1、Y A N G L I U B A F O O D P R O C E S S I N G L O G I S T I C S C E N T E R C O N C E P T U A L M A S T E R P L A N东城创业园区概念性总体 规 划东城创业园区概念性总体规划Yangliuba Food Processing Logistics Center Coneptual Master PlanCHAPTER 1Existing ConditionsFuture Role for YangLiuBaLocation of YangLiuBaTransportation Adva
2、ntages of the Designated SiteSite AnalysisDevelopment ProgramCHAPTER 2Master PlanMaster Plan PrinciplesMaster Plan ConceptsMaster Land Use Plan for YangLiuBa Processing Center and VillageCirculation System PlanFood Processing and Logistics Center Land Use PlanOpen Space PlanFuture Role for YangLiuBa
3、第一章 现状分析东城创业园区未来发展定位东城创业园区地理位置 东城创业园区周围交通优势 东城创业园区规划范围现状分析 东城创业园区规划功能第二章东城创业园区总体规划总体规划原则总体规划概念农产品加工及物流中心以及新村土地利用规划 交通系统规划农产品加工及物流中心土地利用规划绿地开敞空间规划杨柳坝未来发展定位116118120122126128130132134136142144150152龙山镇“港镇”总体规划L o n g S h a n T o w n “L o g i s t i c s H u b”Ma s t e r P l a n10第一章EXISTING CONDIT I O N
4、 S 现状分析东城创业园区未来发展定位 东城创业园区地理位置 东城创业园区周围交通优势 东城创业园区规划范围现状分析 东城创业园区规划功能 Future Role for YangLiuBaLocation of YangLiuBaTransportation Advantages of the Designated SiteSite AnalysisDevelopment ProgramCHAPTER ONEImports realize:Inputs to Food Processing Centers古蔺县域分散式农产品加工基地-杨柳坝是其中之一Export Driven:Consoli
5、dated Shipments to Regional and National Markets集中式外销:杨柳坝加工的农产品市场目标-主要销往古蔺之外的区域市场东城创业园区概念性总体规划YangLiuBa Food Processing Logistics Center Conceptual Master Plan118第 一 章 现 状 分析F U T U R E R O L E F O R Y A N G L I U B AExport Driven:Consolidated Shipments to Regional and National Markets集中式外销:杨柳坝加工的农产
6、品市场目标-主要销往古蔺之外的区域市场东 城 创 业 园 区 未 来 发 展 定 位Agriculture is the dominant economic engine in the GuLin region.To advance the agricultural economy,a modern system of growing,harvesting,processing,transporting,and marketing is needed.The role of the proposed YangLiuBa Food Processing and Logistics Center
7、will be the processing of agricultural products from the nearby agricultural areas and the shipping of finished products to the GuLin district and beyond.YangLiuBa is proposed to be part of a proposed de-centralized food processing system in GuLin District.In this proposal,food processing centers su
8、ch as YangLiuBa will receive freshly harvested farm products,each from its own nearby agricultural area.The short distances from farm to processing center will help to ensure the highest quality food products.After processing and packaging,the products will be shipped to local markets or forwarded t
9、o regional centers.农业是古蔺县最重要的支柱产业之一。为促进农业现代化生产和一产经济增长,古蔺需要更新现代化播种、收货、加工、运输以及市场的现代化系统。未来杨柳坝东城创业园区将定位为区域农产品加工以及加工产品物流外运至古蔺县及周边地区。杨柳坝是古蔺县域分散式的多个农产品加工基地网络中的一个。在这个加工基地网络中,杨柳坝这样的农产品加工基地将收集周边农产区的新鲜产品。紧邻农产品产区建立加工基地的优势是确保加工产品的新鲜和高质量的加工产品。产品进行加工及包装后,完成品将被运输至当地市场,并运输至区域市场。119CHAPTER 1 EXISTING CONDITIONSGulin
10、Newtown Masterplan with YangLuiBa Adjacent东城创业园区在古蔺新城的位置东城创业 园 区 地 理 位 置L O C A T I O N O F Y A N G L I U B ARIver Valley View杨柳河谷景观第 一 章 现 状 分析A suitable site for a modern food processing center has been designated by the GuLin government in the YangLiu River valley approximately 5 km east of GuLin
