1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校校 2023-2022023-2024 4学年高三上学期期中测试含答案学年高三上学期期中测试含答案(九科试卷)九科试卷)目目录录1.1.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中地理测试含答案地理测试含答案2.2.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中化学化学测试含答案测试含答案3.3.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-202
2、42023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中历史历史测试含答案测试含答案4.4.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中生物生物测试含答案测试含答案5.5.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中数学数学测试含答案测试含答案6.6.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中物物理测试含答案理测试含答案7.7.黑
3、龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中英语英语测试含答案测试含答案8.8.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中语文语文测试含答案测试含答案9.9.黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校黑龙江省哈尔滨市市第三中学校 2023-20242023-2024 学年高三上学期期中学年高三上学期期中政治政治测试含答案测试含答案#QQABIYIAggggABJAAAhCUwECCkIQkACCACoGQFAIsAABQRFABAA=
9、ABAA=#扫描全能王 创建#QQABYYAEogAAAgBAAQhCUwEiCkOQkBGCCIoGhAAIIAABgQFABAA=#高三数学第 1页 共 6 页哈三中 20232024 学年度上学期高三学年期中考试数学试卷考考试试说说明明:(1)本试卷分第 I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 150 分考试时间为 120 分钟;(2)第 I 卷,第 II 卷试题答案均答在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡第第 I 卷卷(选选择择题题,共共 60 分分)一一、选选择择题题(共共 60 分分)(一一)单单项项选选择择题题(共共 8 小小题题,每每小小题题 5 分分.在在每每小小题题
10、给给出出的的四四个个选选项项中中,只只有有一一项项是是符符合合题题目目要要求求的的)1 已知集合0,1,2A,2,Bx xa aA,则集合AB等于A 0B0,1C1,2D0,22 若复数z满足(12i)2iz,则z的虚部为A35B45C3i5D4i53 如图,一个水平放置的平面图形的斜二测画法下的直观图是一个底角为45的等腰梯形,已知直观图OAB C中,1,2B COC,则原平面图形的面积为A22B2C2 2D4 2#QQABKYIEggCAAAJAAAgCQwWCCkCQkBACCCoGRAAAMAABgANABAA=#高三数学第 2页 共 6 页4 如图,ABC和BDE都是边长为1的等边三
11、角形,,A B D三点共线,则AD AE A1B2C3D45 已知ABC中,角,A B C所对的边分别是,a b c,若sin2sincosCBA,且2abcbcaab,那么ABC是A直角三角形B等腰三角形C等边三角形D等腰直角三角形6 如图,在边长为4的正三角形ABC中,,D E F分别为各边的中点,,G H分别为,DE AF的中点,将ABC沿,DE EF DF折成正四面体PDEF,则在此正四面体中,异面直线PG与DH所成的角的余弦值为A13B23C34D127 在九章算术商功中将正四面形棱台体(棱台的上、下底面均为正方形)称为方亭在方亭1111ABCDABC D中,1122ABAB,四个侧
12、面均为全等的等腰梯形,侧面积为3 3,则该方亭的体积为A72B76C722D726#QQABKYIEggCAAAJAAAgCQwWCCkCQkBACCCoGRAAAMAABgANABAA=#高三数学第 3页 共 6 页8 已知函数21,1,1()122,1,2xxxf xxxax 若总存在实数t,使得函数()()g xf xt有三个零点,则实数a的取值范围为A0a B0a 或12aC0a 或12aD102a(二二)多多项项选选择择题题(共共 4 小小题题,每每小小题题 5 分分.在在每每小小题题给给出出的的选选项项中中,有有多多项项符符合合题题目目要要求求,全全部部选选对对的的得得 5 分分,
13、部部分分选选对对的的得得 2 分分,有有选选错错的的得得 0 分分)9 下列说法中不正确的是A各侧面都是正方形的正四棱柱一定是正方体B用一个平面截圆锥,得到一个圆锥和圆台C任意两条直线都可以确定一个平面D空间中三条直线,a b c,若 a 与 b 共面,b 与 c 共面,则 a 与 c 共面10已知平面向量1,xa,2,3xxb,xR,则下列说法正确的是A若ab,则32x 或1x B若aba,则1=5xC当3x 时,向量b在向量a方向上的投影向量为3 9,5 5D若0 x 或5x,则a与b夹角为钝角11已知函数 sin()f xAx(其中0,0,A)的部分图象如图所示,则下列结论正确的是A6f
14、x为偶函数B fx在,12 4上单调递增C函数 fx的图象关于点,012对称D若函数0yfx在0,上没有零点,则50,12#QQABKYIEggCAAAJAAAgCQwWCCkCQkBACCCoGRAAAMAABgANABAA=#高三数学第 4页 共 6 页12定义在R上的函数,()()f xg x满足)1(xgy为偶函数,且,3)1()(xgxf1)1(1)3()(gxfxg,则下列说法正确的是A)(xf为偶函数B)(xg图象关于点(10),对称C)(xg是以 4 为周期的周期函数D331()33if i第第卷卷(非非选选择择题题,共共 90 分分)二二、填填空空题题(本本大大题题共共 4
15、小小题题,每每小小题题 5 分分,共共 20 分分将将答答案案填填在在答答题题卡卡相相应应的的位位置置上上)13已知向量(1,1)a,(3,4)b,则cos,a b14函数223 log(2)yxx的定义域为15已知i为虚数单位,且1 2i2z ,则z的最大值是16在ABC中,角,A B C所对的边为,a b c,点 D 在边 BC 上且AD为角 A 的角平分线,2ADBD,则边AC的取值范围是三三、解解答答题题(本本大大题题共共 6 小小题题,共共 70 分分解解答答应应写写出出文文字字说说明明、证证明明过过程程或或演演算算步步骤骤)17如图,在ABC中,2BDDC,E 是 AD 的中点,设
