1、2 0 2 3年人教版初中英语七年级上册U ni t8W h e n i s y our b i rth d ay?单 元 练 习(含解析)一、听力(听力)(共2 0小题;共2 0分)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5分)1.A.Fe b ruaryB.f i nal2.A.usual l yB.usual3.A.T ue sd ayB.T h ursd ay4.A.O c tob e rB.autumn5.A.g o sk ati ngB.g o c ampi ngII.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)C.f e sti v alC.useC.Marc hC.Aug ustC.g
2、o mountai n c l i mb i ngA.It s S aturd ay.B.It s Mond ay.C.It s S und ay.9.A.He i s f rom Ame ri c a.B.Ye s,h e i s f rom Austral i a.C.He i s f rom Austral i a.1 0.A.It,s S e pte mb e r 1 0.B.It s Marc h 8.C.It s June 1.III.听长对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。11.When is J im,s grandfathers birthd
3、ay?A.On November 12.B.On November 22.C.On December 12.12.Can J im come to Betty,s birthday party?A.Yes,he can.B.We don,t know.C.No,he can,t.听第二段对话,回答第13-14小题。13.Whats the date today?A.September 10.B.September 9.October 9.14.What will they give to their English teacher?A.A card.B.A scarf.A calendar.听
4、第三段对话,回答第15 小题。15.H ow many parties does Nick have in March?A.Three.Two.Four.I V.听短文填空。(5分)H ello,my name is Bill.I ts xvi Day today.Ilike to go xvii climbing with my family.There arefour people in my family.I m twelve years old.My birthday is on J uly6.My sister,s name is Tina.Tomorrow is herxviii.
5、birthday.My xix.birthday isin A ugust and my mother,s birthday is in xx.I lovemy family.20.二、单 项 选 择(共 8 小题;共 8 分)is your birthday?-It s on January 1 st.A.W h e n B.W h e re C.W h y D.W h at2 2.-i s y our b i rth d ay?-It s on Marc h _.A.W h e n;tw e nty ni nthB.W h e n;tw e nty-ni nthC.W h at;tw e
6、nti e th-ni nthD.W h e n;tw e nty-ni nth2 3.-W h at i s th e d ate tod ay?-It i sA.S und ayB.Aug ust ni neC.th e f i rst of MayD.O c tob e r f i f th2 4.May i smonth ofth e y e ar.A.f i v e B.f i f thC.th e f i v e D.th e f i f th2 5.W h at i smonth of a y e ar?-It,s De c e mb e r.A.th e tw e l v e
7、B.tw e l v eC.tw e l f th D.th e tw e l f th2 6.Al l th e k i d s h ad a l ot of f unCh i l d re n s Day.T h e y sang and d anc e d h appi l y al l d ay.A.i n B.atC.of D.on2 7.P e opl e i n many c ountri e s c e l e b rate Ch ri stmas.It son.A.a S und ay i n Marc h or Apri lB.th e se c ond S und ay
8、i n MayC.th e f ourth T h ursd ay i n Nov e mb e rD.De c e mb e r 2 5 th2 8.r m g oi ng to h av e a summe r h ol i d ay i n Dal i an.A.Hav e a g ood ti me.B.No,i t,s b ad.C.T h at s al l ri g h t.三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共15小题;共15分)29.J ane is b.She cant go to the movies with you.30.Spring Festival usually c
9、omes in F,but sometimesit comes in J anuary.31.Tom is a student.H e wants to study hard this t.32.J is the first month and we have New Year,s Day inthis month.33.S is the ninth month of a year.34.A s we all know Thursday is the f day of a week.35.My birthday is N 2.36.Father,s Day is on the t Sunday
10、 in J une.37.Bastille Day is on J 14.38.New Year is a traditional f for Chinese people.39.The best time to visit New York is in 0.40.The twelfth month of a year is D.41.Tree Planting Day comes on the t of March.42.G reat changes have taken place in my home town in thetcentury.43.Whenever she makes d
11、ecisions,her family always comesf.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共 15 小题;共 15 分)44.There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days in(二月).45.The school volleyball game is in(十月).46.September is the()L)month of the year.47.H alloween is a special(节日)in Westen countries.48.Well have a subject of geography this(学期).49.
