1、2021年广东汕头高三一模英语试卷-学生用卷一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2.5分,共37.5分)1、【来源】2021年广东汕头高三一模第卜3 题 7.5分(每题2.5分)Most Asian people are familiar with pickled vegetables.Chinese pickles,which vary from regions,play a very important part in Chinese daily life.Not only are Chinese pickles easy to make and keep athome,out also
2、 they are an excellent side dish.These pickles go great with a congee meal(粥).Herewell make the delicious Chinese pickles together.IngredientsOl carrot with fantastic taste and 2 cucumbers.Dont use the regular cucumbers,which are calledGarden Cucumbers,as they are too watery and pretty tasteless and
3、 have lots of seeds you have to get rid of.Oa Glass Jar for pickling,a teaspoon of sea salt,a cup of Rice Vinegar,a cup of Raw Sugar and 2slices ginger.DirectionsPeel the carrot and wash the cucumbers.Slice everything into approximately 2 inch lengths by 1/4inch thickness.Put into a large bowl with
4、salt and shake.Let stand for at least 1/2 hour.Removesqueezed water until dry as possible.Place one of the ginger slices on bottom.Pack the vegetables intoyour pickling jar.Put the other ginger slices on top.Mix the sugar into the vinegar in a bowl and shakeuntil the sugar is melted.Pour over the ve
5、getables until covered.Pour in a bit more vinegar to top up ifnecessary.Close jar and put in the fridge overnight.Ifs ready to eat the next day but the flavor will improve as time goes by.Let*s call it a day.See you this time tomorrow.(1)What can we know about Chinese pickles?A.The y a r e a Chin e
6、s e m e a l s im il a r in d if f e r e n t pr o v in c e s.B.The y a r e a n As ia n f o o d e a s y t o m a k e b u t d if f ic u l t t o k e e p.C.The y a r e a s id e d is h m a d e w it h Ga r d e n Cu c u m b e r s.D.The y a r e a g r e a t m a t c h f o r c o n g e e m e a l s.(2)Whafs the ne
7、xt step after putting the vegetables into ajar?A.Dr o w n t he v e g e t a b l e s w it h s u g a r a n d v in e g a r.B.Co v e r t he v e g e t a b l e s w it h g in g e r s l ic e s.C.Squ e e z e t he w a t e r f r o m t he v e g e t a b l e s.D.Cl o s e t he ja r a n d pu t in t he f r id g e.(3)
8、Where is the passage most likely from?A.A f o o d pr o g r a m m e.B.A g a r d e n in g b r o a d c a s t.C.A c o o k in g m a g a z in e.D.A DIY r e f e r e n c e b o o k.2、【来源】2021年广东汕头高三一模第47题 10分(每题2.5分)Arguster grew up on his familys farm in a remote village.Planting cash crop一cotton,they wereb
9、reaking even and had to make ends meet.In his childhood,there were nine kids at home.All the boyswere in one room with two beds.Two slept at the head while two slept at the foot.Therefore,there wasone thing about their feet-washing them before crowding onto the bed.When there was a hole in Argusters
10、 jeans,his mother would put a patch on it.However,the hole keptgoing.It was the naughty kids,Arguster included,that took the jeans out,hung them on a line,and shotthem to put holes.Aware of that,however,Ben,the father,didnt rebuke them,knowing it might be theonly way to bring laughter to his kids.Ar
11、gusters first lesson in economics was taught by Ben.The childish kid had worked and made a littleextra money.He couldnt help admiring himself,UI make six dollars!Six dollars!Man!Pm on the top ofthe world!With a great thrill,Arguster decided to go to fair,where he played games,ate cottoncandyWhen ask
12、ed by Ben how much he had spent,with his head down,Arguster replied,Daddy,Ispent it all Looking at his messy hair,Ben sighed,nBoy,you spent all your money and haircufs goneup to 75 cents.Fm afraid From then on,Arguster always kept enough money to get himself a haircut.Ben taught his kids how to do t
