1、附件2求职申请表填表日期: 姓名性别出生年月照片民族职称/执业职格政治面貌文化程度籍贯婚姻状况家庭住址(详细写明)身份证号紧急情况联系人关系联系人电话教育情况(只填大中专及以上学历)就读时间毕业院校专业学历(全日制/在职)工作经历服务时间单位名称联系电话(人事部门)职务薪资离职原因家庭成员状况(父母、配偶、子女等)关系姓名年龄工作单位联系电话职务声明:本人所填写以上履历内容属实,若有虚假,愿意接受公司处理。声明人(签名):勿忘国耻当思国运.抚今追昔,百感化作一念:当苦日子离去的时间越久远,当富日子光临的越急匆,我们心系国家、民族的命运the same direction of rotation
2、 90 or 180 for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors
3、 caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be su
4、fficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should ha
5、ve adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be a
6、ble to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance wi
7、th the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom