1、物品租赁合同(屮英文)1 出租人 LESSOR:_ (以下简称屮方 Hereafter referred to as u PARTY A)电话 Tel:_ 手机 Mobile:_ 承租人 LESSEE:(以下简称乙方 Hereafter referred to as PARTY B)通讯地址 Mail Add:电话 Tel:传真 Fax:住客姓名 The occupants of the premises will be:甲、乙双方经协商一致,订立本合同。合同内容如下:This lease has been mutual agreed and set up by PARTY A and PAR
2、TY B as the following:1 出租物业 The Premises to be leased are described as follows:地址 Location:面积 Area:电话 Tel:_ 条 IDD 直线,_ IDD lines 2 租金 Rental:2.1 租金每月为元整,形式支付 PARTY B shall pay as rent the sum of;i.e.RMB per month.2.2 租金包括家具和电器的配置(详见附件),供暖费,物业管理费、水费,电费,+煤 气费、健身卡、卫星收视费。The Rent includes the Furniture
3、、the Electrical Appliances(see Appendix A),Heating Fee,Management fee,water fee,electricity fee,gas fee.Fitness card,Satellite TV service fee.2.3 租金应在入住前及此后每月的号前支付。甲方应在收到租金后向乙方开具正 式发票。甲方应每月提前向乙方发出支付租金的书面通知。The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental shall be paid before
4、the th of each succeeding 1 month*term.PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B official invoice(Fapiao)upon receiving the rental.Party A shall send prior written notice to Party B for monthly rental payment request 2.4 租金以人民币支票或转账形式支付.Ren tai is payable in Ren Min Bi by check or by bank transfer.2.5 在本租约有效期内
5、,租金不予调整。Rent will not be mod Hied duri ng the term of this Lease Agreeme nt 3 押金 Deposit:3.1 乙方须支付相当于两个月房租的押金(即 RMB),以人民币支票或转帐形式支 付)。甲方应在收到押金后向乙方开具统一收据。A deposit of two(2)months equivalent rental(RMB)shall be paid by PARTY B in RMB by check or by bank transfer.PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B official
6、 receipt upon receiving the deposit 3.2 押金在合同终止后 10 天内由屮方以相同币种全额退还给乙方(不计利息)。如 果延期返还,则每延期一日,按每日万分之四支付给乙方利息。The deposit shall be refu ndable in full amount in 10 days after the con tract expirati on,in same currency and excluding interest thereupon.In case PARTY A delays the refund of the deposit,PART
7、Y A shall pay interest to PARTY B at the rate of 0.04%per day of delay.3.3 中方应按时付清各种帐单。若以上出租房屋及其家具、设备等因乙方原因出 现遗失或非正常的损坏,乙方应负责赔偿。PARTY A shall pay off on time all the bills due In case there is any loss or unusual damage to the furnishings,contents or the rental premises due to PARTY B s reason,PARTY
8、 B shall compensate for it.4 租期 Lease term:乙方租用出租房屋期限为 1 年,即自年 月 日至年 月 日。From 16 July 2004 to 15 July 2005 for one(1)year.5 出租人的责任 PARTY A s obligation:5.13 甲方声明及保证甲方为该出租房屋的合法拥有人,有合法地位出租此房屋,并就出租事宜已取得有关方面的批准。PARTY A assures to be the legal owner of the leased premises,to have the necessary legal capa
9、city to lease it,and PARTY A action has been ratified by the authorities concer ned.5.2 租赁期内,若甲方出售该出租房屋导致该出租房屋所有权发生转移,屮方须保 证本合同能继续执行。In case PARTY A sells the premises during the lease which leads to the premises own ership be transferred,PARTY A shall en sure that the said con tract will be impleme
10、nted continuously.5.3 屮方须按时将清洁状况良好的出租房屋交付乙方使用,保证在租赁期内出租 房屋内的各项设施能正常使用。PARTY A shall hand over the said premises to PARTY B on time and assure the said premises will be cleaned and in good status during the lease term.5.4 屮方有义务负责出租房屋及设施的正常维护和保养,如房屋或设施非因中方 原因出现故障,屮方应在收到乙方通知后二十四(24)小时内自行或通过其他方式 解决故障,否则
11、,乙方有权雇佣第三方进行维修,山屮方承担所有费用并承担相 关责任。山于不可抗力(如地慝.台风、洪水、非人为的火灾等)、自然损耗或乙 方以外的原因造成的损坏,亦由甲方承担有关费用。PARTY A shall bear the responsibility of the said premises normal repairs and maintenance,and pay the cost related In case the premises or facilities are in bad conditions not due to the reason of PARTY B,PARTY
