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1、伟大辩手经典台词(中英双语)经典之一:小詹姆斯法默的父亲是Wiley College著名的神学教授第一位黑 人博士,在教堂里他在呐喊:教育!啊教育!是让黑人摆脱蒙昧的唯一出路.对于整 个人类,何尝不是如此呢?We must impress of our young people.That there will be difficulties that they faced.They must defeat them.They must do what they have to do.in order to do what they want to do.Education is the onl

2、y way out.The way out of ignorance!The way out of darkness into the glorious light!我们必须打动我们的年轻一代告诉他们,未来将面临着很多困难他们必须克服困难他们必须完成自己必须做的事为了做了自己想做的是教育是唯一的出路摆脱无知的唯一出路走出黑暗走向光明的唯一出路。经典之二:以下的对白,始终贯彻影片的始终,无论是在开始演讲训练时;还 是小选手们在湖中进行气息练习时,还是即将登上最高的辩论讲台Harvard Uni.Resolved: Civil disobedience is a moral weapon in t

3、he fight for justice. 辩题:“公民的不服从是维护公正的道德武器”(我方首先陈词)How can disobedience ever be moral? Well, I guess that depends on ones definition of the word.不服从怎么会是道德的呢?我想这取决于如何给这个词下定义。In 1919, in India, 10,000 people galhered in Amritsar to protest the tyranny of British rule. General Reginald Dyer trapped the

4、m in a courtyard and ordered his troops to fire into the crowd for ten minutes. 379 died.men, women, children.Shot down in cold blood. Dyer said he had taught them a moral lesson. Gandhi and his followers responded not with violence but with an organized campaign of non-cooperation. Government build

5、ings were occupied.Streets were blocked with people who refused to rise even when beaten by police. 1919年,印度有一万人在阿密萨集会抗议英国的暴君统治。雷吉诺戴尔将军 将他们困在一个院子里,然后让军队朝人群扫射了十分钟,导致379人死亡,有 男人,女人,孩子,都被残酷地杀害了。戴尔说他给了集会者们一个道德的教训I。 随后,甘地和他的追随者们并没有用暴力来回应,而是组织了一次不合作运动。 政府大楼被占领,道路被人们堵死,即使被警察殴打也绝不还手。Gandhi was arrested, but

6、 the British were soon forced to release him. He called it a moral victory. The definition of moral: Dyers lesson or Gandhis victory?You choose.甘地被逮捕了,但很快英国人被迫释放了他。甘地说这是道德的胜利。那么道德 的定义究竟是戴尔将军的道德训诫还是甘地的道德胜利?这得由你来给出答案。(对方陈词用数据和情感打动观众,一时占了上风)From 1914 to 1918, for every single minute the world was at wa

7、r, four men laid down their lives. Just think of it. 240 brave young men were hurled into eternity every hour of every day, of every night, for four long years. 35,000 hours. 8,281,000 casualties. 240. 240. 240. Here was a slaughter immeasurably greater than what happened at Amritsar. Can there be a

8、nything moral about it? Nothing.except that it stopped Germany from enslaving all of Europe.从1914到1918年,全世界战火纷飞,每一分钟就有四个人倒下。想想这个数字: 在那四年内的每一个日夜中的每一个小时里,都有24()个勇敢的生命坠入永恒的 沉睡。35000小时,8,281,000人阵亡,每小时240个,240个,240个!这是一 个比在阿密萨规模大无数倍的屠杀。有何道德可言吗?没有。可是这让德国奴役 欧洲的计划完全破产。Civil disobedience isnt moral because

9、its non-violent. Fighting for your country with violence can be deeply moral, demanding the greatest sacrifice of all: Life itself. Non-violence is the mask civil disobedience wears to conceal its true face-anarchy. 公民的不服从并非因为是非暴力的就能被视为是道德的。用武力为你的国家奋勇 杀敌也可以是非常道德的,因为这要求你做出最大程度的牺牲:牺牲你的生命。 非暴力不过是公民不合作所

10、佩戴的面具,用以遮掩它的真实面目:无政府正义。(既然局面是对方占了上风,我方就立刻用幽默来增加自己的祛码)Gandhi believes one must always act with love and respect for ones opponents, even if they are Harvard debaters.甘地相信一个人必须对他的对手充满爱和敬意,即使他们是哈佛的辩手。Gandhi also believes that lawbreakers must accept the legal consequencesfor their actions. Does that so

