1、外国人在中国永久居留审批管理办法Measures for the Administration of Examination andApproval of Foreigners1 Permanent Residence in China制定机关:公安部外交部发文字号:中华人民共和国公安部、中华人民共和国外交部第74号令批准机关:国务院公布日期:2004. 08. 15施行日期:2004. 08. 15效力位阶:部门规章法规类别:边防与出入境管理Issuing Authority :Ministry of Public Security Ministry of Foreign AffairsDo
2、cument Number : Order No.74 of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Foreign AffairsDate Issued : 08-15-2004Effective Date : 08-15-2004Level of Authority : Departmental RulesArea of Law : Frontier Defense and Entry and Exit AdministrationOrder of the Ministry of Public Security and the
3、 Ministry of Foreign Affairs中华人民共和国公安部、中华 人民共和国外交部令(Order No.74)(第74号)The Measures for Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners* Permanent Residence in China, as approved by the State Council on December 13, 2003, are hereby promulgated for implementation.外国人在中国永久居留审批 管理办法已于2003年12月
4、13日经国务院批准,现予发布 施行。August 15, 2004二。四年八月十五日入境后30日以内向受理其申 请的公安机关领取外国人永 久居留证。第二十条被批准在中国永久 居留的外国人,每年在中国累 计居留不得少于三个月。确因 实际需要每年不能在中国累计 居留满三个月的,需经长期居 留地省、自治区、直辖市公安 厅、局批准,但五年内在中国 累计居留不得少于一年。第二十一条外国人永久居 留证的有效期为五年或者十 年。被批准在中国永久居留的未满 十八周岁的外国人,发给有效 期为五年的外国人永久居留 证;被批准在中国永久居留 的十八周岁以上的外国人,发 给有效期为十年的外国人永 久居留证。第二十二条
5、外国人永久居 留证有效期满、内容变更、 损坏或者遗失的,持证人应当 向其长期居留地的设区的市级 人民政府公安机关或者直辖市 公安分、县局申请换发或者补 发。公安机关经审核对没有丧Conformation Form and, within 30 days from his entry into China, get the Foreigners Permanent Residence Card from the public security organ that accepted his application.Article 20 A foreigner who has been appro
6、ved to permanently reside in China must stay in China for at least three cumulative months a year. If the foreigner is unable to stay in China for such minimum period due to any reason, he shall apply for the approval of the department or bureau of public security of the province, autonomous region
7、or municipality directly under the Central Government in the place of his permanent residence, provided that the cumulative period during which he stays in China shall not be less than a cumulative year in five years.Article 21 A Foreigners Permanent Residence Card shall be valid for five or ten yea
8、rs.Foreigners approved to permanently reside in China and are under 18 years old shall have a Foreigners Permanent Residence Card valid for five years; those being or above 18 years old shall have one valid for ten years.Article 22 In the case of expiry of5 any change of particulars in5 damage to or
9、 loss of a Foreigners Permanent Residence Card, the holder shall apply to the public security organ of the peoples government of the city divided into districts, or the branch or county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the CentralGovernment, in the place of his long-term
10、residence for renewal or reissue of the Card. The public security organ shall make such renewal or reissue within one month if, after examination, it holds that the holder still meets the requirements for a foreigner to be approved to permanently reside in China.Article 23 The holder of a Foreigners
11、 Permanent Residence Card shall apply for a renewal of the Card within a month before its expiry, for a renewal within a month after any change of particulars in the Card, or for a renewal or reissue promptly in the case of any damage to or loss of the Card.Article 24 If a foreigner with a status of
12、 permanent residence in China is under any of the following circumstances, the Ministry of Public Security may cancel such status of him and withdraw or revoke his Foreigners Permanent Residence Card:(1) being likely to threaten the national security and interests;(2) being expelled from China by th
