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1、开题报告学生姓名学号专业指导教师职称所在单位题目文化差异视域下中英文诗歌翻译研究一、研究目的:翻译是语言的沟通与交流基础,是两种文化的碰撞,更是文化之间的传播与交 流的重要手段。不同民族间的地理环境、历史文化、宗教文化与习俗文化等文化丰 富了诗歌文化,但也造成了各种文化之间差异,使得文化拥有个性,不同文化的形 成、继承、发展与弘扬各有不同,诗歌的翻译工作出现了困难。面对困难可以通过 直译加注法、音译法、意译法与转译法等措施来使促成共性,加强诗歌文化的交流 与传承,而诗歌翻译的可译性与不可译性又是人们所关注的热点问题,对于诗歌是 否可译,一直有所争论。诗歌是文化中璀璨的瑰宝,是反映社会现实,表达

2、诗人情 感的一种文学样式,受历史、地域、宗教、习俗等因素的影响,诗歌在不同国家形 成了其独有的形式,各有其特点,当诗歌进行交流时,则需要灵活运用翻译手段。 中西方传承文化在悠悠历史长河中,有不同的流域,但是途中历经的风景还是有着 许多相通之处,但是又因为文化是有个性的,每一种文化与语言都是人民在自己日 常生活中创造出来独有的文化,它屹立于众多文化的园林之中,确有其独特的特点 与魅力,每一种文化都是独立存在的,都是无法替代的。随着国际间各个国家的交 流与合作日益密切,各国文化相互交流、相互融合,但在此过程中,由于文化的个 性与共性,使得诗歌翻译存在可译性与不可译性,本文将从文化差异的角度,分析

3、诗歌翻译的可译性与不可译性的成因,并寻找其解决措施。从而传递诗歌的语言情 感,使读者体会异域风情,加强文化交流。二、研究意义:随着我国翻译工作的进展,越来越多的西方诗歌也传入我国。诗歌不仅展现人 类当时所处的社会环境与生活,而且反应了诗人的精神世界,是文化的主要表现方 式之一。近年来,随着国家间经济交流日益密切,文化的传播与交流再一次被人们 重视起来。翻译成为文化交流与传播的重要手段。在诗歌翻译的过程中要注重语言 间的转换,注意修辞方法的使用与韵律词的选择,同时要注意表达诗歌中诗人所要 表达的情感,不能只译出浅显的表层含义,而要精益求精,将其深层含义挖掘出来, 并且也要将其所承载的文化表现出来

4、,只有这样才能称之为诗歌翻译。受文化差异 中地域、历史、文化与习俗等因素的影响、修辞方式以及文化负载词的使用造成了 翻译的不可译性,而由于某些时期的文化交流,使两种文化出现了相似性,同时, 我们对于日常生活中的某种事物有着相同的认知,抱有相同的情感,这些促成了诗 歌翻译的可译性。本文文化差异视域下诗歌翻译的可译性与不可译性的问题展开探 讨,积极寻找有效的翻译翻译方法解决问题。三、研究现状(含国内外相关研究文献综述及评价):I n recent years, many I ingui sts and schoIars in the field of cu Itura I d i fference

5、s have been pay i ng attent i on to the prob I ems and methods i n the trans I at ion of Ch i nese and Western poetry. I n recent years, with the increas i ng Iy cIose economic exchanges between countr ies, the spread and exchange of cuIture has once again been vaIued by peopIe. Translation has beco

6、me an important means of cuIturaI exchange and communication. In the process of poetry trans I at i on, we shouId pay attent i on to the conversion between Ianguages, the use of rhetor ica I devices and the choice of prosodic words. At the same time, we shouId pay attention to the expression of the

7、poet s emot i ons. We shou I d not on I y trans I ate the superf i c i a I mean i ng, but a I so strive for perfect i on, d i g out the deep mean i ng, and show the culture it car r i es. On I y i n this way can we ca I I it poetry trans I at i on.Many scho I ars are study i ng the re I at i onsh i

