1、试卷主标题姓名:班级:学号:题号 二三四五八、一总分评分一、选择题(共3题)1、Magic is a form of entertainment that is based on pretending to do things thatare impossible.The magician is a specally trained actor.H e tries to make the audiencebelieve that he has the power to do things which are against the laws of nature.Magic shows are
2、entertaining as long as the audience does not discover how the ticksare done.The magician usually depends on his skill with his hands,on his knowledgeof psychology,and,sometimes,on mechanical devices(机械装置).Since magicperformance is meant to trick people,the use of psychology is important.The magicia
3、nmust keep people from noticing all the movements of his hands and from thinking aboutthe secret parts of his equipment.H e must alsolead the audience to draw falseconclusions.The magicians success depends on the fact that many things seen by theeye are not the things that matter.Two basic magic tri
4、cks are making objects sem to appear and making objects seem todisappear.Acombination of these two tricks makes for some interesting effects.Forexample,the magician puts a smallball under one of several cups.The ball then seemsto jump from one cup to another or to change colour.What actually happens
5、 is thatthe magician,employing quick hand movements ora mechanical device,hides one ball.While doing this he talks to the audience and waves a brightly coloured cloth withone hand.The audience is too busy watching the cloth and listening to the magician,swords to notice that his other hand is hiding
6、 the ball.Another favourite trick is to cut or burn something,and then make it appear wholeagain.What actually happens is that the magician makes the cut or burned objectdisappear by quickly hiding it while the audience watches something else.Thenhemagicallymakes it appear whole again by displaying(
7、展示)another object thathas not been cut or burned.1.What is the author,s main purpose in writing the text?A.To promote a magic show.B.To teach people to be magicians.C.To explain the art of magic.D.To praise the talents of magicians.2.Which of the following is important for a successful magic trick?A
8、.Moving stage equipment.B.Directing the audience,sattention.C.Applying high technology.D.K eeping the performance in secret.3.What does the author focus on in the last two paragraphs?A.Providing examples.B.Making a summary.C.Drawing comparisons.D.Explaining a concept.4.What can we infer from the tex
9、t?A.Mechanical devices are expensive.B.Most magicians employ assistntsC.I takes practice to perform magic.D.Smallobjectsare magicians,favorte2、The average bear,it seems,is getting ever smarter.First,it turned out thatat least one can use a comb.Now it appears that some can count,too.Jennifer Vonk,of
10、 Oakland University,in Michigan,and Michael Beran,from G eorgiaState University,set three American black bears the task of distinguishing betweennumerically larger and smaller groups of dots(点)on a computer screen.In returnfora food reward one bear,Brutus,would touch the more heavily dotted pattern
11、withhis nose.The others,Bella and Dusty,would touch the screen with their claws(爪子).As the researchers report in Animal Behavior,the bears did best with patterns wherethe coloured dots did not move and where more of them also took up alarger colouredarea.This could be explained by the bears,distingu
12、ishing the different areas ofcolour rather than truly counting the dots.However,the three bears managed to pickout the bigger number of dots even in pairs of pattens where fewer dots took up alarger area.Moving patterns,where each dot followed its own path around the screen,were moreof a chaiInge.Bu
13、t Brutus,at least,was not defeated.He semed to be counting mobiledots even when the scientists ried to mislead him by moving the total coloured areaof the dots at the same time.It is not entirely surprising that bears should have a high degree of intelligence.They face a lot of challenges when tryin
14、g to get food.They are,however,alwaysalone,and so do not have the complex social systems that contribute to animalsmarts.Perhaps,then,their maths skill developed because they cannot count on theirfriends for help.1.What task did the scientists set for the three bears?A.Distinguishing different dot p
15、atterns.B.Figuring out different colours of dots.C.Putting the dots into differently coloured groups.D.Picking out the group with a larger number of dots.2.For the bears,the task was easier whenA.the coloured dots were moving slowlyB.the dot patterns were regular in shapeC.the dots followed a path o
16、n the screenD.more dots covered alarger coloured area3.What may explain the bears,high degree ofinteligence?A.They Tear skils from other animals.B.They face life challenges on their own.C.They feed on a diverse range of fod.D.They have complex social networks.4.What can be asuitabletitle for the tex
17、t?A.Be a r s Ta u g h t t o Di s t i n g u i s h Co l o u r sB.Ne w Ev i d e n c e o f e a In t e l i g e n c e Fo u n dC.Th r e e Be a r s Le a r n e d Ho w t o Co u n tD.Th e Sm a r t e s t Am e r i c a n Bl a c k Be a r Br t u s3、Th i s h a p p e n e d w h e n I w a s t e n.On a n o r m a l Su n
