1、读后续写技能训练之二:句子扩写与高频句子翻译目录读后续写技能训练之二:1句子扩写与高频句子翻译1第一部分 句子扩写练习2方法一:局部扩句,构思微句。2方法二:整体扩句。3方法三:因果关系式扩句4Part 2 高频句子翻译练习4第一节 情绪类句子翻译练习4第二节 动作类句子翻译练习6第三节 场景类句子翻译练习8第四节 主旨类句子翻译练习10高频句子翻译练习参考答案11第一节 情绪类句子翻译练习11第二节动作类句子翻译练习13第三节场景类句子翻译练习15第四节主旨类句子翻译练习16第一部分 句子扩写练习扩写是指在主干的基础上添枝加叶,让句子内容更丰富,句子表达更形象。扩句包含局部扩句法和整体扩句法
2、。方法一:局部扩句,构思微句。局部扩句是指根据表达的需要,在句内添加状语、定语、补语等连带成分,使句子的意思更具体,更充实。经典案例1 Hearingthenews,Tomjumpedwithextraordinaryjoy.【案例解析】该句主句为Tomjumped,但在添加Hearing thenews, with joy状语成分后便能体现Tomjumped的时间和心情。扩句的状语形式主要有分词作状语,状语从句,介词短语。经典案例2Theyounggirlwithlongblackhairseemstobeveryhappy.【案例解析】该句主句为Thegirlseemstobeveryha
3、ppy.但在主语girl前后分别添加young和withlongblackhair作定语后便能更形象地描写thegirl的特征。定语扩句的主要方式有使用定语从句,分词作定语和介词短语。经典案例3Indianhasanational festival to honorMohandasGandhi, theleaderwhohelpedgain IndiasindependencefromBritain.【案例解析】该句主句为IndianhasanationalFestival tohonorMohandasGandhi.但在MohandasGandhi后添加补语theleaderwhohelpe
4、d gainIndias independencefromBritain后便更具体地描写Mohandas Gandhi.补语扩句的主要方式是使用形容词和副词,名词短语,同位语从句。方法二:整体扩句。整体扩句指的是深入解读前句,利用顺承递进、转折和因果关系写出后句,使得句意表达更丰富,更形象。(1)顺承递进式扩句经典案例MeiYingniisverygentletoherdesk-mateandshealwaysspeakssoftlytohim.【案例分析】该并列句前句描写MeiYingni对她的同桌非常友好,增添speakssoftlyto him便更能说明对同桌友好的表现形式,使得描写更具
5、体。顺承关系续写方式主要有:and连接两个连贯动作递进式;连词after表明动作先后关系;havingdonesth.表示动作先后关系;withsth.done结构表动作已完成。递进关系续写方式主要有:notonly.butalso; more.than;insteadof.; additionally;furthermore等表递进关系的连词和介词。(2) 转折关系式扩句经典案例Timwasagoodstudentintheteacherseyes,yetheneverlikesanyteachers class.【案例解析】该并列句前文讲述Tim原来是老师眼里的好学生,但现在发生了变化,故
6、用yet来表示转折。此外,表示转折的词还有:but, however, although,though, while等。方法三:因果关系式扩句经典案例Butinmyinnerheart,itseemedasifIwereontopoftheworldbecauseIhave contributedsomethingtoachievetheoldmanscanoedream.【案例分析】该主句讲述了我内心的快乐,because引导的原因句式阐述了我内心快乐的原因,因而让内容表述更具体。因果扩句的方式有:原因扩句:because,since,as,so,dueto,becauseofetc.结果扩
7、句:sothat,onlytofind,which引导非限制性定语从句,doing结构表示结果;解释扩句:thatis,inotherwords,etc.技能训练Part 2 高频句子翻译练习我们学习了读后续写的高频语法,这一章我们结合这些语法知识点和之前积累的一些亮点表达、整理出读后续写文章中使用频率很高的120个句子,并将这些句子划分为情绪类、动作类、场景类和主旨类,供同学们进行翻译练习,方便同学们更好地记忆和运用。第一节 情绪类句子翻译练习1.听到这个消息,她陷入极度的悲伤之中。2. Kathy 一看到熟悉的字迹,便热泪盈眶。3.看到信的结尾,她再也抑制不住内心的悲伤,潸然泪下。4.一想
