1、2021年12月皖南地区高三英语第二次联考试卷二分 幽1 1做(黄 篇 中.羯 分 加 分)X U (儿 小JhM小 戏Z分.调 分 串“八Mit-攵.从“tir C M M S.H.r w iHf.ftfhUii 造 蝎5 A liMfdrR.AIhlGrtui fi TU M W IN,h CL ,m、,m1 5 6 0 IIH trUy 2 i 4 l!hi d Z M 4 h it w.ll knnKRUrxt.”小u with g r my ih U ri u*W IWUMICV”w U k irm.lM.ki nl I Um*MUH*1 WII M H hr the rureG,r
2、 IIM of th11|MI hui ni k*7 they nn1 tarlin.pcwnt for bri|(hirrfulurc,八 ,。Vrrra/i(;HASTALLA.ITALY1 h*z TI E oppn1imilv tn IMGI X.rrrogni/r nnd ih*nk tbr on the frnoQ line,llx ir(fS#nn h r AMI iMtiiM on llw hirtnnn nyh4ifwif liwlrn nnl”m wouldMVt brvn the|iri Io pp|ofl fwnx力/rnmllim wnrkt r Prrwrxi“th
3、e Ymr.S.)1 v /5”川,FA Y E ITH V ILIJ:.X Y.h iiu3mi、c h,小k ihct rim did tuH j.1rrl 角 Prftrwt f th*Yrne rhr lrn ofof hnhh 4 .tvr u orki r whs wrnl mlt w*rk im h ln)r and pul fhrir live*at to rakr ffr n(C 11)|9|V1H ni.Tbcv wrrr thr(itvtnrn rutilling inlu(be Mrrmrg feHdir*!n M V F other,nd ih-PIIH nM n r
4、imninv inwnrd ihr Kiitifirc,Mnny uf th m fell ill.mdrqd.“imr died.、EW OkLEAXST rfon*,m*u卜r.When Trump WAR n4med Person of thr Yrnr Ut yrr.it wA*n I aTrump IVncv co%er.IF th”juM a subtle reminder io the American people th*t Harrn r thercul jwrsn in chjirgv?AAiL 司rsBELLA V1STA ARK.Ewryunc hope Biden a
5、nd Harris can do better than their prede”,9 rt did butunforiunaivty*rmmin.them Person of(he Year ia pohiicised decision*and I am very A JAIKUI lluLP“”/,G,c CONCOREZZO.ITALY21.Who WE chosen Perwn of tM Yetr in?020 in America?A.Biden and Herrin K Trump and Pence*.C(Hjm nd Biden.I).Hrririivt.II.ruutral
6、.C.iMhffrrvnt.D.dovbdul.23.W IHI alwrr,Louin Shipluird w a(Nni(m on thr right rhoki,ol*Prrmm of the Year*?A AIIM rto Ve/nli.K S.Jeff rry Unuhk.(Alah liihU.U,4 m.nAh ihi-KMinfry 1中,MMIC M rml dm.hot in HK uhrnhigh lrfinitioi TheFofLiddt n(iiy M 12 s p g/ikumin niNr)r hw w rcuhlly run on lkw,Y Sih lli
7、u,T V.which iin|*ri 八,1 1 4 IIFIIIHHI*f ilw M l.i iHinivifMify u(I hi(iHihdiug o(till*iniptfiftt 帝 内)duririx tli Ming&nd QM IIK(l34iK|M|I)v1 h-lKuni nlry Knilu rril 12 h,、Mikxrfu io r(hi*bvdy mwlerC Mt|)iheme ongAfor rh ipiMidr.rnm m ly mu rpn HUM ouIvthifM(hiMiHiral rhaplrrn with mcnin I IM hir m i
8、ilh,d tlwi hr viiic4 the ForlnddenCity for OH firM uruv whrn Lv yuMhf(trr hvlinn H M ply upim diAcuvrrmg that theMuidc hr lolluwed ofGrotl 种 thwrd inimdihiiuM io ihv Mh.-SJKC ht n I h*d W IMIHII f(w muy ymrn thi I nuhl itmkr A tkKumenliiry io reiell the realhi7”f of lh I,nr I HI hl n(,iiy HI elrtAil
9、,l.vMliih,with I IM*Pnlucr MiiMiim/upport.cm r r r Usvinjiwd lo l *rn n!i 川 kiwmIMIIIV.inh rvirwuni many hzh,。,nnd hcMiiini!thr m“7irAnquil nMnu-ni nf dir HU|M rinl w b u rJ H MI WH.1h|4r h*d|N*I I moiitMl lh,rrMINihr crr|rt wilh llw hi Ip of inrt lhn M ,uprf”frnm nmltiplrk|Mfinu nl o(UM PnLrt Nii,r
10、irn mvrfinR R WHII-rnh|(r of mrhi4mg 川fu“mnfrhihctMtr.*4而(nJ。川 卜|(九4小 court wnr MIT(rem the F m h O n Cife lln-rr*w tnArk*tip“lh”rmrr irAm,!7niZl*m w 4V wvk no vrni 1”,imv4luf 1 Ai/rn*J ,一,*ich x nlSii/hw in.,wi ll c、FU/IMHI*Xmnwn Rtil QiAh/hnl hiuiry rrklnl In tin trmr rinj(ini4*,h,*E,2L Wh:i thv|u
11、ir|HM-nf hnoimg llu*ducummfAry*.I n furihcv the hiNanr Mmly.Ik To fh*To r IrlitAic IIM gRm&rncv.D.Tn mrmnfiw the(otiiwlin*nF fH ,“*C.Th iindrrhnuk.*.WHJII c n wr rnlrr from ihc pa*Mc?.Thr Enrlmlck-n(*Hy wa.founded in the IS*rrniury.H.The krumcnury WA、merely/hot in fivr ciiim in iwo provincrv(Thr ihe
12、me 0gM.of the epiodtF urc performed by a kmou、I).Thr donimmury wa crfAted by the hmtoemn of the PAIMT Mueum.2T,Which o(thr following may prclshly hr hown tn the documentary?A.European eouz building*R Royd family Hfc HiMory of drawings D,Work*of(nmou ealliffM|h rCHavr you etrr ifMfpnrd ihm your mmpk
13、T-thin could cool you down by up m*X nib r.b ummr eby,?Thankn to c rrccni AwnYeryt ihr poMbiliiy i 即巾”clm r.*h ih there*rr truny altrrMinc*that mAfiAgc to krep ihc body wnrm lhi mwnjc invcntum,urn*lu Q(c r n d relit/hr tbiM*who arc eager to feci comforublc ami(r h in t hr onriirtTrwly hoi dnysIn tnv
14、vntor*e vnamrer*M Yuoftutnir o(Zhrjuinic Unhm ity and Gunnnhi(tilHunikiritf UmvrrMty ul Science ami Technology m n ru iw ykcemplenk intMiMhe&PprgM They designed special in tilr,妨6!打)that ran absorb bmty and rrvniiK.5k出)it、inrry into M*(Y“mid infrared radUthm(M IR).Thi tritik cunU K b ibr2objti ik.nd
15、 ihnr urr(MjndinK ihrrr ,fcMbr hirt.vnu irex iuilly wt nrin|(n iriur ih*t hk mW iMwinnr by 3、bui iln prrviuu*irial*a、limitni.SM Mill io iv*i ih-newuplKwh Ui rle hnniiH hw d h s iv/y 加 libfk IIW4*w h i L ww)”031MhM orWAlking,Atxi no din illy f*uiH(IIH,hy.IM m iM “加l in y*4MI IK KI IO vnimnir andtnruf
16、r IMJW w!l H*”小、wUn I Iw、M I mH in HUM-nmiiMi with I hr km.bivrniof*Y,嘲M“U(uhd GiMiigtHiiiH*,kkiM|t HIimuir ih.il tin-ntiirfitilwill imrrawr(luthllM 2 1*1 4阐|1 n*H W J2 I|H.*W i huk2/士“-wl.u k mi ib Mill tfrl B 1*hrl Z l l-7,IMMVJIIIV ihr MUM Hthen dd Ynri|(uiing MM.Su 4 you*rr An aihlrtr or dimply
17、MIC ilwii lvi io deni with the cMiremdy hightcm|K*rdiurrw U-fiAitml your iky(l Irrhn*hot und hoihcrcd nmy be commM ion end!2M WhaQ i*t hr N J.m w invert Hon 7A.1.wurni up|x,)|tlrM)N Jy.Tn drtrci ihr tem|*tlMfr.2,How doo thl produtI w h?A.Wy hirmnic mmlighl mtn H tc ti,C.Hy kn junf;hrm oai rowpl trly
18、,M Whit the fiMUH irf 4 of w,|,h A?A The intciutim(iirthrr iroimic.IV The prr*Hn*la k cvulcnrc.Ik Tti I prn|ilr off in hoi wruthcr.I).1 r proircf riothrt,nm Stemming wri.IL lly HWITM fMit 河lewhed htl.I).Hy”z n.hfcht tn rrflrrt minhuht(Thlini(effrti.IX The nr*(ahfir pphr io various tiiiiRhonmAl.Which
19、 N the fnllowing AUtemenu c n bcM deKribc iK mvmtion of t h T,e shin?,Itarkinc up the wronn ircc H.robk”Peter re pey PAU!f.Achic vr I we thinR*t onr Mrokc D.puthng the crt before the horneDThe prnpoMl(or a new ladoncMin capital city hat been on the crd ever since theroumry gained independence from t
20、he Dutch in 194s.The pohckil and economic eriMt whichfollowed huvr Inog dfluyrd the plan,but current pretidenG Joko Widodo,now appen,drh rminrd io mike the mave reality.The governmcni officially confirmed that the capiul*tll IM moved from Jakirtu to a new location within Kahmntan part of the iiland
21、o(Borneoin Indcm a.A number of faciom arc likely to have influenced the decision to(orge(曜 苦 做 成)aheadwiih ihr move but H ME,likely that Jakanat environmenial problem*are chief tmongibrm,Uuih on(沼伶的)Rround Jakaru i sinking,in nomc pant At rale of 20cm ayear.Experu predict thit mom o Jakarta it r&rdy
22、 mentioned without relerenee to it,eMtreme kveh o(raf(icjam*and air pollution.There could be other rctRon too.John MrCn八h八 an expert on hndu*t in Kthrtuiftun al thr Auiraliin Naiicnftl University Crawford School points io a pottnttaldeirr w Mpfctd wenkh ihroughoui Indomia Jakarta g the mou highly df
23、vlpcd corr o(IndufRi,which ock all the money and opporiumtieN from other nrrA!%*he M y.I ihinhihtrr luitic in p!iihn th-economic and pohlKal cafMtal.Kui thr locution of thi new polihral center u iMOving coat rover UL Some etivivonmrnul3*rt tin*r nd that ihr cbcwn local ion m Ei Ktiimantaa will incre
24、ase loggin andk*iruction U n arby G i r o tci orn|(uian and other entUnf(rrrrier that the*new rApital wilt br A tujiiainabk a(orestry tliMi w“n i n*uh in ilir dintruciMin l prohclnl infrl but how riacdy this would workh*not yt-t Uvn rxplajnrd.IX-fcpitr thMr chAlknifeii.ihc xovrrnmrni u now pulling H
25、u phn in motion.But even iftki.n w cpiia)i built*Jakeru will mill nerd|iro(ecnon.Home to ten million people,thecily Mmply e rf t hr itefflmcd.32 What iw Ihe IndonrMan KnvarmMVH、rurw|a|Bn?A.Building (nret city.It Hireling new prrmdent.1.Relocating he riry.D.Developing rcourceii of Borneo.33.W M i my
26、lie ihc n n re 7 M (nr ihr d c,ina?A.To rt,cr IHIMIIL Tn niJikc full iBr o(*wmpv uruund.C.To”/IteiicT li、Eg rnvirontttcni.IX To IKIURCV ih r comoiiMr Rruwtb b r iw y cilirw.3,What worries mmc people 期,w rm o n lQ rlniM r?A.1i may ro z n k*t of 孕|1 may destroy rmnl life.I),It rny)-nd IIM elcrlinc of
27、ihr oM capitAl niy.33.Whl I*the suaiabk litk (or I he pnMiMC?a.Move to new.以 C y I M on*wamp.C.rrn irri ih Forr*City.D.Abandon he hewne.胡:乃(共 5 小小凶2 分Ml分 I。分)切如包丈内容,叭打文的u m 中电出冲城人 空 白 处的 融佳 选E 通 刚 叱 行 两 期 为 多 余 通 玻PrAriieirm with men player*它 a very effective M M lety for RUCCCFM in women*basketball
28、.、十mot(M-opk M irp riZ io learn that he leading women*bt*kctlM lI colketn the Uniictl Siwiec u*c mle practice players Men playing on the Qfnc court a。3cm m?.rm t tKcy in control of the game?36 Thv men arc then,to make*the practice Fc*ion more dcmAnding for the tenm h.nfrm!v p riic e pUyer*would.37 M
29、ni of ihvm r*vo1uni who Are good players but who arc foi on ihv men*U kctbuH tcm%.Thv N C A A,the mhlette federation,approve*of men practicv p l a y butih*huve to qualify(or the team juai womn players do.”M ostly,though*theyromc tu Ivtlp ihv ncLapl und improvr.B rid e ihe diMinciion of pracBeing wit
30、h top notch women playcr5 arc there lot-t uf otherndvntaRrs to lring on th*practice tram?39 For example,men never io pUy in actual m r nnd thvy dont(ftY to travel with the iCAtn io sway 翼 m o They cnni rrcriw sport殳Mhhouffh fegitrred college p1ayer*they have to keep up th*ir ci4l*micI1owevrr they!lo
31、in of indoor rxemmr.40A.Unfurtunalely lhrr arcnl mny,H How do m*n*,io le pmclice pl”。”?C M rn(who qukify came(or rxrrnsr nnd IO M off M em.K.PUyrr*on dn-tnrfi bm*krtball tnm*1 K4I down on tlwnr i*ohinlrersi.F.In th rnd,they know tbir roniribuie to thr tmmA uccr.、o ihry dont control thr xrnr/w n tlto
32、ugh they arr typirnlly lu ry r ntul AironKcr.,三 分 遇育旬候匕用(共冈1不,0 分 4 3 分)5n n%形 填 整 小 0H川 小 地 3 分涓 介*M J i f 卜 面 的 知 文,从 川 文 第 所 绐 的 四 个 人J L 林中运 州 中 山 加 入*I 处的M i l a 顼川 在 芥 曲、上将注硼除依.l.lln HR Admtarvii LifeNrnfly trn yv r、第,t lokl lht I hmfl a hran itinur 4函)nnd ih i.r,|H*nincechanced my AHiiudt-abo
33、ul 4 1 hn-vvr.I ih31ahi ihnl I WA xmx Is dir and ihal nil mydvenitirr,-4Z,4I h.winch mcani ihnt I I lhy wvrr thv k*lmilion f my ndvrnturrs rul1 h典vr hud.EnchI。ihiU I niiikr CATrirM ilit*hirt dunums g 仙卜 hnlb JR flown,!”、I rrHM mH hr“Mr i do itih,E w could not 1S_ in itinn thry wiubl likrly rlntwn im
