1、劳动与社会保障专业英语课程简介课程编号:12044901课程名称:劳动与社会保障专业英语/ Social security and labor English学分:2学时:32 (实验:0上机:0课外实践:0 )适用专业:劳动与社会保障专业建议修读学期:第5学期开课单位:公共管理与法学院劳动与社会保障系先修课程:大学英语、社会保障概论、公共管理学考核方式与成绩评定标准:考核办法为学期期终闭卷考试,采取百分制,总评成绩评定分为 两部分:平时占20% (包括考勤、课堂参与、作业等),期终考试占80%。教材与主要参考书目:1、劳动和社会保障英语读本,劳动保障部编,中国劳动社会保障出版社,2004版2
2、、社会工作与社会福利导论,美查尔斯.H.扎斯特罗(Charles H.Zastrow)著,孙唐水 等译,中国人民大学出版社,2005版3、社会政策导论,英肯布莱克默(Ken Blakemore)著,王宏亮,朱红梅,张敏等 译,中国人民大学出版社,2009版4、社会政策学十讲,英哈特利迪安著,岳经纶,温卓毅,庄文嘉等译,格致出版社, 上海人民出版社,2009版5、社会福利:政治与公共政策,美戴安娜.M.迪尼托(Diana M.DiNitto)著,何敬,葛 其伟译,杨伟民校,中国人民大学出版社,2007版内容概述:中文:劳动与社会保障专业英语是在学生学习基础大学英语的基础上,进一步学习劳 动与社会
3、保障专业英语的课程。课程设计的目的是使学生通过本课程的学习,能够掌握一 定量的劳动与社会保障方面的专业词汇,较顺利地阅读劳动与社会保障专业的英语文献, 并能较顺利地进行论文的文摘和关键词的英语写作,为学生毕业后更有效地应用英语这一 工具为自己的专业工作服务打下基础。课程主要内容由词汇与原文选读两部分组成:词汇 主要讲授关键的劳动与社会保障的专业英语术语,原文则有课程负责人从学术期刊网上选 择较经典的和较新的英语专业论文进行教学,在教学手段上,将综合运用启发式、问答式 等教学方法,以努力培养学生能力,加深其对课程内容的理解,提高其实际阅读和翻译能 力。英文:Professional Englis
4、h of social security and labor course based on students* learning of college English is the further study of labor and social security professional English. Curriculum design aim is to make students master a certain amount of labor and social security professional vocabulary, read more smoothly of l
5、abor and social security professional English literature through the learning of this course, make them write thesis abstract and key words of English smoothly, lay the foundation for their own professional work for students to use English after graduation more effectively. Course arrangements consi
6、st of two main parts, key vocabulary of labor and social security professional English terms, the original reading from academic journals. As for the teaching means, we will use heuristic teaching methods, such as, question-and-answer, in an effort to cultivate students1 ability, and deepen their understanding of the course content and improve their actual reading and translation ability.