaThe Buyer:Unicon Corporation 155 Ocean Wing Road

28、,San Francisco,California 91002 USAThe Seller:Hengda Trading Corporation 237 South Riverside Road,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518003 PRCThe Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller,whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the ter

29、ms and conditions stipulated below:361.COMMODITY DESCRIPTIONS:Mens pajamas made of 100 percent cotton Size 12 in white,yellow,red,blue,and purple.Technical specifications shall be the same as the samples sent to the Seller by the Buyer on May 20,2008.2.QUANTITY:White,2 000;yellow,3 000;red,1 000;blu

30、e,4 000;purple,3 000.3.UNIT PRICE:US$12.80 FOB Shenzhen per suit.4.TOTAL PRICE:US$166,400.00(One hundred and sixty-six thousand four hundred US dollars only).5.COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:The Peoples Republic Of China6.PACKING:Each pajamas shall be packed in a waterproof polythene bag and then in a cardboard

31、box,50 boxes to a wooden case.The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss attributed to inadequate packing by the Seller.377.SHIPPING MARKS:On the surface of each package,the package number,measurement,gross weight,net weight and UNICON in a triangle shall be stenciled with paint.8.TIME OF SH

32、IPMENT:October 20089.PORT OF SHIPMENT:Shenzhen,PRC.10.PORT OF DESTINATION:San Francisco,USA.11.INSURANCE:To be covered by the Buyer.12.PAYMENT:The Buyer shall,upon receipt from the Seller of the notice of readiness for shipment,open an irrevocable letter of credit with Citibank,15-20 days prior to t

33、he date of delivery,in favor of the Seller,for an amount equivalent to the total value of the shipment.The L/C shall be payable against the presentation of the draft and the documents stipulated in Clause 13 hereof in the opening bank.The L/C shall be valid until the 15th day after the shipment.3813

34、.DOCUMENT:The Seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation:1)One full set of“Clean On Board”ocean bills of lading marked“Freight to Collect”and made out to order,blank endorsed;2)Invoice in quintuplicate indicting contract number and shipping mark;3)Packing list in

35、 quintuplicate;4)Certificate of quality and quantity in duplicate issued by the manufacturers as specified in Clause 16;5)One copy of notification to the Buyer,advising the shipment ready.3914.TERMS OF SHIPMENT:1)The Seller shall,at least 40 days before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contrac

36、t,advise the Buyer of the contract number,commodity,quantity,value,number of packages,gross weight,measurement,and date of readiness at the port of shipment for the Buyer to book shipping space.2)Booking of shipping space shall be attended to by the Buyer.3)The Buyer shall,10 days before the expecte

37、d date of arrival of the vessel at the loading port,notify the Seller of the name of vessel,expected date of loading,contract number,for the Seller to arrange shipment.When it becomes necessary to change the time to be advanced or delayed,the Buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the Seller in ti

38、me.Should the vessel fail to arrive at the port of loading within 30 days of the arrival date advised by the Buyer,the Buyer shall bear the storage and insurance expenses incurred from the 31st day.4)The Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage,should it happen they have failed to ha

39、ve the commodity ready for loading after the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment on time.5)The Seller shall bear all expenses,risks of commodity before it passes over the vessels rail and is released from the tackle.After it has passed over the vessels rail and been released from the

40、 tackle,all expenses,risks of commodity shall be for the Buyers account.4015.SHIPPING ADVICE:The Seller shall,immediately upon the completion of loading the commodity,notify the Buyer the contract number,name of commodity,quantity,gross weight,invoice value,name of carrying vessel and date of sailin

41、g.In case the Buyer fails to arrange insurance on time due to the information not being given in time by the Seller,or to the notification incomplete,all losses shall be borne by the Seller.16.GUARANTEE OF QUALITY:The Seller shall guarantee that the commodity is entirely in conformity with what has

42、been stipulated in the Contract with regard to its quality specifications.The guarantee period shall be 3 months counted from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination.4117.INSPECTION AND CLAIM:1)The Seller shall,before delivery,make a precise and comprehensive inspection of

43、 the goods with regard to its quality,specifications,and quantity and have the China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau issue inspection certificates certifying the technical date and the conclusion of the inspection.2)After arrival of the goods at the port of destination the Buyer shall

44、have the right to invite an authoritative surveyor to make a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity of the goods.If damages of the goods are found,or the specification and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations in the Contract,except when the responsibilities lie w

45、ith the insurer or the carrier,the Buyer shall,within 90 days after arrived of the goods at the port of destination,claim against the Seller or reject the goods.3)The claims mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the Seller fails to reply within 30 days after the Seller receives the

46、Buyers claim.4218.FORCE MAJEURE:The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure,which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit.The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence

47、 mentioned above and within 15 days thereafter the Seller shall send a notice by airmail to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof.Under such circumstances the Sel

48、ler,however,is still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.In case the accident lasts for more than 10 weeks,the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.4319.LATE DELIVERY AND PAYMENT:Should the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipu

49、lated in the Contract,with the exception of force majeure causes specified in Clause 18 of the Contract,the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the condition that the Seller agrees to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation.The rate of ne

50、gotiation is charged at 0.5 percent for every seven days,odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days.But the penalty,however,shall not exceed 5 percent of the total value of the goods,involved in the delayed delivery.In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks later than th


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