16、AB=a,AC b.(1)试用,a b表示,AD BE ;(2)若1ab,a与b的夹角为60,求AD BE#QQABKYIEggCAAAJAAAgCQwWCCkCQkBACCCoGRAAAMAABgANABAA=#高三数学第 5页 共 6 页18(1)已知1tan42,求2sin2cos1 cos2的值;(2)已知1cos63,求sin 26的值19 设向量3sin,sinxxa,cos,sinxxb,0,2x(1)若ab,求 x 的值;(2)设函数 fx a b,求 fx的最大值20在ABC中,角,A B C的对边分别为,a b c,满足2coscosbcAaC(1)求角A;(2)若2cb,
17、7a,求ABC的面积#QQABKYIEggCAAAJAAAgCQwWCCkCQkBACCCoGRAAAMAABgANABAA=#高三数学第 6页 共 6 页21如图,有一景区的平面图是一个半圆形,其中 O 为圆心,直径AB的长为2km,,C D两点在半圆弧上,且BCCD,设COB(1)当6时,求四边形ABCD的面积;(2)若要在景区内铺设一条由线段,AB BC CD和DA组成的观光道路,则当为何值时,观光道路的总长l最长,并求出l的最大值22已知函数()2sin2xf xex(1)当0 x 时,求函数()f x的最小值;(2)若对于(,)12x ,不等式24cos250 xxexxaxx恒成立
18、,求实数a的取值范围(参考数据ln20.7,ln31.1)#QQABKYIEggCAAAJAAAgCQwWCCkCQkBACCCoGRAAAMAABgANABAA=#哈三中 20232024 学年度上学期 高三学年期中考试数学答案 1-8 D ADCD B DC 9-12 BCDACACDACD 137 210 14 2,02,4 1552 16 4,3 17(1)1251,3363ADab BEab (2)518 18(1)56(2)79 19(1)6(2)3x时,3max2 20(1)3(2)3 34 21(1)2234km(2)3时,min5km 22(1)min02f xf(2)4a#
21、ABQAFABAA=#扫描全能王 创建#QQABQYCEgggoAAAAAQgCUwESCkGQkBACACoGAAAAMAABQAFABAA=#高三英语 第 1 页 共 11 页 哈三中 2023-2024 学年度上学期高三学年 期中考试 英语 试卷 注意事项:注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分第一部分 听力(共两节,满分听力(共两节,
22、满分 30 分)分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共第一节(共 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 7.5 分)分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给出的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15 B.9.18 C.9.15 答案是 C。1.What is the restaurants specialty?A.American food.B.It
23、alian food.C.Thai food.2.Why is the man here?A.To have an interview.B.To make an inquiry.C.To visit the woman.3.What is the woman most excited about?A.Seeing sharks.B.Going to the beach.C.Staying with her relatives.4.Where are the speakers?A.At a bus stop.B.In a car.C.On a bus.5.What are the speaker
24、s talking about?A.Why the electricity bill went up.B.Where they can pay the electricity bill.C.How they can reduce the electricity usage.第二节第二节(共共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 22.5 分分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6
25、段材料,回答第6至7题。#QQABCYgAogiAAhBAAQgCQwmSCEAQkBACAAoGQAAAMAABgRFABAA=#高三英语 第 2 页 共 11 页 6.What is the woman doing?A.Reserving a room.B.Checking into a hotel.C.Packing her luggage.7.What will the woman do next?A.Walk in a park.B.Have dinner.C.Go to a bank.听第 7段材料,回答第 8至10题。8.What is the relationship betw
26、een the speakers?A.Colleagues.B.Interviewer and interviewee.C.Manager and customer.9.How many candidates are there for the position?A.Two.B.Four.C.Six.10.What does the woman ask?A.What the job requirements are.B.Where the interview will be held.C.Whether the equipment is ready.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Ho
27、w does Martin find the atmosphere of the art studio?A.Friendly.B.Inspiring.C.Stressful.12.What does Sarah need to do?A.Meet new people.B.Develop new skills.C.Find a way to relax.13.Who teaches the beginners class?A.Ms.Thompson.B.Ms.Brown.C.Ms.Johnson.听第 9段材料,回答第14至17题。14.What is the woman worried ab
28、out?A.The popularity of the topic.B.The limited time for the presentation.C.The amount of information to prepare.15.What is the first main point of the presentation?A.Ways of helping bees.B.The importance of bees.C.Problems affecting bees today.16.What is Mr.Lee?A.A teacher.B.An assistant.C.A report
