1、专项五 中考题型 重难点34 任务型阅读之综合任务一、题型特点1. 命题灵活,题型多样。一般阅读理解题型多采用选择题,题型单一。任务型阅读题则可以通过一篇短文或一幅图表要求学生完成多项任务,命题人可以随心所欲地设计出多种题型,考查学生多方面的能力。 2. 贴近生活,凸显交际。任务型阅读重在考查用英语解决实际问题的能力,学生需在任务的引导下开展阅读,其问题设置不仅具有真实性、情境性,而且也体现出一定的开放性。这样的设问形式贴近学生使用语言的现实生活情景,学生完成任务的过程既是分析问题、解决问题的过程,也是运用语言进行交际的过程。 3. 读写结合,重视输出。任务型阅读改变了过去阅读理解单向的信息输
2、入,侧重主动的信息输出,要求学生整合短文中的相关信息,然后根据题目要求回答问题或完成图表,综合性很强。 4. 语言精练,高度概括。任务型阅读题目要求学生填表或给文章拟标题时一般都有一定的字数限制,要求学生在正确把握原文的基础上,充分运用自己所学语言,重新整合信息,运用规范、概括的文字准确无误地表达出来。二、题型分类综观近年来的任务型阅读题,我们可以归纳出以下五类考点:1. 中心归纳题中心归纳题属于综合概括题,主要位于表格的标题处。这类题要求考生在弄懂全文的内容后,抓住文章的中心,然后对中心进行高度浓缩、概括,从而成为统领全文的标题。由于词数被限制在几个单词以内,因此这类题难度较大。考生必须具备
3、对文章进行综合分析、归纳概括以及准确表达的能力。这类试题在考题中通常只占1题。2. 段意概括题段意概括题属于分析表达题,主要位于表格的左边栏。这类题主要考查考生对文章体裁、结构的认识及用语言文字的表达能力。如果文章是说明文,那么它的主题是什么?它的目的是什么?作者用什么方式、从哪几个方面进行介绍、说明的?作者通过介绍、说明得出了什么样的结论?作者提出了什么样的建议或希望?如果文章是议论文,那么文章的论点是什么?作者用什么方法、从哪些方面进行论证的?最后得出了什么样的结论?对于考生来说,这类试题有一定的难度,考生必须平时注意对文章进行分析,同时还应多熟记一些概括性的词汇,如:purpose/ai
4、m/goal; topic/theme; suggestion/advice; type/kind; way/means/method; effect/result; cause/reason; feature/characteristic; function/use; comment/assessment等。这类试题在考题中一般占23题。3. 功能理解题功能理解题属于理解表达题。这类题主要考查考生对句子、信息在文章中所起作用的理解。考生不能只停留在对句子字面意思的理解,而应该透过现象抓住句子、信息的本质,即它与前后信息的联系,它们之间究竟是什么样的关系,如因果、条件、让步、比较等。这类试题在
5、考题中通常占23题。4. 信息压缩及改写题信息压缩及改写题属于活用题。考生只要通读全文,就能在文章中找到与试题相关的信息,但是由于所给的信息往往过长,考生必须对这些信息进行再次加工,将信息压缩、改写成不超过三个单词的短语。如The boy is eight years old这一信息可考虑改写为an eight-year-old boy。这类试题在考题中占23题。5. 信息获取题信息获取题属于基础题。考生一边阅读文章就能一边从文章中直接找出试题的相关信息,并且不需要任何加工就可将它直接作为试题的答案。这类试题在考题中占23题。三、解题技巧题型概述任务型阅读理解是中考必考题型之一,出题形式多样,
7、单词书写要认真。四、任务型阅读之解题方法1. 通读全文,掌握大意。 首先要通读全文,尤其注意首尾段及每段的首尾句。短文的首句和首段常常是作者要说明的对象、事件起因、作者要阐述的观点、事件发生的时间、地点与人物的联系等,结尾句、段是事件结论或作者要表达的意图、目的等。这样就容易抓住中心,为准确、迅速答题打下良好的基础。2. 浏览试题,明确要求。 在理解了文章的大意及框架结构后,应开始深入理解文章内容,浏览一下短文所设计的任务,并细读与每一道题目相关的段落,然后根据文中的关键词句确定答案。 3. 整合信息,准确简洁。 任务型阅读题目重点考查学生的综合归纳能力,很多题目需要学生根据文章内容进行归纳、
8、总结后才能回答,因此,在确定与题目有关的语句后,还要对有关信息进行整合才能确定答案。此外,给文章拟标题类题目对答案有词数限制,要求学生必须对信息进行压缩,用尽量少的词汇简洁地表达重要信息。 4. 复读全文,核对答案。 这是至关重要的一步。在此阶段中,要用全文的主题思想统帅各思考题,研究其内在的逻辑关系。审核时,要结合在阅读和答题中所得到的信息重新读短文,检查答案,看是否前后一致、意义和语言知识是否和原文相同,是否符合逻辑等。如果发现前后矛盾、遗漏要点等错误,要立即纠正。五、任务型阅读之解题注意事项1、重视语言知识,抓好语言基本功。 任务型阅读属于读写并重的综合性试题,它增强了对语言知识的考查力
9、度,从简单的填写单词到回答问题,都要求学生在词汇、句法、语法等方面具有扎实的基本功。因此,学生在日常学习中要以课程标准为依据,依托教材,扎扎实实地夯实自己的语言知识。(1)丰富词汇知识,及时归纳拓展词汇的用法。(2)讲解、分析各种句法,并通过多种形式的操练如:简单句和复合句之间的转换,更改句子主语,把几个简单句改写为一个简单句等形式,让学生能对基础知识举一反三,熟练运用。(3)要在语境中呈现语法项目,并能灵活运用。 2、加强阅读训练,培养良好的阅读习惯。 (1)培养学生带着问题读文章的习惯。做阅读理解类题目时应结合文章后面所设问题进行阅读,边阅读边选出考察表层问题的答案,并确定与考察深层含义有
11、理解的基础上完成某些任务,考查学生的判断推理能力。 典例解析(2022山西统考中考真题)请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题。Footprint means the influence that a persons or organizations activities have on the environment. Simply understanding it is very useful to us. (Lets take the example of Mr. Browns footprints.)Water footprintWater is the source of
12、life. We use water directly for drinking, cooking and washing, but we also use water indirectly for producing things such as food, paper and cloth. A water footprint tells us how much water is being used. It can help us come up with ways to save water. You can learn about how your daily habits influ
13、ence your water use through the food you eat, the things you buy and even the energy you use.FoodWater FootprintMr. Browns Water Footprintan apple70 litres(升)breakfast: a hamburger, a cup of coffeelunch: a cup of coffee, a sandwich, an appledinner: vegetable salad, 0.2 kilo of beefa cup of coffee140
