1、2023年 湖 北 同 等 学 力 人 员 申 请 硕 士 学 位 考 试 考 试 模 拟 卷(6)本 卷 共 分 为 1大 题 50小 题,作 答 时 间 为 180分 钟,总 分 100分,60分 及 格。一、单 项 选 择 题(共 5 0题,每 题 2 分。每 题 的 备 选 项 中,只 有 一 个 最 符 合 题 意)1.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.Whenyour money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)forthe same amount of money as befor
2、e,inflation is theproblem.Sometimes people describe inflation as a timewhen dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore”.Inflation is a problem for all consumers,especiallypeople who live on a fixed income.Retired people,forinstance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as pricesrise.They face serious problems i
3、n stretching theirincomes to(59)their needs in time of inflation.Manyretired people must cut their spending to(60)risingprices.In many cases they must stop(61)some necessaryitems,such as food and clothing.Even(62)workingpeople whose incomes are going up,inflation can alsobe a problem.The(63)of livin
4、g goes up,and they musthave even more money to maintain their standard ofliving.When incomes do not keep(64)with rising prices,1iving standard goes down.People may be earning thesame amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods andservices.Government unit
5、s gather information about prices inour economy and publish it as price indexes(66)therate of price change can be determined.A price indexmeasures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,andthe other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A pri
6、ce index makes(70)possible to compare currentprice with that in previous years.A.lastB.givenC.fixedD.definite2.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.Whenyour money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)forthe same amount of money as before,inflation is theproblem.Sometimes people describe inf
7、lation as a timewhen a dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore”.Inflation is a problem for all consumers,especiallypeople who live on a fixed income.Retired people,forinstance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as pricesrise.They face serious problems in stretching theirincomes to(59)their needs in time o
8、f inflation.Manyretired people must cut their spending to(60)risingprices.In many cases they must stop(61)some necessaryitems,such as food and clothing.Even(62)workingpeople whose incomes are going up,inflation can alsobe a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they musthave even more money to mainta
9、in their standard ofliving.When incomes do not keep(64)with rising prices,living standard goes down.People may be earning thesame amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods andservices.Government units gather information about prices inour economy and p
10、ublish it as price indexes(66)therate of price change can be determined.A price indexmeasures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,andthe other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible to compare currentprice wi
