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1、江苏省新高考基地学校江苏省新高考基地学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高学年高三上学期三上学期 1212 月第三次大联考试题含部分答月第三次大联考试题含部分答案(九科试卷案(九科试卷)目 录1.1.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联联考地理考地理试题含答案试题含答案2.2.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考化学化学试题试题3.3.江苏省新高考基地学江

2、苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考历史历史试题含答案试题含答案4.4.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考生物生物试题含答案试题含答案5.5.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考数学数学试题含答案试题含答案6.6.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023

3、-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考物理物理试题含答案试题含答案7.7.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考英语英语试题含答案试题含答案8.8.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考语文语文试题含答案试题含答案9.9.江苏省新高考基地学江苏省新高考基地学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4

4、 学年高三上学学年高三上学期期 1 12 2 月第三次大月第三次大联考联考政治政治试题试题2024 WrffiW&=&ft&in-ttMMiiW(iWi.mm,wwfiawn,ihs ifl&Mfl VEo2.iiVUniWKiffiMW WiEAM3W.3.MW,JIHSitmiW o.5$#M#-#M-#(#,#30#)M-(#5 4;W1.5#,#7.5#)T5Wi5 WWW-MJ,MfMA,B,CHNMMfi#Mo WWW,MW10WMW WWWiio1.Wh at is wrong with th e jacket?A.Its not warm enough.B.Its not a

5、good col or.C.It doesnt fit wel l.2.How does th e woman feel?A.Amazed.B.Pl eased.C.Disappointed.3.How often does th e woman exercise?A.Once a day.B.Once a week.C.Once a month.4.Wh at time is it now?A.4:00 p.m.B.5:00 p.m.C.6:00 p.m.5.Wh ere are th e speakers?A.In a l ibrary.B.In a restaurant.C.In a c

6、l assroom.&-1*(#15/J;WB1.5#,#22.5#)qjfT5SWW#fi.WWW&fiJsWJLm MMA,B,CHM MMMo njfWWWaSM,WWWl W&m W5;n,&018200 18.Wh y migh t“cl ean meat”be popul ar?A.It is good to h uman and nature.B.It deal s with food sh ortages.C.It proves a scientific th eory.19.How much of th e gl obal meat industry migh t“cl ea

7、n meat”occupy?A.A h al f.B.A th ird.20.Wh at is special about Eat Justs product?A.It uses different pl ants.B.It uses pl ant cel l s.C.At a h ospital.C.Husband and wife.C.Impol ite.C.Registering for cl asses.C.In a company.C.A tenth.C.It uses animal cel l s.i-2,10#QQABYYQAogiAABBAARhCUQHoCgGQkAAAAKo

8、GQEAAMAABwBNABAA=#:-m (ww,50)M(&15MS;$M2.5 5h W 37.5#)l WF?m#MWrJA B C,D HtHaM.APark City h as someth ing for every mul tigencrational famil y.Wh eth er youre trying to tire out kids,comfort teenagers,and satisfy core skiers,youl l h ave no probl em finding someth ing th at th e wh ol e famil y wil

9、l enjoy.Skiing at Park City Mountain and Deer ValleyDeer Val l ey and Park City Mountain offer th ousands of acres of terrain for al l skiers.Wh eth er you l ike carving fresh l y groomed runs,ripping powder and trees,or arc just h oning your skil l s on green and bl ue runsal l riders can find some

10、th ing th ey l ike!Each resort provides exceptional experiences on and off th e mountain.With pl entiful skiing,easy transportation,and tons of cl ose l odging,starting your famil y trip on the sl opes is a no-brainer.Art classes at the Kimball Art CenterTh e Kimbal l Art Center is a great pl ace to

11、 escape th e col d weath er,and l et your creative juices fl ow.Th e Kimbal l Art Center h as a variety of art cl asses th at are offered several days every week.Cl asses cover a wide variety of art styl es incl uding pottery,painting,textil es,and even gl ass making.To make it easy for famil ies,al

12、 l of th eir cl asses can be sorted by th e best ages,so you can be certain to sign up for a cl ass th at suits your unique group wel l.Family Sleigh Ride in Park CityIf youre l ooking for a nice way to rel ieve stress at th e end of th e day,a famil y sl eigh ride is one of our favorite activities.

