1、 口语能力全攻略 语法点线面定语从句(一) 一些英语学习网站:离线字典:欧陆词典/golden dict 可以安装离线的字典库在线字典:朗文 -剑桥 - 有道词典 APP 一些英语学习网站:素材检索:发音:书面表达:ludwig.guru手机应用:安装Podcast/播客appTed AppKindle阅读App/Kindle阅读器印象笔记/Evernote 和定语从句相关的基本问题:什么是定语?什么是定语从句(relative clause)?定语从句有什么特征?关系代词(relative pronoun)是什么?关系副词(relative adverb)又是什么?限定性定语从句(defin
2、ing relative clauses)和非限定性定语从句(defining relative clauses)有什么区别?定语从句的替代表达(alternatives to relative clauses)定语从句与状语从句或名词性从句的关系。 什么是定语?attributive adj.(of the position or use of an adjective, noun, or phrase) before a noun(用于名词前)起修饰作用的,起定语作用的modifier noun.a word or phrase that is used with another word
3、 or phrase to limit or add to itsmeaning修饰语,限定语对比:The flower is red. / The red flower. 什么是定语?主语+不及物动词The boy laughed. 那男孩笑了。主语+及物动词+宾语The little boy laughed. 那个小男孩笑了。主语+双宾语动词+间接宾语+直接The bus was late. 公交车晚了。宾语The school bus was late. 校车晚了。主语+系动词+表语(名词/动名词做定语,常表目的。)主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 什么是定语?The girl has
4、finished homework. 女孩已经完成了作业。主语+不及物动词主语+及物动词+宾语The smart girl has finished her Englishhomework. 那个聪明的女孩已经完成了英语作业。主语 + 双宾语动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语主语+系动词+表语主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 什么是定语?主语+不及物动词Daisy bought a dog a toy. 黛西给一只狗买了个玩具。主语+及物动词+宾语主语 + 双宾语动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语Daisy bought my dog an expensive toy.黛西给我的狗买了个很贵的玩具
5、。主语+系动词+表语主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 什么是定语?主语+不及物动词Swimming too much is bad.游泳过多不好。主语+及物动词+宾语主语 + 双宾语动词 + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语She is in the/a park. 她在公园里。She is shy. 她很害羞。Tony is a student. 托尼是个学生。主语+系动词+表语主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 什么是定语?Swimming too much is bad.游泳过多不好。主语+不及物动词She is in the/a park. 她在公园里。She is shy. 她很害羞。主语+及物
6、动词+宾语Tony is a student. 托尼是个学生。主语+双宾语动词+间接宾语+直接宾语The man took the boy to a hospital. 那个男人带那个男孩去了一家医院。主语+系动词+表语The old man took the sick boy to thenearest hospital.那个老人带着生病的男孩去了最近的一家医院。主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 什么是定语从句?relative clause:“When you mention someone or something in a sentence, you often want togive
7、 further information about them. One way to do this is to use a relativeclause.” 什么是定语从句?relative clause:“When you mention someone or something in a sentence, you often want togive further information about them. One way to do this is to use a relativeclause.”A relative clause is a dependent clause
8、with which you can give furtherinformation about someone or something that youve mentioned in asentence. 什么是定语从句?relative clause:“When you mention someone or something in a sentence, you often want togive further information about them. One way to do this is to use a relativeclause.”further informat
9、ion: 当我们要添加的信息比较复杂的时候,可能无法在短语的层面解决问题。 什么是定语从句?relative clause:further information: 当我们要添加的信息比较复杂的时候,可能无法在短语的层面解决问题。怎么办?“偏正” 变 “主谓” 什么是定语从句?relative clause:“偏正” 变 “主谓”:The young boy runs fast. 这小男孩跑得很快。信息拆解:The boy is young(次要信息);the boy runs fast.(主要信息)句式转换:The boy , whos young, runs fast. 什么是定语从句?r
