1、读傲慢与偏见感悟和思考(3篇)傲慢与偏见英文读后感 篇一 Smelling the faint ink fragrance in his nose, he turned the pages in his hand and read the lines in front of him quietly. Pride and Prejudice is a book that is often heard by others and feels good. I bought it home and realized it carefully. I didnt think it was good at
2、the beginning. After reading it completely, I learned some philosophy and wisdom of life from it. Pride and prejudice, a novel by the British writer Austin, shows some of the daily life and rural scenery of the middle class in England, and opens a new page in the history of English novels. Elizabeth
3、 in the pursuit of love on the road, has been adhering to their original beliefs, not by the then door-to-door and wealth status of their own footsteps, adhere to the fate of their own destiny. She took control of her destiny and finally got a good marriage. Her character and spirit, all let me deep
4、ly admire. In addition, knowing that she misunderstood Darcy, she admitted her mistake and love to Darcy. She knew that the moral character that mistakes can change is what we should learn. Seeing the happy ending of this twists and turns fate, I am deeply gratified and look forward to it silently.
5、I hope that all people can have the integration of rationality and sensibility, and truly manage their own happy life independently. 读傲慢与偏见感悟和思考 篇二 人们始终向往罗曼蒂克式的一见钟情,始终向往柏拉图式的相敬如宾,这些都充满着浪漫的爱意。诚然,婚姻没有爱情就黯淡无光,爱情离开浪漫就失尽色彩。但是奥斯丁的傲慢与偏见没有执着于营造单纯的浪漫气氛,没有像同时代的小说那样矫揉造作,他将现实同书中的故事完美融合,将门第血脉之差和财富多寡之分的现实考量加入爱情,创
6、造出贴近现实的浪漫爱情,向读者表明历经现实考验的爱情更显弥足珍贵。 奥斯丁对小说人物的设计可谓精益求精,四段姻缘中的人物个性鲜明。简和宾利的婚姻简直可被称为理想中的典范。简温淑贤敬,宾利更不失英俊多金。两人爱情之初的相遇就浪漫非常在梅里顿的舞会上,两人早已暗自倾心,宾利认为“他无法想象还会有比她更美丽的天使。”而简对宾利评价更高“我从没见过这么讨人喜欢的举止”,他们经历了几近平稳的爱情,虽有分离,但短暂的分离只会令双方的感情愈加深厚。因爱而爱的婚姻会更加幸福长久。 作为全文主线,对伊丽莎白和达西的婚姻,作者更是不吝笔墨,其间几次起伏,使读者收到一份来自“傲慢与偏见”的极致爱意。 达西早在梅里顿
7、的舞会就对伊丽莎白暗自留意,但面对宾利对伊丽莎白的夸耀,又用不咸不淡的语言掩饰真心,结果却被伊丽莎白听见,打上“傲慢”的印记。伊丽莎白本对达西的英俊心生好感,但听到达西对自己的评价后,对达西产生偏见,陷入“偏见”的泥潭。两人本应一帆风顺的感情因为如此而陷入停滞,但两人心中的情愫如同火山下的熔岩,炙热而猛烈。 随着故事的发展,达西的第一次求婚使气氛升上高潮,面对伊丽莎白出人意料又在情理之中的委婉拒绝,达西委屈,气愤,乃至恼怒,但又放不下对伊丽莎白的喜爱。当莉迪亚私奔,酿成的丑闻威胁到贝内特一家,达西知道后,一向重视体面的他竟不顾身份为其善后。也正是如此,让伊丽莎白重新正视对达西的感情,发现两人是
8、如此的情投意合。解决实际问题时展现出的实力,可比花前月下的美好誓言有魅力的多。 当达西第二次向伊丽莎白求婚,全文所积攒的伏笔和两人之间汹涌的爱情如火山喷发,求婚后的告白更是充满极致的爱意“我也说不准是在什么时间,什么地点,看见你的什么神情,听见你的什么言语,便开始爱上了你。那是很久以前的事。我是到了不能自拔的时候,才发现爱上了你。”两人的喜结连理构成全书最令人喜悦的美好结局。 奥斯丁没有仅仅停步于对成功感情的描写,同样展现了失败的案例。莉迪亚和夏洛特两人所代表的极端婚恋观,作者则予以否定。夏洛特和愚蠢自负、自高自大的柯林斯先生结婚,就完全建立在经济基础之上,这代表了纯粹功利的价值观:“金钱收入
9、是家庭的基础,婚姻不过是女子确保温饱的保险箱”这一定程度上反映了现实中金钱的作用,现代社会中不乏有“嫁人,就是找个长期饭票”这样的言论,各打各的算盘,看谁获利更多,爱情,一钱不值,婚后大多失望多过希望了。可见现实中将金钱至于爱情之上,哪有没有什么幸福可言?没有爱情的婚姻也只剩下枯燥乏味乃至互相折磨而至绝望。 正如莎士比亚所言“草率的婚姻少美满”,没有经济的维护,这个家庭很快就要濒临解体,“两人不久就情淡爱弛”。与之相反的是简和伊丽莎白的婚事。虽然不论是简和宾利,伊丽莎白和达西,都有相貌和经济原因,但他们都更加注重伴侣的美好品德,实现了夫妻之间的相互尊重,从而弥补了彼此之间的门第差异。尤其是伊丽
10、莎白对于婚姻则更为冷静理智而不失热情,追逐感情又不失自己的独立人格。在她得知威克姆真面目之前对其抱有好感,但因他没有稳定收入而选择克制自己。对达西更是先拒绝后接受,这充分证明“没有爱情可万万不能结婚。”没有现实做考量也是万万不能接受的。 除了要考虑现实的经济收入,更重要的是真实的人品。婚姻作为人生中的重要抉择,必须谨慎地寻求伴侣,不能让表象蒙蔽了双眼。书中伊丽莎白因为威克姆的“风度翩翩”而没看出他的无耻卑劣,却因为达西对她的怠慢而感到不满。但是,正如文中所说“假装谦虚是最虚伪的表现,因为这可能是信口雌黄的开始,又或是拐弯抹角的自我夸奖。”直到最后,威克姆伪善的面具被揭开,真相大白于天下时,伊丽