13、e peoples court;(3) having obtained the status of permanent residence in China by submitting false materials or by other illegal means; and失在中国永久居留资格规定情 形的,一个月以内换发或者补 发证件。第二十三条持有外国人永 久居留证的外国人应当在证 件有效期满前一个月以内申请 换发;证件内容变更的,应当 在情况变更后一个月以内申请 换发;证件损坏或者遗失的, 应当及时申请换发或者补发。第二十四条具有在中国永久 居留资格的外国人有下列情形 之一的,公安部可
14、以取消其在 中国永久居留资格,同时收缴 其所持外国人永久居留证 或者宣布作废:(一)可能对国家安全和利益 造成危害的;(二)被人民法院判处驱逐出 境的;(三)通过提供虚假材料等非 法手段骗取在中国永久居留资 格的;(四)未经批准每年在中国累 计居留不满三个月或者五年内 在中国累计居留不满一年的。(4) having stayed in China for a period less than three cumulative months a year or less than a cumulative year in five years without approval.Article 2
15、5 Foreigners having been approved to permanently reside in China before the implementation of these Measures shall, within six months from the implementation, renew his Foreigners Permanent Residence Card with the public security organ of the peoples government of the city divided into districts or
16、the branch and county bureau of public security of the municipality directly under the Central Government that issued the original Card or in the place of his long-term residence.第二十五条本办法实施前被 批准在中国永久居留的外国 人,应当在本办法实施之日起 六个月以内到原居留证件签发 地或者长期居留地的设区的市 级人民政府公安机关或者直辖 市公安分、县局换领外国人 永久居留证。第二十六条申请在中国永久 居留以及签发、
17、换发、补发外国人永久居留证,有关 收费项目和标准按照国务院价 格和财政主管部门的规定执 行。Article 27 In these Measures:第二十七条本办法中下列用语的含义:Article 26 The charge items and standards in respect of the application for a foreigners status of permanent residence in China and the issue, renewal and reissue of a Foreigners Permanent Residence Card shal
18、l comply with the relevant provisions of the departments of price control and finance of the State Council.(一)“直系亲属”指父母 (配偶的父母)、祖父母(外 祖父母)、已满18周岁的成 年子女及其配偶、已满18周 岁的成年孙子女(外孙子女) 及其配偶;(二)以上” 包括本数。“以内”皆第二十八条本办法由公安 部、外交部负责解释。“directly-related member shall include parents (spouses parents), grandparents,
19、child being at least 18 years old and his (her) spouse, and grandchild being at least 18 years old and his (her) spouse;and(2) both “above and twithin,J shall include the given figure.Article 28 The power to interpret these Measures shall be vested in the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry
20、 of Foreign Affairs.Article 29 These Measures shall come into force 第二十九条 本办法自发布之 as of the date of promulgation.日起施彳亍。中共中央组织部、人力资源 和社会保障部、公安部等25 部门关于印发外国人在中 国永久居留享有相关待遇的 办法的通知(人社部发201253号)各省、自治区、直辖市、新 疆生产建设兵团、副省级市 组织、人力资源社会保障、 公安、外事、发展改革、教 育、科技、财政、住建、商外国人在中国永久居留享有相关待遇的办法Measures for Relevant Treatm
21、ents Enjoyed byForeigners with Permanent Residence Status in China制定机关:中共中央组织部 人力资源和社会保障部 公安部发文字号:人社部发201253号公布日期:2012. 09.25施行日期:2012. 09.25效力位阶:党内法规制度法规类别:外交外事综合规定Issuing Authority :Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (Organization Department, CCCPC) Mi
22、nistry of Human Resources & Social Security Ministry of Public SecurityDocument Number : No. 53 2012 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social SecurityDate Issued : 09-25-2012Effective Date : 09-25-2012Level of Authority : System of Party RegulationsArea of Law : General Provisions on Foreign Af
23、fairsNotice of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Public Security and other 22 Departments on Issuing the Measures for Relevant Treatments Enjoyed by Foreigners with Permanent Residence Status in China(No. 53
24、 2012 of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security)All departments of organization, human resources and social security, public security, foreign affairs, development and reform, education, science and technology, finance, housing and urban-rural development, commerce, family planning, the