10、elative clause:“偏正” 变 “主谓”一开始提不起兴致的观众们变得越来越有兴趣。(翻译腔中文)观众们一开始没什么兴致,后面越听越起劲。The audience had at first been indifferent;it/They became more and moreinterested.The audience, which/who had been indifferent at first, became more and moreinterested. 定语从句有什么特征?从句的成立依附于主句;从句是要给主句里的先行词提供信息;拿掉从句,主句的结构依然完整。首先是个
11、从句先行词和关系词我四岁的儿子特喜欢蜘蛛侠:找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系My four-year-old son loves Spiderman.My son, who is four, loves Spiderman.My son loves Spiderman. 定语从句有什么特征?先行词(antecedent):主句中的一个概念,添加信息的对象:首先是个从句先行词和关系词可以是一个词:The man whos talking to Jane is my brother.那个和简说话的就是我哥哥。找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系可以是一个词组:The Chair
12、man of Fuyao Glass, who福耀玻璃的主席,他 定语从句有什么特征?先行词(antecedent):主句中的一个概念,添加信息的对象:首先是个从句先行词和关系词可以是一句话(一个完整的事实):For having so many people on the team,we rarely had disagreements, which isunbelievable.找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系团队里有这么多人,我们却很少有分歧,这真的很难以置信。 定语从句有什么特征?关系词(relative pronoun and relativeadverbs):指代先行词
13、,引导定语从句。首先是个从句关系代词在定语从句中可以做主语或宾语:先行词和关系词Brian, who I do not like, had no idea how tobehave properly.我讨厌的那个布莱恩行为举止全不着调。找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系(题外话:非限定性定语从句常常在意思上和主句有因果关系)I dont like Brian, who had no idea how tobehave properly.我讨厌布莱恩,行为举止完全不着调。 定语从句有什么特征?关系词(relative pronoun and relativeadverbs):指代先行词
14、,引导定语从句。首先是个从句常用的关系代词:先行词和关系词先行词是物:which, that找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系先行词是人:who, that, whom表达“属于先行词的”: whoseBrian, whose daughter is a friend of mine, isthe boss. 定语从句有什么特征?关系词(relative pronoun and relativeadverbs):指代先行词,引导定语从句。常用的关系代词:首先是个从句先行词和关系词在口语中先行词是人、并且在定语从句中作宾语的时候,先行词用who:找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的
15、关系Brian, who I do not like, had no idea how tobehave properly.但是如果先行词前面有介词,就只能用whom:Brian, about whom I knew little, is thelecturer. 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义:首先是个从句先行词和关系词There was a look in his eye that bodedmischief.找准先行词很重要In his eyes was a look that boded mischief.看他内眼神感觉“有诈”。关系词
16、:体现主句和从句的关系 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义:首先是个从句a proposal to amend the Sherman Act,先行词和关系词which has been variously judged.找准先行词很重要A proposal, which has been variously judged,关系词:体现主句和从句的关系to amend the Sherman Act. 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义;或者转换句子结构:首先是个从句先行词和关系词a proposal
17、to amend the Sherman Act,找准先行词很重要which has been variously judged.关系词:体现主句和从句的关系a proposal to amend the much-debatedSherman Act. 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义;或者转换句子结构:首先是个从句先行词和关系词He wrote three articles about his adventuresin Spain, which were published in HarpersMagazine.找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主
18、句和从句的关系He published in Harpers Magazine threearticles about his adventure in Spain.他在哈珀文摘发了三篇文章,讲述他在西班牙的探险经历。 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义;当然有时有关系词帮忙消歧义:首先是个从句先行词和关系词对比:找准先行词很重要The Chairman of Fuyao Glass, who福耀玻璃的主席,他关系词:体现主句和从句的关系The Chairman of FYG, which 福耀玻璃是一家,他的主席 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达
