1、20212021 广西考研英语二真题及答案广西考研英语二真题及答案SectionSection UseUse ofof EnglishEnglishDirections:Directions:ReadRead thethe followingfollowing text.text.ChooseChoose thethe bestbest word(s)word(s)forfor eacheach numberednumbered blankblank andand markmarkA,A,B,B,C Coror D D onon thethe ANSWERANSWER SHEET.SHEET.
2、(10(10 points)points)Its not difficult to set targets for staff.It is much harder,1,to understandtheir negativeconsequences.Most work-related behaviors have multiple components.2 one and theothersbecome distorted.Travel on a London bus and youll 3 see how this works with drivers.Watch people get on
3、and show their tickets.Are they carefully inspected?Never.Do people get on without paying?Of course!Are there inspectors to 4 that peoplehave paid?Possibly,but very few.And people who run for the bus?They are 5.Howabout jumping lights?Buses do so almost as frequently as cyclists.Why?Becausethe targe
4、t is 6.People complained that buses were late and infrequent.7,thenumber of buses and bus lanes were increased,and drivers were 8 or punished accordingto the time they took.And drivers hit these targets.But they 9 hit cyclists.Ifthe target was changed to 10,you would have more inspectors and more se
5、nsitivepricing.If the criterion changed to safety,you would get more 11 drivers who obeyedtraffic laws.But both these criteria would be at the expense of time.There isanother 12:people became immensely inventive in hitting targets.Have you 13 thatyou can leave on a flight an hour late but still arri
6、ve on time?Tailwinds?Of coursenot!Airlines have simply changed the time a 14 is meant to take.A one-hour fightis now ballad as a two-hour flight.The 15 of the story is simple.Most jobs aremultidimensional,with multiple criteria.Choose one criterion and you may well 16others.Everything Can be done fa
7、ster and made cheaper,but there is a 17.Settingtargets can and does have unforeseen negativeconsequences.This is not an argumentagainst target-setting.But it is an argument for exploring consequences first.Allgood targets should have multiple criteria 18 critical factors such as time,money,quality a
8、nd customer feedback.The trick is not only to 19 just one or even twodimensions of the objective,but also to understand how to help people better 20the objective.1.A thereforeB howeverC againD moreover2.A EmphasizesB IdentifyC AssesD Explain3.A nearlyB curiouslyC eagerlyD quickly4.A claimB proveC ch
9、eckD recall5.A threatenedB ignoredC mockedD blamed6.A punctualityB hospitalityC competitionD innovation7.A YesB SoC BesidesD Still8.A hiredB trainedC rewardedD grouped9.A onlyB ratherC onceD also10.A comfortBrevenueC efficiencyD security11.A friendlyB quietC cautiousD diligent12.A purposeB problemC
10、prejudiceD policy13.A reportedB revealedC admittedD noticed14.A breakB tripC departureD transfer15.A moralB backgroundC styleD form16.A interpretB criticizeC sacrificeD tolerate17.A taskBsecretC productD cast18.A leading toB calling forC relating toD accounting for19.A specifyB predictC restoreD cre
11、ate20.A modifyBreviewC presentDachieve参考答案:参考答案:1.B1.B howeverhowever2.A2.A EmphasizeEmphasize3.3.DD quicklyquickly4.4.CC checkcheck5.5.BB ignoredignored6.6.AA punctualitypunctuality7.7.BSoBSo8.8.CC rewardedrewarded9.9.DD alsoalso10.B10.B revenuerevenue11.C11.C cautiouscautious12.B12.B problemproble
12、m13.D13.D noticednoticed14.14.BB triptrip15.B15.B backgroundbackground16.C16.C sacrificesacrifice17.D17.D costcost18.18.CC relatingrelating toto19.Aspecify19.Aspecify20.20.DD achieveachieveSectionSection IIII ReadingReading ComprehensionComprehensionPartPart A ADirections:Directions:ReadRead thethe
13、followingfollowing fourfour texts.texts.AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions belowbelow eacheach texttext byby choosingchoosingA,A,B,B,C C oror D.D.MarkMark youryour answersanswers onon thethe ANSWERANSWER SHEET.SHEET.(40(40 points)points)TextText 1 1Reskilling is something that sounds like a buzz
14、word but is actually a requirementif we planto have a future where a lot of would-be workers do not get left behind.We know we are moving into a period where the jobs in demand will change rapidly,as willthe requirements of the jobs that remain Research by the WEF detailed in the HarvardBusinessRevi
15、ew,finds that on average 42 percent of the“core skills within job roleswill change by 2022.That is a very short timeline,so we can only imagine what the changes will be furtherin thefuture.The question of who should pay for reskilling is a thorny one.For individualcompanies,thetemptation is always t
16、o let go of workers whose skills are no longer in demand andreplace themwith those whose skills are.That does not always happen.AT&T is often given asthe goldstandard of a company who decided to do a massive reskilling program rather thango with afire-and-hire strategy.Other companies had also pledg
17、ed to create their own plans.When the skillsmismatch is in the broader economy.Though,the focus usually tums to governmentto handle.Efforts in Canada and elsewhere have been arguably languid at best.And have givenus a situationwhere we frequently hear of employers begging for workers.Even at times a