11、und like anarchy? Civil disobedience is not something for us to fear. It is, after all, an American concept. You see, Gandhi draws his inspiration not from a Hindu scripture, but from Henry David Thoreau, who I believe graduated from Harvard and lived by a pond not too far from here.甘地也相信犯法之人需接受他们行为

12、的后果一一这难道是无政府主义吗?公民 的不服从不是我们应该恐惧的理念,因为不管怎么样它都是源于美国的思想。甘 地的想法并非源自印度教经典,而是来自亨利大卫梭罗,而据我所知梭罗就 是哈佛毕业的,就曾住在离这里不远的那个池塘边。(对方毫不示弱。不就是幽默吗?你会我也会!)My opponent is right about one thing. Thoreau was a Harvard grad, and, like many of us, a bit self-righteous. He once said, Any man more right than his neighbors cons

13、titutes a majority of one. Thoreau the idealist could never know that Adolf Hitler would agree with his words.对方辩友有一点说对了,梭罗确实是哈佛毕业生。他也像我们大多数哈佛人一样, 有点自以为是。他说过,“任何一个比自己的邻居更有理的人都代表了大多数人 的意见”。梭罗这个理想主义者可能永远不知道希特勒会同意他的观点。The beauty and the burden of democracy is this: No idea prevails without the support

14、of the majority. The people decide the moral issues of the day, not a majority of one.民主之美以及民主之重就在于:任何观点都需获大多数通过。由人民来判断道德 问题,而不是一个人的大多数。(我方立刻反驳了对方抛出的观点)Majorities do not decide what is right or wrong. Your conscience does. So why should a citizen surrender his or her conscience to a legislator?No, w

15、e must never, ever kneel down before the tyranny of a majority.对或错并不由大多数人来决定,而是由你的良心来决定。为什么一个市民要将他 的良知交由立法者支配?不!我们永远不应屈服于一个大多数人的暴政。(对方先是以幽默回应,观众席笑声一片;再晓之以理、动之以情,观众席掌声 一片o)We cant decide which laws to obey and which to ignore. If we could, Id never stop for a red light. My father is one of those men

16、that stands between us and chaos: a police officer. I remember the day his partner, his best friend, was gunned down in the line of duty. Most vividly of all, I remember the expression on my dads face. Nothing that erodes the rule of law can be moral, no matter what name wc give it.哪部法律该遵守、哪部法律可以忽视,

17、这不是由我们来决定的。如果真是这样, 那我见到红灯就永远都不会停下。我的父亲是一个替我们直面纷乱的人,他是一 名警察。我还记得那天他的搭档,也是他最好的朋友,因公而被枪杀身亡。我印 象最深刻的是当时父亲脸上的表情。任何凌驾于法律之上的行为都是不道德的, 不管我们给它们取的名字有多花哨!In Texas, they lynch Negroes. My team mates and I saw a man strung up by his neck and set on fire. We drove through a lynch mob、pressed our faces against the

18、 floorboard. I looked at my teammates. I saw the fear in their eyes, and worse, the shame. What was this Negros crime that he should be hung, without trial, in a dark forest filled with fog? Was he a thief? Was he a killer? Or just a Negro? Was he a sharecropper? A preacher? Were his children waitin

19、g up for him? And who are we to just lie there and do nothing? No matter what he did, the mob was the criminal. But the law did nothing, just left us wondering why.在德州,人们私刑处死黑人。我的队友和我看到一个男人被绑着吊起来,然后被 烧死。我们开车经过一群动私刑的暴徒。我们把脸紧紧贴在车子地板上。我看着 我的队友。从他们眼中我看到了恐惧,更悲哀的是,我看到了羞耻。那个黑人犯 了什么罪,以至于在一个雾气弥漫的森林中未经审批而直接被吊

20、死?他是个贼? 是个杀人犯?逆或仅仅只因为他是个黑人?他是个佃农?是位传教士?他的孩 子在等着他回去吗?为什么我们只是在一边看着,却不采取任何行动?不管他做 了什么,那群暴徒才是罪犯。但是法律什么作用也起不了,只是让我们不停地想 着“为什么会这样? ”My opponent says nothing that erodes the rule of law can be moral.But there is no rule of law in the Jim Crow South, not when Negroes are denied housing, turned away from sch