11、.This site has been selected because it is near the population center of GuLin District.古蔺县政府在古蔺县城东侧5公里的杨柳坝规划东城创业园区,其功能为现代农产品加工中心及物流基地。杨柳坝优越的地理位置,以及位于古蔺新城东侧的良好区位是该创业园区的发展优势。121CHAPTER 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS东城创业园区加工产品外运通道Food Output from YangLiuBa东城创业园区农产品原材料预设来源Food Input to YangLiuBa东城创业园区概念性总体规划Yan
12、gLiuBa Food Processing Logistics Center Conceptual Master Plan122第 一 章 现 状 分析东 城 创 业 园 区 周 围 交 通 优 势T R A N S P O R T A T I O N A D V A N T A G E S O F T H E D E S I G N A T E D S I T EREGIONAL MARKET CONNECTIONS:Current transportation proposals plan for this location to be an important regional fre
13、eway junction of two freeways;the proposed XuGu Freeway and the proposed GuJin Freeway.These proposals are in different stages of advancement.The proposed new XuGu Freeway will connect through the GuLin River Valley from XuYong to XiShui.Its approved design includes a freeway off-ramp for local serv
14、ice at LangYiuBa.The off-ramp will extend from the freeway through the designated site to a new bridge across the GuLin River,connecting to the GuLin River Valley Road.This off-ramp will provide excellent access to the designated site.The new GuJin Freeway under consideration by two governments woul
15、d extend south from YangLiuBa to the town of JinSha.The Freeway interchange needs to be designed to include freeway-to-freeway connections for the two freeways as well as local access to YangLiuBa.The proposed GuJin freeway will connect to the proposed LongShan Logistics Center which has a railway s
16、tation and a proposed airport just 25 kilometers away.区域交通古蔺县在建及规划的两条高速公路将交汇于杨柳坝;沿古蔺河廊的在建叙古高速,连接古蔺至金沙的古金高速规划目前已经进入工可阶段。在建叙古高速沿古蔺河廊连接叙永、古蔺及习水,接入区域高速网络。叙古高速在杨柳坝设有互通,一个新的跨古蔺河大桥将与高速公路的连接线连接,并最终连接至现状蔺郎路。这条规划高速公路连接线将为杨柳坝带来良好的道路连接。新规划古金高速起始于杨柳坝,将向南连接贵州省金沙县并最终连接贵阳。由于叙古高速和古金高速在杨柳坝交接,杨柳坝的高速互通不仅是连接当地交通的互通线路,同时
17、也应考虑高速与高速的互通设计。规划古金高速起点于杨柳坝,向南连接至规划龙山“港镇”物流中心,规划有多式联运物流站场以及规划龙山机场,这些区域性交通物流设施距离杨柳坝很近,只有25公里,同时有高速连接,将使杨柳坝成为古蔺县一个合适的物流中心。Food Output from YangLiuBa123CHAPTER 1 EXISTING CONDITIONSCorn Oil Deliveries玉米油铁路油罐运输Distribution Plant货运卡车Refridgerated Transport保鲜冷冻食品运输Food Distribution有机食品配送东城创业园区概念性总体规划YangL
18、iuBa Food Processing Logistics Center Conceptual Master Plan124第 一 章 现 状 分析LOCAL MARKET CONNECTIONS:YangLiuBas situation adjacent to the GuLin River Valley Road provides excellent connections from nearby farming valleys and terraces.This makes YangLiuBa a natural collection and distribution point fo
19、r freshly harvested farm products.There is an on-going program for improving the farm road network in GuLin District that is very important to facilitate incoming delivery of freshly harvested raw crops to YangLiuBa and for outgoing distribution of processed foodstuffs within GuLin District.CONCLUSI
20、ONProposed improvements will provide excellent future opportunities for quickly receiving incoming raw food and for shipping processed food by road,rail and air to local GuLin markets and to regional and national markets.现状道路系统杨柳坝东城创业园区选址紧邻古蔺河廊的蔺郎路,规划范围周边有一些现状道路,与周边农田、谷地以及山丘有良好的道路连接,方便农产品运达杨柳坝。虽然杨柳坝