29、er.17.Whats advised to be added to the presentation by the man?A.Diagrams.B.Statistics.C.Photos.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18.Which department is recently established?A.History.B.Business.C.Economics.#QQABCYgAogiAAhBAAQgCQwmSCEAQkBACAAoGQAAAMAABgRFABAA=#高三英语 第 3 页 共 11 页 19.How will the program help with the
30、 course fees?A.It offers students loans.B.Students can get discounts.C.The experts offer the funds.20.What is the purpose of the talk?A.To do a promotion of a program.B.To explain how to register for the course.C.To emphasize the importance of education.第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)分)第一节第一节(
31、共(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。A Writers Digest Annual Writing Competition Writers Digest has been shining a spotlight on up-and-coming writers in all genres through its Annual Writing Competition for more than 80 years.Enter our 89th Annual Writing Co
32、mpetition for your chance to win and have your work seen by editors and agents!Prizes One Grand Prize winner will receive:$5,000 in cash and an interview with them in Writers Digest(Nov./Dec.2022 issue)and on WritersD.A paid trip to the Writers Digest Annual Conference,including special recognition
33、at the keynote.All top winners will receive:Their names and the title of their winning piece listed in Writers Digest and on WritersD.A one-year subscription(new or renewal)to Writers Digest magazine.A one-year subscription to Writers Digest Tutorials.20%discount off of purchases at Writers Digest U
34、niversity.Pricing and Deadlines Early-Bird Deadline:May 6th 2022 Poetry entry-$20 for the first entry;$15 for each additional poetry entry.Manuscript entry-$30 for the first entry;$25 for each additional manuscript entry.Regular Deadline:June 6th 2022 Poetry entry-$25 for the first entry;$20 for eac
35、h additional poetry entry.Manuscript entry-$35 for the first entry;$30 for each additional manuscript entry.Preparing your entry Please submit text only;illustrations are not accepted.Cover pages are optional;titles are not requested or necessary.#QQABCYgAogiAAhBAAQgCQwmSCEAQkBACAAoGQAAAMAABgRFABAA=
36、#高三英语 第 4 页 共 11 页 Word counts are not to include entry title.Accepted file format:pdf.Do not attach zipped files,or documents stored on the web.How to Enter Create your free Submittable account by clicking the SUBMIT button.If you already have a Submittable account,simply log in!21.What will all to
37、p winners receive?A.Their winning piece published in Writers Digest.B.A paid trip to the Writers Digest Annual Conference.C.Free permanent subscription to Writers Digest magazine.D.Purchases with a special discount at Writers Digest University.22.If someone submits two manuscript entries on May 22nd
38、,how much should he pay?A.$65.B.$55.C.$45.D.$35.23.Which of the following must be submitted in an entry?A.Titles.B.Cover pages.C.Texts in pdf.D.Illustrations.B I used to get a film camera as a present when I was in my early teens.When I got it,I immediately got on my bike and rode over to Wimbledon
39、Common to take pictures of trees and wildlife that I would only have for myself.All day,I was not in.On my way home I spotted a tree lit up by street lighting and tried to capture its splendor.Rushing home,I popped the spent film in a special little envelope and sent it off to a photography store,de