8、到这个,Lucy 嘴角露出了久违的笑容。5.一走进屋,Steve 的心就沉下去了。6.在回家的路上,爸爸紧紧地拉着我,眉头紧皱。7.我充满困惑地看向面无表情的老师。8.我盯着屏幕,环磨着老师说的到底是哪一个。9.几周后,站在一群陌生的同学面前,我彻底迷茫了。10.我放低卷子,坐在桌边,迫切地想找出我到底哪里做错了。11.难过但不惧怕,我决定要改变这一切。12.我笑了,回想起这学期最开始那个让人尴尬的一刻。13.当他意识到父亲为他付出了多少爱的时候,一股暖流涌上心头。14. 他身心俱疲。15.旁观的人们欢呼起来,Marry 开始喜极而泣。16.他回到了房间,眼泪不由自主地流了下来。17.他羞愧难
9、当,满脸通红,趁人不注意溜了出去。18. 突然,我羞愧得哑口无言。19.他眼含笑意,看着鹿往上爬,直到消失在远方。20.当她得知自己被录取的时候,她无法掩饰内心的兴奋之情。21.她感到很激动,立刻拿出手机,迫不及待地告诉她的朋友这次经历。22.我自信且骄做地走进体育馆,期待着为自己近期的胜利再添一冠。23.当他认真倾听时,一股悲伤涌上他的心头。24.尽管这个学生既图感又生气,他还是服从了。25.随着时间流逝、愧疚感强烈到让人无法承受。26.我安静、快乐、耐心地看着眼前的太阳描绘出崭新的一天。27.这幅画让我落泪,因为我想起了我对爸爸来说是多么的重要。28.听到爸爸要带她去迪士尼的消息,小女孩欣
10、喜若狂。29.不知为什么,她的声音中明显地透露着开心。30.当我关注过程的时候,我的担心逐渐消失了。第二节 动作类句子翻译练习1.老师满意地点了点头,朝他竖起了大拇指。2.下班后,Kathy 赶去火车站,却被告知她已经误了火车。3.她用轻微颤抖的手打开了礼物。4.我弯下腰,给这个可怜的小男孩一个拥抱,又轻轻地吻了吻他的额头。5.我瞄了一眼教室,却发现同学们都面露微笑,眼含泪水。6.别无选择,我只能举起我好不容易写出来的报告,希望把自己藏起来。7. 在这个学年剩下的时间里,我全身心地投入到了学习中。8每次Ann 路过这个百售商店时,她都会停下来,跑到橱窗前,眼巴巴地看着店里的洋娃娃。9.当我讲故
11、事时,Ham 会把头柱在胳膊上,眼睛盯着我。10.为了营救这个人,消防员在残酷的火海中一路奋战。11. 母亲拥抱着我,低声安慰我。12. 他盯着我说真正的问题是,你可以吗?i3. 她发出了一声痛苦的哭喊,然后掉进了湖里。14.我迫切地想找到答案,在无数次的尝试后,终于成功了。15.我躺在床上,关于父亲的回忆涌了上来。16.Alan调整了一下眼镜,认真读了一遍小册子,然后把它放在了身边的架子上。17. Alice 坐在那儿,眼睛盯着电视屏幕。18. 他们尴尬地点了点头,然后匆匆离开了。19.男孩站在原地,陷入沉思,好像明白了什么。20.他走到我跟前,帮我擦去脸上的泪水。21.外祖父拍着我的肩膀,
12、鼓励我永远不要放弃自己的梦想。22.他偷偷从后门溜进教室,坐在最后一排,假装自己在记笔记。23.听到呼喊,他们的邻居们冲了出来,想知道发生了什么。24.他在走廊里来回踱步,焦急地等待着妻子从手术室里被推出来。25.天寒地冻、孩子们走在上学的路上,瑟瑟发抖。26.当火车缓缓地驶进站台,每个人都好奇地凝视着。27.没有多想,他收拾好野营装备直奔树林。28。Mary扫视了一下台下的观众,深吸了一口气,然后开始她的演唱。29.排了快一个小时的队后,Jack 被告知票已经售空了。30.她看到眼前的景象惊呆了,嘴巴张得大大的。第三节 场景类句子翻译练习自然场景1.夜幕降临.2天气寒冷.3天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚
13、。s.大雨倾盆而下.5.皓月当空.6.天空繁星密布.7云散开了,太阳出来了。8. 山丘沐浴在阳光下。9. 风势渐大,天空开始阴云密布。10.一阵风穿过树林,沙沙作响。11.浓雾笼罩着整个大地。12.月亮在天空好似一盏夜灯,闪烁的星星好奇地眨着眼。13.夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼地在夜空里织着一幅画。14.一缕阳光照进我的房间里,像一束亮闪闪的金线,不仅照亮了房间,也照亮了我的心田。15.不远处有条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。16.在不远处的山丘上,他能看到烟从他房子的烟囱里袅袅升向天空。17.晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫。1S本是深蓝色的,阳光在明镜般的水面闪闪发
14、光。19.在件夏的烈日下,一切有生命的东西似乎都已用尽了它们的能量。20.阳光下河面波光粼粼。社会场景1. 整个教室一片安静。2当老师问道;有人自愿吗?教室里安静了下来。3.这是在学校的最后一天,整个班级都非常难过。4.Steven 讲完故事后,教室里爆发出阵阵掌声。5.老师给每个学生都准备了精美的新年礼物。6.大家的暑假过得怎么样?Miss White 发问后,同学们争先恐后地发言。7.今天早晨 Ryan 在教室里摔倒了,他尴尬得涨红了脸。8.当裁判宣布 Jack 赢了的时候,同学们爆发出一阵欢呼,纷纷向他投去赞许的目光。9.当最后一个音符的声音逐渐减弱,祝贺声在我的头顶响彻,我完成了我的表