21、现状道路连接较好,但古蔺县内乡道的整体道路等级低路况差,农田道路质量的提高将大大提高农产品外运的效率,确保运抵杨柳坝的农产品新鲜高质量,同时确保加工包装后的产品能够尽快运至古蔺乃至区域市场销售。结论规划道路提升是杨柳坝东城创业园区发展的关键,道路连接确保新鲜农产品原材料快速运至加工基地,也确保加工及包装后的产品快速运出古蔺,外运的交通方式包括道路、铁路、空运,可把古蔺的包装产品运往古蔺、区域乃至全国市场。Warehousing仓储物流Local Deliveries当地农贸市场125CHAPTER 1 EXISTING CONDITIONSExisting Landuse现状土地利用Topog
22、raphy and Elevation地形坡度分析东 城创业园区规划 范 围 现 状 分 析S I T E A N A L Y S I S在建叙古高速XUGU FREEWAY东城创业园区概念性总体规划YangLiuBa Food Processing Logistics Center Conceptual Master Plan126第 一 章 现 状 分析Topography and ElevationTerrain:The YangLiu Valley is a picturesque setting for a farm village with excellent conditions
23、 for farming producing excellent crops.Well landscaped and easily accessible south facing slopes adjoining the valley with good sun exposure Watershed:The YangLiu River watershed feeds the GuLin River which is very important to the whiskey distilleries located downstream.Therefore the plan must incl
24、ude a riparian corridor along the river banks to filter runoff entering the river.Access:There is an existing road crossing an old bridge over the GuLin River which reaches up through the valley to the agricultural lands terraced into the hillsides above the valley.Site Conditions:The designated sit
25、e contains two zones with different geographic characteristics;a valley floor and adjacent hillsides.The valley floor along the banks relatively flat of the YangLiu River contains about 15 hectares.Developable areas in the YangLiu Valley floor are generally flat but must account for the riparian cor
26、ridor and possible flooding.The adjacent hillsides are generally at less than 25%slope and contain about 56 hectares of potentially developable land.Combined,this yields approximately 71 hectares of developable land for a food processing center and a new village.CONCLUSIONSThere is adequate developa
27、ble land for a food processing center.The south facing slopes adjoining the valley offer an excellent location for a new village.The valley floor and river provide a locale for open space amenities.地形地势:东城创业园区选址杨柳坝位于风景如画的杨柳河河谷,大片的农田,良好的农业基础和高质量的农作物。园区周边有大量南向的丘陵地带,有很好的日照条件,景色优美,道路可达性好。河流流域:杨柳河是古蔺河支流,
29、业园区规划范围内的可用地范围较为充足,满足规划农产品加工及物流基地以及新村的功能要求。河谷内南向的山坡是新村的最佳选址。河流谷底及杨柳河为新村居民提供了绿地开敞空间和休闲娱乐场地。127CHAPTER 1 EXISTING CONDITIONSFood Processing食品加工及包装现代农业技术展示中心综合生活居住区农产品展示销售中心Agro-CenterFarm CenterVillage东 城 创 业 园区主要规划功能DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS OF YANGLIUBA东城创业园区概念性总体规划YangLiuBa Food Processing Logistics Cen
30、ter Conceptual Master Plan128第 一 章 现 状 分析东 城 创 业 园 区 规 划 功 能D E V E L O P M E N T P R O G R A MThe government program for YangLiuBa is centered on the food processing industry.The proposed food processing and logistics center will provide locations where freshly harvested foods will be cleaned,proce
