1、初中三年级英语过关测试介词填空练习95道学校名称:班级:学号:姓名:1. The wolfwhich the sheep was killed was shot.2. She has three children, all whom are at school.3. There is a tall tree outside, which stands our teacher.4 I was surprised at the way which he treated the old man.5. The age which children can go to school is seven.6
2、. His bike which he went to work was stolen last night.7. He bought a book yesterday, the author which is a teacher.8. Hi, Mary! Don,t run the car.9. Let me help you. Do it this.10. Excuse me, what is this English?11. This is a picture my family.12. Take these bags the room.13. Put the pencil-box th
3、e bag.14. Some children play games the tree.15. Give me a glass water, please.16. Where is your brother?He is school.17. I can see some apples the tree.18. he little girl is looking her mother.19. Thank you your help.20. Dont readbed.21. Tom comes the USA.22. Youd better not go the forest. Its dange
4、rous.23. Which room are you going to live ?24. The building is fire. There,re some people the top floor.25. Before 1990 there was no airline the two cities.26. It,s not good to come late school.27. Whats wrong your bike?28. Thank you very much coming to see me.29. I couldnt finish it your help.30. D
5、on,t laugh others mistakes.31. Do the twins look their father?32. How do you usually come to school, every day? Sometimes bike, sometimes foot.33. Its very kind you to help me my maths.34. Don,t read the sun. Its bad your eyes.35. The teacher told us the moon travels the earth.36. You must learn the
6、se words heart, and answer my question English.37. Please meet your uncle noon Saturday.38. Thanks your help, I finished the work before dark.39. Its cold and the temperature is zero during the night.40. The teacher is writing red inka piece of paper.41. The children are waiting the gate their mothe
7、r.42. I dont think the computer was invented the telephone.43. 一Was the heated ice cream scoop invented Chelsea Lanmon? 一 一Yes, I think so.44. The stamps are used sending letters.45. It,s said that the emperor Shen Nung discovered tea accident.46. English is spoken the first language in Canada.47. T
8、he young adults can get relaxation reading cartoons or watchin g them on TV.48. Seeing their teacher wearing a beautiful dress, all the girls screamed jealousy.49. He is a naughty boy whom you can, t go .50. I can t find the factory which I worked when I was young .51. That s the house that the grea
9、t scientist lived 20 years ago .52. Those dinosaur eggs were found the Gobi Desert some scienti sts.53. We saw many old things display the science museum yesterday morning.54. Wei Hua is very interested little animals.55. That great man died June 8, 1932.56. I went to the biggest shop town last Frid
10、ay.57. This teapot was made metal. And its used drinking.58. Have you learned a lot old Chinese inventions?59. The feathered dinosaurs look birds.60. Jims father hopes that he can be a scientist the future.61. We don,t know the way the Summer Palace.62. His father left for New York June 8, 2004.63.
11、Whose is that chair three legs?64. This teapot was made metal. And its used drinking.65. The dinosaur was covered feathers. It looks a bird.66. They don,t know the entrance the museum.67. I 11 go there instead her.68. the way, where can I find her?69. I have many things, such books, clothes and toys
12、 etc.70. What s the first letter stand71. These days, I am too busy, I hardly have time listening tothe radio.72. I have some story-books. They are that shelf.73. Who? s the most popular football player the moment?74. Have you got any books travel ?75. That s very kind you to say so.76. Lookthe mant
13、he black hat. He s Tom s father.77. It is important us to learn a foreign language .78. This is often true older people who are very lonely .79. To many people, a pet is a member of the family .80. They regard their pets their best friends .81. The man jumped out the bed when he heard a noise from o
14、utside.82. Mrs Parley called the police the public phone .83. I don t like meat all .84. Mrs Parley was busy her housework at time .85. He has been here nine o clock .86. I have stayed here nine hours .87. They will be back from England a week .88. She is working eight in the morning eight in the ev
15、ening .89. Uncle Wang has worked in this factory he came to this town90. I have studied at this school 2001 .91. The bridge is made steel.92. It,s very kind you to invite me.93. He works the Great Wall many other people.94. Summer is the best time planting trees.95. It is said that the world population will pass six billion the end of the twentieth century.