1、 2023年党校公开课1一6集观后感(2023年) 淘宝公开课观后感 在星期四的晚自习上,在淘宝大学听了放心教师讲的课,感觉受益匪浅,所以整理了一下笔记,再结合这两天的体会,盼望写下来能帮忙更多的人。 做任何事情不是说有激情就可以直接上手操作的,开店也是。 在我们预备开店时,首先要分析一下买家如何能知道我们,假如买家不能知道我们,就算我们的珍宝再好,也没有人去买,现在的淘宝,有时候赔钱卖东西都没人买, 残酷吧。 好了,言归正传,其实买家找到我们无非这些渠道:站内搜寻、社区帮派、其他搜寻引擎、口碑相传、人脉(你现实中和店铺中的人脉)、促销活动、淘宝客、其他网站公布信息和论坛等等。 电子商务的定义
2、 电子商务(Electronic Commerce)又称电子商业。是指商务活动的参加者(包括消费者、销售商、供给商、企业雇员、银行或金融机构以及政府等)利用各种电子工具和电子技术对贸易活动各个阶段进展改造和创新,实现整个贸易活动的自动化和电子化。简洁的说,电子商务就是利用计算机网络和数据信息等手段联络交易主体和银行信用方式的全部经济活动。 在过去的30年间,电子商务的概念发生了很大的变化. 最初,电子商务意味着利用电子化的手段,将商业买卖活动简化,通常使用的技术包括电子数据交换(EDI)和电子货币转帐,这些技术均是在20世纪70年月末期开头应用。典型的应用是将选购订单和发票之类的商业文档通过电
3、子数据的方式发送出去。 电子商务中的“电子”指的是采纳的技术和系统,而“商务”指的是传统的商业模式。电子商务被定义为一整套通过网络支持商业活动的过程。在70年月和80年月,信息分析技术进入电子商务。80年月,随着信用卡、自动柜员机和电话银行的渐渐被承受和应用,这些也成为电子贸易的组成局部。进入90年月,企业资源规划(ERP)、数据挖掘和数据仓库也成为电子商务的一个局部。 在“.COM”时代,电子商务增加了新的组成局部“网络贸易”,客户在数据加密传输技术支持下,利用网上商店的虚拟购物车和信用卡等电子货币支付形式,通过互联网完成商品和效劳的选购。 如今,电子商务的涵盖非常广泛的商业行为,从电子银行
4、到信息化的物流治理。电子商务的增长促进了支持系统的进展和进步, 包括后台支持系统、应用系统和中间件,例如宽带和光纤网络、供给链治理模块、原料规划模块、客户关系治理模块、存货掌握模块和会计核算/企业财务模块。 当互联网在1994进入公众的视线时,许多记者和学者猜测电子贸易将很快成为主要的商业应用模式。然而,安全协议(例如【篇2】党校公开课1一6集观后感 Lesson 1 The first moral principle says the right and moral thing to do depends on the consequences that resolve from actio
5、n。Its called Consequentialist. The second is Categorical. It locates morality in certain duties and rights, it concentrates on act itself regardless the consequences. No matter what consequences it will lead to, the act has certain categorical duties and rights. Lesson 12 Prof.Sandel thinks that the
6、re are two ways to combine justice with the good. One is a relative way that says justice is only based on our convention. The other says that justice can be tied with or bound up with the good. John Rawls think that a conception of justice cannot be deduced from self-evident premises. Its justifica
7、tion is a matter of the mutual support of many considerations, of everything fitting together into one coherent view. We may want to change our present considered judgments once their regulative principles are brought to light. Watching the videos again, I have a refresh understanding of this course
8、 and the questions in it. When I take the lesson two years ago, I couldnt understand some principles and concepts even the simple ones. I thought the teacher talked about some important and conflict questions but I couldnt understand well. I had a thought that the lessons have a proper arrangement a
9、nd they tends to distract us with many similar questions, which I find amusing nowadays. After learning a philosophy lesson and reading more relative books, with the experience in two organizations, including a league, during these two years in campus, I really understand the words prof.Sandel said
10、in the video. From the video I know, reading books especially referring to a number of great and famous books including by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill can be an excise in self knowledge. Prof.Sandel warned us the risks when we start to read the books, because philosophy te
11、aches us and unsettles us by confronting us with what we already know. It always takes what we know from familiar unquestioned settings and makes it strange. The risk is once we contact with the way of thinking, the familiar things will never quite the same again. But it truly provoke a new way of s
12、eeing. Prof.Sandel said that self knowledge is like a lost innocent. What it impresses me is that the way of thinking never promises us a certain or somehow good conclusion. But I like the attitude that we confront the fact without personal desire. Just like he said, moral and political philosophy i
13、s a story and we dont know where the story will lead but we do know is that the story is about us. When I heard the political risks that he mentioned, I was appealed by the atmosphere in academia. Because through the process of reading and thinking, we may be a good citizen, but there is also a poss
14、ibility that we become a worse citizen rather than a better one, or at least a worse citizen before it makes us better ones. Thats because philosophy is a distant thing even debilitating activity. I think Ive got a lot from learning the course again. Prof.Sandel gave me freedom and courage to think
15、of philosophy. Thanks to him, and the same to the workers that contribute to the promotion of domestic education. 这些问题的确已经被争论很长时间了,在某种意义上它们是不行能的; 但是另一种状况下确是不行避开的。由于我们就生活在这些问题的答案中。疑心主义只是让你放手,放弃思索道德问题并非问题的答案。康德曾经很好地形容过疑心主义,疑心主义是人类推理的安眠之地,它只是让我们在一些教条之间徘徊,但它不是最好的栖息之地。 反思的平衡是怎样的一种推理方式? 它是指,在我们对特定大事的推断 和我
16、们这一推断其背后的一般原则之前,来回比照的过程。 有时候我们修正原则,有时候我们修正我们最初的直觉思维和推断。 结果主义的道德观 肯定主义认为, 结果主义道德推理最出名的的一个例子就是,是功利主义,由边沁提出。 肯定主义的哲学家,是康德。 哲学的确会让我们疏远过去的阅历等等、 一个特殊的回避方式叫疑心主义。疑心主义:我们不会彻底去解决问题,。这是疑心主义的躲避。 【篇3】党校公开课1一6集观后感 语文公开课观后感 杨晓贤 近期,我校组织全体教师观看了公开课,课前教师预备充分,课上师生互动频繁,比以前有了不少新的气象。下面谈一下自己的感受。 一、一点体会 教师讲得少了,学生读的多了。以往教师只注
17、意自身的讲授。缺少对学生的训练,学生读的时间少、读的次数少、感悟的层次少。结果教师累、学生苦、效果差。本次活动,教师在课堂上给学生留的读书的时间比拟充分,训练次数也较多,感悟的层次也不少。盼望教师们今后再接再厉,尽最大努力压缩教师活动时间,为学生活动腾出充分的时间,把时间还给学生。 二、一点建议 从导课到结课,学生跟着授课教师转,转过来转过去,转得人晕晕糊糊。其实教师们的心情可以理解,既想展现第一课时的导入,又想突出其次课时朗读的训练,容量加大了,任务繁重了,势必造成授课教师累、学生学得累的状况!所以盼望今后在教学中,合理安排教学容量,适时、适度、适量的掌握教学内容,让学生轻松、愉悦地吃饱、吃好。