21、ools, hospitals, and not when we are lynched. 对方辩友说任何凌驾于法律之上的行为都是不道德的,但是在施行种族隔离策略 的南方根本没有法律可言。当黑人没有房子可住的时候,当黑人被学校和医院拒 收的时候,当我们被私刑处死的时候,都根本没有法律。St. Augustine said, An unjust law is no law al all, which means 1 have a right, even a duty, to resist. With violence or civil disobedience?You should pray I

22、 choose the latter.圣奥古斯丁说,“不公正的法律根本不能称之为法律,”也就是说我有权利,甚 至有责任去反抗。是用暴力反抗,还是非暴力地行使公民的不服从?一一你们 应该庆幸我选择了后者。整场辩论乃至整部影片都以这段总结陈词结束。这段辩词确有千钧之力。尤其是最后一句,直指人心振聋发月贵,成就了一部伟大电影的终极经典。的时候,口中念念不忘,心中不断默念的一段沁人心脾的台词。让我们明白了, 辩论的最高境界不是跟对手辩,而是捍卫自己心中的真理。年仅14岁的小詹姆 斯法默尔凭借最后一段真实感人的故事,而非激情洋溢的申辩,两个黑人辩手 最终击败了不可一世的Harvard Uni.辩论队。真

23、可谓“真理不辨自明”。Melvin B. Tolson: Who is the judge?The Debaters: The judge is God.Melvin B. Tolson: Why is he God?The Debaters: Because he decides who wins or loses. Not my opponent.Melvin B. Tolson: Who is your opponent?The Debaters: He does not exist.Melvin B. Tolson: Why does he not exist?The Debaters

24、: Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!参考翻译:教练:谁是裁判?队员们:上帝是裁判。教练:为什么是上帝?队员们:因为是他决定谁赢谁输,而不是我们的对手。教练:你们的对手是谁?队员们:他不存在。教练:为什么不存在?队员们:因为他只是我讲述的真理反对的声音!Debate is blood sport. Its combat. But your weapons are words.辩论就是一项血腥的运动,是战斗。但是你们的武器就是语言。The Great Debaters伟大辩手重温伟大辩手经典场景Round 1:选

25、拔辩手时的辩论练习Resolved: Welfare discourages hard work. Welfare takes away a mans strongest reason for working, which is survival, and that weakens the will of the poor. How would you rebut that?辩题是:福利措施不利于让人努力工作。福利措施会消磨掉人们工作欲望中最重 要的因素,那就是求生欲。那会使穷人们意志消沉。你准备怎么反驳啊?I would say it docs not. Most of the New De

26、al goes to children, anyway, and to the handicapped, and to old people.我认为并不是这样。多数的福利政策都是针对小孩子、残疾人以及老人。Is that fact, or conjecture? - It is a fact.-这是事实还是推断呢? -是事实。Whats your source? The president.-这个事实援引自? 一总统。Thats your primary source? You spoke to President Roosevelt personally?-Of course not. I

27、did not speak to him personally, but I listened to his Fireside Chat.-这是你的主要信息来源吗?你跟罗斯福总统亲自谈过?-当然没有,我没有跟他面对面谈过。但我听过他的“炉边倾谈”。Any other sources?Yes, there are other sources.Like that look in a mothers eyes when she cant feed her kids.Without welfare, people would be starving.-还有其他的信息渠道吗?-是的,还有,例如一个母亲无

28、法抚养自己孩子时的眼神。如果没有了福利措施,人们就会挨饿。Whos starving, Miss Booke?The unemployed are starving.-谁在挨饿,布可小姐?- 没有工作的人呀!Mr. Burgess here-Hes unemployed. Obviously, hes not starving.坐在这儿的伯吉斯先生,他也没有工作,但他显然也没有被饿着啊!I drew you in, Miss Booke. You gave a faulty premise, so your syllogism fell apart.Your logic fell apart.

