1、了解您的客户与反洗钱调查问卷(银行)0金融机构名称: 所在国家: 一、基本信息1.联系信息法定全称:注册办公地:营业主场所(若不同于注册地):总部地址(若不同于注册地):网址:SWIFT码:2.公司注册信息企业识别码/注册号:企业识别码/注册类型:注册国家和/或注册地:Date of Incorporation / Establishment注册/成立日期:Name of Regulatory Authority financial institution is registered with金融机构注册所在地监管机关名称:Ownership and Executive Management所
2、有权、实际控制人与管理层Is your institution publicly owned?贵机构是否为上市公司?0 If yes若是,请提供交易所名称please provide a list of beneficial owners who own, control or have power to vote for 25 percent or more of any class of voting securities or other voting interest (including their nominees, if their shares are held by nomi
3、nees).请提供持有、控制或有权对25%及以上的表决证券类进行表决的或其他表决权益(若其股份由名义持有者持有,应包括名义持有者)的受益人的名单。NamePlease provide names of your board of directors and executive management team of your institution(Use an attachment if you need more space)请提供贵机构董事会或管理层成员的姓名(若空间不足可添加附件)4 Business Details4.业务信息Purpose of maintaining relatio
4、nship with our bank:与我行保持业务关系的目的:Please indicate the percentage of appropriate business activity your institution is involved.请说明贵机构相关业务活动所占的比例。Example:例如:Commercial Banking 100%商业银行业务 100%Corporate banking business公司金融业务Personal banking business个人金融业务Treasury operations资金交易业务Other其他Does your instit
5、ution maintain a presence in a country / countries other than where your institution is primarily registered and regulated?贵机构是否在原注册地和监管地之外的其他国家设有营业机构?Yes No是 否若是,请列出分支机构/子公司的所在地:贵机构是否在伊朗、朝鲜、苏丹、叙利亚或古巴设有办公地点/分支机构,或是否在上述国家拥有资产/投资? 0Yes No是 否若是,请列明业务详情若否,贵机构是否有计划在上述国家开展业务?Yes No是 否5. 0Has your institut
6、ion had any regulatory or criminal enforcement actions resulting from violations of anti-money laundering laws or regulations in the past five years?过去五年中,贵机构是否因违反反洗钱法律或法规而受到过任何行政或刑事的处罚?Yes No是 否 二、框架Yes No是 否Has your country established laws and regulations designed to prevent money laundering and
7、terrorist financing?贵机构所在国是否就预防洗钱及恐怖融资制定了相关法律和法规?Yes No是 否Is your institution subject to such laws / regulations?贵机构是否受该等法律/法规的制约?Yes No是 否If your institution is not head office, Has your parent companys country established laws and regulations designed to prevent money laundering and terrorist fina
8、ncing?若贵机构不是总部,那么贵机构的母公司所在的国家是否就预防洗钱及恐怖融资制定了相关法律和法规?Yes No是 否N/A 不适用Does your country adhere to the 40 anti money laundering recommendations by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) ?贵机构所在国是否遵循“金融特别行动工作组(FATF)”的反洗钱40条建议?Yes No是 否Does your institution have any branches or subsidiaries operating in c
9、ountries that are considered by the Financial Action Task Force to be “non-cooperative”?贵机构(含分支机构/子公司)是否在FATF认定“高风险”国家(如:阿富汗、老挝、苏丹、安哥拉、巴拿马、叙利亚、波黑、厄瓜多尔、圭亚那、巴布亚新几内亚、乌干达、也门)有经营活动?If yes, please indicate the country.若是,请指出该国家名称。Yes No是 否What is the name of the regulatory authority responsible for overse
10、eing these AML laws / regulations?负责监督反洗钱法律/法规的监管机构的名称是什么?Does your institution have written policies and procedures for prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing?贵机构是否制定了书面的、旨在预防洗钱和恐怖融资的政策和操作规程?Yes No是 否Yes No是 否Is your AML policies subject to approval by your institutions Board or Sen
11、ior Management?贵机构的反洗钱政策是否须经董事会或高级管理层的审批?Yes No是 否Are the above policies and procedures applicable to head office, all branches and subsidiaries?上述政策和操作规程是否适用于总部以及所有分支机构和子公司?If no, please provide a list of the branches and/or subsidiaries that are excluded, including the name and the location of the
12、 institution.若否,请提供不适用的分支机构和/或子公司的名单,包括这些机构的名称和所在地。Yes No是 否Does your institution have policies and procedures covering relationships with Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) consistent with relevant regulatory requirements and industry best practices?贵机构是否制定了与相关监管要求以及行业最佳实践一致的涉及与政治公众人物关系的政策和操作规程?Yes
13、 No是 否Does your institution have written policies and procedures regarding Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML matters that are in compliance with applicable local laws and regulations?贵机构是否就了解您的客户(KYC)和反洗钱事宜制定的了符合当地现行法律和法规的书面的政策和操作规程?Yes No是 否Does your institution have policies and procedures that inc
14、lude the identification and reporting of unusual or suspicious activity?贵机构是否制定了识别和报告异常或可疑活动的政策和操作规程?Yes No是 否Does your institution permit the opening of anonymous account by customers?贵机构是否允许客户开设匿名账户?Yes No是 否Does your institution allow third parties to directly or indirectly use your account(s) wi
