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2、lockade), author = Kang, Yi-Hao and Shi, Zhi-Cheng and Song, Jie and Xia, Yan, journal = Phys. Rev. A), volume = 102, issue = (2), pages = 022617, numpages = 16, year = 2020), month = Aug, publisher = American Physical Society), doi = (10.1103/PhysRevA.102.022617), url = )articlePhysRevA.101.032322,
3、title = Flexible scheme for the implementation of nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation), author = Kang, Yi-Hao and Shi, Zhi-Cheng and Huang, Bi-Hua and Song, Jie and Xia, Yan, journal = Phys. Rev. A), volume = 101, issue = 3, pages = 032322), numpages = 16, year = 2020, month = Mar),publisher
4、= American Physical Society, doi = 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.032322), url = ) )Photon cooling: Linear versus nonlinear interactionsA. Hovhannisyan, V. Stepanyan, and A. E. AllahverdyanPhys. Rev. A 106. 032214 - Published 16 September 2022Article ReferencesArticle ReferencesNo Citing ArticlesPDF HTMLExpor
5、t Citation要引用的文献从官网的Export Citation点开直接复制就行了PHYSPHYSExport ArticleFormat: BibTeX I DownloadFormat: BibTeX I DownloadPhys. ReArticlearticlePhysRevA.106.032214.title = Photon coding: Linear versus nonlinear interactions.author = Hovhanntsyan. A. and Stepanyan. V. and AMahverdyan. A. E. journal = Phys.
6、 Rev. A.volume = 106).issue = 3.pages = 032214).numpages (14, year (2022), month (Sep), publisher (American Physical Society, doi = 10.11 OPhysRevA. 106.032214).url = 10.1103/PhysRevA. 106.032214 )optical modes, does not decrease, provided the evo*ubon starts from a (generalized) diagonal state.opti
7、cal modes, does not decrease, provided the evo*ubon starts from a (generalized) diagonal state.不用咱们输入 holo -记事本文件 编辑 瓷看articlePhysRevA.101.032322,title = Flexible scheme for the implementation of nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation), author = (Kang, Yi-Hao and Shi, Zhi-Cheng and Huang, Bi-Hua
8、 and Song, Jie and Xia, Yan), journal = Phys. Rev. A), volume = 101, issue = 3, pages = 032322, numpages = 16, year = 2020), month = Mar, publisher = American Physical Society, doi = 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.032322), url = ) articlePhysRevA.102.042607, title = Optimized geometric quantum computation wit
9、h a mesoscopic ensemble of Rydberg atoms) author = (Guo, Chen-Yue and Yan, L.-L. and Zhang, Shou and Su, Shi-Lei and Li, Weibin), journal = Phys. Rev. A), volume = 102, issue = 4, pages = 042607), numpages = 17, year = 2020), month = Oct, publisher = American Physical Society, doi = (10.1103/PhysRev
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