40、sperate to see how it came out.I took many photos then and loved the fact that when you processed your film you got back colour photos which froze the precious moments,gently encouraging the hobby and the payments for processing.As I grew into adulthood,that simple,deep happiness gradually faded awa
41、y.One weekend when I was busy answering the work calls,my eyes caught a box in the corner of the room.I suddenly felt a sense of sadness.The stress growing over these years had pushed the camera from beside my pillow to the box in the corner.I thought I needed a change.I took out the camera and dust
42、ed it down.It was a great joy that it still worked.I bought new film and took the camera everywhere I went.Now it is always on hand to accompany me on journeys,allowing me time to myself.Even if the day is full and busy,I can seize some moments for myself to take photos,to observe the world around m
43、e.The wall of my room now holds all my camera equipment on display,along with photos Ive taken.To me,the room represents how Ive found happiness:by reconnecting to the younger part of myself I laid aside,by allowing room in my life for pleasure to exist,and by creating an environment that allows opp
44、ortunities for delight.24.What did the author think of taking photos as a young boy?A.Inspiring and practical.B.Tiring yet delightful.#QQABCYgAogiAAhBAAQgCQwmSCEAQkBACAAoGQAAAMAABgRFABAA=#高三英语 第 5 页 共 11 页 C.Exciting and worthwhile.D.Difficult yet engaging.25.Why did the author stop taking photos ac
45、cording to Paragraph 2?A.He wanted to focus on his work.B.He was struck by sudden sorrow.C.He attempted to behave like an adult.D.He was faced with increasing pressure.26.What did the author get from picking up his hobby?A.Much enjoyment in the daily routine.B.New journeys in the wild.C.Better skill
46、s of observation.D.Different styles of photography.27.What is the best title for the text?A.Revisiting Lost Childhood Memories B.Appreciating Beauty Behind the Lens C.Escaping Teenage Sadness with Camera D.Regaining Pleasure Through Photography C With friends and family in attendance,residents of Pa
47、rkfield House Nursing Home celebrated the completion of a 10,000 project with a demonstration of their work.For the past year a group,known as the Parkfield Peckers,have worked closely with artists,Glebe Primary School and creative ageing charity Equal Arts as they explored the history of the area a
48、nd those whove lived at the 19th Century home.Hannah Wood from charity Equal Arts said:“The exhibition at Uxbridge Civic Centre was really the icing on the cake!Going into the project,there was so much enthusiasm from the group to explore the heritage of the home.So many have their roots in the area
49、 and we were keen to capture and share their knowledge in creative ways.”Theres been a mixture of creativity with illustration,photography,portraiture,music and story-telling as the group took part in weekly artist-led workshops and linked up with schoolchildren to share ideas.Glendeen Quow,manager
50、of the Canford Healthcare-run Home,is in no doubt about the projects benefit to residents,staff and the home.She said:“Its been a busy year and we have all loved every minute of it.Its been a privilege to learn about our fascinating heritage and a joy to see our residents grow in confidence each wee