19、的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义;当然有时有关系词帮忙消歧义:首先是个从句先行词和关系词对比:找准先行词很重要The Chairman of Fuyao Glass, who福耀玻璃的主席,他关系词:体现主句和从句的关系The Chairman of FYG, which 福耀玻璃是一家,他的主席 定语从句有什么特征?从书写或表达的角度讲,尽量紧接着先行词展开定语从句,避免歧义;当然有时从句中的谓语动词形式也能帮忙:首先是个从句先行词和关系词The mineral elements from the soil that areusable by the plant must b
20、e dissolved in thesoil solution before they can be taken into theroot.找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系土壤中可供植物吸收的矿物质元素,必须先由土壤溶液吸收,才能被植物的根部摄取。 定语从句有什么特征?关系词:代替先行词在定语从句中担任一个成分,从而建立主句和从句的关系。首先是个从句先行词和关系词找准先行词很重要who I do not like, had no idea howBrian,to behave properly.关系词:体现主句和从句的关系Who dont I Like? Brian.I dont
21、like Brian, who had no idea howto behave properly.Who had no idea how to behave properly?Brian. 定语从句有什么特征?关系词:代替先行词在定语从句中担任一个成分,从而建立主句和从句的关系。首先是个从句我们可以理解为,关系代词引导的定语从句,提出了一个关于主句的主语或宾语的问题,而答案就是先行词。先行词和关系词找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系Brian, who I do not like, had no idea howto behave properly.Who dont I Like?
22、 Brian. 定语从句有什么特征?关系词:代替先行词在定语从句中担任一个成分,从而建立主句和从句的关系。首先是个从句我们可以理解为,关系代词引导的定语从句,提出了一个关于主句的主语或宾语的问题,而答案就是先行词。先行词和关系词找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系I dont like Brian, who had no idea howto behave properly.Who had no idea how to behave properly?Brian. 定语从句有什么特征?关系词:代替先行词在定语从句中担任一个成分,从而建立主句和从句的关系。首先是个从句我们可以理解为,关系
23、代词引导的定语从句,提出了一个关于主句的主语或宾语的问题,而答案就是先行词。先行词和关系词找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系He gave me the letter, which was in a blueenvelope.What is in the blue envelope?The letter.He gave me the letter which/that was in ablue envelope.Which letter did he give you? The one in ablue envelope. 定语从句有什么特征?关系词:代替先行词在定语从句中担任一个成
24、分,从而建立主句和从句的关系。首先是个从句因此关系副词(when, where, why), 就是对一些时间、地点、原因信息(状语提问)。先行词和关系词找准先行词很重要关系词:体现主句和从句的关系This is the year when/in which the profitsshould start.这一年应该能扭亏为盈。What happened this year?Back to 2009, when the profits started.遥想2009年,刚刚开始扭亏为盈。What happened in 2009?When did the profits start? 限定性/非限
25、定性定语从句有什么区别?因为意义有别,所以采取不同形式。限定性定语从句给出的信息,是用来下定义、明确所指(identifying & defininginformation)Anyone who entered the room the last is the murder.最后一个进房间的就是凶手。The candidate who best meets the requirements will get the job. 最符合要求的申请人将得到这份工作。 限定性/非限定性定语从句有什么区别?因为意义有别,所以采取不同形式。非限定性定语从句给出的信息,是在指代明确的情况下,给出附加信息(a
26、dditionalinformation),本质是一种插入语。Brian, who I do not like, had no idea how to behave properly.I dont like Brian, who had no idea how to behave properly. 限定性/非限定性定语从句有什么区别?因为意义有别,所以采取不同形式。非限定性定语从句给出的信息,是在指代明确的情况下,给出附加信息(additionalinformation),本质是一种插入语。The company, which has about 160 shops, is in financial trouble. 限定性/非限定性定语从句有什么区别?因为意义有别,所以采取不同形式。对比:He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope.他把那封信给了我,信是装在一个蓝信封里。He gave me the letter which/that was in a blue envelope.他给了我那封装在蓝色信封里的信。 See you!