11、th that in previous years.A.onB.byC.atD.against3.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.Whenyour money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)forthe same amount of money as before,inflation is theproblem.Sometimes people describe inflation as a timewhen a dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore”.Infl
12、ation is a problem for all consumers,especiallypeople who live on a fixed income.Retired people,forinstance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as pricesrise.They face serious problems in stretching theirincomes to(59)their needs in time of inflation.Manyretired people must cut their spending to(60)r
13、isingprices.In many cases they must stop(61)some necessaryitems,such as food and clothing.Even(62)workingpeople whose incomes are going up,inflation can alsobe a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they musthave even more money to maintain their standard ofliving.When incomes do not keep(64)with ri
14、sing prices,living standard goes down.People may be earning thesame amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods andservices.Government units gather information about prices inour economy and publish it as price indexes(66)therate of price change can be d
15、etermined.A price indexmeasures changes in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,andthe other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible to compare currentprice with that in previous years.A.portionB.percentageC.proportionD.f
16、raction4.Inflation is a period of rapid rises in prices.Whenyour money buys fewer goods so that you get(56)forthe same amount of money as before,inflation is theproblem.Sometimes people describe inflation as a timewhen a dollar is not(57)a dollar anymore”.Inflation is a problem for all consumers,esp
17、eciallypeople who live on a fixed income.Retired people,forinstance,cannot(58)on an increase in income as pricesrise.They face serious problems in stretching theirincomes to(59)their needs in time of inflation.Manyretired people must cut their spending to(60)risingprices.In many cases they must stop
18、(61)some necessaryitems,such as food and clothing.Even(62)workingpeople whose incomes are going up,inflation can alsobe a problem.The(63)of living goes up,and they musthave even more money to maintain their standard ofliving.When incomes do not keep(64)with rising prices,living standard goes down.Pe
19、ople may be earning thesame amount of money,but they are not living(65)because they are not able to buy as many goods andservices.Government units gather information about prices inour economy and publish it as price indexes(66)therate of price change can be determined.A price indexmeasures changes
20、in prices using the price for a(67)year as the base.The base price is set(68)100,andthe other prices are reported as a(69)of the base price.A price index makes(70)possible to compare currentprice with that in previous years.A.itB.usC.oneD.you5.下 列 哪 一 项 不 是 促 胃 液 素 的 生 理 作 用 A.促 进 壁 细 胞 分 泌 大 量 HC1B
21、.促 进 胃 腺 黏 液 细 胞 分 泌 大 量 黏 液 C.促 进 胃 运 动 D.促 进 胃 肠 黏 膜 上 皮 细 胞 生 长6.迷 走 神 经 对 胰 腺 分 泌 的 调 节 是()A.引 起 酶 多、水 和 少 的 分 泌 B.引 起 水、多 而 酶 少 的 分 泌 C.引 起 水、和 酶 均 多 的 分 泌 D.引 起 酶 和 多、水 少 的 分 泌 7.下 列 关 于 胃 液 分 泌 的 叙 述,错 误 的 是()A.幽 门 腺 黏 液 细 胞 分 泌 胃 蛋 白 酶 原 B.主 细 胞 分 泌 胃 蛋 白 酶 原 C.G 细 胞 分 泌 促 胃 液 素 D.颈 黏 液 细 胞