25、 Peoples Bank of China, state-owned assetssupervision and administration, customs, taxation, industry and commerce, tourism, overseas Chinese affairs, banking regulatory commission, securities regulatory commission, insurance regulatory commission, foreign experts, civil aviation, and foreign exchan
26、ge of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and sub-provincial cities; all railway administrations; and the personnel departments of all ministries and commissions of the State Council and all institutions
27、directly under the State Council:Ever since the issuance of the Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners1 Permanent Residence in China, a batch of foreign talent have acquired Foreigners Permanent Residence Permits, which has played an important role in attracting ov
28、erseas talent and investors to better participate in the state-building of China. It is made clear in the Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Human Resources Development Planning (2010-2020) that a more open policy on talent shall be implemented to vigorously attract high-quality overseas
29、talent to come or return to China for innovation and entrepreneurship. The Measures for Relevant Treatments Enjoyed by Foreigners with Permanent Residence Status in China are hereby issued to you for your implementation and compliance upon the consent of the Central Coordination Group for Talent Wor
30、k.务资游监门门计生、人民银行、国 海关、税务、工商、旅 侨务、银监、证监、保 外专、民航、外汇部 各铁路局,国务院各部 各直属机构人事部门:外国人在中国永久居留审 批管理办法颁布以来,一 批外籍人才获得外国人永 久居留证,为我国吸引海 外人才和投资者更好参与国 家建设发挥了重要作用。国家中长期人才发展规划 纲要(2 0 1 0-2 0 2 0 年)明确提出,要实施更 加开放的人才政策,大力吸 引海外高层次人才回国(来 华)创新创业。经中央人才 工作协调小组同意,现印发外国人在中国永久居留享 有相关待遇的办法,请认 真贯彻执行。在中国永久居留的外国人享 有相关待遇问题,涉及到工 作和生活的方方
31、面面,是吸 引海外人才来华工作的重要 措施。各级组织、人力资源The enjoying of relevant treatments by foreigners with permanent residence status in China involves all aspects of work and life and is an important measure for attracting overseas talent to work in China. All relevant departments of organization, human resources and s
32、ocial security, public security,foreign affairs, development and reform, education, science and technology, finance, housing and urban- rural development, commerce, family planning, the Peoples Bank of China, state-owned assets supervision and administration, customs, taxation, industry and commerce
33、, tourism, overseas Chinese affairs, banking regulatory commission, securities regulatory commission, insurance regulatory commission, foreign experts, civil aviation, and foreign exchange shall fully understand the significance of this work, strengthen coordination and cooperation, pay close attent
34、ion to the formulation and promulgation of implementation rules and measures, and actively implement measures to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests and treatments enjoyed by foreign talent with permanent residence status in China. They shall also constantly improve service polic
35、ies, enhance service awareness, improve service levels, and create a favorable environment for attracting overseas talent to come to China for innovation and entrepreneurship.社会保障、公安、外交、发 展改革、教育、科技、财 政、住建、铁路、商务、计 生、人民银行、国资、海 关、税务、工商、旅游、侨 务、银监、证监、保监、外 专、民航、外汇等相关部门 要充分认识这项工作的重要 意义,加强协调配合,抓紧 出台实施细则和办法,
36、积极 落实各项措施,切实保障外 籍人才在中国永久居留的合 法权益和各项待遇。要不断 完善服务政策,增强服务意 识,提高服务水平,为大力 吸引海外人才来华创新创业 营造良好环境。Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee中共中央组织部Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security人力资源和社会保障部Ministry of Public Security公安部Ministry of Foreign Affairs外交部National Development and Reform Comm
37、ission发展改革委Ministry of Education教育部Ministry of Science andTechnology科技部Ministry of Finance财政部Ministry of Housing andUrban-Rural Development 住房城乡建设部Ministry of Railways铁道部Ministry of Commerce商务部National Health and Family Planning Commission 人口计生委Peoples Bank of China人民银行State-owned Assets Supervision
