1、新生研讨课金融学专业课程教学大纲课程编号:10064018课程名称:新生研讨课金融学专业/ Freshman Seminars学分:1.0学时:16适用专业:金融学专业建议修读学期:2开课单位:商学院金融系先修课程:无考核方式与成绩评定标准:课程为必修课,每一讲后,要求同学写心得、讨论心得体会并计分,最后 不统一考试,每一讲后的成绩的算数平均就是考核成绩。考核方式:考查。教材与主要参考书目:教材:无内容概述:新生研讨课是由金融领域的学术带头人或资深教师专门面向大一新生开设 的小班研讨类课程。课程以当前的金融学发展和经济社会热点问题切入,在教师 主持下,通过教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的交流互
2、动,以小组方式边学习、 边讨论。教学目标重在对新生在掌握知识、开拓视野、合作精神、批判思考、交 流表达、写作技能等诸多方面进行综合的培养与训练,以探索和研究为基础,强 调师生互动和鼓励学生自主学习,目的在于帮助学生完成高中到大学的转折,并 为后续学习打下基础。Freshman seminar is made by academic leaders or senior teacher in the field of finance for freshman in small and discussion class. Courses in the current finance developm
3、ent and economic and social hot issues, in presided by teachers, through between teacher and student, student and student interaction, by team learning, while discussion. The teaching goal is to master knowledge, widen our sight, cooperation spirit, critical thinking, communication, expression, writ
4、ing skills, and many other aspects of a comprehensive training and training, on the basis of exploration and research, emphasizing the interaction between teachers and students and encourage students autonomous learning, the purpose is to help students complete the turn of the high school to university, and lays the foundation for follow-up study.