2023-2024学年初中英语全册9年级英语人教全一册课后作业Unit 8 It must belong to Carl Section B.docx

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1、Unit 8 It must belong to CarlaSection B 一、翻译下列短语。1属于 2追赶 3感到不安 4制造噪音 5指出 6期待 7一段很长的时间 8一群 9逃跑 10玩得开心 二、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1一定有什么东西在我们附近的房子里参观,但这是什么呢?There must be the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it?2因为他们想看到太阳在一年当中最长的一天升起。As they want to sce on the longest day of the year.3这些大块的石头以某种方式被摆放在一起。T

2、he large stones were put together .4最大的谜团之一是它是如何建造的,因为石头太大太重了。 is how it was built because the stones are so big and heavy.三、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。In a midsummer, Victor attended an outdoor trip with his friends in Britain.The purpose of the trip was 1 (have)a picnic and find an alien in a

3、 mountain.They took a truck to the foot of the mountain.They were hardworking in the day.At night they were so 2 (sleep), but they tried to save energy to see the alien.To prevent cold, they wore coats instead of suits.Just then, they heard a lot of noise, and they saw rabbits 3 (run) after a wolf.

4、4 the same time, they saw a pink circle moving towards the wolf.After a short period, the wolf, rabbits 5 the circle disappeared.“There wasnt anybody else.The circle must be the alien landing there.Its a great honor for us!” Victor said.“Yes. I feel the trip is very 6 (value), though a litle uneasy.

5、These 7 (happen) must be expressed more fully now.Wed better call the policeman,”a friend added.Later Victor received a letter from a 8 (history)He explained the mystery.There wasnt 9 alien at all.It was rabbits attacking 10 (they) enemy, the wolf.The circle was a rabbit leader celebrating their vic

6、tory.四、书面表达。小明的妈妈发现近期放在家门口的垃圾经常不翼而飞,不知道是谁帮忙拿走的。主动拿走垃圾的是小明,是一些动物,还是清洁工?请你以“Where Is the Trash?”为题,写一篇推理文章。词数120左右。参考词汇:neighborhood小区,take out the trash倒垃圾;disappear without any trace不翼而飞答案;一、1. belong to 2. run after 3. feel uneasy 4. make noise5. point out6. look forward to 7. a long period of time

7、 8. a group of.9. run away10. have fun二、1. something visiting2. the sun rising3. in a certain way4. One of the greatest mysteries 三、1. to have2. sleepy3. running4. At5. and6. valuable7. happenings 8. historian 9. an10. their 四、Where Is the Trash?Xiaomings mom always puts the trash in front of the do

8、or.But these days,the trash often disappears without any trace.Who takes it away?Here are some inferences.At first,she thought it could be some animals taking it away.But there werent any footsteps around the house and she didnt hear strange noises at night.So she guesses it cant be animals.Then,what could it be?Could it be the cleaner?However,why the cleaner didnt take away the trash in front of her nextdoor neighbors house at the same time?一


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