1、1 . triad tn hirla har anger.帅中囹掩怖白口的情奴(hide your disappointment/anger.掩 怖 、, a laughed to hide her nprvnucn acq.岫笙7笙I:建奋临白口的终* Tha tratmant nffers a ray of hope fnr rAnrpr cnffprprc汶珅治疗右法沿痛病串考一绻养单(rav nf hnnp/linht 纬羌基/R日、4 Raws of light filtered through the trppQ.击市*给深;寸树从昭酎K支 /漆;叶日什小R Miewas craa
2、+ad with criesnf Actnnichmpnt And Kncar一他的汶落洋浦州口一 日口11崎吉 有雪防 也有 悟女又 (Hp craatarl a/ith /hv cth 袖垢 I 、 g rnmnloto cilnre greeted us as we pntprpd thp rnnm.主;共电同 江口熔用们的早一tH冒酷7 I faH a rush of excitement when she arrivprl.帅支到的耐尼 用咸到一族酒初一心门Of anger / excitement / gratitude.阵.)a a meh nf jealousy swept thrnnahfnvprA Hat帅心由空铁涌护一r车岫忙 (忙成idijelssi)Q. Thp cmnkp hunn in th a Air.期在交中给空 fmict/smoke/smell hangs in thp air在空由嬉纭、1 n. A thirk miQt huna ever the town. 小镇笼罩在浓浓的雾霭中。