38、 and Administration Commission国资委General Administration of Customs海关总署State Administration of Taxation税务总局State Administration for Industry and Commerce 工商总局National Tourism Administration旅游局Overseas Chinese Affairs Office侨办China Banking Regulatory Commission,银监会China Securities Regulatory Commissio
39、n,证监会China Insurance Regulatory Commission保监会State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs外专局Civil Aviation Administration of China民航局State Administration of Foreign Exchange夕卜汇局September 25, 20122012 年 9 月 25 日Measures for Relevant Treatments Enjoyed by Foreigners with Permanent Residence Status
40、in ChinaThe Foreigners Permanent Residence Permit refers to a valid ID certificate for a foreigner with permanent residence status in China to stay in China and may be used independently. A foreigner with the Foreigners Permanent Residence Permit issued by China shall enjoy the following treatments:
41、1 Except political rights and the specific rights and obligations that may not be enjoyed by a foreigner in accordance with laws and regulations, this foreigner shall, in principle, enjoy equal rights and assume equal obligations as Chinese citizens.2 The residence period of this foreigner in China
42、has no time limit. The foreigner may enter and leave China with his or her valid passport and Foreigners Permanent Residence Permit without the need for separately handling procedures such as application for a Chinese visa; his or her spouse and lineal relatives may, pursuant to relevant provisions,
43、 apply for the required visa, residence permit or Foreigners Permanent Residence Permit.3 With respect to his or her inbound and outbound personal effects, the customs shall handle them in accordance with provisions on permanent settlers to China.外国人在中国永久居留享有 相关待遇的办法外国人永久居留证是获 得在中国永久居留资格的外 国人在中国境内居留
44、的合法 身份证件,可以单独使用。 凡持有中国外国人永久居 留证的外籍人员可享有以 下待遇:一、除政治权利和法律 法规规定不可享有的特定权 利和义务外,原则上和中国 公民享有相同权利,承担相 同义务。二、在中国居留期限不 受限制,可以凭有效护照和 外国人永久居留证出入 中国国境,无需另外办理签 证等手续;其配偶及直系亲 属,可按有关规定申请办理 相应签证、居留证件或外 国人永久居留证。三、进出境自用物品按 照海关对定居旅客的有关规 定办理手续。四、在中国就业,免办 外国人就业证;符合条 件的,可优先办理外国专4 The foreigner may be employed in China wit
45、hout the Employment Permit for Foreigners. Priority may be given to eligible foreigners in handling the application for the Foreign Expert Certificate, ForeignMeasures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners1 Permanent Residence in ChinaArticle 1 These Measures are formulate
46、d in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Control of Entry and Exit of Foreigners and the Detailed Rules for its implementation for the purpose of standardizing the examination and approval of foreigners* permanent residence in China.Article 2 Foreig
47、ners* permanent residence in China means foreigners* residence in China without time limit.Article 3 The Foreigners Permanent Residence Card is a valid ID certificate for a foreigner with permanent residence status in China and may be used independently.Article 4 A foreigner with permanent residence
48、 status in China may enter and leave China with his valid passport and Foreigners Permanent Residence Card.外国人在中国永久居留审批管 理办法第一条为规范外国人在中国 永久居留审批管理工作,根据 中华人民共和国外国人入境 出境管理法及其实施细则的 有关规定,制定本办法。第二条外国人在中国永久居 留是指外国人在中国居留期限 不受限制。第三条 外国人永久居留 证是获得在中国永久居留资 格的外国人在中国境内居留的 合法身份证件,可以单独使 用。第四条获得在中国永久居留 资格的外国人,凭有效护照和 外国人永久居留证出入中 国国境。第五条受理外国人在中国永 久居留申请的机关是设区的市 级人民政府公安机关,直辖市 公安分、县局;审核外国人在 中国永久居留申请的机关是各 省、自治区、直辖市公安厅、 局;审批外国人在中国永久居 留申请的机关是公安部。Article 5 The authorities to accept the applications of foreig