29、Major premise: The unemployed are starving.Minor premise: Mr. Burgess is unemployed.Conclusion: Mr. Burgess is starving.Your major premise was based on a faulty assumption-Classic fallacy.你陷入了我的圈套,布可小姐。你给出了一个错误的前提,所以你后面的三段论 就站不住脚了。你的逻辑全乱了。大前提:没工作的人会挨饿;小前提:伯吉斯先生没有工作;结论:伯吉斯先生 会挨饿。你的前提建立在了一个错误的假设上一一这是典

30、型的逻辑谬误。Round 2:选拔辩手时的考题- All right, Mr. Lowe. I will name a subject. You speak a few words.a pertinent quotefrom world literature. Beauty*.- -I heard the old, old men say, all that is beautiful drifts away, like the waters.,- 罗先生,我指定一个题目:我给你个主题,你得援引文学名著中与之相关的 句子来陈述。“美丽”。-我听老人们说过,所有的美丽都会消逝,就像流水一样。Ver

31、y good. History. And name the author this time.History is a nightmare, from which I am trying to awake. James Joyce.-很好。“历史”一一这次要说出作者。-“历史是场噩梦,而我一直想从中醒来。” 一一詹姆斯乔伊斯。-SelApity”.I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. D.H. Lawrence.-“自怨自艾”。-“我从未见过野蛮的事物会为自己难过。” 一一D.H.罗伦斯。Mr. Farmer. Tell me the irony

32、 in the name Bethlehem Steel Corporation.1Bethlehem is the birthplace of Jesus, Prince of Peace, and Bethlehem Steel makes weapons-法默先生,解释一下“伯利恒钢铁公司”这个名字为什么具有讽刺意味?-伯利恒是基督的出生地,是和平圣地,伯利恒钢铁公司却为战争制造武器。Round 3:教授辩论技巧-Yes, sir, I do like to talk.Is that a virtue or a vice?Well, I have to admit Ive always

33、wanted to be the quiet, mysterious type, only I couldnt keep my mouth shut long enough.-没错,先生,我很能说。-这是优点还是缺点?-哦,我必须承认我本想做个沉默又神秘的人,但我却难以长时间控制住我的 嘴巴不说话。Would you punch yourself in a street fight, Mr. Burgess?No, sir.Then dont punch yourself in a word fight. You dont have to make fun of yourself.Use yo

34、ur humor against your opponent.-你和人打架时会打自己吗,伯吉斯先生?不会的,先生。-那么和别人打嘴仗时也别自己打自己。你不需要自嘲,而应用你的幽默来对付 你的对手。确实如此。辩论需要许多技巧:例如语言表述要多“哗众”,例如任何时候都别 露怯。Round 4:辩论赛之一Resolved: Unemployment relief should be ended when the Depression ends.辩题:当经济萧条结束时失业救济的发放也应随之停止。(首先是对手的陈述)I traveled back through history to 1536, whe

35、n the first Poor Laws of England were mandated. In those days, the dole, or welfare as we call it, was funded by voluntary contributions. But as lime passed, the English devised the Allowance System, the first unemployment relief, only now it was paid with involuntary contributions, more commonly kn

36、own as taxes.追溯到1536年英格兰第一部济贫法颁布那时候,失业救济金,或者社会福 利金,是由自愿捐款组成。随着时间的推移,英格兰设计制定了社会保障制度。 第一批失业救济金改由非自愿捐款支付,也就是通常意义上的税收。The Allowance System was a disaster. The only real unemployment relief is to give a mana job. But to do that, you have to give the economy life, not tax it to death.这个社保制度是场灾难。真正的救助是给人们一

37、份工作。要想做到这一点,就必 须把经济搞活,而不是死命地征税。(接下来我方开始陈述)When capitalism was young, the old puritanical concept of duty was, He who does not work shall not eat. That made sense when there was more work than men willing to do it.在资本主义的初期,严格意义上的“责任”这一概念就意味着“不做工者不得食”。 这在那个只要你愿意工作,遍地都是工作机会的年代,确实是行的通的。But those days ar

38、e gone. Now there are millions who want to work, but find themselves standing in breadlines.Now, should they not eat because there have no jobs? People, today we need a new concept of duty: The right of the individual to demand from society is just as much as he gives to society.但那样的时代已经过去了。如今有数百万人想