14、 litresa kilo of beef15, 500 litresone hamburger2, 400 litres(Chart I)(Chart )Carbon(碳) footprintA carbon footprint is the total amount of CO a person or organization produces. We can use it to understand the influence of personal behavior on global warming (全球变暖). Most people are surprised when the
15、y see how much CO their activities create. Then they begin to think about changing their daily habits to reduce(减少) their carbon footprints. For example, they can walk instead of using a car.Carbon Footprint(Each of the following activities adds 1 kilo of CO)Mr. Browns Carbon Footprinttravel 10 to 1
16、2 km by train or busdrive 6 km by carproduce 5 plastic bagsuse your computer for 32 hoursdrive to work 24 kmdrive to the supermarket 5 kmuse 5 plastic bags for shoppinguse his computer for about 8 hours(Chart III)(Chart IV)How to reduce your water footprint and carbon footprint to be greenerTip 1: S
17、ave water and electricityWhen you are at home, dont leave the water or lights on when you dont need it.Tip2: _Meatless Monday is popular with people who want to eat less meat. The production of meat uses lots of energy and produces lots of CO.Tip 3: Buy lessThe more we buy, the more we throw away la
18、ter. Before you buy something, think about whether you really need it.Everyone plays a role in making a greener Earth. If you know about your footprints well, you can think up more ways to protect the environment.1What do we use water indirectly for?_2How many litres of water are used for Mr. Browns
19、 breakfast?_3Why do we use carbon footprint?_4What can Mr. Brown do to reduce his carbon footprint? Why do you think so?_5What is the best subtitle(小标题) of Tip 2?_6Whats your understanding of footprint? How can you become “greener”?_【短文大意】本文是一篇说明文,以布朗先生为例,介绍水足迹、碳足迹,并呼吁我们保护环境。【答案解析】1根据“but we also us
20、e water indirectly for producing things such as food, paper and cloth”可知,我们也间接地使用水生产东西,如食物,纸和布。故填(We use it indirectly for) producing things (such as food, paper and cloth).2根据Chart I和Chart 可知,a hamburger 2,400 litres,a cup of coffee 140 litres,所以早餐是2,540 litres。故填2,540 (litres of water are used for
21、 it).3根据“We can use it to understand the influence of personal behavior on global warming (全球变暖).”可知,我们可以用碳足迹来了解个人行为对全球变暖的影响,故填(We use it) to understand the influence of personal behavior on global warming./Because it helps us understand the influence of personal behavior on global warming./It helps
22、 us think about changing our daily habits to stop global warming/reduce our carbon footprints./.4本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可,开车会产生二氧化碳,所以布朗先生可以坐公交或者和同事一起搭车,塑料袋对环境有害,所以可以带一个环保袋去购物。因为环保的方式可以减少二氧化碳、温室气体的排放,产生更少的碳足迹。故填He can take the bus to work/share a car with his workmates/take a reusable bag while shopping./.(
23、Because I think) it helps produce less CO/reduce greenhouse gases/create a lower/smaller carbon footprint./.5根据“Meatless Monday is popular with people who want to eat less meat. The production of meat uses lots of energy and produces lots of CO.”可知,“无肉星期一”很受那些想少吃肉的人的欢迎。 生产肉类需要消耗大量的能源,并产生大量的二氧化碳。所以“少
24、吃肉”可以作为本段的标题,故填Eat less meat/Eat meat less。6本题属于开放性试题,言之有理即可,参考答案:It can help me think up ways to protect the environment./Its a useful tool for me to understand the influence that my daily habits have on the environment./.I can walk to school./By ordering less while eating out./I can recycle things