13、Bundl e up togeth er under bl ankets as youre pul l ed th rough th e snow beh ind a team of h orses,and youl l quickl y feel l ike youve been transported to anoth er time.With our young kids,we found th at taking a sh ort sl eigh ride fol l owed by dinner at Cena,was a perfect combination.Park City

14、Escape RoomIf youre l ooking for a bit of a mental ch al l enge,and are wil l ing to real l y work togeth er as a team,make sure to visit th e Park City Escape Room.With several th emed rooms,your famil y wil l work togeth er to sol ve a puzzl e and figure out h ow to escape.Escape rooms are fantast

15、ic for mul tigenerational famil ies and big groups,since everyone h as someth ing unique to bring to th e game.21.Wh ich activity refl ects th e cooperative abil ity of famil y members?A.Skiing at Deer Val l ey.B.Art cl asses at th e Kimbal l Art Center.C.Park City Escape Room.D.Famil y Sl eigh Ride

16、 in Park City.22.Wh at can th e famil y do in th e sl eigh ride in Park City?A.Experience h orse-riding.B.Rel ax th emsel ves.C.Travel to th e l ong past.D.Dine on a sl eigh.23.Wh at is probabl y expected for th e four activities in Park City?A.Househ ol d participation.B.Adventurous spirit.C.Famil

17、y background.D.Professional skil l s.*3 m.most#QQABYYQAogiAABBAARhCUQHoCgGQkAAAAKoGQEAAMAABwBNABAA=#:D JIn 1997,th e Hungarian bioch emist Katal in Kariko met anoth er struggl ing research er,th e American immunol ogist Drew Weissman,as th ey queued to ph otocopy scientific papers at th e University

18、 of Pennsyl vania(UPenn).Th e two scientists found th ey fol l owed th e same research direction and decided to cooperate.Now,th eir partnersh ip ach ieved th e peak of scientific recognition.Th ey jointl y won th e Nobel Prize in Medicine.But wh il e both scientists endured years of professional st

19、ruggl e on th e way to th e h uge success,Kariko h ad to overcome greater setbacks th an Weissman.For decades sh e never found a permanent position.Having grown up in a vil l age in a h ouse with out running water or a refrigerator,Kariko got a bioch emistry doctorate in Szeged before sh e and h er

20、h usband sol d th eir car,sewed some cash into th eir toddl er daugh ters teddy bear and went to th e U.S.on a one-way ticket.Th e daugh ter became a U.S.national rower and Ol ympic gol d winner.Kariko worked in a few different research jobs before l anding a junior position at th e UPenn.And for ma

21、ny years h er career at th e UPenn was fragil e.Sh e migrated from l ab to l ab,rel ying on one senior scientist after anoth er to take h er in.Sh e never made more th an$60,000 a year.Sh e struggl ed to raise th e grant funding essential for a scientific career.Kariko said sh e endured ridicul e()f

22、rom university col l eagues for h er pursuit.In 2013,Kariko“was kicked out from UPenn forced to retire”.Th e university tol d h er th at h er work was not of facul ty qual ity,sh e said in an interview.Yet th e scientists commitment to h er work didnt ch ange at al l.“Wh en I was fired,I didnt feel

23、sorry for mysel f,”sh e said.“I h ave to focus al l th e energy on seeking out wh ats next.”In a news conference h el d at UPenn,sh e encouraged young scientists to l ove l earning to sol ve probl ems and to be prepared for fail ure.“You h ave to l earn h ow to h andl e th e fail ure,because most of

24、 th e time,we dont understandwe make an experiment and th e outcome is not wh at we want,”Kariko said.Research ers in Karikos fiel d are ful l of admiration for h er generosity and persistence.“Sh e is real l y th e symbol of perseverance and wh at it takes to be a great research er,”El l iot Bamath

