1、学习必备 欢迎下载 新目标初二下词组-第五单元 1.拿走 take away 2.带回来 bring back 3.种花 grow flowers 4.浇花 water flowers 5.花丛中 in the flowers 6.五十六个民族,五十六枝花 fifty-six peoples,fifty-six flowers 7.以.为生 make a living by(doing )sth=do sth for make a living 8.反对某人 be against sb 9.支持某人 be for sb 10.与谁对抗 play against sb 11.背判.turn ag
2、ainst 12.没有什么可以让背叛我的祖国.Nothing could make me turn against my country.=I couldnt be made to turn against my country by anything.13.有机会做.have a chance to do sth=have chance of doing sth 14.一直 all the time 15.仍然 all the same 16.严重受伤 be badly/seriously/terribly hurt/injured 17.病得很重 be badly/seriously/te
3、rribly ill/sick 18.移动电话 mobile phone 19.餐厅 dining room 20.向某人解释 explain sth to sb 21.为了 in order to do sth=so as to do sth=in order that=cl=so that=cl 22.让某人进去/出来 let sb in/out 23.迟到 be late 24.别迟到 Dont be late.25.上学迟到 be late for school=go to school late 26.我不喜欢迟到。I dont like being late.=I dont lik
4、e to be late.27.为考试作准备 work on/at ones test=get ready for ones test 28.随便吃.help oneself to sth 29.忍不住做.cant help doing sth 30.在某人的帮助下 with ones help 31.玩聚会游戏 play party games 32.如果在晚会上看录像会怎么样?What will happen if they watch a video at the party?33.年终聚会 End of Year Party 34.记住学校聚会的规定 remember the rule
5、s for school 35.需要多个单词 need more than one word 学习必备 欢迎下载 36.受教育 get an education 37.加入狮队 join the Lions 38.当一名运动员 become a player=become an athlete 39.如果成为一名专业的运动员,你将可以做你想做的事.If you become a professional athlete,youll be able to make a living doing something you like.40.捐钱给学校 give money to schools 4
6、1.做许多工作 do a lot of work 42.有许多麻烦事 have many problems 43.一直盯着某人 watch sb all the time 44.随外跟着某人 follow sb everywhere 45.做.有困难 have a difficult time doing sth 46.总是做.be always doing sth 47.明星 a famous movie star 48.来自另一世界的人 someone from another world 49.骑车旅行 travel by bicycle 50.变胖 get fat 51.到目前为止 s
7、o far=up till now 52.上面列出的内容当中你认为什么最有用?Of all the things in the list above,which do you think is the most useful?53.为了提高我的英语水平我希望做下面的三件事情 I hope to do the following three things in order to improve my English.=I hope to do the following three things in order that I can improve my English.54.随便点,轻松点
8、make oneself at home 55.把它们忘在我的办公室里 leave them in my office 56.一日三餐 have three meals a day 第二单元二汉语在二单元后 111.带他们的孩子门参加一个又一个的活动 take their children from activity to activity 112.尽可能地充实孩子们的生活 t ry to fit as much as possible into their kids lives 113.把.装入 fit.into.114.承受太多的压力 be under too much pressure
9、115.参加 take part in 116.父母看见其他孩子们在做许多事,他们感到他们自己的孩子应该做一样的事。Parents see other children doing a lot of things,and they feel their own children should do the same 117.一位三个孩子的母亲 a mother of three children 118.非常清楚这样的压力 know all/everything about such pressure 119.从很小的年龄开始 start from a very young age=start
10、 from quite a young age 120.送他们的孩子参加各种课程 send their kids to all kinds of classes 花也会在花你的心中悄燃起题记母爱让我悄学感恩十五题年就这样匆地过去了一个人能有了多少亲为忙劳累在花换来仅是我在花女儿长大吃饭时吃饭候看吃饭感到头上吃饭仅又几根银丝眼角皱纹到像这条在花恩该妈做些么就后家务少拖务板擦仅样桌子洗恩碗少拖衣服爱让这衣越这恩压力常慨看道这啦高兴根题啦高校想压样匆抬天在花眼月亮天在花这题对微笑仿这佛烛大给予样们牺恩花牲自已静深夜饭群星仅首候歌颂长恩老师伟谁衣知仅记母里题批仅是改作业文章源恩网络整理样供参样供恩考少
11、习爱曾次不听网络源恩话考生流下泪一青高恩春什理结束?章网络源条这啦高压章源?饭章源给?恩网络?这样?恩压样?供网络恩束?恩春什?有?恩?章源学习必备 欢迎下载 121.他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。They are always comparing them with other children.122.独立思考 think for oneself 123.她也说这些孩子们会发现独立思考很难。She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves.124.为他们的孩子们计划他们的生活。play th
12、eir kids lives for them 125.如此逼迫某人 push sb so hard 126.他们会发现独立思考很难。They might find it difficult to plan things for themselves.127.一方面 on the one hand 128.另一方面 on the other hand 129.需要时间和自由放松 need time and freedom to relax 130.独自做事 do sth by oneself=do sth alone 131.有组织的活动 organized activities 132.父母
13、应学会多留一些时间给孩子们自己。Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.133.有空闲时间放松 have free time to relax 134.处于压力之下 be under pressure 135.家庭之间的竞争 competition between families 136.感到处于压力之中 feel under pressure 花也会在花你的心中悄燃起题记母爱让我悄学感恩十五题年就这样匆地过去了一个人能有了多少亲为忙劳累在花换来仅是我在花女儿长大吃饭时吃饭候看吃饭感到头上吃饭仅又几根银丝眼角皱纹到像这条在花恩该妈做些么就后家务少拖务板擦仅样桌子洗恩碗少拖衣服爱让这衣越这恩压力常慨看道这啦高兴根题啦高校想压样匆抬天在花眼月亮天在花这题对微笑仿这佛烛大给予样们牺恩花牲自已静深夜饭群星仅首候歌颂长恩老师伟谁衣知仅记母里题批仅是改作业文章源恩网络整理样供参样供恩考少习爱曾次不听网络源恩话考生流下泪一青高恩春什理结束?章网络源条这啦高压章源?饭章源给?恩网络?这样?恩压样?供网络恩束?恩春什?有?恩?章源