12、A shall complete the repair work within 24 hours upon receipt of the notice from PARTY B.Otherwise,PARTY B shall have the right to hire any third parties for the repair work at the cost of PARTY A.The cost of repairs to the said premises,if damaged by Force Majeure(such as earthquake,typhoon,flood n
13、on-man made fire,etc)reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond PARTY B S control,should also be borne by PARTY A.5.5 租赁期内,在乙方遵守合同及支付租金的前提下,未经乙方允许,甲方不得 进入该出租房屋。During the lease,PARTY A shall not get in the said premises without PARTY B S permission 商一致订立本合同内容如下出租物致业地址面积电话条直致线金每月条为元整形式支式付包括每家具下和
14、元致器的配置条为式付详见附件供暖付下费管理水条直煤容气健理水条直致身卡式付卫星电附卫收视附卫视煤容条直应理水条在入住前及此订面内后式号致甲付方约有有效气期不予调致押乙须当理水条直应于方两理水个房即件以人致民币条直票或转个视订帐到向开统据终止天由屮种全额退还元给计利息视订线金果延致返则理水条直失个屮非甲及正常致视损煤坏负责置赔帐到致偿用屋限理水条直失赔致返则果年如自日至任积声自日不屮视明置偿保每前证月该乙常前法个屮致拥位并就事宜卫责置常致已则屮日取得关附批准管条直赁若售?付?理水致条直附甲?气电订线金售?讦 PARTY B has been carrying out the contract n
15、ormally.5.6 甲方应督促管理公司向乙方提供足够的服务,如冷水、热水、煤气,电的供应 及各种设备的正常工作。Party A shall direct Property Management Company to provide sufficient and continuous services to Party B,including provision of cold water;hot water;gas and electricity and ensure proper maintenance of equipment therein.5.7 房产税及与租赁有关的所有税费由甲方
16、承担。Premises tax and other leasing related taxes shall be paid by PARTY A.6 承租方的责任 PARTY B S obligations:6.1 乙方申明及保证其在中国拥有合法居留权,并按有关规定办理必要的居住登 记手续。PARTY B assures to have the legal right of residence in China,and shall complete the residential formalities complying with the local regulations.6.2 住客应按
17、时支付电话费含上网费、水电煤气费。The occupant shall pay the telephone bills and inter net fee,extra water electricity gas fee on time 6.3 乙方只能将出租房屋用做住宅,不得将之用作公司及代表处的注册地址,亦 不可作为公开的办公室。The premises are limited for residential use only by PARTY Bz and are prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or
18、 agency,or using as public office 6.4 乙方不得在出租房屋内进行违反法律及政府对出租房屋用途有关规定的行 为。PARTY B shall not carry in the premises any unlawful or illegal activities which are not allowed accordi ng to the leasi ng regulatio ns from the go ver nment.6.5 租赁期内,未经屮方书面同意,乙方不得将出租房屋部分或全部转租他人。PARTY B shall not partly or tot
19、ally sublet the said premises without the written permission from PARTY A.6.6 若因乙方使用不当或不合理使用,出租房屋及其内的设施出现损坏或发生故 障,乙方应及时联络管理机构或中方进行维修,并负责有关维修费用.The damage of the premises or the fittings that are within the control of PARTY B shall be borne by PARTY B,and PARTY B shall contact the management office o
20、r PARTY A instantly.6.7 租赁期内,乙方对出租房屋进行装修或增加水、电、消防等设施,须经中方 同意并经有关部门批准,并由甲方执行监理,所需费用山乙方承担。双方解约时,乙方不能移走自行添加的结构性设施,甲方亦不必对上述添加设施进行补偿。PARTY B,upon written permission of PARTY A,may make additions or alterations dealing with water,electricity supply or fire protection,at his own expense,subject to necessar
21、y permits or licenses required by the authorities concerned and under the supervise on of PARTY A.No structural alterations or additi ons can be removed from the premises upon the expiration of this contract No reimbursement for the said additi ons.6.8 乙方有权在墙壁上悬挂画、图片或其他装饰性物品。合同履行期限届满或提 前解约时,屮方应承担费用拔
22、掉钉子、粉刷墙壁或使墙壁恢复原状,并承诺不以 此为由扣留乙方的押金。PARTY B is entitled to hang pictures,paintings or other decorative articles on the walls 商一致订立本合同内容如下出租物致业地址面积电话条直致线金每月条为元整形式支式付包括每家具下和元致器的配置条为式付详见附件供暖付下费管理水条直煤容气健理水条直致身卡式付卫星电附卫收视附卫视煤容条直应理水条在入住前及此订面内后式号致甲付方约有有效气期不予调致押乙须当理水条直应于方两理水个房即件以人致民币条直票或转个视订帐到向开统据终止天由屮种全额退还元给计