31、ssed,prepared as fresh or processed foods,packaged for market sales,warehoused or frozen as appropriate,and shipped to market.These industrial facilities are expected to be in a wide range of sizes.In addition to the processing plants,this plan proposes to locate a village with residences and servic
32、es for employees that will be within walking distance of the processing plants.This plan also proposes to include an agricultural exposition site and a farm center to enhance the marketing and tourism potentials of the center.The agricultural exposition and an agricultural demonstration and educatio
33、nal center are proposed that will provide an opportunity to showcase the regions agricultural bounty for market representatives and tourists.东城创业园区的主要功能:农产品加工、物流、农业技术中心及综合居住区。农产品加工及包装基地将对新鲜农产品进行清洗、加工、保鲜等处理,加工后的农产品进行包装,仓储或者冷冻储藏,并运输到零售市场。与加工生产配套的用地包括一定比例的物流用地,农业技术展示中心、农产品展示及销售中心,并配以一定的商业餐饮服务设施-服务于来访之客
34、及运输车队的司机们。在园区内还规划一个综合居住服务区,为创业园区的员工提供居住、商业及生活服务。此园区的规划将建设成为一个完整的具有综合服务功能的园区,并意在保留原有的农业生态的风貌及地理地势的风貌。地块规划原则:因为目前尚未有具体的加工企业及其资料,工业用地规划成非均等的地块,目的在于给予未来进驻企业一定的灵活性,届时根据其规模及加工产品的性质的需要,进行灵活划分。四大功能129CHAPTER 1 EXISTING CONDITIONSMASTER P L A N 东城创业园区总体规划总体规划原则 总体规划概念 农产品加工及物流中心以及新村土地利用规划 交通系统规划 农产品加工及物流中心土地
35、利用规划 绿地开敞空间规划 东城创业园区未来发展定位Master Plan PrinciplesMaster Plan ConceptsMaster Land Use Plan for YangLiuBa Processing Center and VillageCirculation System PlanLand Use PlansOpen Space PlanFuture Role for YangLiuBa第二章CHAPTER TWO大容量卡车快速运输Connection to Freeways食品加工厂Processing Facility溪流景观保护廊道Scenic Riperia
36、n Cooridors 新村居民体育休闲设施Village and Neighborhood Amenities总 体 规 划 原 则 M A S T E R P L A N P R I N C I P L E S东城创业园区概念性总体规划YangLiuBa Food Processing Logistics Center Conceptual Master Plan132第 二 章 东 城 创业园区总体规划1.Employ environmental principles to protect ecological environment and water quality2.Locate
37、sites for economical construction of processing facilities3.Road system:Maximize convenient trucking access to the site,avoid conflicts between inbound farm trucking and village traffic4.Open space system:Respect the picturesque character of the valley;keep the picturesque valley floor open;use the
38、gentle oxbow bend of the river in the green corridor to provide a special waterfront ambiance for the new village center;use the flat meadow across the river from the village center for a regional park and village amenities5.Riparian corridor:Provide a broad riparian corridor along the river with na
39、tural vegetation to filter runoff and absorb floods 6.Land use strategy:Use the river valley as the organizing feature for the plan;optimize the southern exposure of the gently sloping south facing terraces of the bowl for residential areas;locate the processing plants near the freeway interchange r
40、oad for convenient outbound trucking access7.Land division:Provide a variety of development site sizes for the processing plants8.The development program for the village includes a commercial center,schools,parks,markets,administrative offices,government services and tourist facilities;Provide a ful
