1、2022年雅思英语口语加分之高级语法实例应用 高级语法运用(Higher Level Grammar) 七分必备语法之非真实条件句: 【听力真题】 If we were aware of what the weather would be like, say, next year, we could make sure that the farmers planted appropriate grain varieties to produce the best yield from the available rainfall.【7-3-3】 But if you could search
2、out some silver paper to bring along to use in the sessions, you know, its shiny it looks like water, thatd be great.【6-2-1】 Secondly, there is something very powerful in our need to pampered and looked after, its almost as If we return to being a baby, when everything was done for us and we felt sa
3、fe and secure.【7-3-4】 Id say your first two sections are spot on. I wouldnt suggest that you change anything there, but in section three you really do need to have questions on teaching experience.【6-2-3】 【相关点评】 以上是剑桥6和7的各个section的听力真题,在其中我们听到了各种形式虚拟语气的运用,包括: If 引导的非真实条件状语从句 表示建议,要求,吩咐,想法(如 suggest,
4、advise,insist)的动词后的从句 含有as if / as though 的从句 虚拟语气可以表示说话人的一种愿望,假设,怀疑,揣测,建议等含义,因为在雅思口语的许多真题都是针对预料和建议而设置的,因此它们是不行替代的高分语法结构,例如: 【真题举例】 Part 1: What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown If you could redesign your home,what would you do If you could go back in time, what would you do differ
5、ently Part 2: . Describe a party you would like to arrange for your friends or family. You should say: who you would invite to the party when and where you would hold the party what you (or, your guests) would do at the party and explain why you would hold this party. . Part 3: Do you think it would
6、 be a good idea to have a festival that is truly international, that is celebrated by everyone all over the world If you were to decide upon (or, set) an international celebration, what would it be 雅思口语通关宝典 针对考试,给参与考试的学生们提一些的复习秘籍和通关宝典: 1.每天早上早起带上MP3,边听英语边跑步。40分钟后,起先大声朗读21世纪报。边听英语边晨跑能够在无形当中点燃你学习英语的激情
7、。 2.多给自己供应熬炼口语的平台。在这里值得说明的是,学校要求雅思学员们,晚上回家要看1个小时左右的老友记,并要进行仿照练习。 3.除此之外,在训练自己的口语之余,要驾驭一些考试的技巧。比如说面对不懂的单词时应用到换位移动法,当你听不懂考官的问题时应当怎么样去宛转地询问等等。当驾驭到这些考试技巧后,再加上之前的练习,信任拿高分不会是一个幻想。 4.特殊举荐在课堂上所提的角色转换法。一位性格比较内向的学员因为考前很惊慌,就把自己想象成卡耐基。这种为所欲为的想象,慢慢地平复了他当时的惊慌感,发挥出了最完备状态下的自己。 5.最终建议同学们,心态上要有豁出去的决心,把雅思口语面试当作人生最重要的一次面试。 第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页