13、he right thing and wanted them to do the right thing,which Ben triedto pass on to his kids,in his own way.Ben started a syrup mill(糖坊).People in the community broughttheir cane and millet for Ben to grind up(磨碎)for syrup.When people paid with buckets of syrup,Benrefused.Arguster got confused,Daddy,w
14、hy don*t you let these people pay you?”Because we got enough syrup to last for a long time!Son,these people dont have money to pay.Thats the only way they can pay.(1)Why should the kids wash their feet before going to bed?A.Be c a u s e t he y t u r n e d d ir t y a f t e r pl a y in g o n t he f a
15、r m.B.Be c a u s e t he y c r o w d e d o n a s m a l l b e d w it h f e e t c l o s e t o o t he r s he a d s.C.Be c a u s e t he b e d s w e r e m a d e o f c o t t o n w hic h w a s e a s y t o s po t.D.Be c a u s e t he y ha d t o m a k e e n d s m e e t,m a k in g t he m s e l d o m b a t he.(2
16、)What does the underlined word rebuke in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Qu e s t io n.B.Oppo s e.C.Am u s e.D.Cr it ic iz e.(3)What might happen to Arguster after he spent all the money he earned?A.He w o r k e d a n d e a r n e d m o n e y a g a in f o r his ha ir c u t.B.He ha d his ha ir c u t w it
17、h t he m o n e y Be n g a v e him.C.He w a it e d f o r t he pr ic e o f ha ir c u t t o d e c r e a s e.D.He b o r r o w e d m o n e y f r o m his m o t he r f o r his ha ir c u t.(4)What*s Bens attitude towards people in the community?A.St r ic t.B.Ca s u a l.C.Co n s id e r a t e.D.M e a n.3、【来源】
18、2021年广东汕头高三一模第811题 10分(每题2.5分)Jennifer,a 33-year-oId writer,has had more than 110 houseplants since she began collecting inJanuary.Today,theyre an essential part of her daily routine.Every morning,she rolls out of bed,heads tothe living room and begins a 45-minute tour of all her plants.Even before
19、brushing her teeth or feeding thedog,Jennifer inspects every leaf.Though she is a little extreme,Jennifer is just one of many plant enthusiasts spending hours a day andthousands of dollars cultivating plant collections in their homes.American gardeners spent a record$76.3billion on garden last year.
20、A quarter of that spending was attributed to people aged 18 to 34,whosespending on plants has grown at a higher rate than any other age group since 2014.Houseplants should thank social media for their reappearance and growth in popularity.Thats howJennifer was hooked first.Her inability to keep plan
21、ts alive had always been a running joke.However,while surfing on the Internet,she happened upon an eye-catching photo posted by a plant lover.Shefollowed that account,along with several others over the course of a month or two,and her desire to growa collection of her own strengthened.Soon,she was f
22、ully buried in plant culture.Recently,Jennifer evenattended her first local plant swap.Its no secret that millennials(千禧一代)are delaying major life milestones such as buying homes,getting married and having children,largely for financial reasons.People are designed fbr connection andnurturing,but wit
23、h more millennials waiting until later in life to have babies and settle down,young peopleare turning to plants,said Lily Ewing.Plants often require less attention than other living things,such aspets,but still,provide the opportunity to nurture something.Plants can provide a greater sense offulfill
24、ment and purpose.Ewing added,“Keeping plants around the home or office also allows people tobring nature to their immediate surroundings when it can be hard to find time to get away from the day-to-day busy work and escape to the outdoors.1(1)Which one can best describe Jennifers behaviour towards h
25、ouseplants?A.Re a s o n a b l y a f f e c t io n a t e.B.So m e w ha t c r a z y.C.L e s s e n t hu s ia s t ic.D.Se n s ib l y c a u t io u s.(2)Why is Jennifer mentioned in the passage?A.To r e pr e s e n t t he m il l e n n ia l s pl a n t e n t hu s ia s t s.B.To in t r o d u c e a w r it e r w