34、-in Jin&r;md in M-U pily.I AIIIUIW I he gTAiid(UrnfuTrA of imi/ian.I h w wulkfil with 一 Annie ip dcwiu ini WIMI MTURQ l irikrr(*rrrk in nil lUin hn、Kfncwith me nkm tlO mikff M 1%由再mv“W.ami lul Abln y hn M rru-down ilw(olonidoRiver.I enjoy the advuiiurr o(ihr*c 52 who rnn k nui rn tripM-225O rnilrs r
35、nilrs rcAtly io IMMF mid AIMI 53,inrlrid not jut ,bar but toerkhrM,Bui r、for mr 11 den 1 wen makr il1 CAn IM longer walk wry hr from th*&4 ih which 1 w,aL dny,to die liflckynrd.And yri 1ni 迪 to give up ihv eclvf niurous Inc.ihcddhrnliy of il m m he 56 ihr Hnxidy 4ind k a r und the Mxiden brief lift
36、_ 1 7 hattnako n Iwrd jnurnry more aiirnctivr!:Q adventure,make it smaller and smaller.And now.whether I am moving on mykhd詈 ami knees across the dining room to help my cat lyinR59 in the dark batllinganmhrr period of gathering(lowers from the garden*_ 60 n(riend for lunch.1 amfdays hAvin tht ad%*cn
37、iurr thai are mine to have.41.A.;tdveniurcB.diMrnseC deathD.life42 A.upIk downC.overD.out43.A.broketi.turnedC madeD.figured4 b A.MnecH beforeC.untilD.nkhough4S.A.rh*np*B,explainC.approveD.acquireM A.journeyB.rinkC.progress0.gnature;.A.demand(B,drawsC.focusesD.avoids;A.A.wavingB.UppingC.walkingI),sli
38、dingV A M ilkB.delighiC.pullI).tikvJCI.A.iractdB.hikedC.puxhvdIX、”油留3.A.*wamB.(lowedC.nnvigiilnl1).rvwcd52.A.prrriuuhli.anxiousC.courngrouK1).luxurious:3.A.hw pincrB.tirednrsM(w rim iw 1).kitkineitsSi.A.iirmchwirB.niounuinC.IKIQMIX cwvtli1沁iiA.!pfiiivB.unforiumitrC unwdUnflD.Mii%firdSG,A.warmthIk br
39、uviTy(M ill(X%utKKiiy57.A.hvihhB.ra*piiniiniwtailh0.W”il5K,A.fck-linB.rrviM-(rrvuwIL rvgmn力.A.j,w Jrup|M.widv ryvdM.A.crnrhiDKli.Hirt IHIl.dr(viihiig,龙1 小心,W小&1.5分,向 分1;分)Wik I-咖U,L 4 F lrl.4的内7 I 1 精D四子X的i l收 形 人Sckmu firliuti|ion*nir N.itiunnl(hitstarMlingChildren Ijirfjiluri Awurd G”hi、jil(lair)w
40、ork Chum Orlni.Thv bock on ihrdcvclopnxm 4 tin-(IHRCM 4M*r2(mpirc)by thrplanning and prepjirMtUHi fo rId as fir*i lu carurlrd G:“uuwrMt.MShugunnR】aho kiH)wn Prtijirt 711,durinK ilkt Lrc 1M k,*cd*w WHS 八 wn rt|)rrirRrr in ihc l*70.I hr UM II i gw ihr l mkmil and|vi vni ntrrl up n lkw in Uw G K ,“*”th
41、!H 情x,&lioc.pnpulnr EWV hlrfiilwe.or cq,i Kllie (dliwr nrm JE wrher Lui CiaiRt emhoe hl 1 hr There Hfxly PrriMrm.hrtiewwCbifia umphculnl lu hr UJ1 A H 卜*iJ M K加的*公的H川斜 八)”仲.除a t M M H卜向内一格嫂并在4伺卜*V iM H a r;的HL注,:1打杜任4及 均 仪 取 伺,:.n f t i lt t it W t t多(从第I1处超)不什分.Hr”A lw.lcAnu”yvii IOM in T M Chincr
42、Manners 00111 iton lawl week.I(eel terribly orrybcfAUftc 1 oner had Mme experience.I iruv undrriand your feeling.But you hve RCM fully prepared on advance*n there ihoihmc to refftt.Actuallyt you have benefited ireatly from ihi experience,through thatyou*rM tKeit meanin.I am always ready to five you