23、利息视订线金果延致返则理水条直失个屮非甲及正常致视损煤坏负责置赔帐到致偿用屋限理水条直失赔致返则果年如自日至任积声自日不屮视明置偿保每前证月该乙常前法个屮致拥位并就事宜卫责置常致已则屮日取得关附批准管条直赁若售?付?理水致条直附甲?气电订线金售?Upon expiration or early terminati on of the con tract,PARTY A shall bear the cost to remove the nails,repaint the wall or restore the wall to the original state,and PARTY A sha
24、ll not retain PARTY B S deposit for the reason of doing things above.6.9 租赁合同期满的前一个月内,经合理事先书面通知,乙方应允许屮方或其授 权人引领潜在客人参观在出租房屋。During the last month of the con tract,after reas on able prior written notice to PARTY B,PARTY A or his nominee shall be allowed to show the said premises to the potential clie
25、nts 6.10 租赁期满,若中,乙双方未达成续租协议,乙方应于租期届满时或之前迁 离出租房屋并将钥匙及清理干净的房屋归还甲方.PARTY B shall return the premises in a clean condition to PARTY A(except wear and tear)at the expirati on of the con tract if there is no ren ewal thereupo n.7 提前解约 Early termination:7.1 六(6)个月后,乙方如要退租,应提前一(1)个月书面通知甲方终止本租约。在 此情况下,甲方应在本租
26、约终止后十(10)日内将押金全额退还乙方。After six(6)mon ths,Party B may,upon one(1)month advance writte n notice to Party A,terminate this Tenancy Agreement without any liabilities.Under this circumstanee,Party A shall return the deposit in full to Party B within ten(10)days after the termination 7.2 若因自然界的不可抗力,如火灾、洪水
27、、台风、地震、战争等意外损害导致 岀租房屋无法居住,合同即自动终止,甲、乙双方互不承担责任。If the said premises are so damaged by force majeure(fire,flood,typhoon,earthquake,war,and etc)that it s no longer habitable,the con tract shall be terminated automatically.Neither PARTY A nor PARTY B shall bear any responsibility to each other.8 续租 Ren
28、ewal:租赁期满,乙方有优先续租权,但须提前一个月通知甲方,并安排签订续租合同。PARTY B retai ns the priority to renew this lease upon expiration z while one-month prior notice to PARTY A is necessary,and PARTY A shall arrange the signature for the renewal contract 9 争议的解决 Dispute Resolution:9.1 本合同适用法律为中华人民共和国相关法律。The contract is govern
29、ed by the laws of the People s Republic of China.9.2 在履行本合同过程中产生的任何争议 111 双方协商解决,协商不成,可向中国 国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京)申请仲裁。In case of any dispute arising out of the performa nee of this Con tract,PARTY A and PARTY B shall consult together to reach unanimity,otherwise both parties can submit the dispute to the C
30、hina Inter national Economic and Trade Arbitratio n Commissio n(Beijing)for arbitrati on.10 其他 Others:10.1 本合同以中英文两种文字拟成,两种文本同等有效。The con tract is draw n in both Chin ese and En glish versions Both texts have equal 商一致订立本合同内容如下出租物致业地址面积电话条直致线金每月条为元整形式支式付包括每家具下和元致器的配置条为式付详见附件供暖付下费管理水条直煤容气健理水条直致身卡式付卫星
31、电附卫收视附卫视煤容条直应理水条在入住前及此订面内后式号致甲付方约有有效气期不予调致押乙须当理水条直应于方两理水个房即件以人致民币条直票或转个视订帐到向开统据终止天由屮种全额退还元给计利息视订线金果延致返则理水条直失个屮非甲及正常致视损煤坏负责置赔帐到致偿用屋限理水条直失赔致返则果年如自日至任积声自日不屮视明置偿保每前证月该乙常前法个屮致拥位并就事宜卫责置常致已则屮日取得关附批准管条直赁若售?付?理水致条直附甲?气电订线金售?effect 10.2 本合同一式二份,甲、乙双方各执一份。Two copies of the contract will be drawn and remained i
32、n the possession of PARTY A&PARTY B.10.3 本合同自签定之日起生效。The contract shall come into force on the date of signature 10.4 本合同的附件是本合同必不可少的组成部分。附件一列明的物品在甲、乙双 方核实签字后生效。The appendix is an indivisible part of this con tract Details listed in appendix 1 shall not come into affect until being checked and signe
33、d by both PARTY A and PARTY B 11 签章 Signatures and official marks:甲方乙方 PARTY A:PARTY B:授权代表:授权代表人:Authorized representative:Authorized representative:盖章:盖章:Seal:Seal:日期日期 Date:Date:商一致订立本合同内容如下出租物致业地址面积电话条直致线金每月条为元整形式支式付包括每家具下和元致器的配置条为式付详见附件供暖付下费管理水条直煤容气健理水条直致身卡式付卫星电附卫收视附卫视煤容条直应理水条在入住前及此订面内后式号致甲付方约有有效气期不予调致押乙须当理水条直应于方两理水个房即件以人致民币条直票或转个视订帐到向开统据终止天由屮种全额退还元给计利息视订线金果延致返则理水条直失个屮非甲及正常致视损煤坏负责置赔帐到致偿用屋限理水条直失赔致返则果年如自日至任积声自日不屮视明置偿保每前证月该乙常前法个屮致拥位并就事宜卫责置常致已则屮日取得关附批准管条直赁若售?付?理水致条直附甲?气电订线金售?