15、演。10.看到孩子们洋溢着笑容的脸庞,我意识到爸爸做的是对的。第四节 主旨类句子翻译练习1.他突然想到。一直以来他只是一味地去说教女儿,而没有耐心倾听她的想法。而事实上,后者更重要。2.每个人都有追求梦想的权利。我们作为老师应该鼓励他们接受挑战,迎难而上。3. 他名好老师不仅仅要教给学生们知识,还要用规则来引导他们。4.学习永远为时不晚。每个人都应该并且有权利去接受更多的挑战,做更多的尝试。5.追梦永远不晚。只要你抓住机会,充分利用机会,你就有机会实现梦想。6.只要你有梦想,就要去争取,永远不要轻易放弃。你的梦想可能不会在一两天内实现,但在将来的某一天它一定会实现。7.只要我们敢于梦想,不被困
16、难所阻挡,一切皆有可能梦想永无止境。8.世界总会给有梦想的人开路。9、到任何值得夫的地方都没有捷径。l0.每个人都是自己命运的建筑师。11.苦难是磨炼人的好机会。12.做所有事情都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。13.事实上,每个人都有天赋。发现它的时候要勇敢,也要付出努力。最终,你会创造奇迹。14. 战胜恐惧和实现目标需要决心和乐观。15,尽管很多事情让人忧虑,但相比而言,值得感激的事更多。尽管生命的美好有时候会被蒙上阴影,但它却永远不会被埋没。16.生命就是充满欢笑和泪水的。只有两者都一并接受我们才能享受生活。17.在他的心中没有失败一词,他总能够成功地做好他想做的事。有了意愿,他就总能够找
17、到成功之路。18.理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。19. 有时候一些小小的善行可能足以带来巨大的改变。20.有时候表达一些小小的关爱也可能融化人们内心的孤单。21.有时候,你做了一些好事但并不求回报。因此当某人回报这份帮助时,你会觉得它是一份额外的收获22一个小小的善行,无论是对施予者还是接受者,都是一份祝福。23.当别人进遇运栓的情况时,我们应该设身处地地为他们着想。24.永远不要低估你的行为的力量,即便一个小小的表示,也可能不仅传播了爱,还对别人的生命产生了积极影响。25.超级英雄就是当遇到紧急情况的时候,勇气和承诺对他来说比个人利益更重要。高频句子翻译练
18、习参考答案第一节 情绪类句子翻译练习I.Hearing the news, she was totally overwhelmed by grief.2.At the sight of the familiar handwriting,tears welled up in Kathys eyes.3. Seeing the ending of the letter,she couldnt contain her sorrow and tears rolled down her cheek 4.A the thought of this, a long-expected smile flicke
19、red across Lucys lips. 5. Steves heart sank when he stepped into the room.6.On our way back home,my father,holding my hand tight, worn a big frown. 7.Confused. I glanced toward the stone-faced teacher.s.I stared at the screen, wondering which one my teacher meant.9. Weeks later.standing before a gro
20、up of strange classmates,I was totally lost.10.I lowered the test paper and sat down at my desk,burning to find out what I had done wrong. 11.Heartbroken but fearless, I decided to turn everything around.12.I smiled and flashed back to the embarrassing moment at the beginning of the term.13.A warm c
21、urrent welled up in his heart the moment he realized how much love his father haddevoted to him.14.He was physically and mentally exhausted.15.The on-looking crowd cheered and Marry began to shed tears of joy. 16. He returned to his room, tears rolling down beyond control. 17.His face flamed with sh
22、ame and he stole out without being noticed. 18. Shame suddenly silenced me.19.With joy in his eyes, he watched the deer climb up until it disappeared in the distance. 20. She could hardly conceal her excitement the moment she knew she was admired. 21.Feeling excited,she instantly took out her phone,