18、nd inregions whereunemployment is high.With the pandemic,unemployment is very high indeed.In February at 3.5 per centand 5.5P.C.respectively,unemployment rates in Canada and the United States were atgenerational lowsand worker shortages were everywhere.As of May,those rates had spiked up to 13.3per
19、centand 13.7 per cent,and although many worker shortages had disappeared,not all haddone so.Inthe medical field,to take an obvious example,the pandemic meant that there werestill cleanshortages of doctors,nurses and other medical personnel.Of course,it is not like you can take an unemployed waiter a
20、nd train him to be adoctor in afew weeks,no matter who pays for it.But even if you cannot close the gap,maybeyou can closeothers and doing so would be to the benefit of all concern.That seems to be thecase in Sweden:when forced to furlough 90 PC.of their cabin staff.Scandinavian Airline decidedto st
21、art up ashort retaining program that reskilled the laid-off workers to support hospitalstaff.The effort wasa collective one and involved other companies as well as a Swedish university.21.Research by the World Economic Forum suggests.A an increase in full time employmentBan urgent demand for new job
22、 sillsCa steady growth of job opportunitiesDa controversy re about the“core skills”22.AT&T is cited to show.A an alternative to the fire-and-hire strategyB an immediate need for government supportC the importance of staff appraisal standardsDthe characteristics of res-killing programs23.Eflor1s to r
23、esolve the skills mismatch in CanadaA have driven up labour costsB have proved to be inconsistentC have met with fierce oppositionD have appeared to be insufficient24.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that there wasA a call for policy adjustmentB a change in hiring practicesC a lack of medical workersDa
24、 sign of economic recovery25.Scandinavian Airlines decided to.A create job vacancies for the unemployedB prepare their laid of workers for other jobsC retrain their cabin staff for better servicesD finance their staff s college education参考答案:参考答案:2121、BB anan urgenturgent demanddemand forfor newnew
25、jobjob skillsskills2222、AanAan alternativealternative toto thethe firefire andand hirehire strategystrategy2323、DD havehave appearedappeared toto bebe insufficientinsufficient2424、CaCa lacklack ofof medicalmedical workersworkers2525、BB prepareprepare theirtheir laid-offlaid-off workersworkers forfor
26、 otherother jobsjobsText2Text2With the global population predicted to hit close to 10 billion by 2050,and forecaststhatagricultural production in some regions will need to nearly double to keep pace,food security isincreasingly making headlines.In the UK,it has become a big talking point recentlytoo
27、,for arather particular reason:Brexit.Brexit is seen by some as an opportunity to reverse a recent trend towards the UKimportingfood.The country produces only about 60 per cent of the food it eats,down fromalmostthree-quarters in the late 1980s.A move back to self-sufficiency,the argument goes,would
28、 boostthe farming industry,political sovereignty and even the nations health.Soundsgreat 一 but howfeasible is this vision?According to a report on UK food production from the University of Leeds,UK,85per centof the countrys total land area is associated with meat and dairy production.Thatsupplies 80
29、 percent of what is consumed,so even covering the whole country in livestock farmswouldnt allowus to cover all our meat and dairy needs.There are many caveats to those figures,but they are still grave.To become muchmoreself-sufficient,the UK would need to drastically reduce its consumption of animal
30、foods,andprobably also farm more intensively 一 meaning fewer green fields,and morefactory-styleproduction.But switching to a mainly plant-based diet wouldnt help.There is a good reasonwhy the UKis dominated by animal husbandry:most of its terrain doesnt have the right soilor climate to growcrops on
31、a commercial basis.Just 25 per cent of the countrys land is suitable forcrop-growing,most of which is already occupied by arable fields.Even if we converted all thesuitable land tofields of fruit and veg-which would involve taking out all the nature reservesand removingthousands of people from their
32、 homes-we would achieve only a 30 per cent boostin cropproduction.Just 23 per cent of the fruit and vegetables consumed in the UK are currentlyhome-grown,soeven with the most extreme measures we could meet only 30 per cent of our fresh produceneeds.That is before we look for the space to grow the gr
33、ains,sugars,seeds and oils thatprovide us withthe vast bulk of our current calorie intake.26.Some people argue that food self-sufficiency in the UK would_.A.be hindered by its population growthB.contribute to the nations well-beingC.become a priority of the governmentD.pose a challenge to its farmin