18、d a y,I w e n t t o t h e b a r b e r s h o p w h e r eI a l w a y s w e n t.Th a t d a y,a l o n g w i t h t h e b a r b e r t h e r e w a s a n s s i s t a n t,w h o h a d r e c e n t l y1 t h e s h o p.So l s a t f o r t h e h a i r c u t.Th e u n c l e a s k e d m e h o w _ 2 I w a n t e d i t.l
19、 a n s w e r e d,z,J u s t d o a sm y d a d h a d _ 3_ y o u t h e l a s t t i m e.He s m i l e d.Be f o r e s t a r t i n g t h e _ 4,h e a d d e d,,zWh a t i f l k e e p i t l o n g?I _ 5_ h e w a s j o k i n g.So l j o k e d t o o.I s a i d,I c a n,t _ 6 w h a t w o u l d h a p p e n t o y o u r
20、s h o pt h e n!,zTh e m o m e n t I s a i d i t,t h e a s i s t a n t _ 7 f r o m b e h i n d.Ho w d a r e d o y o u s a y t h a t!Wh o a r ey o u t o t a k e u s d o w n,e h?I a d m i t I w a s t o o _ 8_ a t t h a t m o m e n t a n d t h e u n c l e s t a n d i n g b e s i d e m e w a s g i v i n
21、g m ea n _9 _ l o o k.Fr o m t h a t d a y o n,1 _ 10 s t o p p e d j o k i n g a b o u t a n y o n e s p r o f e s s o n a n d w o r k s.It i s o n eo f t h e m o s t _ 11 i n c i d e n t s i n m y l i f e,w h i c h t a u g h t m e t o _ 12_ t h e p r o f e s s i o n a n d w o r k so f a p e r s o
22、n,n o m a t t e r h o w 13 t h e y a r e.r m _ 14 t h a t t h e a s s i s t a n t r e s p o n d e d i n a w a y t h a t m a d e m e r e t h i n k t h e p o w e r o f m yw o r d s.Wo r d s d o m a k e a _ 151.A.l e f tB.o p e n e d C.j o i n e d D.v i s i t e d2.A.m u c hB.l o n g C.o f t e n D.s o o
23、 n3.A.i n s t r u c t e dB.i n v i t e d C.p r o m i s e d D.c o n v i n c e d4.A.d i s c u s s i o nB.j o u r n e y C.t r a i n i n g D.h a i r c u t5.A.a g r e e dB.h e a r d C.h o p e d D.k n e w6.A.f o r g e tB.t o l e r a t e C.g u a r a n t e e D.u n d e r s t a n d7.A.u r g e dB.s h o u t e d
24、 C.l a u g h e d D.h e l p e d8.A.a n g r yB.p r o u d C.s c a r e d D.c u r i o u s9.A.a n x i o u sB.a p p e a l i n g C.e n c o u r a g i n g D.a w k w a r d10.A.s u d d e n l yB.c o m p l e t e l y C.t e m p o r a r i l y D.r e g u l a r l y11.A.i m p o r t a n tB.e x c i t i n g C.s t r a n g e
25、 D.i n t e r e s t i n g12.A.l e a r nB.e n t e r C.c h a n g e D.r e s p e c t13.A.h a r d .B.s m a l l C.g o o d D.c o m p l e x14.A.sorry15.A.differenceB.confidentC.grateful D.embarrassedB.mistake C.choice D.joke二、完型填空(共1题)1、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Like many other students,you may have va
26、rious people,_1(include)family membersand friends,giving input on your college decision.While many of your trusted relatives and peers(同龄人)may have very _2(value)advice that can help you to make the decision,finally the choice is yours and yoursalone.Only you can fully realize which aspects of acoll
27、ege will make you truly happyand _3(satisfy),so keep that at the front of your mind.Moreover,fully consider each option.It can be easy 4(let)a particular school becomea front-runner early on _5 your decision-making process,and it may even become thewinning choice-but be sure to carefully evaluate ev
28、ery school 6 has accepted you,sinceyou had particular reasons for applying to each school.Do keep 7open mind.Students can change majors,but remember that there,s no re-livinga certain semester(学期),and there,s no making up for lost time.Don,t go to aschool _8_(specific)for a high school relationship
29、_9_ to make someone else happy.A _10_(student)college experience is his or her own,and the student must put hisor her education first.三、其他填空(共3 题)1、COURSE:Psychology of Creativity,June 15-June 28 Marshall DukeWhy are certain people so creative?Is it genetic(遗传的),or a result of childhoodexperience?Ar
30、e they different from everyone else?This popular psychology coursehighlights the different theories of creativity.COURSE:Creative Storytelling June 21-July 3 Edith FreniThis college-level course in creative storytelling functions as an introduction toa variety of storyelling techniques that appear i
31、n different forms of creative writing,such as short fiction and playwriting.COURSE:Sports Economics July 19-August 1 Christina DePasqualeIn this course we will analyze many interesting aspects of the sports industry:sportsleagues,ticket pricing,salary negotiations,discrimination,and NCAA policies to
32、 namea few.1.Who is the text intended for?A.The general public.B.College freshmen.C.Educational experts.D.H igh school students.2.Which course can you take if you are free only in June?Sports Economics.A.Creative StorytellingC.Psychology of Creativity.D.Case Studies in Neuroscience.3.Whose course sh
33、ouldyou choose ifyou are interested in creative writing?A.Leah Roesch,s.B.Edith Freni,s.C.Marshall Dukes.D.Christina DePasquales.2、In my everyday life,I am on an ongoing journey to figure out different ways toreduce my carbon footprint on the planet.A carbon fotprint is the measure of infuenceouract