12、The ninth month of the year is 月).5 0.T omorrow i s Jac k,s(十二)b i rth d ay.W h at sh al l w eg i v e h i m as a pre se nt?5 1.T h e y w ant to g o on a l ong (旅 彳 亍)to th e w e st ofCh i na.5 2.T h e (第二)month of th e y e ar i s Fe b ruary.5 3.T od ay i s h e r(/I)b i rth d ay.5 4.Fath e r s Day i
13、s on th e (第三)S und ay of June.5 5.De ng Xi aopi ng w as b orn on(八月)2 2 nd,1 9 0 4.5 6.De c e mb e r c ome s af te r(-j 月).5 7.Ch ri stmas Day i s on(十二月)2 5 th.5 8.T h i s i s Joh nson,s(第二十)b i rth d ay.五、完 形填空(共10小题;共15分)My name i s S al l y.T h e re are 59 pe opl e i n my f ami l y.Myg rand f a
14、th e r 60 Mi k e.Hi s b i rth d ay i s 61 Fe b ruary 7 th.My 62 name i s Al an.Aug ust 63 i s h i s b i rth d ay.Myg rand moth e r i s Jane.64 b i rth d ay i s on Apri l 8 th.My moth e r,sname i s Je nny.He r b i rth d ay i s 65 S e pte mb e r.Do y ou k now(知道)2 2 rd6 6_ my b i rth d ay i s?O h,_6 7
15、_ on Nov e mb e r 2 6.I l i k e to g omountai n 6 8 on th at d ay.5 9.A.f i v e B.f i f th C.f i v e thD.f i v th6 0.A.am B.i s C.areD.d oe s6 1.A.i n B.on C.atD.of6 2.A.f ath e r i s B.f ath e r C.f ath e rs,D.f ath e r,s6 3.A.2 2 nd B.2 2 th C.2 2 stD.6 4.A.S h eB.S h e sc.He rD.He rs6 5.A.onB.i n
16、c.ofD.at6 6.A.w h atB.h owc.w h e re D.w h e n6 7.A.i tB.i tsc.i t,sD.r m6 8.A.c l i mb i ngB.c l i mbc.c l i mb s D.toc l i mb六、阅读理解(共 20小题;共 40分)ADo y ou l i k e S outh Kore an ac tor Le e Mi n Ho?T h e ,zf l ow e r b oy pl ay s a c ool se c re t ag e nt(特工)i n h i s ne w T V d rama City Hunter(城市
17、猎人).T o pl ay th e part w e l l,Le e d i d many unusual th i ng s l i k e ri d i ngan e l e ph ant and stand i ng on top of a b i g tre e.About Lee Min HoBi rth d ay:June 2 2,1 9 8 7He i g h t:1 8 6 c mW e i g h t:6 9 k gFav ouri te f ood:me atFav ouri te c ol ors:b l ac k,w h i te and re d6 9.W h a
18、t d oe s Le e Mi n Ho d o?A.He i s a pl ay e r.C.He i s a stud e nt.B.He i s an ac tor.D.He i s a d oc tor.7 0.In h i s ne w T V d rama City Hunter,Le e Mi n HoA.ri d e s a b i k eB.pl ants a tre eC.rides an elephantD.climbs a tree71.Lee Min Ho is about _A.186m B.1.86mc._ tall.1.86cm D.180cm72.Whats
19、 Lee Min Hos favoriteA.Fruit.B.Meat.food?C.Vegetables.D.Bread,73.Lee Min Ho doesn,t like _A.black B.whitec.red D.blueBMrs.Green is going to hold a birthday party for Mary.Mary isher daughter.She is going to be thirteen years old.Marys friends aregoing to come to the party.They are all girls.Mrs.Gree
20、n is getting ready for the party.Mrs.White ishelping her.“Thats a nice cake,says Mrs.White.“Thank you very much,says Mrs.Green.Mrs.Green is going shopping now.She,s buying fruit for theparty.She buys a lot of pears,apples,oranges and bananas.Then shegoes home.It,s three o,clock in the afternoon.Now
21、the first girl comes,then another.The party is going to start after thirty minutes.74.is going to hold a birthday party for Mary.C.Many girlsA.Mrs.WhiteB.Mrs.Greenc.MaryD.Marys friend75.Mary is going to be _ years old.A.thirtyB.twentyc.thirteenD.ten76.are going to come to the party.A.Some boysB.Her
22、classmatesD.Mrs.Green and Mrs.White7 7.The party is going to begin at in the afternoon.A.two thirty B.three C.four D.three thirty7 8.Marys friends can,t eat at the birthday party.A.cake B.apples C.ice-cream D.bananasCI n order to safeguard(保证)the education of all H ope ChineseSchool(H CS)students an
23、d the normal running of the school,thefollowing rules should be followed:Be quiet in classroom and hallways.Do not run or shout inclassrooms or hallways.Do not drink or eat in classrooms or hallways.Stay in the school during school time as well as rest time.Do not leave the school or play out of the
24、 school area during schooltime.This includes rest time.Do not scribble on any desks or walls.Be respectful(尊敬)to teachers and parents.H elp teachers and other students to keep the classroom clean.Do not move desks,chairs,and other furniture in the classroom withoutthe teacher,s instructions.Chinese.