34、g industry27.The report by the University of Leeds shows that in the UK_.A.farmland has been inefficiently utilizedB.factory-style production needs reformingC.most land is used for meat and dairy productionD.more green fields will be converted for farming28.Crop-growing in the UK is restricted due t
35、o_.A.its farming technologyB.its dietary traditionC.its natural conditionsD.its commercial interests29.It can be learned from the last paragraph that British people_.A.rely largely on imports for fresh produceB.enjoy a steady rise in fruit consumptionC.are seeking effective ways to cut calorie intak
36、eD.are trying to grow new varieties of grains30.The authors attitude to food self-sufficiency in the UK is_.A.defensiveB.doubtfulC.tolerantD.Optimistic参考答案参考答案26.B26.B contributecontribute toto thethe nationsnations well.well.beingbeing27.C27.C mostmost landland isis usedused forfor meatmeat andand
37、dairydairy productionproduction28.28.CC itsits naturalnatural conditionsconditions29.29.AA relyrely largelylargely onon importsimports forfor freshfresh produceproduce30.30.BB doubtfuldoubtfulTextText 3 3When Microsoft bought task management app Wunderlist and mobile calendar Sunrisein2015,it picked
38、 two newcomers that were attracting considerable buzz in SiliconValley.Microsofts own Office dominates the market for productivity”software,but thestart-upsrepresented a new wave of technology designed from the ground up for the smartphoneworld.Both apps,however,were later scrapped after Microsoft s
39、aid it had used their bestfeatures inits own products.Their teams of engineers stayed on,making them two of the many“acqui-hiresthat the biggest companies have used to feed their great hunger for tech talentTo Microsofts critics,the fates of Wunderlist and Sunrise are examples of aremorselessdrive b
40、y Big Tech to chew up any innovative companies that lie in their path.Theybought theseedlings and closed them down,complained Paul Arnold,a partner at SanFrancisco-basedSwitch Ventures,putting an end to businesses that might one day turn intocompetitors.Microsoftdeclined to comment.Like other start-
41、up investors,Mr Arnolds own business often depends on sellingstart:ups tolarger tech companies,though he admits to mixed feelings about the result:“I thinkthese thingsare good for me,if I put my selfish hat on.But are they good for the American economy?I dontknow.The US Federal Trade Commission says
42、 it wants to find the answer to that question.Thisweek,it asked the five most valuable US tech companies for information about theirmany smallacquisitions over the past decade.Although only a rescarch project at this stage,the request hasraised the prospect of regulators wading into early-stage tech
43、 markets that untilnow have beenbeyond their reach.Given their combined market value of more than 5.5 trillion,rifling through suchsmallDeals-many of them much less prominent than Wunderlist and Sunrise-might seembesidethe point.Between them,the five biggest tech companies have spent an average ofon
44、ly 3.4billion a year on sub-$1 billion acquisitions over the past five years-a drop inthe oceancompared with their massive financial reserves,and the more than 130 billionof venturecapital that was invested in the Us last year.However,critics say the big companies use such deals to buy their most th
45、reateningpotentialcompetitors before their businesses have a chance to gain momentum,in some casesas part of abuy and kill tactic to simply close them down.31.What is true about Wunderlist and Sunrise after their acquisitions?A.Their engineers were retained.B.Their market values declined.C.Their tec
46、h features improved.D.Their products were re priced.32.Microsofts critics believe that the big tech companies tend to_A exaggerate their product qualityB.eliminate their potential competitorsC.treat new tech talent unfairlyD.ignore public opinions33.Paul Arnold is concerned that small acquisitions m
47、ight.A.weaken big tech companiesB.worsen market competitionC.harm the national economyD.discourage start-up investors34.The US Federal Trade Commission intends to_.A.limit Big Techs expansionB.encourage research collaborationC.examine small acquisitionsD.supervise start-ups operations35.For the five
48、 biggest tech companies,their small acquisitions have.A.brought little financial pressureB.raised few management challengesC.set a example for future dealsD.generated considerable profits参考答案:参考答案:31.31.AA TheirTheir engineersengineers werewere retained.retained.32.B32.B eliminateeliminate theirthei
49、r potentialpotential competitorscompetitors33.C33.C harmharm thethe nationalnational economyeconomy34.C34.C examineexamine smallsmall acquisitionsacquisitions35.Abrought35.Abrought littlelittle financialfinancial pressurepressureTextText 4 4Were fairly good at judging people based on first impressio
50、ns,thin slices ofexperienceranging from a glimpse of a photo to a five minute interaction,and deliberationcan be not onlyextraneous but intrusive.In one study of the ability she called“thin slicing.the late psychologistNalini Ambady asked participants to watch silent 10-second video clips of profess