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1、In collaboration with the Markkula Center forApplied Ethics at Santa Clara University,USAResponsible Useof Technology:The IBM Case StudyW H I T E P A P E RS E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 1每日免每日免费获费获取取报告报告1、每日微信群内分享7+最新重磅报告;2、每日分享当日华华尔尔街日街日报报、金融时报;3、每周分享经济经济学人学人4、行研报告均为公开版,权利归原作者所有,起点财经仅分发做内部学习。扫一扫二维码关注公号回复:

2、研究报告加入“起点财经”微信群。Cover:Gremlin,Getty Images Inside:Getty Images,UnsplashContents3458889999ForewordIntroduction1 The evolution of artificial intelligence ethics at IBM2 Governance2.1 AI Ethics Board2.2 Local focal points and Advocacy Network3 IBMs Principles for Trust and Transparency3.1 The purpose o

3、f AI is to augment human intelligence3.2 Data and insights belong to their creator3.3 New technology,including AI systems,must be transparent andexplainable10101010101011111415151617181920222222232425264 The pillars of trust4.1 Explainability4.2 Fairness4.3 Robustness4.4 Transparency4.5 Privacy5 Tru

4、stworthy AI research and toolkits5.1 Open source5.2 IBM proprietary tools6 Delivery capabilities for ethical outcomes6.1 Trustworthy AI6.2 Ethics by design7 Leveraging AI in the workplace8 Diversity and inclusion9 Education and enablement10 Partnerships and stakeholder engagements11 Summary of progr

5、ess11.1 Influencing policyDisclaimerThis document is published by the WorldEconomic Forum as a contribution to aproject,insight area or interaction.Thefindings,interpretations and conclusionsexpressed herein are a result of acollaborative process facilitated andendorsed by the World Economic Forumbu

6、t whose results do not necessarilyrepresent the views of the World EconomicForum,nor the entirety of its Members,Partners or other stakeholders.11.2 Integrating ethics in the AI development pipeline12 What remains to be doneConclusion 2021 World Economic Forum.All rightsreserved.No part of this publ

7、ication maybe reproduced or transmitted in any formor by any means,including photocopyingand recording,or by any informationstorage and retrieval system.ContributorsEndnotesResponsible Use of Technology:The IBM Case Study2ForewordBrian GreenDirector,Technology Ethics,Markkula Center for AppliedEthic

8、s,Santa Clara University,USADon HeiderExecutive Director,MarkkulaCenter for Applied Ethics,Santa Clara University,USADaniel LimKay Firth-ButterfieldProject Fellow,ArtificialIntelligence and MachineLearning,World EconomicForum LLC;Seconded fromSalesforceHead,Artificial Intelligence andMachine Learnin

9、g;Memberof the Executive Committee,World Economic Forum LLCAdvanced technologies,such as artificial intelligence(AI),distributed ledger and cloud computing,are atthe heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Thesetechnologies,deployed appropriately,can reinventgovernment services,education,healthcar

10、e,andthe way businesses interact with their customers.Inthe process,they can also unlock moral value andbenefits to individuals and society.If not responsiblydirected,however,Fourth Industrial Revolutiontechnologies have the potential to erode trust,exacerbate inequity,and cause harm to people andth

11、e environment.organization to promote more ethical behaviourand outcomes;and 3)design and develop moreresponsible technology products.Since theinception of this project,we established the needfor both the human rights-based and ethics-based approaches to the responsible use oftechnology.We adapted c

12、oncepts of behaviouraleconomics to help leaders design organizations todrive more ethical outcomes with technology.Wealso convened numerous workshops and publicdiscussions,during which practitioners shared theirexperiences in applying ethics to technology.While the COVID-19 pandemic has broughtuncer

13、tainty to all facets of society,one thing iscertain:the importance of technology in daily lifehas never been greater.In the past year alone,AIhas been used to accelerate the pace of vaccineresearch,the application of distributed ledgers tosecurely deliver digital health passports,and theavailability

14、 of speech-to-text transcription in everyonline classroom.With so much at stake,it isessential that we,as a society,continue to advancethe practice of infusing ethics and responsibilitythrough the entire life cycle of technology.To thisend,the World Economic Forum Centre for theFourth Industrial Rev

15、olution has been leading theResponsible Use of Technology project,whichbrings together a community of experts from civilsociety,governments and companies to providepractical tools for leaders for how they might:1)educate and train their employees to think moreabout responsible technology;2)design th

16、eirTo continue the knowledge sharing and advancethe practice of responsible technology,the WorldEconomic Forum and the Markkula Center forApplied Ethics at Santa Clara University arecollaborating to publish a series of case studieshighlighting processes,tools and organizationalconstructs that facili