23、 eager to tell her friends the experience. 22. Confident and proud, I walked into the stadium expecting to add another crown to my recentsuccess.23. A surge of sadness welled up in him as he listened attentively. 24. Puzzled and angry though the student was,he obeyed. 25.As time passed by, the guilt
24、 became too much to bear.26.I was quietly joyfully and patiently watching as the sun painted a brand-new day. 27. That picture brought tears to my eyes,as I remembered how much I meant to my father 28 The little girl went wild with joy at the news that her father would take her to the Disneyland29.
25、Somehow, there is apparent pleasure in her voice. 30.My worries faded away when I focused on the process.第二节动作类句子翻译练习1.The teacher nodded with satisfaction and thumbed up at him.2.After work,Kathy hurried to the train station, only to be told that she had missed the train. 3. She opened the gift wit
26、h her hands shaking slightly.4.I bent myself down.gave this poor boy a warm hug and kissed him gently on his forehead. 5.I glanced around the classroom, only to find my classmates bearing big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.6Haing no choice,I slowly raised the report I had slaved over,
27、hoping to hide myself. 7.I devoted myself completely into study for the rest of the school year.8.Every time Ann passed the department store,she would stop,run to the showcase and gaze at the dolls inside the shop longingly.9.Harry would lay his head between his arms, with his eyes on me as I tell h
28、im stories. 10. Firefighters battled their way through the cruel flames to rescue the man.11.My mother wrapped her arms around me and whispered to comfort me. 12. He fixed his eyes on me and said,The real question is: Can you?13.She let out a cry of pain and fell into the lake.14.I was desperate to
29、find an answer,and after countless attempts,I finally made it. 15.Memories of my father flooded back when I lied in bed.I6.Alan adjusted his glasses and read the booklet over carefully before placing it on the shelf beside him.17. Alice sat there with her eyes glued to the television screen. 18. 18.