26、it h s pe c ia l a f f e c t io n f o r pl a n t s.C.To c o m pa r e w it h o t he r g a r d e n e r s.D.To s ho w a w r it e r s 1 if e w it h pl a n t s.(3)Whats the main idea of Paragraph 3?A.The f u n c t io n s o f s o c ia l m e d ia.B.Je n n if e r,s in a b il it y t o k e e p pl a n t s.C.Th
27、e r e a s o n f o r Je n n if e r,s d e s ir e f o r pl a n t s.D.The r e a ppe a r a n c e a n d g r o w t h o f pl a n t s in po pu l a r it y.(4)Why are the millennials crazy about plants?A.Be c a u s e t he y w a n t t o g e t e x po s e d t o n a t u r e.B.Be c a u s e t he y ha v e e n o u g h
28、 f r e e t im e t o s t a y in d o o r s.C.Be c a u s e pl a n t s b r in g t he m n a t u r e a n d he l p n u r t u r e s o m e t hin g.D.Be c a u s e pl a n t s c a n o f f e r a g r e a t e r s e n s e o f f u l f il l m e n t t ha n pe t s.4、【来源】2021年广东汕头高三一模第12 15题 10分(每题2.5分)Dogs and horses m
29、ay not be the closest teammates,but the two animals can have their fair share offun-at times even playing together and mimicking(模仿)each others facial expressions,new researchsuggests.These findings,published in the journal Behavioural Processes,mark the first example of so-called rapid facial mimic
30、ry occurring between play partners of different species,and suggest the existenceof a universal language of play.Though the purpose behind play remains unclean scientists suspect the behavior is to help animalsdevelop hunting and social skills,relieve stress or promote relationships with each other.
31、Learning moreabout the contexts in which different animals play together could tell researchers a lot about plays originsand development.But apart from a handful of studies featuring humans and their pets,scientists haven*thad many chances to analyze examples of interspecies*plays.In 2018,when someo
32、ne sent Palagi,an animal behaviorist,a video where a dog and a horse playtogether,interacting with each other fluently,she took the chance to investigate further.The two specieswere good choices for study,because they both could recognize facial expressions in other animals.Gathering a team,Palagi b
33、egan to collect and analyze hundreds of other videos where canines(犬类)and equids(马科动物)played together.At last,20 videos were picked out:showing animals freely playing on their own,for at least 30seconds,without human involvement.In the videos,dogs and horses often mimicked each others moves,jumping,
34、pushing and even biting slightly and naughtily at each other.They also put themselves in weakand easily attacked positions,such as rolling on their backs,displaying their throats and stomachsastrong sign that they were at ease and even showing their friendliness.The two creatures also frequently mim
35、icked each others facial expressions,both adopting the relaxedopen mouths-a behavior thats been noted in wild social primates(灵长类动物),but never between apair of animals of different species.(1)What does the new research find about dogs and horses?A.N o a n im a l s ha v e a c l o s e r r e l a t io n
36、 s hip t ha n t he m.B.The y c a n s ha r e f u n w it h e a c h o t he r.C.The y ha v e f a c ia l m im ic r y a n d a po s s ib l e u n iv e r s a l l a n g u a g e o f pl a y.D.An y o t he r s pe c ie s c a n b e t he ir pl a y pa r t n e r.(2)What can we infer about interspecies1 plays?A.Sc ie n
37、 t is t s c a n n e v e r k n o w t he r e a s o n s f o r t he pl a y s.B.The pl a y s he l p a n im a l s t o s u r v iv e a n d s o c ia l iz e.C.K n o w in g t he ir e v o l u t io n he l ps l e a r n a b o u t a n im a l s c o n t e x t s.D.The pl a y b e t w e e n hu m a n s a n d pe t s is n
38、t in c l u d e d.(3)What can we know from Palagis investigation on canines and equids?A.The y a r e pe r f e c t l y s u it a b l e f o r t he s t u d y.B.The y pl a y l o n g e r w it h hu m a n s jo in in g in.C.The y s ho w c l o s e n e s s w it h s pe c if ic po s it io n s.D.The y m im ic a s