34、ivities have on the environment,in particular climate change.It is calculatedby the amount of greenhouse gas we produce in our daily lives.Fortunately,nowadaysitis much easier to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices than,let,s say,20 yearsago.But one question has ben on my mind a lot lately isit bett
35、er to buy new eco-friendlyproducts or used traditioally produced goods?After doing some research,I have decided that some things are better new and othersare better used.Let me try to explain.A carbon footprint is made up of two parts,the primary footprint and the secondaryfootprint.The primary foot
36、print is a measure of our direct emissions(排放)of carbondioxide(C02)from the burning of fuels,including household energy consumption andtransportation.The secondary footprint is a measure of the indirect C02 emissionsfrom the whole lifecycle of products we use-those related to their production andbre
37、akdown.Based on this understanding,we have a good deal of control and responsibility overour carbon footprint.Things like dishes,clothes and funiture fall intothe,zsecondary footprint group,so less is more and we can focus on finding used goodsto avoid the added production.H owever,for the car and t
38、he other appliances(设备)that we need we can go with new,energy-saving models.I heard somewhere thatelectronics and appliances give off 90%of their carbon footprint after they leavethe factory.So it seems most reasonable to go for the energy-saving models.The mainconcern here is the amount of energy t
39、hat goes into the making of new products andwhether or not that extra carbon is worth the footprint the product will make onceit gets to you.1.What is the text mainly about?A.What appliances to buy to save energy.B.What a carbon footprint means in our life.C.H ow to identify different carbon footpri
40、nts.D.H ow to make eco-friendly lifestyle choices.2.What do we know about the secondary carbon footprint?A.It is related to our consumption of fuels.B.It is made when we are buying the products.C.It isless harmful than the primary carbon fooprint.D.It is counted as ours though not directly madeby us
41、.3.Which of the following helps reduce our carbon footprint according to the author?A.Using second-hand textbooks.B.Using old and expensive cars.C.Buying new but cheap clothes.D.Buying new wooden furniture.4.The fotprintunder1ined in the last sentence refers to the C02 produced inA.using the product
42、B.recycling the productC.making the productD.transporting the product3、Apps(short for applications)are becoming increasingly popular nowadays,and forgood reason.They can help you out in just about every area of your life,whether it,skeeping fit,communicating with friends,or even learning a language.
43、_1_ H ere,s whatyou should think about before downloading an app for language learning.Learn from diverse sources(not just apps)Any seasoned language learner will tell you that the beauty of mastering a foreignlanguage is the world which it opens up to you.This is a world of diverse sources(来源)of in
44、formation,from newspapers and books to TV,radio,music and even realpeople.Wouldyou limit yourself to one medium in your native language?_2 Establish your purpose and plan your habitsDo you want to be fluent in weeks or are youinit for the brain training?The goodapps are designed to help you fit your
45、 studies around your timetable._3 These appsencourage habit building,because the successful formation of a habit ensures yoursafe and regular return.Make it social_4_ I mean social for real.I owe the speed of progress I made in talian to the supportfrom Jim,my partner in study time.Find a friend to
46、accompany you.Take an eveningclass.Borrow a book.Buy a book.Book a week away and attend a language school.Justdon,t forget your phone!Iflmay speak sincerely,the combination of app,language school,Jim,evenings out,and a choice book or two proved extremely effective._5A.I recommend it.B.Remember that
47、an appis just tool.C.No Idon,t mean posting your progress online.D.I encourage you to use apps as often as you can.E.Probably not,so why do so n your new language?F.The best pps adapt themselves based upon your behavior.G.H owever,you need to knowhow touse them properly torally beneft.四、作 文(共 2 题)1、
48、假定你是李华,准备参加学校组织的英文诗朗诵比赛。请给外教G e o r g e写封邮件求助,内容包括:1.说明比赛要求;2.请他推荐英文诗;3.请教朗诵技巧。1.写作词数应为8 0左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位Dear G eorge,Im writing to ask for your help.YoursLi H ua2、阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。During this past year,Ive had three instances of car trouble.Each time these thingshappened,I w
49、as sick of the way most people hadn,t bothered to help.One of those times,Iwas on the side of the road for close to three hours with my big Jeep.I put signsin the windows,big signs that said NEED AJACK (千斤顶),and offered money.Nothing.Right as I was about to give up,a Mexican family in a small truck
50、pulled over,and the father bounded out.H e sized up the situation and called for his daughter,who spoke English.H e conveyedthrough her that he had a jack but that it was too small or the Jep,so we would needsomething to support it.Then he gota saw(锯子)from the truck and cut asection outofa big log o