1、上海理工大学来华留学学历本科生超过基本修业年限学习情况证明Confirmation of Study Status of Undergraduates after Normal Study Period学生姓名StudentName学号 Student No.专业 Major性另u Gender学习情况study status目前已取得学分credits earned本学期在修读的学分 Sum of credits of chosen courses this semester预计今年7月不能毕业,仍需口一学期 口一学年 口一学年以上达到毕业要求。To meet criteria for gr
2、aduation, I will need Done more semester none more academic year Dmore than one academic year*本科生入学到完成答辩最长不得超过6年。Maximum length of undergraduate study is 6 years.学生签名:Signature of student 年y 月m Ed本科教务办公室审核意见:Confirmation of undergraduate student teaching affairs office of school/college学院签名、盖章:Signa
3、ture & stamp of school/college年y 月m 日d注 Note:1 .本科生基本修业年限为 4 年。Normal study period of undergraduate study is 4 years.2 .本表为需延长学习期限的来华留学学历本科生居留许可延期申请参考用表。完成后交留学生办公 室。The form is for reference when students who study beyond normal study period will apply for elongation of residence permit.3 . 咨询电话 Consultation phone number:4 .办理时请携带中文归档成绩单(包含已获得总学分信息)、本学期课表。Please bring your documentation transcript (including the total credits obtained) and the class schedule for this semester.