43、moredetailiRir infurm*Ioa about 1 be Chiaee manner*.Dont k*e your hv“i And keep on irpng and your rfforln will 9urrly p”y out next nni.YumU HUJ为:8 淌分2 5分)自个蝴峭中R ”为。体欧欲做出门已贡献的人.请你门.A d v e iN;,;一 口M人向与牧物杜世9,内”包|A.1.他施力第燎管玳的五*12.你“值修的旧像“0/H故IUQ左 .2.坳|已 为 体 一 个人A实M Q.A detailed clntMiialt善老若岑1-5 A ttA
44、C 6-K*BCBAC 11-15 ACBCA:G、ZO EtCfcA-1.A 城节理惧图 fS据第一段 B:6en ht.d Hanis tlone will i.ol be iht.uie for th*diM&ters of the p zAdminiKrtioo bcc t lease they tre t urtin poin:for 4 brighter future.可口费出6d顿*0 Harris 是今年的H 1人物、横透22.D推再用断鹿.电格Ahrnhui”的这段话他裘苏年度人物无愎足隼找的,去年的hum p被代为年度人皆附,石面没有出现Trump和Pence 一起,而今郎
45、是两个人,是不是.存珠量Harri*才是掌仅人艺,施的态度舟朴疑的核选口2:七 常理葬庭、侯禺又拿中哥、的&点列断6 k M y th su lk tfl LOM*Shepsd祗表小片度人灼应笈是长发前筑隹医务人员,他们两人的弱点 或,放选B.24.D 缰 厚第I j j.根帼第一设which if in part 一cehbration of the I st annin:Qty of th founding ot心 impml,帚 J*的 不左介故论&.27.D 蒯节理第(0文,用散第二 t i covering A wide range of reu including andeot a
46、rfhitectiure*dtwMg&nd ulligf4Phy,oour:warnnc royal g ry.可以*41 D 选项芭内需很有W98会我展示,故选 D.22.R堀个JI舒 西.3常第一段,5knujxEg invention aim*:o offer rc.relief for:hos who arc eager toted comiortible nd tresh m the outdoor on extrettb,hoc days.可泳,这个 I 憧的目的是埼M f在尸外前人们0 1的作用,较选B.3.B埴工理WE.I 据第二区侑叙述可H,新T U跖工作雁母彳似于慑于的作用
47、,伏医B.10.A t之*塞8.I:1 I,:JI i,d m.,:tw|:arh to determine hovr rffertthe M W fabric csb while the welters r standiim or walking and no(directly f&ang(he sky,like in theirCriab.可知 故商A.H.C世环判断画、H i:章四段可以出也料新 仇兄。一件着遭Ti n价格却町以同时因到降R的4,一室四得.故武S 2.C推理打断眼.根据笫一盘中的郎一句恬可知,母尼自人波工以来,一E3J要迁都 故选C.?3.C金忖理保剧.咫据喀二精中第一旬
48、色可知.环境网也是打JT迁都的主考JR国,*4.T 濯干理解8S 口刻皑二忸 1T的 Sxik rnvunnmcittal gron|i*irr.roniTtniil tkit th chosen luoition in E.uttKahmsuji wiD ircredse logging and d*,ruction of tiettby ION虱 心 可 人F主要指心新址 i t环当XI的生$国蜿.35.A 主 g大甯翘.文章1*t l The political and eccconuc crio which foUavred have iang delayed the 此口.but m
49、 MT p咐“Lnr.Joka Widodo,no。“下心”dtemuiwd s make the 4 b w ii,J 达的官也,印尼决定迁都了,所以.,作为标H台道.3 C.G设主处是承上寺下的作用.甘先国售上文的同婚.用后面的活来僻鼻.疗I 口士结用其后的T M r】句足中耳大亳口口时情回寄此交的对T:tG G幅亲欠丑龄13,勺?33.D 上交处是色上借下的作用野或于后面的Mcstly*thought they tome to hdp che team?adapt andimprove.郁是济男Jk R的作N.3y.A 他三处与下一句是凭图关系 T 句 For cumpkv men ne
50、v”get to pky in acliul games and ibey dontget to Jve l with:h-m to away g g x.是早的证明男旗员的不利之处.故i A、t0.F设空处在门不是悬结作庠.根JRlIt面U句话However,(bey get lx of indoor exercise.可以*由是通雄男R A的作用.n.i I中可LX 6也/&的关向总J I作者时小5,:.c是词汇的复现,审一段曾到:b y叩,,甲F A CJ 3.B从低,发展来含,后来证明不是脑福.而是多筮性使化#,工e。山络早是传rak DIM/发,.x h o m羯认jfigirv o