39、要工作,但却发现自己只能排队等 救济。那么,难道因为他们没有工作,就不给他们饭吃吗?今天的我们需要对责 任有一个新的认识。每个个体对社会需求的权力和他给予这个社会的应当是一致 的。(对方辩手开始进攻)We clutch at anything that even looks like a solution. $ 60 million a month for public relief?Pay it out if itll sweep the hoboes off the streets. One seventh of the population of the United States on

40、 welfare. Fine, as long as it ends our misery. A nation as desperate as this is a danger to itself.任何看似解决问题的方法,我们都当它是救命稻草:一个月6千万用于公共救 济?如果这能让流浪汉从大街上灭迹,那就付吧!美国有七分之一的人口靠救济金而 活一一没问题!只要能结束痛苦那就这样做吧! 一个国家采取这样绝望的措施, 这本身就是种危险。(我方辩手予以有力反击)Once, a Roman general brought peace to a rebellious province by killin

41、g all its citizens.Even his fellow Romans were shocked. One of them wrote, Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant/* which means They create desolation and call it peace.Now, for all their facts and figures, the Paul quinn debaters would also create desolation and call it peace.They would allow the une

42、mployed to die so the economy can live.曾有一位罗马将军让一个叛乱的地方重新恢复和平,而他的方式就是杀掉所有居 民。连他的罗马同胞都感到震惊。其中有人写道“荒芜变和平”,意思就是“当他们 把国土沦为废墟,便说那就是和平。”从对方辩友提供的事实依据和数据来看,对方辩友也在创造荒芜,以制造和平的 假象。他们寄希望于失业者死去,从而维系经济发展。A brilliant young woman I know was asked once to support her argument in favor of social welfare.She named the

43、 most powerful source imaginable: The look in a mothers face when she cannot feed her children. Can you look that hungry child in the eyes?See the blood on his feet from walking barefoot in the cotton fields? Or do you ask his baby sister with her belly swollen from hunger if she cares about her dad

44、dys work ethic?我认识的一位出色的年轻女子曾被问及她关于社会福利观点的论据。她勾勒出最有力量的画面;一张无法养活自己孩子的母亲的脸。你敢直视挨饿孩 子的那双眼睛吗?你忍心看见他因赤脚从棉花地上走过而双脚沾满鲜血?或者问他因饥饿而患上 腹水肿的妹妹是否在乎他们父亲的职业道德?Round 5:辩论赛之二Resolved: Negroes should be admitted to state universities. 辩题:应该允许黑人就读州立大学。(这次首先是我方辩手的陈述)My partner and I will prove that blocking a Negros ad

45、mission to a state university is not only wrong, it is absurd.我和我的同伴将证明阻止黑人进入州立大学不仅仅是个错误,而且荒谬至极。The Negro people are not just a color in the American fabric. They are the thread that holds it all together. Consider the legal and historical record. May 13, 1865: Sergeant Crocker, a Negro, is the last

46、 soldier to die in the Civil War. The first U.S. Soldiers decorated for bravery in France are Negroes Henry Johnson and Needham Roberts. 1920: The New York Times announces that the N in Negro would hcreafterbc capitalized.黑人不仅是美国这块织布上的一个颜色。他们是穿梭其中连接一切的丝线。让我 们看看法律和历史的记录:1865年5月13日,黑人中土克罗克是在内战中最后 一位牺牲

47、的土兵;1918年,第一批在法国因勇敢而被授予勋章的美国士兵就是 黑人亨利约翰逊和尼德海姆罗伯特;1920年,纽约时报宣布,黑人应当 被视为平等的族群。(下面是对方辩手的陈词)To force upon the South what they are not ready for would result in nothing but more racial hatred. Dr. W.E.B. DuBois.hes perhaps the most eminent Negro scholar in America. He comments./Its a silly waste of money

48、, time, and temper to try and compel a powerful majority to do what they are determined not to do.” 在南部还没做好准备的时候就把此制度强加给他们,只会徒增种族仇恨。杜博斯 博士可能是美国最为著名的黑人学者,他曾经说过“强迫大多数人去做他们坚 决不肯做的事情,实在是浪费金钱、时间和耐性的愚蠢行为。”(我方瞅准时机指出错漏)My opponent so conveniently chose to ignore the fact that W.E.B. DuBois is the first Negroto receive a Ph. D from a white college called Harvard.对方辩友很巧妙的回避了一个事实,杜博斯正是第一位从一所名叫


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