1、 10. Nigel has the volume set at 8, but it goes to 10. He could increase thevolume by at most ? .2014-2015年度美国“数学大联盟杯赛”(中国赛区)初赛()(六年级)A) 2%B) 10%C) 20%D) 25%(初赛时间:2015年 1月 3日,考试时间 90分钟,总分 200分)22111. 75 25 = 25 ?()A) 32B) 52C) 75D) 152学生诚信协议:考试期间,我确定没有就所涉及的问题或结论,与任何人、用任何方式交流或讨论,我确定以下的答案均为我个人独立完成的成果,
2、否则愿接受本次成绩无效的处罚。2. The sum of two different primes cannot be()A) oddC) 123B) evenD) a perfect square一、选择题(每小题 5分,答对加 5分,答错不扣分,共 175分,请将正确答案 A、B、C或者 D写在每题后面的圆括号内。)113. The product of a circles circumference and radius divided by its area isB) ()A) 2C) 2D) 224. Mr. Wells is becoming invisible. Today he
3、 is 100% visible, but eachmorni from tomorrow on he will wake to find himself 80% as visible正确答案填写示例如下:20 5 2 = 2 ?( A )asineen the day before. He will first be less than 50% visibleA) 5 B) 15C) 25D) 30.()A) 31B) 4C) 5D) 612. 2 0 + 1 4 2 0 + 1 5 =A) 0 B) 5. There are 84 beavers in a colony. Yesterda
4、y they all went out in teamsof 6 to collect logs. Today they are all going out in teams of 4.There will be ? more teams today than there were yesterday.()1415. 1 1()C) 9D) 153C) 1161D) 1A) 2) 3601116. The largest prime factor of 1 000 000 000 isA) 1 B) 2 C) 57. 999 999 999 998 = 999 9992 ?A) 1 B) 99
5、9 997()()D) 10A) 2. 12 345 + 54 321 = 11 111 ?A) 66 666 B) 666B) 7C) 14(D) 21()34)C) 999 998D) 999 999C) 66D) 68. The combined value of my quarters and nickels is ten times the combined value of mypennies and nickels. If I have the same number of pennies as nickels, my ratio of. My brother is exactl
6、y twice my age, and hmonths old. I am ? ye()quarters to pennies isA) 1:1 B) 2:19. 500 is ? % greater than 200.A) 50 B) 150()A) 8B) 16C) 32D) 96C) 10:3D) 11:5D) 30056. Apple cost $1.25 each, or 3 for $3. If I want topples, I need at least how1()much money?A) $11.00()C) 250B) $11.502C) $12.0013.7520.
7、Between 100 and 1000, ? numbers are squares of odd integers.A) 11 B) 16 C) 21 D) 3121. A square of perimeter 360 consists of exactly ? squares of area 9.(). Multiplying a number byis the same as dividingC) 1.5y()3A) 0.667B) 0.75D) 1.667()A) 402. The largest odd factor of 6 10 isA) 65 109 B) 63 105B)
8、 400C) 900D) 160078. How many prime factors of 120 are multiples of 4?A) 0 B) 6 C) 7()61022()D) 8C) 36 510D) 33 55. I have test scores of 80, 84, and 94, and I want my average test score to be 86 after3. Greg finished senior year without learning how to type! His friend Orimy next test. What score m
9、ust I get on the next test?A) 0 B) 86 C) 87()charged him $4 per page the first time a page was typed, and $2 each timea page was redone. Ori typed 150 pages, then redid 30 pages, and finallyD) 889. The lengths of the sides of a triangle are consecutive even integers. Which of thefollowing cannot be
10、the length of the longest side?()redid 15 pages a 2nd time. The total cost to Greg was()A) 6B) 10C) 12D) 16A) $660B) $690C) $720D) $760-1 - 2 -本教材由公众号怪叔叔讲故事独家提供 24. What fraction of the factors of 102 are factors of 10?()37. In this problem as shown on the right, each square represents a digitfrom 0
11、 to 9. What is the final product?1459A)B)C)D)109910Answer: _.20225. Which of the following sums is equal to a prime number?A) 292 + 662 B) 422 + 452 C) 222 + 642 D) 322 + 5426. If the square shown is rotated 1890 counterclockwise, side ? will be()13348. For some integer n, the sum of all of the digi
12、ts of n is a multiple ofand the sum of all of the digits of n + 1 is also a multiple of 8. If58n = 2015, what is the greatest possible value of n?Answer: _.Aat the top.A) A()B) BC) CD) D9. In triangle ABC on the right, BD:DC = 1:2. If the area of triangleABP is 7 and the area of triangle ACP is 5, w
13、hat is the areaof triangle ADP?22222P227. The least common multiple of 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , and 10 isA) 3840 B) 14 400 C) 57 600()D) 230 4008. A snail crawls 2400 mm per hour. It takes ? seconds to crawl 1 mm.()Answer: _.BDC13230. 地由陆地和海洋构成,其中陆地面积占29%,并且陆地的四分之三在北半球,A)B)C) 1.5D) 3那的海洋面积占所有海洋面积的_%。(结果四舍五入保
14、留整数)239. A circle can intersect a quadrilateral at ? points.()A) 0, 2 or 8 onlyB) 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 onlyD) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 only0. Carla loves shells! She collects them, labelling each with a 1-, 2-, or 3-lettercode. If the same letters are used in a different order,
15、it is a different code.She has used every such code, so she has ? shells.A) 156 B) 17 576 C) 18 278()D) 20 888331. If the sum of 50 consecutive integers is 1525, what is the sum of the n0 consecutive integers?A) 1575 B) 27755()C) 4025D) 76 2502. Of 4 pairs of twins, 3 students are chosen teport toge
16、ther. There aressiblegroups of 3 that dont include both twins fr.()A) 163. 八年后我的年龄是两年前我的年龄的两倍。A) 14 B) 16 C) 184. 将 0.75 转换为分数,这些分数的分子和分母都B) 24C) 28D) 32年后我是几岁?33()2000 的正整数。这样的分数共有多少个?()A) 3B) 24C) 25D) 3335. 船长们划船 5 个小时。从第二个小时开始,每个小时行驶的距离比前一个小时少了 2 千米。如果 5 个小时的平均行驶速度是6千米/小时,那么前2个小时行驶了多少千米?()A) 6 B) 12 C) 16D) 18二、填空题(每小题5分,答对加5分,答错不扣分,共25分)36. Calculate the number of digits which are equal to 0 in the product of 826446281, 11 and 11.Answer: _.-3 - 4 -本教材由公众号怪叔叔讲故事独家提供