25、 as much as possible./.(2022山东东营统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Firefighting (消防) is an important job to keep people safe and help stop fires from damaging(毁坏)too much property(财产). There are many important parts to be a firefighter. First of all, firefighters have to be strong enough to do their work, so
26、 they need to have physical training, such as carrying heavy objects, going up many stairs (楼梯), and working for a long time. Firefighters also have to know the latest skills in fighting fires, so they need to go through regular training to keep themselves and others safe. Anyway, the most important
27、 part of being a firefighter is to work as a team. They have to work together to stop fires! Firefighting is very stressful. Firefighters never know when a fire or other emergency (紧急情况) is going to happen, so they have to be ready at all times. 3 Even in the middle of the night, firefighters have t
28、o be able to wake up quickly when the alarm (警报) goes off.Firefighters dont just fight house fires. They also help people who are in accidents. For example, they use their special tools to help get people out of the cars if theyre stuck (卡住). In some places, firefighters also have to be prepared to
29、help people who are sick or injured (受伤的). These firefighters might be trained as nursing staff.4 Firefighters are always there to help us whenever theres an emergency. Firefighting is not easy, but if you like helping people, it might be a good job for you!A根据短文内容简要回答问题。1According to the passage, w
30、hat are the three important parts of being a firefighter? _2According to the passage, who will ask firefighters for help when there is not a fire happening?_B将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。3_4_C请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。5_【短文大意】本文介绍了消防员工作的相关信息。【答案解析】1根据“First of all, firefighters have to be strong enough to do their work”可知,消防
31、员必须足够强壮来完成他们的工作;根据“Firefighters also have to know the latest skills in fighting fires”可知,消防队员还必须知道最新的灭火技能;根据“Anyway, the most important part of being a firefighter is to work as a team.”可知,作为一名消防员最重要的部分是团队合作,所以消防队员必须足够强壮,知道最新的灭火技能,并作为一个团队工作。故填Firefighters have to be strong enough, know the latest sk
32、ills in fighting fires and work as a team.2根据“Firefighters dont just fight house fires. They also help people who are in accidents.In some places, firefighters also have to be prepared to help people who are sick or injured (受伤的).”可知,遭遇事故的人和生病或受伤的人会向消防队员求助,故填People who are in accidents and people wh
33、o are sick or injured will ask firefighters for help.3even意为“甚至”,in the middle of the night“在半夜”,be able to.“能够”,wake up“醒来”,go off“响铃”,firefighters“消防员”,have to“不得不”,quickly“快速地”,when“当时”,the alarm“警报”,故填:甚至在半夜,消防员也必须能够在警报响起时迅速醒来。4whenever“无论何时,每当”,emergency“紧急情况,紧急事件”,Firefighters“消防队员”,are always
34、 there“总是在那里”,help us“帮助我们”,故填:每当有紧急情况,消防队员总是在那里帮助我们。5文章介绍了消防员工作的相关信息,所以标题可以是Firefghters。故填Firefighters.(2022山东青岛统考中考真题)Labor(劳动)education has been made a part of compulsory(义务的)education. Students will have at least one course every week on basic household(家庭的)skills such as cleaning and cooking. S