25、 an,a cardiol ogist wh o h ired Kariko,said.24.Wh at was a major contributor to th e cooperation of Kariko and Weissman?A.An accidental encounter.B.Sh ared scientific interest.C.Pursuit of th e Nobel Prize.D.Demand for ph otocopying.25.Wh at can be inferred from th e underl ined sentence in paragrap

26、h 3?A.Th e research at th e Upenn was rewarding.B.Sh e was fired because of h er casual attitude.C.Th e career made h er psych ol ogical l y weak.D.Sh e didnt get th e recognition sh e deserved.26.How did Kariko react to h er dismissal from UPenn?A.Sh e criticized h er l ab col l eagues.B.Sh e switc

27、h ed h er career goal.C.Sh e stuck to h er original bel ief.D.Sh e abandoned h er research work.,W4mth!fO AH VH 4-Ji.JUoUi#QQABYYQAogiAABBAARhCUQHoCgGQkAAAAKoGQEAAMAABwBNABAA=#:27.Wh ats th e auth ors purpose or writing th is text?A.To inform readers of Karikos l atest research.B.To reveal th e fier

28、ce competition in universities.C.To appl aud th e cooperation between scientists.D.To h igh l igh t a scientists extraordinary qual ity.CCatfish effect is th e effect th at a strong competitor h as in causing th e weak to better th emsel ves.Actions done to activel y appl y th is effect in an organi

29、zation arc termed catfish management.In Norway,l ive sardines arc several times more expensive th an frozen ones,and are val ued for better texture and fl avor.It was said th at onl y one sh ip coul d bring l ive sardines h ome,and th e sh ipmaster kept h is meth od a secret.After h e died,peopl e f

30、ound th at th ere was one catfish in th e tank.Th e catfish keeps swimming,and th e sardines try to avoid th is predator(1#).Th is increased l evel of activity keeps th e sardines active,th us,increasing th eir survival rate greatl y.Catfish effect h as been one of th e h ottest topics in h uman res

31、ources management.Th erefore,I wil l keep th e expl anation sh ort and sweet.Wh en an outsider joins a wel l-establ ish ed team as a competitor,h e causes th e weak to better th eir performance.Th is meth od is meant to motivate each of th e teammates to feel th e competition in order to keep up th

32、e competitiveness l evel of th e wh ol e team.However,adding a catfish in th e team can al so bring in th e downside in th e groups dynamics.Th e team woul d go back to th e storming stage.Under-performers woul d become more negative about th e ch ange th at th e catfish tried to impl ement(1)becaus

33、e th ey woul d see it as a th reat.Th e fail ed attempt of impl ementation of ch anging wil l create under-performance in th e team as a wh ol e,wh ich wil l l ead to a greater management ch al l enge.Th e key empl oyee or backbone empl oyee wil l feel demotivated because th e opportunity to get a m

34、ore senior job h as decreased.If th ere are too many catfish in th e company,th is woul d generate a stressful work environment.Th e empl oyee woul d constantl y worry if th ey are being“preyed”by th e catfish.Th e mental burden woul d create a h armful corporate cul ture and increase th e distrust

35、between empl oyees.A h igh standard is required on th e catfish.Th e catfish woul d eventual l y turn into a l eading rol e in th e team.Lack in l eadersh ip skil l from th e catfish woul d l ead to a bigger ch aos in th e workpl ace.Worst situation woul d be setting up a bad l eadersh ip rol e mode

36、l to furth er an unh eal th y competitive environment.28.Wh at is paragraph 2 of th e text mainl y about?A.Th e magic trick of catch ing sardines.B.Th e underl ying l ogic of th e effect.C.Th e exact origin of th e l egend.D.Th e great wisdom of a catfish.#QQABYYQAogiAABBAARhCUQHoCgGQkAAAAKoGQEAAMAA

37、BwBNABAA=#:29.Wh at may a catfish mean to backbones of th e company?A.Unfair corporate cul ture.B.Viol ent work environment.C.Great management ch al l enge.D.Reduced promotion ch ance.30.Wh ich migh t be th e sol ution to th e downside of a catfish?A.Qual ifying a catfish for a l eading rol e.B.Sett