8、p between i ntertextua I i ty and poetry trans I at i on. IntertextuaIi ty emphas i zes the i nterdependence and i nteract i on between texts. Kr i steva be Ii eves that each text i s a mosa i c of quotat ions, and each text i s an absorpt ion and transformat i on of other texts. Liu Junp i ng be I

9、i eves that Ch i nese and Western poetry trans I at i on has a Iot of i ntertextuaI ity character i stics i n phono Iogy, image and i ntent i onaI i ty, As a trans Iator, he shouId not on I y fully reaI i ze the i ntertextuaI features i n Ch i nese and fore i gn poetry, but a I so adopt appropr iate

10、 strategies to convey the intertextuaI correspondence. (Liu Junp i ng, 2019). The author th i nks that th i s v i ew i s correct, but th i s paper starts from the translatabiIity and UntransIatabiIity of poetry trans I at i on, and the research d i rect i on i s somewhat d i fferent.As a pr i ceI es

11、s treasure i n I iterary h i story,anc i ent Ch i nese poetry i s reguI ar i n form, r i ch i n content,rigid i n rhyme,and var i ous i n f i gures of speech. However,the immense difference between China and the western worId in terms of cuIture and Ianguage determines the untransIatabi Iity between

12、Ch i nese and Eng Ii sh. 11 i s even more difficult to trans I ate anc i ent Ch i nese poetry i nto i ts Eng Ii sh counterpart so that target readers can share with source readers the mer its of such a Chinese I iterary ant ique.Thi s art icIe ana I yzes with suff i c i ent examp I es the factors wh

13、 i ch cause untrans I atab I i ty i n trans I at i on of ancient Ch i nese poetry,from severaI perspect i ves such as content,rhyme,figures of speech,etc. (Yang Qun, Liu Yi,2005)四、研究方法:本文旨在研究在中英文诗词的翻译问题上,由于文化、地域等等一系列问题造 成的可译性和不可译性的产生,笔者通过在国内外知名的文学网站上对相关资料进 行检索、总结和分析,从而得出对课题的研究结论。五、论文提纲与设计方案:Out Iine

14、Thesis statement: Th i s paper wi I I ana I yze the causes of trans I atab i I i ty and untransIatabi I ity of poetry trans I at i on from the perspect i ve of cuIturaI d i fferences, and I ook for so I ut i ons. So as to convey the I anguage emot i on of poetry, make readers exper i ence the exot i

15、 c customs and strengthen the cuIturaI exchange.Chapter I Introduct ionChapter I I TranslatabiIity2.1 The trans Iatab iIi ty of cuIturaI imagesThe trans Iatab iIi ty of poetry thought2.2 The translatabiIity of emotion Chapter I I I UntransIatabiIity1 Theuntrans I atab iIitycaused by the beauty of so

16、und and form i n poetry3.2 TheuntransIatab iIitycausedbyIiterary al I us i onsTheuntransIatabiIitycausedbyreligious and cuIturaI differences3.3 TheuntransIatab iIitycausedbycuIturaI d ifferences i n customsChapter IV Trans I at i on strategies to so Ive the untransIatab i Iity caused by cuIturaI d i

17、 fferences3.4 LiteraI trans I at i on with notesTrans I at i on accord i ng to pronunc i at i on3.5 Trans I at i on accord i ng to mean i ng4 Convers i on of trans I at i onChapter V Cone I us i onWorks Cited提纲论文主旨:本文将从文化差异的角度分析诗歌翻译可译性和不可译性的原因,并寻 找解决办法,从而传达诗歌的语言情感,使读者体验异国风情,加强文化交流。 第一章引言第二章可译性2. 1文化意象的可译性诗歌思想的可译性2.2 情感的可译性第三章不可译性3. 1诗歌音美和形美导致的不可译文学典故导致的不可译3.2 宗教文化差异导致的不可译习俗文化差异导致的不可译第四章 解决文化差异导致的不可译性的翻译策略1直译加注法3.3 音译法意译法4. 4转译法第五章结论参考文献


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