35、hould cooking be taught at schools? How can labor education continue after school? The topic catches wide social attention and causes heated public discussions. Li Mei a student in BeijingWe spend most of the time studying and have little time to develop our interests. A household skill class can gi
36、ve us chances to experience more aspects of life and help us discover different interests. I hope we could be given the choices to take whatever courses we like. Mrs. Chen a housewife in HubeiSchools should have cooking classes. Children will be taught about their food and how to cook properly. Many
37、 parents dont have the professional knowledge and have no time to do this. A household class would provide the knowledge and training that parents are unable to give their children. Mr. Wang a teacher in ShandongBy learning basic skills like cooking and cleaning, children can learn how to take care
38、of themselves and live independently. Parents wont always help their children with every problem theyll meet in their life. (B)They need to learn new things, solve problems and grow from their experiences. It is necessary for children to know how to master these important lifesaving skills as early
39、as possible. Wu Lei an engineer in ShanghaiI learned some basic cooking skills from my mother. But most of them were learned after I graduated from university, from books and online short videos. Household skills like cooking are very useful in our daily life. I hope these cooking classes will reall
40、y make the students realize that labor is important and valuable. 6从文中找出与句子I hope we could have the chances to choose the courses we like.意思相近的句子。_7What does the underlined word(B)They refer to? _8Fill in the blanks according to the text. (每空1个单词)The idea of labor education is heatedly _ and widely
41、accepted by teachers, students and parents. Labor education not only teaches the students to _ lifesaving skills, but also educates them about the realize the _ and _ of labor.9Please give your own idea about labor education. _【短文大意】本文主要介绍了劳动教育以及四人对其的看法。【答案解析】6I hope we could have the chances to cho
42、ose the courses we like.表示“我希望我们能有机会选择我们喜欢的课程。”根据文中“I hope we could be given the choices to take whatever courses we like.”可知两句意思相近,故填I hope we could be given the choices to take whatever courses we like.7根据“They need to learn new things, solve problems and grow from their experiences.”(他们需要学习新事物,解决
43、问题,并从经验中成长。)以及前句的“children can learn how to take care of themselves and live independently. ”可知此处的they指的是孩子们,故填Children.8根据“The topic catches wide social attention and causes heated public discussions.”可知劳动教育的理念受到教师、学生和家长的热烈讨论和广泛接受。discuss“讨论”,此处是被动语态结构,动词用过去分词discussed;根据“It is necessary for childr
44、en to know how to master these important lifesaving skills as early as possible”以及“I hope these cooking classes will really make the students realize that labor is important and valuable.”可知劳动教育不仅教学生掌握救生技能,而且教育他们认识到劳动的重要性和价值。master“掌握”,是动词, 空前有动词不定式,动词用原形;空三和空四应填名词,important的名词为importance,valuable的名
45、词为value。故填discussed;master;importance;value。9开发性作答,结合实际,言之有理即可。参考答案为I think labor education is very important for every student. Because as students, we need to develop in an all-round way.(2022浙江衢州统考中考真题)阅读下面材料,根据文中信息为华南虎制作一张信息卡,完成以下任务。任务A:补全1、2、3、4题的信息。每空限填一词。任务B:完成第5题所在的句子。不超过15个词。The South China tiger is also known as the Chinese tiger. This tiger is one of the smallest among the tiger subspec