17、tate the responsible design,development and implementation of technology.This document,“Responsible Use of Technology:The IBM Case Study”,marks the second in a series,following a White Paper on Microsoft.We wouldlike to thank IBM for sharing their ethical technologygovernance structure,practices,too

18、ls,activitiesand research expertise for this effort.It is our hopethat this document and the Responsible Use ofTechnology project will enable other organizationsto learn from the insights of our community andtake steps to incorporate ethics into their design,development,adoption and use of technolog

19、y.Responsible Use of Technology:The IBM Case Study3IntroductionTechnological breakthroughs are permeating societyand creating new opportunities and challengesevery day.For those who are subject to thesechanges,as well as those who develop newtechnologies,the social impact can be concerning.society.I

20、ts research division has been working foryears towards developing tools and processes forresponsible technology.The company has workedto develop a culture which thinks of the ethicalimpact of its technology,and how to steer newtechnologies towards their better uses.In response to these concerns not

21、only in society,but also among the researchers and developersof these technologies many companies havesought ways to ensure their technologies aredesigned,developed and used responsibly.ThisWhite Paper focuses on IBM,a company that haslong-standing commitments to ethics and privacy,and a multistakeh

22、older approach to encouragebeneficial interactions between technology andThrough a series of interviews with IBM executivesand employees,combined with secondaryresearch,this paper presents an external view ofIBMs experience in transforming the companytowards thinking more deeply about technologyethi

23、cs and how to work to responsibly design,develop,deploy and use technology.BOX 1 The responsible use of technology initiativePerhaps nothing,not even the race to the moon,has changed society with such speed and scale asthe recent advances of new,disruptive technologies.models,that companies everywhe

24、re can use toensure that ethical considerations are integratedinto company processes and cultures,including inproduct design and development.Yet as much as technological innovation is revered,speed also needs to be managed.Many companiesand countries are realizing that the consequencesof Fourth Indu

25、strial Revolution technology go handin hand with the new playing fields it creates fordeveloping and selling beneficial products.Theyare now confronting growing“techlash”with morepeople demanding greater accountability from techcompanies than ever before.The World Economic Forum Responsible Useof Te

26、chnology initiative aims to provide usefulresources for organizations to operationalizeethics in technology.Sharing experiences andbest practices among“ethics executives”,as well as developing tools and frameworksthrough consultations with members of business,government and civil society,is thus par

27、t of thisinitiative of the World Economic Forum Platformfor Shaping the Future of Technology Governance:Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.Self-regulation will only go so far.An urgent needexists for practical guides,based on provenResponsible Use of Technology:The IBM Case Study4The evolu

28、tion ofartificial intelligenceethics at IBM1As the oldest major technology company,IBM hasbuilt its corporate culture for more than a century.As artificial intelligence(AI)ethics was becoming anincreasingly important topic in technology,IBM wasin many ways prepared for these discussions thanksto the

29、 ethical interests of its employees and to itscorporate culture,which encouraged those interests.three values stand on their own but are alsointrinsically linked;IBM values its clients and wantsthem to succeed.Within this relationship,trustmakes success possible not only trust in people,but also tru

30、st in the technology that people havebuilt.Working with businesses,such as banks andhospitals,as well as with governments in long-term relationships,means that trust is a paramountconcern for IBM.Business relationships arecommitments to be protected and fulfilled.To get different parts of the compan

31、y workingtogether,IBM embarked on a journey in 2003to redefine its company values.A three-dayonline discussion with employees led to thefollowing three values:1)dedication to everyclients success;2)innovation that matters,forthe company and for the world;and 3)trust andIn addition to its relationshi

32、ps with clients.IBMrecognizes that it exists in a social context alongwith governments and the public.Thus,it looks tomake itself trustworthy to these groups and,indeed,to all stakeholders.personal responsibility in all relationships.The1Going forward,we are going to compete on trust.On values.And o

33、n our responsibility to the wider community of peoplewhose lives we touch.Arvind Krishna,Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,IBM,USA2Responsible Use of Technology:The IBM Case Study5FIGURE 1 Responsible and ethical development of AI technology at IBM,2015-20212015201720192021IBM hosts“Walkingthe Te

34、ch Tightrope:How to Balance Trustwith innovation”panelat the Annual Meetingin DavosFrancesca Rossinamed IBM AIEthics Global LeaderIBM issues principlesfor the cognitiveera and dataresponsibility centeredaround trust andtransparencyIBMs new ChiefPrivacy Officer,IBM Policy Labexplores theChristina Mon