39、t he w il d s o c ia l pr im a t e s d o.(4)According to the passage,what could be discussed in the following paragraphs?A.M o r e e x a m pl e s o f f a c ia l m im ic r y.B.St u d y o n m im ic r y o f t he w il d s o c ia l pr im a t e s.C.Fa c ia l e x pr e s s io n s o f d if f e r e n t s pe c
40、 ie s.D.A po s s ib l e u n iv e r s a l l a n g u a g e o f pl a y.二、信息匹配(本大题共5小题,每小题2.5分,共12.5分)5、【来源】2021年广东汕头高三一模第1620题 12.5分(每题2.5分)Most Meaningful Things to Do with Your FirstSalaryAfter years of spending your parents*money,there comes that one day in your adult life youll see themagic words Y
41、our Salary Has Been Credited for the first time in your mobile phone.Your mood will beunusual.1 So how can we make the first pay more special?Often,we get so caught up in the excitement that we forget the people directly or indirectly helping usget there.They are the people who helped you out.2 Whil
42、e all it takes is afree thank you”or a personal note to remember those people and thank them,it is extra special if you cansend them a personalized thank-you gift,such as sweets,chocolates and so on.3They saved on their basics to buy your luxuries.They worked hard soyou could obtain the benefits.No
43、amount of money can repay their efforts foryou.4 Take them out for a nice dinner,buy your dad a new phone,yourmother a new dress and your sister a guitar.Youve been just on a path to self-dependence and financial freedom.But some unfortunate peoplecant.They depend more on the kindness of people who
44、have the privilege ofhelping._ 5_A.An d y o u r f ir s t s a l a r y t o o.B.The y a r e pe o pl e o f f e r in g y o u a s s is t a n c e.C.Y o u m u s t a l w a y s d r e a m a b o u t t he m o m e n t.D.The m o s t a ppr e c ia t e d pe o pl e t o o k c a r e o f y o u f o r d e c a d e s.E.The y
45、 m a y a l s o b e t he pe o pl e s im pl y g u id in g y o u t hr o u g h t he in t e r v ie w r o u n d s.F.Ho w a b o u t d o n a t in g a n a m o u n t y o u t hin k y o u c a n a f f o r d t o m a k e s o m e o n e s d a y?G.Bu t a f e w m e a n in g f u l g e s t u r e s a n d t ho u g ht f u
46、l g if t s c a n s u r e l y b r in g a s m il e t ot he ir f a c e.三、完形填空(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)6、【来源】2021年广东汕头高三一模第2135题 15分(每 题 I 分)Have you seen or heard a honeybee lately?Bees are 1 disappearing inmany parts of the world.Most people dont know about this problem.It is called Colony CollapseDisorde
47、ru(CCD).Some North American beekeepers 2 80%of their bees from2006 to 2008.Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too.The disappearance of honeybees is a(n)3 problem.Can you imaginenever eating another orange?Our fruits,nuts and vegetables 4 thesepollinators(授粉者).Without honeybees,5 prices wil
48、l be rising high.Thepoorest people always suffer the worst when there is a 6 of farm produce.This problem 7 other foods besides fresh produce.Imagine losing yourfavourite ice cream!Haagen Dazs is a famous ice cream company.Many of their flavours depend onthe 8 honeybees.In 2008,Haagen Dazsbegan 9 mo
49、ney for CCD.They also funded a garden at the University ofCalifornia called The Haven.This garden helps arouse 10 about thedisappearing honeybees and teaches visitors how to 1 or the pollinators.Donating money to 12 is the most important thing humans can do to savehoneybees.Scientists need money to
50、look into the 3 of Colony Collapse Disorder.Some scientists blame CCD on climate change.Others think harmful chemicals are killing the bees.Not everyone has money to donate regularly.There are other 14 to helpthe honeybees.1 5 the word by telling your friends and family about thedisappearing bees.Ma