22、分 泌 8.下 列 关 于 胰 液 分 泌 的 调 节 的 叙 述,错 误 的 是 A.胰 液 的 分 泌 以 体 液 调 节 为 主 B.头 期 胰 液 的 特 点 是 胰 酶 含 量 多、液 体 量 少 C.肠 期 胰 液 的 特 点 是 量 多、酶 含 量 多 D.在 整 个 消 化 期,胃 期 胰 液 分 泌 量 最 多 9.关 于 慢 波 的 叙 述,下 列 哪 项 是 错 误 的 A.起 源 于 Cajal细 胞 B.是 胃 肠 道 平 滑 肌 的 基 本 电 节 律 C.其 波 动 范 围 为 5 15mVD.慢 波 不 引 起 平 滑 肌 收 缩,但 可 自 动 去 极 化10
23、.酸 性 食 糜 进 入 小 肠 引 起 大 量 胰 液 分 泌 的 主 要 机 制 是 A.交 感 神 经 兴 奋 B.迷 走 神 经 兴 奋 C.小 肠 黏 膜 释 放 促 胃 液 素 D.小 肠 黏 膜 释 放 促 胰 液 素 n.下 列 关 于 食 管 蠕 动 的 叙 述,正 确 的 是 A.切 断 迷 走 神 经 后 蠕 动 消 失 B.食 团 顺 着 压 力 梯 度 下 移 C.可 发 生 在 未 吞 咽 时 D.对 吞 咽 液 体 食 物 不 起 作 用 12.下 列 关 于 消 化 道 平 滑 肌 生 理 特 性 的 叙 述,正 确 的 是 A.兴 奋 性 比 骨 骼 肌 高
24、B.伸 展 性 小 C.收 缩 缓 慢 D.对 化 学 刺 激 不 敏 感 13.以 活 性 形 式 分 泌 的 胰 酶 是 A.胰 脂 酶 B.糜 蛋 白 酶 C.弹 性 蛋 白 酶 D.胰 蛋 白 酶 14.胃 特 有 的 运 动 形 式 是 A.分 节 运 动B.蠕 动 C.逆 蠕 动 D.容 受 性 舒 张 15.下 列 关 于 胃 容 受 性 舒 张 的 叙 述,正 确 的 是 A.切 断 迷 走 神 经 后 消 失 B.被 食 管 下 括 约 肌 的 舒 张 所 触 发 C.主 要 发 生 在 胃 的 尾 区 D.可 被 阿 托 品 取 消 16.下 列 关 于 铁 在 小 肠 被
25、 吸 收 的 叙 述,正 确 的 是 A.铁 都 以 Fe3+的 形 式 被 吸 收 B.植 酸、草 酸、糅 酸 可 促 进 铁 的 吸 收 C.胃 酸 及 维 生 素 C 可 抑 制 铁 的 吸 收 D.铁 主 要 在 十 二 指 肠 和 空 肠 被 吸 收 17.纯 清 胃 液 的 pH为()A.0.9 1.5B.2.02.5C.2.5 3.5D.3.5 4.518.可 抑 制 小 肠 运 动 的 是 A.促 胃 液 素 B.促 胃 动 素C.高 血 糖 素 D.胰 岛 素 19.胆 汁 中 不 含 的 物 质 是 A.糜 蛋 白 酶 B.胆 固 醇 C.胆 盐 D.磷 脂 20.下 列
26、关 于 胆 汁 的 叙 述,哪 项 是 错 误 的 A.胆 管 细 胞 也 可 分 泌 胆 汁 B.肝 胆 汁 呈 弱 酸 性 C.在 消 化 间 期 内 分 泌 的 胆 汁 未 立 即 排 入 十 二 指 肠 D.胆 汁 的 主 要 固 体 成 分 是 胆 盐 和 磷 脂 21.下 列 哪 项 不 属 于 胆 汁 的 作 用 A.分 解 脂 肪 B.乳 化 脂 肪 C.刺 激 胆 汁 分 泌 D.中 和 进 入 十 二 指 肠 内 的 胃 酸 22.下 列 关 于 胃 排 空 的 叙 述,正 确 的 是()A.胃 排 空 速 度 与 胃 内 容 物 容 量 呈 线 性 关 系 B.高 张 溶
27、 液 比 等 张 溶 液 排 空 快 C.普 通 混 合 食 物 完 全 排 空 需 2 3 小 时D.排 空 速 度 为 糖 脂 肪 蛋 白 质 23.下 列 物 质 中,由 胰 腺 小 导 管 细 胞 分 泌 的 是()A.B.糜 蛋 白 酶 C.竣 基 肽 酶 D.胰 蛋 白 酶 24.能 促 进 胃 酸 分 泌 的 内 源 性 物 质 是 A.组 胺 B.前 列 腺 素 C.上 皮 生 长 因 子 D.生 长 抑 素 25.胃 酸 缺 乏 者 可 产 生 A.贫 血 B.胰 液 分 泌 增 加 C.胆 汁 分 泌 增 加 D.蛋 白 质 消 化 障 碍 26.下 列 哪 项 不 属 于
28、 胃 酸 的 生 理 作 用 A.分 解 食 物 中 的 结 缔 组 织 和 肌 纤 维 B.使 食 物 中 蛋 白 质 变 性 易 于 分 解 C.杀 死 进 入 胃 内 的 细 菌 D.促 进 维 生 素 B12的 吸 收27.促 胰 液 素 引 起 胰 液 分 泌 的 特 点 为()A.水 和 碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 少、胰 酶 含 量 多 B.水 和 胰 酶 含 量 多、碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 少 C.水 和 碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 多、胰 酶 含 量 少 D.水 和 胰 酶 含 量 少、碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 多 28.胆 汁 中 有 利 胆 作 用 的 主 要 成 分 是()A.胆
29、 固 醇 B.胆 红 素 C.胆 盐 D.磷 脂 29.可 促 进 胆 囊 收 缩 和 胰 酶 分 泌 的 胃 肠 激 素 是()A.促 胃 液 素 B.缩 胆 囊 素 C.促 胰 液 素 D.促 胃 动 素 30.食 物 经 食 管 瘦 注 入 胃 所 引 起 的 胃 液 分 泌 属 于()A.头 期 胃 液 分 泌 B.胃 期 胃 液 分 泌C.两 者 都 是 D.两 者 都 不 是 31.胆 汁 的 作 用 是()A.促 进 脂 肪 的 消 化 B.促 进 脂 肪 的 吸 收 C.两 者 都 是 D.两 者 都 不 是 32.缩 胆 囊 素 引 起 胰 液 分 泌 的 特 点 为()A.
30、水 和 碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 少、胰 酶 含 量 多 B.水 和 胰 酶 含 量 多、碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 少 C.水 和 碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 多、胰 酶 含 量 少 D.水 和 胰 酶 含 量 少、碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 多 33.可 促 进 胃 液 分 泌 和 胃 运 动 的 胃 肠 激 素 是()A.促 胃 液 素 B.缩 胆 囊 素 C.促 胰 液 素 D.促 胃 动 素 34.胆 汁 中 的 主 要 固 体 成 分 是()A.胆 固 醇 B.胆 红 素 C.胆 盐 D.磷 脂 35.胰 液 的 作 用 是()A.促 进 脂 肪 的 消 化 B.促 进 脂 肪 的 吸 收 C.