35、tgomery,is appointed as thebusiness leader of thePrivacy and AI Ethicsmissionopportunities andchallenges of AIregulation,and howEurope can balancefostering trust in AI,with fosteringIBM publishes thePrecision RegulationPOV and unveils theIBM Policy LabIBM Researchpublishes one of thefirst papers ond

36、etecting andmitigating AI bias atthe NeurIPSThe AI Ethics Boardis given corporategovernance mandateco-chaired byChristina Montgomeryand Francesca Rossiwith cross businessunit representationinnovationIBM Researchlaunches AIFactSheets 360The World EconomicForum newly createdGlobalAI Action Allianceis

37、co-chaired byIBM chairman andCEO Arvind KrishnaconferenceIBM issues Principlesfor Trust andIBM signs the RomeCall for AI EthicsIBM launches theMIT-IBM collaborationon Advancing SharedProsperity with AITransparencyIBM donates opensource toolkit to LinuxFoundationIBM Researchreleases theopen-source to

38、olkitAI Explainability 360IBM Researchlaunches UncertaintyQuantification 360IBM Researchreleases theopen-source toolkitAI Fairness 360 andAdversarialIBM and Notre Dameco-found the NotreDame-IBM TechnologyEthics LabRome Call one yearlaterJesus Mantas,SeniorManaging Partner at IBM,joins inaugural Worl

39、dEconomic Forum Centrefor the Fourth IndustrialRevolution Global AICouncilIBM publishes awhite paper on“Learning to trustAI systems”Robustness 360The IBM flagshipconference THINKfocus on TrustIBM Researchpublishes AIFactSheets conceptin a paperAI Ethics site:principles,practicesand resourcesIBM beco

40、mes afounding memberof the Partnershipof AIFormal IBM AI EthicsBoard is formedCOVID-19 GuardrailsIBMs Institute forBusiness Value(IBV)publishes“AdvancingAI ethics beyondcompliance”IBM Researchlaunches the programScience for SocialGoodIBM joins theEuropean CommissionHigh Level ExpertGroup on AI201620

41、182020Source:Image provided by IBMSeveral key moments in the past years(Figure 1)have helped propel IBM on its journey towardsoperationalizing responsible and ethical developmentof AI technology.ongoing exploration of responsible developmentof AI systems aligned with the organizationsvaluesParticipa

42、tion in cross-industry,government andscientific initiatives and events on AI and ethicsFrancesca Rossi,Global Leader of AI Ethics atIBM,joined the company in 2015 with a mandateto explore the topic of AI ethics.She conveneda group of about 40 colleagues at the companyRegular,ongoing IBM-hosted engag

43、ement witha robust ecosystem of academics,researchers,policy-makers,non-governmental organizations(NGOs)and business leaders on the ethicalimplications of AIwho soon published a White Paper that listed five3commitments IBM planned to make to advance itsunderstanding and to effect the ethical develop

44、mentof AI.They are:This paper presents how IBM is followingthrough on these commitments,from principlesto implementation,and from governance totechnological products.The establishment of an internal IBM AIEthics Board to discuss,advise and guide(eventually govern)the ethical developmentand deploymen

45、t of AI systems(by IBM and itsclients)Companies developing new technologies alwaysencounter challenges along the way.For instance,the 2018 Gender Shades study found that IBMsgender classification in facial recognition software,along with those of several other organizations,hada disproportionately h

46、igh error rate when looking atA company-wide educational curriculum on theethical development of AIThe creation of the IBM Artificial Intelligence,Ethics and Society programme,amultidisciplinary research programme for thedarker-skinned females.its classification model.4In response,IBM upgradedIBM Wa

47、tson Health also5Responsible Use of Technology:The IBM Case Study6received negative press in 2018 about the trainingperformance of its diagnosis product.The mediacoverage raised questions about the expectationsof Watson Health for oncology.These stumbles area good reminder that ethics is an ongoing

48、processrequiring continual efforts,and that remaininghumble is itself important for ethical progress.IBMs history reveals an organizational culture thatmakes an effort to reflect and learn from experiencesand to encourage interconnectedness betweenpeople.It practises organizational introspection byr

49、eviewing its history,assessing its present positionand acknowledging uncertainty.While IBM does7not claim to have all the answers,it hopes those ithas found,and the lessons it has learned,might beuseful to others who seek to understand more aboutoperationalizing ethical thinking in tech companiesand

50、 their own organizations.The 2018 Gender Shades study is an example ofthe kind of opportunity labelled a“turning point”,as it typically is in response to an external event orcrisis.IBMs choice to respond to this study reflectsits sense of responsibility to society,a fundamentalcultural element and o


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