38、ing up a h armonious rel ationsh ip.C.Creating a l ess competitive workpl ace.D.Stopping a catfish entering a company.31.Wh ats th e auth ors attitude towards adding a catfish in th e company?A.Subjective.B.Pessimistic.C.Objective.D.Doubtful.DWh y do we find ugl y animal s so appeal ing?And wh at ma

39、kes odd-l ooking creatures so cute?Evol ution pl ays a rol e.According to Austrian zool ogist Konrad Lorenz,h uman attraction to infantil e(JL W)features,such as big eyes,l arge h eads and soft bodies,is an evol utionary adaptation th at h el ps ensure th at adul ts care for th eir offspring,guarant

40、eeing th e survival of th eir species.Odd-l ooking animal s such as bl obfish,pugs,aye-ayes and bul l dogs al l sh are th ese infantil e qual ities th at trigger an affectionate response among h umans and an natural instinct(Ht)to nurture and protect And th ese infantil e ch aracteristics increase a

41、 persons protective beh avior,attention and wil l ingness to care for th e individual and reduce th e l ikel ih ood of aggression towards an infant,says Marta Borgi,a research er.Ugl y animal s often h ave oth er val uesome,l ike th e bl obfish or th e naked mol e rat,l ive in extreme environments t

42、h at th ey h ave adapted to in remarkabl e ways.Scientists are keen to study th ese animal s to understand wh eth er th eir biol ogy migh t provide fresh insigh ts th at coul d l ead to treatments for h uman h eal th conditions such as cancer,h eart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.But wh il e

43、 many ugl y creatures are adapted to th eir l ife in th e wil d and can provide enormous benefits to th e ecosystems th ey l ive in,th ey often stil l dont get as much attention as more traditional l y cute animal s.Th is can resul t in a prejudice wh ich l eads to many of th e l ess attractive spec

44、ies being overl ooked in terms of research.Th ere are oth er cul ture-l ed factors th at al so drive our obsession(i)with ugl y-cute animal s.“Th e ugl y-cute th ing is very fash ionabl e,”says Rowena Packer,a l ecturer of animal beh avior.Th is is partl y driven by social media,with many cel ebriti

45、es and infl uencers sh owing off pet pugs and French bul l dogs on Instagram,sh e says.But th ere are some serious wel fare concerns around th is trend.Veterinarians are urging peopl e not to ch oose a fl at-faced dog breed(nnl1),because th ey suffer from serious h eal th probl ems.Pugs and French b

46、ul l dogs wh ich h ave been sel ectivel y bred experience breath ing difficul ties,repeated skin infections and eye diseases.So wh il e ridicul ous features such as bul ging eyes and wrinkl y faces may make us smil e,we migh t want to reconsider our obsession with“ugl y-cute”pets.ASJHjnnUJAASaSo WM

47、JoIn a worl d obsessed with“more,”its easy to overl ook th e power of subtraction(M&).Were constantl y bombed with messages tel l ing us th at we need more stuff,more money,and more fol l owers._ 36 Lets expl ore th e power of subtraction,and h ow l ess can trul y mean more.We al l h ave too much st

48、uff.Its time to cl ear up.Donate or sel l wh at you dont need or l ove.Youl l be amazed at h ow l iberating it feel s to l ive with l ess.37 Th e fewer possessions you h ave,th e more youl l appreciate wh at trul y matters.In todays fast-paced worl d,our attention is a val uabl e commodity.38 For ex

49、ampl e,excessive social media scrol l ing,watch ing TV sh ows nonstop or focusing too much attention on insignificant tasks is time-consuming.Subtract th ese time wasters and redirect your focus toward more meaningful pursuits.39 Assess th e peopl e in your l ife and determine wh o upl ifts you and

50、wh o brings you down.Identify wh o h el ps contribute to your success and wh o h ol ds you back.Subtract th e poisonous individual s and invest more time and energy into th e friendsh ips th at genuinel y enrich your l ife.Our minds are often fil l ed with worries,negative th ough ts,and sel f-doubt


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