30、 They nodded in embarrassment and left in haste.19. The boy stood still,lost in thought, as if he had understood something.20. 20.He stepped forward to me and helped me wipe the tears on my cheeks. 21. Patting on my shoulder, Grandpa encouraged me never to give up my dreams.22.He stole into the clas
31、sroom from the back door, seated himself in the last row and pretended to be taking notes23Hearng the cry, out rushed their neighbors,trying to find out what had happened.25. He paced up and down in the corridor, waiting anxiously for his wife to be pushed out from the operation room.26. Everyone st
32、ared in wonder as the train slowly pulled into the station.27.without any hesitation,he gathered up his camping gear,headed for the woods. 28. Mary glanced through the audience off the stage. took a deep breath and began her singing. 29.Having lined up for about an hour, Jack was told the tickets ha
33、d been sold out 30. She was numb with shock at the sight,(with) her mouth wide open.第三节场景类句子翻译练习自然场景1. Darkness falls. 2. The day is bitterly cold.3.The sky is blue and the sun is shining. 4. Its pouring / raining really hard. 5. The moon is shining brightly in the sky. 6. The sky is dotted with sta
34、rs. 7. The clouds parted and the sun shone. 8. The hills are bathed in the sunlight.9. The wind is getting up and it is becoming cloudy. 10. The wind is whispering in the trees. 11.The dense /thick fog blanketed the field.12.Like a lamp, the moon shines from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with
35、curiosity. I3.Theres not a single sound at night. Only the glowworms are sill awake, carefully weaving apicture in the night sky.14.A ray of sunlight shone into my room, like a bunch of glittering gold thread,not only lit up myroom, but also illuminated my heart.15.A brook was not far away, rushing
36、and sparkling between the green banks.16.On a nearby hill,he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of his house. 17. Blue skies stand tall and far, and the sun is like a branding iron searing my back. 18.The water is deep blue and sunlight glitters on its looking glass-clear surfac
37、e.19.Under the burning sun of midsummer, all the living things seem to have worn out their energy. 20. The river glitters in the sunlight.社会场景1. Silence spread across the classroom.2.When the teacher asked “Any volunteers ?”, silence fell in the classroom.3.Its the last day of school. The whole clas
38、s is enveloped in sadness. 4.When Steven finished the story.claps burst out from the classroom. 5.The teacher prepared delicate New Year gifts for all he students.6.How was your summer vacation?After Miss White posed the question,all the students weretrying to get a word in.7 When Ryan fell in the c
39、lassroom this morning.his face flushed with embarrassment. 8.When the judge announced that Jack had won.the students burst into cheers and cast admiringglances at him.9.After the final note died away, a celebration went into action above my head.I had finished myperformance10. Seeing the childrens s
40、hining faces,I realized that my father had done the right thing.第四节主旨类句子翻译练习1. It occurred to him that he had been telling off his daughter instead of listening to her withpatience. But actually, what really matters is the latter.2.Every individual has the right to pursue their dreams. As teachers.
41、we should encourage them to accept challenges and face the difficulties bravely.3. Being a good teacher is not only about equipping students with knowledge but also guiding them with rules.4.Is never too late to learn.Each individual has he right to accept more challenges and make more attempts. 15.
42、Its never too late to go for your dream. As long as you grasp every opportunity and take full advantage of it, you will stand a chance to realize your dream.6.As long as you have a dream,just go for it,and never give it up easily.Your dream might not come true in one or two days, but it will someday
43、.7.As long as we dare to dream and dont let difficulties get in our way,anything is possible-theresno end to where our dreams can take us. 8.The world makes way for the dreamer. 9.There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. 10.Each man is the architect of his own fate. 11.Adversity is a good di
44、scipline.12. All that you do,do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.13.Actually, every individual possesses talent. Be brave when you find i and also make efforts. Youcan create miracles in the end.14.Determination and optimism are what it takes to conquer your fear and accom
45、plish your goal.15.Though there is much to be worried about, there is ar, far more for which we need to bethankful. Though lifes goodness can at times he overshadowed. it is never outweighed 16. Life is full of smiles and tear. Only by accepting them both can we enjoy our life17. He knew no such wor
46、d as failure,bu always succeeded in all he attempted. Having the will, hecould always find the way18. Ideal is the light tower. Without ideal.there is n secure direction; without direction, there is no life19. Sometimes a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make a huge difference. 20. So
47、metimes.a small gesture of care will possibly melt peoples loneliness.21.Sometimes. you do something good but dont expect anything in return. Therefore, when someone returns the favor, it becomes an extra bonus.22. One simple act of kindness is a blessing for both the giver and the receiver alike. 23.