31、两 者 都 是 D.两 者 都 不 是 36.食 物 经 咀 嚼 吞 咽 后 进 入 胃 所 引 起 的 胃 液 分 泌 属 于()A.头 期 胃 液 分 泌 B.胃 期 胃 液 分 泌 C.两 者 都 是 D.两 者 都 不 是 37.迷 走 神 经 兴 奋 引 起 胰 液 分 泌 的 特 点 为()A.水 和 碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 少、胰 酶 含 量 多 B.水 和 胰 酶 含 量 多、碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 少 C.水 和 碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 多、胰 酶 含 量 少 D.水 和 胰 酶 含 量 少、碳 酸 氢 盐 含 量 多38.可 促 进 胰 腺 和 肝 脏 分 泌 NaHC03
32、的 主 要 胃 肠 激 素 是()A.促 胃 液 素 B.缩 胆 囊 素 C.促 胰 液 素 D.促 胃 动 素 39.在 消 化 间 期 能 刺 激 胃 和 小 肠 运 动 的 胃 肠 激 素 是()A.促 胃 液 素 B.缩 胆 囊 素 C.促 胰 液 素 D.促 胃 动 素 40.A person may have an idea about himself that willprevent him from doing good work.He may have the ideathat he is not capable of it.A child may think he isst
33、upid because he does not understand how to make themost of his mental faculties,or he may accept anotherpersonJ s mistaken estimate of his ability.Olderpeople may be handicapped by the mistaken belief thatthey are incapable of learning anything new because oftheir age.A person who believes that he i
34、s incapablewill not make a real effort,because he feels that itwould be useless.He won,t go at a job with theconfidence necessary for success.He is thereforelikely to fail,and the failure will strengthen hisbelief in his incompetence.Alfred Adler,a famousdoctor,had and experience which illustrates t
35、his.Whenhe was a small boy he got off to a poor start inarithmetic.His teacher got the idea that he had noability in arithmetic and told his parents what shethought in order that they wou1d not expect too muchof him.In this way,they too developed the idea,Isn t it too bad that Alfred can t do arithm
36、etic”He accepted their mistaken estimate of his ability,felt that it was useless to try,and was very poor atarithmetic,just as they expected.One day Adlersucceeded in solving a problem which none of the otherstudents had been able to solve.This gave himconfidence.He rejected the idea that he couldn,
37、t doarithmetic and was determined to show them that he could.His new found confidence stimulated him to go atarithmetic problems with a new spirit.He now workedwith interest,determination,and purpose,and he soonbecame extraordinarily good at arithmetic.Thisexperience made him realize that many peopl
38、e have moreability than they think they have,and that lack ofsuccess is often the result of lack of knowledge of howto apply one s ability,lack of confidence,and lackof determination as it the result of lackability.According to the passage,which statement isNOT trueA.A child may accept another perso
39、nJ s underestimateof his ability.B.He may think that he is too young to make the mostof his mental faculties.C.A person may have the idea that he is incapable ofdoing good work.D.Some old people don,t believe that they are capableof learning anything new.41.The bat is a marvel of evolutionary adapta
40、tion.Mostof them roost during the day,and are active at nightor twilight for they can avoid objects in the dark.Ihave seen this phenomenon at work.In my youth I usedto explore old mining shafts in the Randsburg district.Sometimes my intrusion disturbed clans of bats thatwere hanging upside down in t
41、he dark caves.They wouldfly about to evident panic,but the panic was mine,nottheirs.Some flew crazily out into the daylight but somemerely returned to their perches.None ever touched me,much to my relief.They may exist but I have never seena stuffed nylon bat.To children,bats may not be aslovable as
42、 koala bears.Perhaps manufacturers do notregard them as marketable.It is not so much theirhideous faces and winged bodies that have caused us toget rid of bats,but rather the ancient myths in whichdead humans,such as Count Dracula,leave their gravesat night in the form of bats to suck blood from hum
43、anvictims,especially fragile young woman.As we knowfrom some movies these vampires must return to theirgraves before daylight.Endangered young women canfrustrate vampire by sleeping with a string of garlicaround their necks.There are actually three speciesof bloodsucking bats.They are called vampire
44、 batsafter the ancient legends,and their tactics are indeedfrightful.Like Count Dracula,they feed at night.Theymake a small cut in their sleeping victim with sharpincisor teeth,usually not even awakening their prey.Then they suck the blood that sustains them.Shouldthat discourage children from wanti
45、ng them as pets AsMitchell notes from the New Yorker ad,bats are cleanand intelligent.Most of them are insect-eaters,andthey serve nature by destroying crop-damaging insects.They also pollinate(传 授 花 粉)flowers and spreadingseed.Bat Conservation International claims thatwithout bats a host of insects
46、/pests would multiplyunchecked and many of our planet?s most valuableplants would go unpol 1 inated.It is clear that the batis our friend,and that,despite its appearance,it ishere to serve humanity.I,d be the first to buy astuffed nylon bat.Children s hearts are big,and batsneed love,too.What does t
47、he author mean by saying that“the panic was mine”A.In great panic,the bats were driven out of the cave.B.I was greatly scared by the unexpected view of thehideous flying mammals.C.The bats were too tiny to cause panic.D.The bats moved reluctantly from where they staye42.Our culture has caused most A
48、mericans to assume notonly that our language is universal but that thegestures we use are understood by everyone.We do notrealize that waving good-bye is the way to summon aperson from the Philippines to one,s side,or that inItaly and some Latin-American countries,curling thefinger to oneself is a s
49、ign of farewell.Those privatecitizens who sent packages to our troops occupyingGermany after World War II and marked the items GIFTto escape duty payments did not bother to find out thatgift means poison in German.Moreover,we like tothink of ourselves as friendly,yet we prefer to be atleast 3 feet o
50、r an arm s length away from others.Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer andtouch,which makes Americans uncomfortable.Ourlinguistic(语 言 上 的)and cultural blindness and thecasualness with which we take notice of the developedtastes,gestures,customs and languages of othercountries,are losing