41、l-service village for employees at the site1.环境保护为首要原则,意在保护生态环境,特别是水源及水质2.规划用地选址时,尊重自然地形地貌,最大限度减少土方平衡,降低建设成本3.道路规划:道路等级便利卡车运输及与古蔺县城的连接,最低限度减少交通阻塞的机会-避免货运交通与生活交通交叉4.绿化开敞空间:保持谷地原始田园风光,滨河湿地区作为区域公园和新村生活服务设施5.生态河流走廊:规划杨柳河河流生态走廊,种植当地植物,过滤农业废物,已达到防洪目的6.土地利用规划原则:利用河谷、缓坡、坡度朝向及高速公路等制约因素进行功能分区的组织:农产品加工用地占用大面积缓
42、坡用地,居住用地将靠近园区入口,与蔺郎路连接方便;物流中心靠近高速公路的出入口,便于卡车进出园区,减少园区内交通压力;最大限度利用南向坡地作为居住用地;7.地块尺度规划原则:提供各个尺度各种类型的企业用地选择,灵活多样8.规划配套原则:不仅仅建设一个单纯的加工及物流园区,同时利用其以鼓励现代化农业,将综合居住区商业中心建设成服务于周边乡村的中心:配以学校、公园、市场、行政管理以及农业旅游服务设施。133CHAPTER 2 MASTER PLANYangLiuBa Masterplan Concept东城创业园区分区概念在建叙古高速XUGU FREEWAY综合居住服务区VILLAGE CENTE
43、R规划农产品交易商贸中心FOOD PRODUCT SALES CENTERThe proposed master plan has two primary zones:one for the industrialized food processing facilities in the Food Processing and Logistics Center and one for a new LangYiuBa Village.These are located separately north and south of the freeway to avoid land use and
44、traffic conflicts.The Food Processing and Logistics Center zone is proposed to be located near the freeway interchange.This will allow truck traffic to have direct access to the regional transportation system without passing through the village.The new YangLiuBa Village is proposed to be located in
45、the valley between the processing center and the valleys junction with the GuLin River Valley where it can take advantage of gentle south facing slopes and a broad valley floor to provide a suitable site for a village.A broad green belt and park are proposed along the banks of the YangLiu River conn
46、ecting the two zones.杨柳坝东城创业园区规划分为两大功能区:工业用地-农产品加工及物流中心,村镇用地-杨柳坝新村用地。两个功能区分别位于在建叙古高速的南北,避免土地利用和交通的冲突。农产品加工及物流中心功能区位于叙古高速出入口附近。这将快速疏解货运交通量,绕过村镇而直接将工业区与区域交通相连。杨柳坝新村用地规划位于农产品加工中心以与河流谷地之间,建设用地充分利用该地区地势南向缓坡的条件,为新村提供适宜的选址。在杨柳河两边是生态保护走廊,同时在空间上连接两个主要功能区。总 体 规 划 概 念 M A S T E R P L A N C O N C E P T S135CHAP
47、TER 2 MASTER PLANLand Use Plan东城创业园区土地利用规划The new village is proposed to be located on approximately 21 ha in a bowl with gently sloping south-facing terraces.It is located between the processing center and the GuLin Valley with convenient access to each.To create a pedestrian-friendly environment i
48、n the village,the village will be bypassed by the connector road to the freeway to avoid traffic conflicts.At this location the valley floor has a broad and flat meadow embraced by a curved oxbow bend in the river.Adjacent south-facing terraced hillsides form a bowl shape extending from the river up
49、 to top of nearby hills.The overall slope of the terraced hillsides is in the 10%to 25%range,providing good opportunities for a village layout.杨柳坝新村选址于南向坡度较缓的面积约为21公顷的谷地内。选址位于农产品加工及物流中心与古蔺河谷之间,与两个功能区都有方便的交通联系。为了在杨柳坝新村提供良好的步行氛围,与高速公路连接的主干道将绕行杨柳坝新村,新村内由内部道路服务。新村选址位置正好位于杨柳河的转弯处,景色优美,地势较平坦。周边南向的山坡包围这个地块
50、,形成从河谷到山顶的特色山地景观。山地的总体地势坡度是10%至25%之间,适合山地新村的建设。东 城 创 业 园 区 的 土 地 利 用 规 划 概 念M A S T E R L A N D U S E P L A N F O R Y A N G L I U B A P R O C E S S I N G C E N T E R A N D V I L L A G E 137CHAPTER 2 MASTER PLAN综合居住服务区的滨水空间 Village Center on Riverfront滨水休闲步道 Recreational Riverfront Park 东城创业园区概念性总体规划