1、油漆家装合同(标准版)Oil Painting and Home n ContractParty A: (Client)Party B: (Contractor)On the basis of equality o voluntariness o and mutual trust o Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on Party As carpentry project:Article 1: Project Overview1 .Project n:2 .n content:Furniture colorin
2、go wall painting and n;nal content:3 .Contracting method: The contractor is responsible for labor only (does not include materials).4 .Project d: From/to/.Article 2: Project PriceThe price for this contract is RMB(in words) o If there is an increase in the amount of work (referring to projects not l
3、isted in the n) o it will be based on the confirmed amount of work by Party A and the negotiated unit price determined by both parties o nal n:Article 3: Payment Method1 .Both parties should provide receipts for all payments.2 .After Party B enters the site and begins no Party A should pay Party B 1
4、0% of the project price as living expenses within 5 working days.3 .After the n of more than 50% of the projecto Party A should pay Party B 25% of the project price.4 . After the n of 90% of the project (when the main work is completed and only the final n and n work is left) Party A should pay Part
5、y B 30% of the project price.5 .After the n of the projecto Party B should hand over all n materials to Party Ao After Party A confirms that there are no errors o Party A should pay Party B 25% of the project price.6 .Within two months after the n of the project and acceptance 0both parties should s
6、ettle the actual amount of worko Party A should retain 10% of the total price as a guarantee for the n quality.7 .The quality guarantee deposit should be paid according to the quality of the project after 12 months of acceptance.Article 4: Agreement on Project Quality and Acceptance1 .For changes in
7、 the style or design of the parts of the project that have not yet started no Party B should follow Party As wisheso Party B has no right to change Party As design or requirements without no Any consequences caused by unauthorized changes should be fully borne by Party B.2 .This project should stric
8、tly follow the nal Residential n n nn GB-2001 and nArchitectural n n Quality Acceptance nn GB- 200Las well as other local standards and quality n and acceptance standards.3 .Quality n and acceptance requirements:1) The structure should be straight in both horizontal and vertical ns o with smooth arc
9、s and consistent shapes o Symmetrical items should be symmetrical.2) The mosaic should be seamless and consistent o with tight joints and no gapso The joints should be closely connected without any gaps.3) The surface of the furniture clear coat should be consistent in thickness o saturated o clean
10、o and free from particles o The surface of the furniture mix oil should be flat and saturated o with no bubbles or cracks。and the paint thickness and color should be consistent.4) The wall latex paint should have a flat surface with uniform n and no hollows o bubbles o or cracks The wall should not
11、be contaminated or have any dirt.5) The paint for the wood and gypsum board should generally be latex painto with a flat surface and no cracks at the jointo The ceiling corner should be smooth and consistent.1 .本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律 效力。2 .本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至竣工验收合格之 日止。3 .本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。4 .如因本合同引起的
12、争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不 成的,任何一方均可向有关部门申请仲裁或起诉。5 .本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至竣工验收合格之 日止。1 .施工过程中,应保证接驳处理顺畅,墙纸拼接准确,没 有明显的变形和扯裂现象。图案纹理拼接也应准确无误,没有 任何错位现象。对于设计中没有确认的,质量要求应按照国家 规范及省市地方行业规范来实施。2 .如果由于乙方技术差或责任心不到位等自身原因造成质 量问题,其返工费用和材料费用应由乙方承担。乙方应提前通 知甲方验收,并办理验收手续。3 .本工程装饰材料由甲方负责提供,施工专业工具由乙方 自备。工具损坏需要维修,乙方应自行承担。装饰材料在施工 期间由乙方
13、负责保管,如因保管不当造成的损失,乙方应全额 赔偿。未经甲方许可,乙方不得携带任何甲方提供的装修材料 出门,一经发现偷盗现象按材料价格3倍赔偿。4 .乙方应严格遵守规定的装饰装修施工时间,降低施工噪 音,减少环境污染。施工现场应整齐有序,竣工前应做好卫生 清扫和处理工作。未经甲方同意及有关部门批准,施工中不得 随意拆改建筑原结构及各种设备管线。乙方需负责施工现场的 安全,严防火灾,并防止因施工造成的管道堵塞、渗漏水、停 电、物品损坏等事故发生而影响他人。如发生事故,乙方必须 尽快负责修复或赔偿。乙方须做好施工材料保管工作,禁止闲 杂人员进入现场;工程竣工未移交甲方之前,负责对现场的一 切设施和工程成品进行保护。乙方施工人员的一切安全问题由 乙方自行负责;乙方施工人员必须严格服从甲方人员的管理。5 .本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律 效力。本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至竣工验收合格之 日止。本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。如因本合同引起的 争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均可向有 关部门申请仲裁或起诉。