15、th any bank, i.e. in the form of “payable through” accounts?贵机构是否允许第三方直接或间接地在任何银行使用贵机构的账户,如以“贯通账户”的方式?If yes, has your institution formally identified and monitored these third parties?若是,贵机构是否正式识别或监控该等第三方?Yes No是 否Yes No是 否Does your institution maintain any correspondent banking relationship and co
16、nducts business with any shell banks?贵机构是否与任何空壳银行建立了代理行关系并有业务往来?(A shell bank is defined as a bank incorporated in a jurisdiction in which it has no physical presence and which is unaffiliated with a regulated financial group.)(空壳银行是指该行在其注册地区没有实际业务,且不隶属于任何受监管的金融集团)。Yes No是 否Does your institution hav
17、e policies to reasonably ensure that it only operates with correspondent banks that possess licenses to operate in their countries of origin?贵机构是否制定政策,合理地确保只与在当地获得经营执照的代理行开展业务合作?Yes No是 否In addition to regulatory inspection, does your institution have any internal audit function or other independent
18、 third party that review your AML/CTF policies and procedures on a regular basis?除了监管审查外,贵机构是否设有内部稽核部门或委任其他独立第三方定期对反洗钱/反恐怖主义融资政策及操作规程进行审查?If yes, how frequently are these conducted?若是,多长时间审查一次?Yes No是 否Yes No是 否Does your institution have customer due diligence and enhanced customer due diligence pro
19、gram in place to identify and verify customer identity?贵机构是否对客户进行尽职调查,和强化尽职调查工作的程序以识别并确认客户身份?Yes No是 否Do you undertake customer due diligence, including:贵机构是否对客户进行尽职调查,包括:(a) Verification of the identify of:(a)对:0(i)对客户身份的确认,以及0(ii)实际控制客户的自然人与交易的实际受益人的身份确认;以及0(b)充分了解客户的财务情况和业务情况以对交易的合理性以及交易所涉及资金的来源的
20、合法性进行评估。Yes No是 否Yes No是 否Does your institution apply enhanced due diligence policies and procedures in connection with higher risk customers?贵机构是否对高风险客户制订加强版尽职调查工作政策、制度和流程?Yes No是 否Does your institution pay attention to high risk customers, including politically exposed persons, correspondent banki
21、ng relationships and customers from high risk countries?贵机构是否关注高风险客户,包括政治公众人物、代理行关系和来自高风险国家的客户?Yes No是 否Does your institution have a process to review and, where appropriate, update customer information relating to high risk client information?贵机构是否有相关程序以审查并更新(在适当的情况下)客户信息?Yes No是 否Does your institu
22、tion ensure that effective anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist controls are in place on new technologies, and when you are dealing in non-face to face interactions or through intermediaries?在进行非面对面或通过中介机构进行业务合作时,贵机构是否确保有效的反洗钱和反恐怖融资防控措施已通过新技术落实到位?Yes No是 否Does your institution monitor customer a
23、ccounts and transactions in order to detect suspicious activities?贵机构是否对客户账户和交易进行监控以发现可疑的交易活动?Yes No是 否过程是人工还是自动进行的?What types of transactions do you monitor (e.g. large value transactions, cash withdrawals, cash deposits)?0What types of transactions do you monitor (e.g. large value transactions, ca
24、sh withdrawals, cash deposits)?贵机构监控了哪类交易(如大额交易、现金提取、现金存款、汇款业务)?Is there an established method of reporting suspicious activities and transactions to the appropriate authorities?是否已制定了向相关当局报告可疑活动和交易的办法?Yes No是 否Does your institution have an established program that includes policies and procedures t
25、hat include a process (manual or automated) to periodically review customer accounts for large or unusual transaction?贵机构是否制订了包括对客户账户的大额交易和异常交易进行定期审查的政策和操作规程的程序(人工或自动)?Yes No是 否Does your institution have an established program that includes policies and procedures for review of wire transfer activit
26、y?贵机构是否制订了包括对电汇活动进行审查的的政策和操作规程的程序?Yes No是 否Does your institution conduct any banking transactions with non-established customers or walk-in customers (non-account holders)?贵机构是否与临时客户(非账户持有者)进行金融交易?Yes No是 否Yes No是 否0六、 41.贵机构对客户及交易是否有制裁筛选机制GUIJIGOU?If yes, who receives training and how frequently?Ye
27、s No是 否Does your institution communicate new AML related laws or changes to existing AML related policies or practices to relevant employees?贵机构是否拥有制裁筛选IT系统?Yes No是 否043.上述系统是否属内部研发?如否,请提供研发公司名称。上述系统是否Yes No是 否 46.贵机构是否设立了预防洗钱交易的员工培训项目以帮助员工识别可疑交易活动?If yes, who receives training and how frequently?若是
28、,培训对象是谁?多久培训一次?Yes No是 否Does your institution communicate new AML related laws or changes to existing AML related policies or practices to relevant employees?贵机构是否向相关员工传达了反洗钱相关的新法规或对现有政策和操作规程的变更? 0Yes No是 否I confirm that the information provided in the above Questionnaire is current, accurate and representative of the anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing policies and procedures that are established in my institution.本人特此确认本调查问卷所提供的信息是我机构所制定的现在的、准确的、典型的反洗钱和反恐怖融资政策和操作规程。Name:姓名:职位:地址:电话:电子邮箱:Signed签名:Date:日期:07Corporate & Institutional Banking