11、莎白才感到后悔。这进一步说明了“初次印象”的不可靠由现实地位导致的傲慢和谎言造成的偏见,就足以让人失去理智的判断和客观的立场,它会给人带来错觉甚至误判。 当然,奥斯丁的艺术设计,远远没有止步于对几段婚缘的描写,更是通过对形形色色男女婚姻的描绘,探讨婚姻与现实的平衡。婚姻不仅仅只是关系到个人,那些无知所造成的莽撞婚姻所带来的负面影响,远远不止波及自身。莉迪亚的私奔引发所有相关者的惊恐,若是酿成丑闻,更会影响亲友,甚至会令自己的姐妹找不到体面的归宿。而简和伊丽莎白的美好婚姻,不仅为自己带来幸福,也为姐妹带来机遇和希望。这同样强调婚姻不能只顾自己,更要对家庭,亲友,社会负责。 在追求爱情的路上,总有
12、浪漫的瞬间令人心动,但不妨学学伊丽莎白,对婚姻慎重考虑,寻找现实与浪漫之间的平衡。要知道,不是每段婚姻都有“罗曼蒂克式的爱情”那般轰轰烈烈;不是每段感情都像蝴蝶梦那样的缠绵绯徊;更不是每对热恋中的有情人都如飘那样在动乱中成长。没错,真正的婚姻不仅仅是小说中的一见钟情,它更加需要我们认真严肃得去对待,值得每个人去认真权衡,这可能才是奥斯丁想在书中表达的真正含义吧。 傲慢与偏见英文读后感 篇三 Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane author was born in 1775 in Hampshireand passed away in 1817 at
13、the age of fourty-three. It was first published in1813 and has been one of the greatest novels ever since has been translated into numbers of languages and several movies have been made based on the original novel. wIt tells of a love stor between Elizabeth and Darcy as well as Elizabeths sister. It
14、 consists of 42 chapters in all. Mr. Darcy is the hero who is rich and proud. Elizabeth is the second daughter while Jane is the first daughter wEverything starts with Bingleys arrival. When et hear Bingley has bought a house near her home mother of four daughters is so happy and conceived that one
15、of her daughters will beome his wife. Fortunately, Bingley and Jane met at an evening dancing party and they soon fell in love with each other. However,Darcy, Bingleys best friend , was also attracted byElizabethfascination but Darcy rudeness and pride toward Elizabethe greatly annoyed her and her i
16、mpression for Darcy was even worsened by Wickham, a military officer she met who claimed to have grown up with Darcy. What was worse Bingleys two sisters deliberately separated Bingley and Jane. wAnd Elizabether turned dowm the marriage proposal from her cousin, Collins, who will inherit all the pro
17、perties when her father died. When Darcy sent Elizabeth a letter to tell the truth and reveal the wicked Wickham rumours about him. wElizabeth changed her thoughts and finally found herself deeply in love with him. When she visited her uncle and aunt in northern England, she encountered Darcy found
18、him to be almost perfect, gentle and no longer proud any more,They eventually married and also brought Bingley and Jane altogher. wJust like Darcy propose marriage to Elizabeth in spite of her scarcity of property and social status, but is rejected by Elizabeth for his pride and long as either sides
19、 pride existed , no love can be seeked. And eiter side should try to find the others virtues and variations towards a good the novel ,when Elizabeth found Darcy is no longer proud she finally engaged with him and lived a happy marriage. 读书破万卷下笔如有神,以上就是一秘范文为大家带来的3篇读傲慢与偏见感悟和思考,希望对您有一些参考价值,更多范文样本、模板格式尽在一秘范文。7