25、7 9.Students in H CS can _ _ in classrooms.A.run B.read80.Students can,t _H CS.A.playC.speak81.The underlined work“scribble”C.shout D.eatduring the time between classes atB.leave schoolD.stay in classrooms“means,mA.肆意摇晃 B.随意拿走 C.乱写乱画 D.胡乱搬动8 2.W h i c h of th e f ol l ow i ng i s NO T me nti one d i
26、 n th e passag e?A.Look i ng af te r sc h ool f urni tureB.Ke e pi ng th e c l assrooms c l e anC.R e spe c ti ng te ac h e rsD.Doi ng h ome w ork8 3.T h e b e st ti tl e f or th i s passag e i s.A.Hope Ch i ne se S c h ool B.How to Ke e p th e S c h ool Cl e anC.T h e R ul e s of HCS D.How to Ge t
27、on w i th T e ac h e rsDCol a i s b ad f or our h e al th.Col a i s sw e e t,b e c ause i t h as sug ari n i t.T oo muc h sug ar c an l e t y ou g e t f at.Dri nk i ng one b ottl e of c ol ae ac h d ay c an mak e y ou g e t f i f te e n pound s(磅)e ac h y e ar.And b e c ause th esug ar i n c ol a c
28、an mak e y ou f e e l f ul l,y ou c an,t e at muc h h e al th y f ood,suc h as f rui t,v e g e tab l e s and ri c e.And c ol a i s b ad f or y our te e th andb one s(骨头).Dri nk w ate r,pl e ase.W ate r i s v e ry i mportant to our b od y.Itk e e ps us h e al th y.W e g e t w ate r f rom d ri nk and
29、f ood,e spe c i al l y(特另i j 是)f rom f rui t and v e g e tab l e s.But i t s b e tte r to d ri nk w ate r.If y ou d on tl i k e pl ai n(辛青淡的)w ate r,y ou c an put a l i ttl e 1 0 0%f rui t j ui c e i nto i t.8 4.How many pound s c an y ou g e t e ac h y e ar b y d ri nk i ng one b ottl e ofc ol a e
30、ac h d ay?A.5 pound s.B.1 0 pound s.C.1 5 pound s.D.2 5 pound s.8 5.T h e und e rl i ne d w ord me ans.A.饥饿的 B.饱的 C.健康的 D.甜的8 6.Ac c ord i ng to(根据)th e passag e,h ow c an w e g e t w ate r?By d ri nk i ng mi Ik.By drinking soup.(3)By playing basketball.By eating fruit and vegetables.A.B.C.D.87.What
31、 can we do if we don,t like plain water?A.Put some tea into the water.B.A dd some ice cream to the water.C.A dd some sugar to the water.D.Put a little 100%fruit juice into the water.88.Whats the best title for the passage?A.My Favourite Drink B.Cola or WaterC.Cola I s Bad for Us D.Why I s Water I mp
32、ortant七、阅读与表达(判断式)(共5小题;共10分)I n the front of many A merican homes you can see a mat(月 却 垫).This mat is sometimes called/welcome mat”,because many of the matshave the word welcome on them.Because A mericans dont take off their shoes before going intothe house,they need a welcome mat to clean their s
33、hoes.I f thechildren don,t clean their shoes on the mat,they may be scolded(被责骂)by their parents.I f you go to an A merican home,please remember toclean your shoes on the mat,or you may be told to do so.Differentcountries,different customs(习俗).根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。89.There are many welcome mats i
34、n the front of an A merican home.90.Every A merican home has a welcome mat.91.When A mericans go into the house,they often take off their shoes.92.I ts better to clean your shoes before you go into an A merican home.93.There are different customs in different countries.八、补全对话(选择)(共 5小题;共 10分)A:94._B
35、:G ood morning!My name is Linda.95.A:Yes,I am.96._B:Nice to meet you,too.97.A:She,s Mary.B:98,_A:No,he isn,t.H is name is Eric.A.A re you H elen?B.I s he Tom?C.Nice to meet you!D.Whats her name?E.G ood morning!答案一、听力(听力)1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A16.National17.mou
36、ntain18.ninth19.father,s20.February听力原文I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。1.When is your Music Festival?2.My little sister is usually very busy on weekends.3.Tina,s birthday is on Thursday,May 3.4.October is his favourite month.5.Would you like to go mountain climbing with me?II.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。6.W:H ows the weather i
37、n A merica?M:It1 s snowy.Q:H ow,s the weather in A merica?7.W:Tomorrow is Christmas Day.What do you like to do,Bob?M:I like to go skating.Q:What does Bob like to do?8.W:I tJ s time to get up,Tint I ts seven o,clock.You,re late.M:0h,no.I ts Sunday today.I m early.Q:What day is it today?9.W:H ello,Ton
38、y!A re you from A merica?M:No,r i n f rom Austral i a.Q:W h e re i s T ony f rom?1 0.W:T od ay i s T e ac h e rs,Day.It s my b i rth d ay,too.M:Happy b i rth d ay to y ou,Be tty.Q:W h e n i s Be tty,s b i rth d ay?Il l.听长对话及问题,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第UT2小题。W:Hi,Ji m!W oul d y ou l i k e to c ome to my b i
39、rth d ay party?M:Hi,Be tty!W h e n i s i t?W:It s on W e d ne sd ay,Nov e mb e r 1 2.M:Nov e mb e r 1 2?0 h,T m sorry I c an,t.My g rand f ath e r s b i rth d ay i s onth at d ay,too.W:0 K.By e!M:By e!1 1.W h e n i s Ji m,s g rand f ath e r,s b i rth d ay?1 2.Can Ji m c ome to Be tty,s b i rth d ay
40、party?听第二段对话,回答第1 3-1 4小题。W:T omorrow i s T e ac h e rs,Day.Do y ou h av e a pre se nt f or our Eng l i shte ac h e r?M:Ye s,I w ant to g i v e h e r a sc arf.W:T h at,s a g ood pre se nt f or h e r.But w e d on,t h av e e noug h mone y.M:()h,y ou re ri g h t.W:W h at ab out mak i ng a c al e nd ar
41、f or h e r?M:T h at s a g ood i d e a.1 3.W h at,s th e d ate tod ay?1 4.W h at w i l l th e y g i v e to th e i r Eng l i sh te ac h e r?听第三段对话,回答第1 5 小题。W:W h at are y ou d oi ng,Ni c k?M:r m having a party.W:A party?M:Yes,my mother,s birthday party.March is a very busy month for me.Myfather,s bir
42、thday is on Monday,March 9.We will have a party for him.OnFriday,March 20,we will have our SchooT s Sports Day.A nd we will have aclass party on March 26.W:H ow busy you are!15.H ow many parties does Nick have in March?W.听短文填空。H ello,my name is Bill。I ts National Day today.I like to go mountainclimb
43、ing with my family.There are four people in my family.T m twelveyears old.My birthday is on J uly 6.My sister,s name is Tina.Tomorrow isher ninth birthday.My father,s birthday is in A ugust and my mother,sbirthday is in February.I love my family.二、单项选择21.A 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.D26.D 27.D 28.A三、单词拼写(单句首
44、字母填空)29.busy30.February31.term32.J anuary33.September34.fifth35.November36.third37.Jul y38.f e sti v al39.O c tob e r40.De c e mb e r41.T w e l f th42.tw e nti e th43.f i rst四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)44.Fe b ruary45.O c tob e r46.ni nth47.f e sti v al48.te rm49.S e pte mb e r5 0.tw e l f th5 1.j ourne y/tri
45、 p5 2.se c ond5 3.e i g h th5 4.th i rd5 5.Aug ust5 6.Nov e mb e r5 7.De c e mb e r5 8.tw e nti e th五、完形填空5 9.A 6 0.B6 1.B 6 2.D 6 3.A 6 4.C 6 5.B6 6.D 6 7.C 6 8.A六、阅读理解6 9.B 7 0.C7 1.B 7 2.B 7 3.D 7 4.B 7 5.C7 6.C 7 7.D 7 8.C 7 9.B 8 0.B8 1.C 8 2.D 8 3.C 8 4.C 8 5.B8 6.D 8 7.D 8 8.B七、阅读与表达(判断式)8 9.F 9 0.F9 1.F 9 2.T 9 3,T八、补全对话(选择)9 4.E 9 5.A9 6.C 9 7.D 9 8.B